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Evolutionists ! Explain this and make sense at the same time.

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posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 03:13 PM

reply to post by ReturnofTheSonOfNothing

And I only know and believe what the Bible tells me. Creationists believe the Holy
scriptures like everything else came into exisrence for a reason. Not because Man
has a good imagination. But because he was a meticulous record keeper from
the start. Always has been And I'm afraid that people who call it a book of fairytales ?
Really can't be very bright.

You only believe things in a book written by men, edited by men, translated by men, about a god THEY want you to believe in. That makes sense. So why bother asking questions of anyone else then? Just to try being a pain? You said you know all you need to know.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by 1104light

You only believe things in a book written by men, edited by men, translated by men, about a god THEY want you to believe in.

Sounds like a pretty good description of Darwinism to me...

Ahkkkk, Randy spit out that Koolaid NOW!

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

For some, sure, that could be true. But for other it's not based on magazine articles, books or lectures. It's based on actual field work and handling of remains. There are a few steps more that are involved in understanding evolution than in blind faith in a book. If believing in god makes you a better person who treats people with equal respect then who cares what others believe? if your value system works for you then don't worry about it if someone else finds something different that works equally well for them. In the end should we not be judged by how we treat our fellow man than by what books or values lead us to that point?

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:35 PM

reply to post by 1104light

You only believe things in a book written by men, edited by men, translated by men, about a god THEY want you to believe in.

Sounds like a pretty good description of Darwinism to me...

Ahkkkk, Randy spit out that Koolaid NOW!

Darwinism is a term made up by creationists. Evolutionary scientists have proven most of Darwin wrong. No one worships him and what he wrote but Creationists. Nice try.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:37 PM

peter vlar
If believing in god makes you a better person who treats people with equal respect then who cares what others believe?

Exactly? Why are they so bent on proving other people are wrong in what those other people believer? Is science that scary to their imaginary all powerful friend? Besides, 90% of all US prisoners claim to be Christian. I wonder how that believing in him making them good people is working out.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 06:45 PM


And I have good reason to doubt that's not all you fear. But why play at words ?

We're here and so is the universe. We exist together indivisible. Following the example of
nature, we see there is a cause for everything that comes into existence. Everything that exists
was caused to exist by something else.

That's really just not true in my understaning. What is the "cause" for polio? What are the "reasons" for viruses? Why are there so many damn beetles?!

The most obvious, logical answer can't be an impossibility of random chance confined
to the capture of the universe.

Good thing none of this scientific theory is an "impossibility".

i suggest the only logic leaves leaves exactly what we've from
the times closer to our origins. Sorry if you've dreams are crushed and you have to change
your life styles and shape up. Stop being such spoiled lil brats and wanting your way cause


Oh I see what this is really about. Thou art holier than I.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:42 PM


I prefer this one -

And what makes you think ppl who accept evolution equates to people who believe everything the government says? Oh yeah. Apart from all the paranoid ramblings you take on face value (which in itself is a delectable irony).

Most people I know who accept evolution tend to, at a bare minimum, actually understand it. As in have gone through the concepts, studied them and determined them to be correct through their own hard work and critical analysis.

I can't say the same for virtually all who hold the opposing viewpoint.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:01 AM


Darwinism is a term made up by creationists. Evolutionary scientists have proven most of Darwin wrong. No one worships him and what he wrote but Creationists. Nice try.

If that is true, then why does my child's HS Biology book have an entire section on Darwin as the basis for the theory of evolution and says NOTHING about "Evolutionary scientists have proven most of Darwin wrong"?

You can't seriously say Darwin is not lauded by evolutionists. Heck, we just had a huge celebration of his work commemorating it! I didn't hear anyone doing the praise of Darwin say, "Oh, but we have proved he was wrong about most everything!"

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:04 AM



Darwinism is a term made up by creationists. Evolutionary scientists have proven most of Darwin wrong. No one worships him and what he wrote but Creationists. Nice try.

If that is true, then why does my child's HS Biology book have an entire section on Darwin as the basis for the theory of evolution and says NOTHING about "Evolutionary scientists have proven most of Darwin wrong"?

You can't seriously say Darwin is not lauded by evolutionists. Heck, we just had a huge celebration of his work commemorating it! I didn't hear anyone doing the praise of Darwin say, "Oh, but we have proved he was wrong about most everything!"

Despite the religious fervor at the time, Darwin brought the idea of life evolving to the forefront of biological thinking, and for that he is to be celebrated much like Galileo.

Besides he didn't get everything wrong, and he was still a lot closer to the truth than any ignorant scripture.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Prezbo369

And yet you can't prove the bible's facts wrong. You just can't see God despite all of the world around you clearly pointing to a creator.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:18 AM

reply to post by Prezbo369

And yet you can't prove the bible's facts wrong. You just can't see God despite all of the world around you clearly pointing to a creator.

Yeah no any book featuring Dragons and Unicorns should be taken seriously......

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:33 AM

reply to post by Prezbo369

And yet you can't prove the bible's facts wrong. You just can't see God despite all of the world around you clearly pointing to a creator.


I, for example, would never call the Big Bang "a fact".
I would not call an electron "spinning" around a nucleus a "fact". Therefore I cannot even make an assumption about the true character of matter also, there are no "facts", just theories.

I would not call the current knowledge about atoms, light, gravity etc..and MANY things in the universe a "fact".

In fact (excuse the pun)....this shows nicely that it's you who are locked-in in alleged "facts" while common science actually shows an astonishing liberty in interpreting things.

In fact, if someone would come up to me trying to SELL ME "facts", about the purpose of life, the universe, god etc..etc..I would be very, very skeptical and weary...this attempt trying to sell "facts" alone would make the source trying to convince me very non-credible. However, I am just glad that you know of so many "facts"...from a 2000 year old book...

For a start, we may begin with that someone should PROVE to me that the bible was indeed written by god, and not by humans/monks. I mean..really...PROVE. Or how can you read the bible and take its words as infallible "facts" but don't even know who actually wrote it? Or do you just believe the bible was written by god and is therefore 100% infallible because someone else told you so?

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by ReturnoftheSonofNothing

And what makes you think ppl who accept evolution equates to people who believe everything the government says?

"The irony is devastating. The main purpose of Darwinism was to drive every last trace of an incredible God from biology. But the theory replaces God with an even more incredible deity: omnipotent chance." - T. Rosazak

It's obvious that Darwinism aids the New Age goal of global purging and is used purely as a political weapon.

"We are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories... Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism." (Protocols 2:2-3)

The Illuminati have long known that if you destroy belief in God, people will cease to fear God and to obey the Ten Commandments. They then become pawns of the Illuminati, willing to serve money instead of principle, and carry out iniquities from sexual misdeeds to even murder.

In the Illuminati propaganda arsenal, the greatest tool for destroying faith in God has been Darwin's theory of evolution. I know some say "I believe in evolution and God." Nonetheless, countless people have become atheists from being taught the theory as "fact" - I was once one of them.

Darwinism is an Illuminati Scam

Many elite controlled organizations are heavily involved in the spread of the evolution theory.

The Illuminati realized they had to deceive an entire population of people if they had any hope whatsoever of achieving their coveted New World Order. As early as 1911, the Illuminati began buying textbook writing companies, until they owned them all after World War I. Once they got control of textbooks, they gradually began to "dumb down" the curricula and rewrite history. Rewriting history was the first step in achieving the New World Order. Source

edit on 19-9-2013 by Murgatroid because: Added link

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 11:44 AM

Many elite controlled organizations are heavily involved in the spread of the evolution theory.

As well as the gospel, like placing a bible in every hotel room.
edit on 19-9-2013 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Somehow I don't believe that spreading the truth is very high up on the list of priorities for a gang of Satanists and mass murderers...

I suppose that explains why so many on the Darwinist misinformation train actually BELIEVE lies such as this,

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Aah yes, the Illuminati and the theory of evolution by natural selection are natural bedfellows

A conspiracy-nuts wet dream....

You can't get much more desperate, whats next Reptile people forcing us to accept evolution? because you know, they hate your god ....

It's something you're going to have to come to terms with

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:25 PM

reply to post by daskakik

Somehow I don't believe that spreading the truth is very high up on the list of priorities for a gang of Satanists and mass murderers...

Which might just be the proof that shows that the bible isn't the truth.

What you believe can be wrong.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 01:53 PM


If that is true, then why does my child's HS Biology book have an entire section on Darwin as the basis for the theory of evolution and says NOTHING about "Evolutionary scientists have proven most of Darwin wrong"?

How much evolution that is contained in this book is credited to Darwin? Darwin will always be the name associated with it for bringing it up. The first Chinese guy that decided we could fly to the moon on a chair was an idiot and wrong, but not about us being able to fly to the moon someday. Get it?

You can't seriously say Darwin is not lauded by evolutionists. Heck, we just had a huge celebration of his work commemorating it! I didn't hear anyone doing the praise of Darwin say, "Oh, but we have proved he was wrong about most everything!"

You did not hear anyone quoting anything he ever said as a fact about evolution either did you? Ford will always be associated with cars and assembly lines but I am sure there is a reason other people make and sell those things too.

Your argument goes nowhere since no one actually teaches anything about Evolution as gleaned from Darwin and believe it or not, unlike you Christian types, less time is spent pointing out what others did wrong and more time is spent just getting it right.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by daskakik

FACT: what you believe IS wrong.

I've seen proof of this BTW...

You don't have to go through life believing lies.

You are going to KNOW what's real and what isn't.

Believing is one thing, knowing is something entirely different.

edit on 19-9-2013 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by 1104light

I think it was this thread, but I wrote out some of the stuff in the book which she now has back in her locker. Actually, it said all of evolution is based on Darwin's theory and that we all come from a (1) common ancestor! It doesn't say Darwin every other sentence, but the whole section on Evolution begins with Darwin as the founding theorist and that all of the theory is based on Darwin's foundation. Nowhere does it negate what Darwin said. Nowhere is it said that much has been proved false about his theory. I read the entire section, and quite frankly I don't want to retype it all.

If I can get her to bring her book (heavy tome and quite impressive actually) home again then I will photograph the parts about Darwin. Simply put, it lays it all at Darwin's feet, never brings anything he said into question and in fact uses his examples to prove the theory. And, it still has Archeopteryx as an intermediate fossil between Dino's and Birds, when science now classifies that animal as simply a bird.

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