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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 09:33 AM

reply to post by qmantoo

Thanks for the list of links. I was "reviewing" the first few lines of that when I began to notice that most of the links have disappeared..

The same types of "disclaimers" appear on a lot of my stored links to videos and reports about Fukushima. "This video has been removed… sorry about that". "This page is missing" or "--no longer found".


I wonder how much Tepco damage control is spending to cover up the disaster as opposed to cleaning it up? There must be an army of web chasers monitoring sites all over the world furiously playing catchup.
edit on 28-1-2014 by intrptr because: changed

Tepco has the IAEA to help with all the damage control as well as the support of the government to keep it all secret and endless shills. Yeah, they've got nothing to hide alright. They want everyone to give up and just go away so they can let their dirty mess do what its doing without any help or interference from the outside world. Yeah, maybe in 40 years they'll have the technology developed to deal with it... another lie. They're not dealing with it now in any way, shape or form, just wanting us to believe they're doing everything they can when they're barely doing anything at all and what little they are doing is falling apart (like leaking barrels) - no excuse for leaking barrels, they should have been made proper in the first place and could have been made proper in the first place but weren't made proper even in the second or third place.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by wishes

One more Time:

You can't hide Radioactivity (huge amounts)

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by wishes

…and endless shills.

As if on cue.

Thats why I said, see?

And you are right about sweeping things under the rug.

The fight in the courts about the "rights" to data about Fukushima on the internet is ongoing. Tepco wants it all deleted… except for what they "release".


posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by intrptr


It seams like that this Law is not working as you think!
There is soooooo much wrong Info in the Net it is really crazy!

As far as i remember they used some of this Info
against Snake-Oil Sales Persons, People who claimed
to erase Radiation by Chanting and unserious Decontamination Services.

We don't know even one Blog or Twitter/ Facebook, FC2 or what so ever
Account that was shutdown because of this Law.

Anyone who know about Blogs that was erased please let me know

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 11:13 AM

reply to post by wishes

One more Time:

You can't hide Radioactivity (huge amounts)

Sure you can - you dismantle/shut down government radiation monitors, you recalibrate new geiger counters to accept higher levels of radiation before alarming, you raise the acceptable limits, you make it illegal to speak against the nuclear industry.... They bank of people not being able to afford the proper equipment to do proper readings and even if the can and do that they bank on them not being able to get anywhere with the information.

Can't hide huge amounts of radioactivity? The do it every day around the planet!

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 11:19 AM

reply to post by wishes

…and endless shills.

As if on cue.

Thats why I said, see?

And you are right about sweeping things under the rug.

The fight in the courts about the "rights" to data about Fukushima on the internet is ongoing. Tepco wants it all deleted… except for what they "release".


Of course they want anything negative about them deleted, it's their modus operandi. The last thing we will ever get from the IAEA and Tepco is truth. We will continue to get circular speaking, endless praises about their 'progress' and blah blah rhetoric. And we're expected to relax and believe them that the world is in safe hands. Courts will uphold the secrecy laws, they're all controlled - that's why genuine good guys NEVER get anywhere near the top and why we'll never see any real change except for the faces. Just amazes me how many people buy into their false reassurances though it shouldn't - they've worked hard at putting everyone to sleep for many, many years.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 12:08 PM


reply to post by wishes

…and endless shills.

As if on cue.

Thats why I said, see?

And you are right about sweeping things under the rug.

The fight in the courts about the "rights" to data about Fukushima on the internet is ongoing. Tepco wants it all deleted… except for what they "release".


Of course they want anything negative about them deleted, it's their modus operandi. The last thing we will ever get from the IAEA and Tepco is truth. We will continue to get circular speaking, endless praises about their 'progress' and blah blah rhetoric. And we're expected to relax and believe them that the world is in safe hands. Courts will uphold the secrecy laws, they're all controlled - that's why genuine good guys NEVER get anywhere near the top and why we'll never see any real change except for the faces. Just amazes me how many people buy into their false reassurances though it shouldn't - they've worked hard at putting everyone to sleep for many, many years.

All one can hope for is that in the next election in Japan, the anti nuke guys win.... I have a feeling that they will use Fukushima as their poster child for NPP's and the truth may finally be known.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:38 PM



reply to post by wishes

…and endless shills.

As if on cue.

Thats why I said, see?

And you are right about sweeping things under the rug.

The fight in the courts about the "rights" to data about Fukushima on the internet is ongoing. Tepco wants it all deleted… except for what they "release".


Of course they want anything negative about them deleted, it's their modus operandi. The last thing we will ever get from the IAEA and Tepco is truth. We will continue to get circular speaking, endless praises about their 'progress' and blah blah rhetoric. And we're expected to relax and believe them that the world is in safe hands. Courts will uphold the secrecy laws, they're all controlled - that's why genuine good guys NEVER get anywhere near the top and why we'll never see any real change except for the faces. Just amazes me how many people buy into their false reassurances though it shouldn't - they've worked hard at putting everyone to sleep for many, many years.

All one can hope for is that in the next election in Japan, the anti nuke guys win.... I have a feeling that they will use Fukushima as their poster child for NPP's and the truth may finally be known.

Except free speech is NOT alive and well in Japan... (no surprise here) so Fukushima will not be allowed to be talked about:
Barakan says broadcasters told him to avoid nuclear issues till after poll

Freelance TV and radio commentator Peter Barakan said he was pressured by two broadcast stations to steer clear of nuclear power issues on his programs until after the Tokyo gubernatorial election on Feb. 9, causing concern among some about possible media censorship. Barakan, who hosts the three-hour radio show “Barakan Morning” every Monday through Thursday on InterFM, a private radio station, mentioned the “requests” on his live show Monday but didn’t identify the stations. Nor did he say when or why the requests were made. “I have been told by two stations (other than InterFM) not to touch on the nuclear issue until the gubernatorial election is over, even though the campaign has not officially kicked off,” he said during the show.

I'm also going to predict protesting will also not be allowed or any other form of 'dissent'.

Here's a recent update from Radioactive Reality, a guy who reads the headlines, etc. about Fukushima. Apparently more problems with animals in Alaska as well as the media blackout on Fukushima :-(

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 06:08 PM
Yes, Youtube vids are not as easy to download as they were.

We need to find ways to download the Youtubes as they are the ones which seem to disappear most. I have done some investigation, but I do not seem to find a way to do this automatically. There must be a way, but I have not found it yet - need to spend more time on this. Until then you all have to download these manually.

Web pages themselves are relatively easy to copy and the web archive may store them too.

The Japanese people really need to step up and stop this kind of restriction. Lets hope with the new election coming we get some better guys at the top. If that does not happen, the top will eventually blow like a shaken lemonade bottle.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 08:07 PM
Anyone know what is going on behind or in R#3 because there are some seriously large pieces being moved by crane today in that area? I thought they were concentrating on extracting the fuel from R#4 but not much seems to have been reported on this lately, does it? I know that work is not going to stop on other areas of the site just because they are supposed to be moving the fuel, but it would be nice to know what is happening at the moment.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by qmantoo

There is absolute no Censorship here in Japan!

Even many Anti-Nuclear Meetings are done directly inside
of Main Governmental Buildings,
like this one:

First Pic is Timothy A. Mousseau,
second is Tara Yamamoto.

A. Gundershill and H(ysterical) Caldicott done their Conferences
in the FCC, which is the main Meeting Spot for the Press Family!

Don.t believe People who don.t know,
look on who A. Higgins based his Article
and compare it with our Reality!
edit on 28-1-2014 by Human0815 because: spell

edit on 28-1-2014 by Human0815 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by qmantoo

The Group working with the Fuel Rods are a small dedicated Group
of ca. 25-30 People, in the last three Month ca. 6.250 People worked inside
of Daiichi!

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by qmantoo

And i found this Info for you:

TEPCO to create frozen walls to stop water leaks

Tokyo Electric Power Company is to begin work at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to stop radioactive wastewater from flowing into the sea.

The task of creating underground frozen walls is due to start at the Number 2 and Number 3 reactors on Wednesday.


posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:29 AM
A couple of informative videos from Arnie/Fairewinds

The 4 myths the nuclear industry wants you to believe.

In order to produce more nuclear electricity, the nuclear corporations and proponents need you to believe that nuclear power is safe, no one has ever died or become ill from nuclear power accidents, nuclear power will counteract global warming, and it is the cheapest form of power. Listen to Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen tell you the truth about these myths.

The Big Picture Theatre

Maggie and Arnie speak at The Green Mountain Global Forum about the risks of living near one of the twenty-three US nuclear reactors that are identical to the four that exploded at Fukushima Daiichi (Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors). The “Lake Wobegone” effect (where each community thinks their nuclear plant is better than average) convinces the 23 local communities in which there is a Mark 1 BWR that a nuclear accident couldn’t possibly happen at their nuclear reactor. The experiences at Fukushima Daiichi, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, prove that faith in nuclear safety is unfounded.

(To those few who don't like Arnie, if you can disprove anything he says in these videos then do so otherwise save the repeated dissing of the guy personally, is immature and adds nothing to the thread)

From Physicians for Social Responsibility
Fukushima Disaster: Impacts & Continuing Threats

More than two years since the nuclear disaster began at the Fukushima Daiichi reactors, its impact is massive and widespread. It will be decades before the full scope of the impacts of this ongoing disaster is fully understood but significant health, economic, environmental and social consequences are already evident and quantifiable.

Hope others will keep this thread going... I am buried in work I have to get through for next few months.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Human0815

Yeah, and what happens to a frozen wall in an earthquake? ... it cracks...

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Human0815

If there is no censorship in Japan why is there little to none information coming out about Tepco/Fukushima other than Tepco's report and selective media? I posted about the Kisha I think they are called, the paid off reporters that abound. So people can have a meeting - doesn't mean they can publish what they say. What's being published about Fukushima that's not coming from Tepco or IAEA or the paid off media? Where's the independent reporting?

I think it's such a mess/disaster at Fukushima they don't want anyone to know the true extent of the problems and time it will take (like indefinitely) to reign it in. Time will tell who's right in their assessment of it.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by wishes

It seams like that you don't understand the meaning of Censorship!

Fukushima-Daiichi is a Nuclear Powerstation, not a Kindergarten.

Nuclear Power Stations are under specific Laws,
the Access is strongly regulated and the publication of Data,
Pictures or Videos need to follow Rules.

You can't go to any nuclear Plant in the whole World and do your own thing,
not even in the most free Country.

Until now it was open only to a limited Circle of national
and international Institutes and Companies but soon they
will be more accessible to private Organizations.

"Everything need Time and starts with a E"!

Regarding the Wall:
Do you know the Construction Planning?
Because i think you are without a imagination
of the Size of this Walls,
please visit the friendly Tepco Site and open up your Mind!

And study Earthquakes too.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:05 AM
Radioactive Ocean Website Crowd Fundraising Success

With concern among the public over the plume of radioactive ocean water from Fukushima arriving on the West Coast of North America and no U.S. government or international plan to monitor it, a new project from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is filling a timely information gap. Through ‘How Radioactive Is Our Ocean,’ the public can support the monitoring of radiation in the ocean with tax-deductible donations to fund the analysis of collected seawater samples or by proposing new locations and funding the samples and analysis of those sites at Ken Buesseler’s lab in Woods Hole.

Just two weeks after launching the crowd sourcing campaign and citizen science website, ‘How Radioactive Is Our Ocean,’ WHOI marine chemist Ken Buesseler’s project has received more than 70 individual donations from the concerned public. New data on seawater radiation levels will be posted on the website today.
Although Buesseler does not expect levels to be dangerously high in the ocean or in seafood as the plume spreads 5,000 miles across the Pacific, he believes this is an evolving situation that demands careful, consistent monitoring to make sure predictions are true.
Fukushima contamination can be fingerprinted from precise measurements of the relative amounts of two cesium isotopes: The long lived cesium-137 isotope with a 30-year half life that has been in the ocean from 1960s weapons testing, and cesium-134, with a 2-year half life that can only be a result of the more recent 2011 Fukushima accident. Today new data will be posted on the website from four funded sample sites: La Jolla, Calif., Point Reyes, Calif., Grayland, WA, and Sequim Bay, WA.

No traces of Fukushima’s cesium-134 have been detected in Buesseler’s analyses yet. And, the level of cesium-137 is what's expected from the 1960s sources (1.5 Bequerels per cubic metre).


posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:07 AM

January 28, 2014
The first results from seawater samples come from La Jolla and Point Reyes, Calif., and Grayland and Squium, Wash. Four samples from these three locations show no detectable Fukushima cesium. We know this because Fukushima released equal amounts of two isotopes of cesium: the shorter-lived cesium-134 isotope (half-life of 2 years) and the longer-lived cesium-137 (half-life of 30 years). Cesium-137 was found at levels of 1.5 Bq per cubic meter (Bq/m3), but this was already detectable prior to releases at Fukushima and came primarily from nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific during the 1950s and 1960s.

This so-called "negative" result has two immediate implications. First there should be no health concerns associated with swimming in the ocean as a result of Fukushima contaminants by themselves or as a result of any additional, low-level radioactive dose received from existing human and natural sources of radiation in the ocean (existing levels of cesium-137 are hundreds of times less than the dose provided by naturally occurring potassium-40 in seawater).

Secondly, and just as important from a scientific perspective, the results provide a key baseline from the West Coast prior to the arrival of the Fukushima plume. Models of ocean currents and cesium transport predict that the plume will arrive along the northern sections of the North American Pacific Coast (Alaska and northern British Columbia) sometime in the spring of 2014 and will arrive along the Washington, Oregon, and California coastline over the coming one to two years.

The timing and pattern of dispersal underscores the need for samples further to the north, and for additional samples to be collected every few months at sites up and down the coast.
- See more at:

edit on 29-1-2014 by Human0815 because: Formato

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:11 AM

reply to post by wishes

It seams like that you don't understand the meaning of Censorship!

Fukushima-Daiichi is a Nuclear Powerstation, not a Kindergarten.

Nuclear Power Stations are under specific Laws,
the Access is strongly regulated and the publication of Data,
Pictures or Videos need to follow Rules.

You can't go to any nuclear Plant in the whole World and do your own thing,
not even in the most free Country.

Until now it was open only to a limited Circle of national
and international Institutes and Companies but soon they
will be more accessible to private Organizations.

"Everything need Time and starts with a E"!

Regarding the Wall:
Do you know the Construction Planning?
Because i think you are without a imagination
of the Size of this Walls,
please visit the friendly Tepco Site and open up your Mind!

And study Earthquakes too.

Fukushima is a nuclear power station and not a kindergarten? I had no idea... *incredible sarcasm* You've said this line before.
Their "specific laws" are designed by them and the government to keep them secret so all we can do is rely on their 'friendly' (lolol) sites.
If you think they can build an effective ice wall to withstand another mega earthquake well, all I can say is they truly have a believer in you. How about they deal with the mess instead of trying to put band aids everywhere. How about they bring in every possible means and method to deal with it instead of saying 'no thanks, we have it under control' to all those who offer? How about they become honest and transparent? It won't happen in this world though, is just my wishful thinking.

Enough circular - you believe in Tepco and the IAEA, I don't :-) Time will tell who's right and honest to God I hope I'm wrong!

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