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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 09:48 AM
SimplyInfo is now covering the story
Japan First Restarted Reactor Now Under Volcano Threat

Scientists have tried to warn Japan’s NRA and other decision makers of the high risk for volcano danger to impact the Sendai nuclear plant. Just days after the nuclear plant was allowed to restart the nearby Sakurajima volcano has gone into a high level alert. People within 3km of the volcano have been told to evacuate.

The nearby volcano has the potential to take out incoming power lines, block roads and foil machinery even far away from the volcano. If Sakurajima were to erupt it could mean that Sendai would lose incoming power. It could foil any system that requires electricity, air or a combustion engine in order to run. This quite different scenario from the Fukushima disaster could lead to the very same outcome. When confronted with this dire scenario Kyushu Electric responded that they would simply remove all the nuclear fuel from the plant if they were faced with a serious threat from the nearby volcano. They didn’t mention that it would take years to do this and that a stockpile of nuclear fuel casks to do this doesn’t currently exist.

Japan’s NRA and Kyushu Electric both said on the 16th that the volcano “won’t affect” the Sendai nuclear plant so they will be doing nothing substantial to respond to the threat. The same was said by TEPCO and NISA related to tsunami risks at Fukushima Daiichi prior to 2011.

ON EDIT: it looks like everyone is now covering the story. From ENE

The Independent, Aug 16, 2015 (emphasis added): Japan’s weather agency issued a warning… that the likelihood of the eruption of [Sakurajima] was extremely high… after it detected aspike in seismic activity… They have warned an evacuation of the city of just over 600,000people may be necessary. [JMA] said: “The possibility for a large-scale eruption has becomeextremely high for Sakurajima.”… It comes as a nuclear reactor 50 kilometres (31 miles) away was switched back on.

Mainichi, Aug 17, 2015: On Aug. 15 alone, there were 1,023 volcanic earthquakes… the JMA has pointed out that crustal changes that indicate mountain swell as a result of a magma rise are still continuing… Kazuya Kokubo [with JMA said] “underground pressure hasn’t been relieved. An eruption could occur at any time.”

Asahi Shimbun, Aug 16, 2015: … the mountain [is] expanding… [officials] estimate that a large volume of magma continues to accumulate.
Reuters/Kyodo, Aug 15, 2015: The agency also said it had raised the warning level … to an unprecedented 4.

Jiji Press, Aug 17, 2015: [Japan] remained alert forsigns of a major eruption… [An official] called on the public to act calmly… a major eruption could be imminent. Level 4 is the highest ever for Sakurajima… “I have lived in Sakurajima for more than 50 years but have not imagined we would have to evacuate,” said Emiko Miya#a, 80… crustal movement was also observed [and there's] signs indicating magma has risen to near the volcanic vent… “It would be no surprise if it were to erupt at any moment,” an agency official said.

Wall St Journal, Aug 17, 2015: [Japan] remained on high alert for a major eruption at Mount Sakurajima… Seismic activity began increasing dramatically Saturday morning and data showed swelling of the mountain, the agency said.

Asahi Shimbun, Aug 15, 2015: [JMA] said a major eruption of volcanic Mount Sakurajima could be imminent… signs of sudden crustal movement were also observed… Agency officials said there were indications a much larger eruption was in the offing.

Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug 15, 2015: A major eruption is highly likely to occur, the agency said… There is a possibility that magma has risen to the shallow part of the volcano…

Jiji Press, Aug 12, 2015: [NRA, Japan's nuclear regulator,] decided there is little chance of a major volcanic eruption in the next several decades.

NHK, Aug. 15, 2015: Officials say they are not taking any particular precautions becausethey think a possible eruption would not affect the plant.

Bloomberg, Aug 15, 2015: Volcanic rock and ash could cut off transport routes and prompt workers at Sendai to flee the nuclear site in the event of an eruption… engineering consultant John Large wrote.

The Times, Aug 11, 2015: Environmentalists complain that the company has paid insufficient attention to the effect of heavy ash fall on the plant’s machinery.

Jiji Press, Aug 12, 2015: Sendai nuclear power plant… has not designated a site for relocating nuclear fuel in the event of a massive volcanic eruption, claiming that warning signs would give Kepco enough time to prepare and transfer the fuel… In the event of a major eruption, however, pyroclastic flows could reach the plant and disable cooling functions… which could trigger massive radioactive emissions… The sheer volume [of spent fuel] makes it hard to find a relocation site big enough to take them… To#sugu Fujii, a member of the panel [advising the gov't] said that the panel’s opinion is not necessarily consistent with that of the NRA.

edit on 17-8-2015 by zworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 10:01 AM
Good article on what happened to the radioactive contaminants Fuku dumped into the ocean. Buessler states that over 99% stayed suspended and traveled with the currents. This is bad news for the eastern Pacific where much of this radiation has ended up.

Examining the fate of Fukushima contaminants

"Cesium is one of the dominant radionuclides that was released in unprecedented amounts with contaminated water from Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami," says Buesseler. "A little over 99 percent of it moved with the water offshore, but a very small fraction--less than one percent--ended up on the sea floor as buried sediment."

"We've been looking at the fate of that buried sediment on the continental shelf and tracking how much of that contaminated sediment gets offshore through re-suspension from the ocean bottom," he adds.

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 10:09 AM
And the beat goes on. From NHK;

First minor eruption at Mt. Sakurajima.

And a later announcement put the alert level from 4 to 5 and have started evacuations

From simplyinfo;

Sakurajima Alert Raised To 5, Other Signs Of Possible Eruption

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 02:52 PM
Sorry folks, been blowing up bridges...

The Japanese government is still in denial and refuses to recognize the disastrous consequences of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, London-based independent consultant on radioactivity Dr. Ian Fairlie states, adding that while thousands of victims have already died, thousands more will soon pass away.

According to London-based independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment Dr. Ian Fairlie, the health toll from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe is horrific: about 12,000 workers have been exposed to high levels of radiation (some up to 250 mSv); between 2011 and 2015, about 2,000 died from the effects of evacuations, ill-health and suicide related to the disaster; furthermore, an estimated 5,000 will most likely face lethal cancer in the future, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

More at the link.....

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 09:49 AM

Sendai Reactor Has Condenser Malfunction, Volcano Risk Increases

Meanwhile at the nearby Sakurajima volcano concerns for a major eruption have escalated. The Showa vent on the volcano has plugged up with debris and now the volcano is seeing increasing pressure.

“The vent has almost been blocked up, and explosive power is increasing as a result of heightened pressure inside the vent,” said Masato Iguchi, the scientist who heads the Kyoto University’s Sakurajima Volcano Research Center. Iguchi joined the aerial survey undertaken by the Japan Meteorological Agency on Aug. 19 to study the situation.”

The Minamidaki vent area has seen the land expand 16cm on the east and west sides. This change indicates that magma is rising in the Showa vent.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 04:00 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
Dead and dying sea mammals continue to wash ashore at unusual and alarming rates along the California coast. Scientists are stumped, suggesting that the cause may be food shortages caused by abnormally warm waters - but unsure of what has caused the ocean off the California coast to warm so rapidly.

Meanwhile, the radioactive plume released into the Pacific Ocean following the Fukushima nuclear disaster draws ever closer to North America's western coast. At the same time, radioactive material is still pouring into the sea from the Fukushima site. Could the ongoing radioactive poisoning of the Pacific and the dying of its marine mammals be related?

Three of five years since 2011 - the year of the Fukushima disaster - have seen abnormally high numbers of sea lion strandings.

Mainstream scientists are not pointing the finger at radiation, however. Instead, they suspect that marine mammals are dying due to a food shortage caused by abnormally warm ocean temperatures. And they may have a point: Temperatures between San Francisco and Monterey are an astonishing 5 degrees warmer than normal for the time of year.


A third of the world poisoned?
Scientists do not know why the waters are so warm, and have not studied a possible contribution from the massive amount of radioactive material from the Fukushima disaster that is predicted to slam into the California coast some time in 2017.

Without such a study, any connection may have to remain speculative.

What is certain, however, is that the massive release of radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean is likely to have dire ecological consequences.

"Every day, four hundred tons of highly radioactive water pours into the Pacific and heads towards the U.S.," renowned physician and anti-nuclear advocate Helen Caldicott warned in September 2014. "Because the radiation accumulates in fish, we get that too.

b]The U.S. government is not testing the water, not testing the fish, and not testing the ambient air. Also, people in Japan are eating radiation every day."


With great respect,
Peace Light Love

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 09:46 PM
chernobyl was a # tonne worse, check your fire you lowly dogs, hernobyl_nuclear_accidents

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

And not just California but Mexico to Alaska. Its become a daily occurrence. And it all started in August of 2011. Thats when the first spike hit. A coincidence..........I think not.

I live a mile from the most beautiful stretch of beaches in America, spent years walking those shores and hiking the trails. Now I havent been down to the beach for many months cause I got tired of seeing what species was now washing ashore.

Weve shut down permanently three of four nuke plants in California, the first place on earth to shut one down by public pressure, and we are still getting cooked with radiation from a nuke plant. Not fair.

ON EDIT: for example;

Since May, 11 fin whales, 14 humpback whales, one gray whale and four unidentified cetaceans have stranded around the islands of the western Gulf of Alaska and the southern shoreline of the Alaska Peninsula. The uptick is nearly three times the average for the area. Last year, there were only five whale strandings for the entire year. There were also six dead stranded whales reported along British Columbia’s north coast in the last few months, which is a significant increase above annual seasonal numbers for that area as well. c7d43dc9-de60e9d9fc-85363977
edit on 22-8-2015 by zworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: NateHatred

Oh yeah....right. Wikipedia's got the real story. How could I have missed that. You probably watch FOX news too.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: NateHatred

"…lowly dogs" … Human, did you wriggle your way under the door again? lol

May 12, 2015

TEPCO’s new estimates reveal the Fukushima reactor has released more than quadruple the amount of radioactive cesium-137 leaked from Chernobyl disaster.

(Editor’s Note: While RT does a good job of articulating my original article, their report entirely leaves out the fact, as I pointed out, it is entirely impossible for TEPCO’s new estimates to include radiation released into the water.)

RT – TEPCO’s new estimates suggest that its Fukushima reactor has released more than quadruple the amount of radioactive cesium-137 leaked during the Chernobyl disaster. But the method used to measure the damage may undervalue the hazard even further.

­Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s revised report suggests that in total, around 760,000 terabecquerels (TBq) were discharged into the atmosphere since the Fukushima catastrophe. Though the new figure is 1.6 times higher than an estimate published in February by the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, it still seems to be just an effort to downplay the real scale of the event.

The report goes on to compare Fukushima with the Chernobyl accident of 1986, where it says 5,200,000 TBq of “radioactive substances” were leaked into the atmosphere.

The problem is that TEPCO only counts the amount of iodine-131 and cesium-137 leaked from the Fukushima reactor, and compares them to the whole range of isotopes that were discharged at Chernobyl.
And if compared properly, the numbers tell a different story.

The final estimate suggests that 400,000 TBq of iodine-131 leaked from Fukushima, which is indeed lower than during the Chernobyl incident, but only 4.5 times lower.

Regarding the emission of cesium-137, Fukushima is far ahead its rival. Post-Fukushima estimations suggest that Chernobyl put out a total of 85,000 TBq of caesium-137 over the course of the disaster. The Fukushima reactor, however, has so far released 360,000 TBq of cesium-137, according to TEPCO.

Instead of releasing the total emissions of other isotopes from Fukushima, such as Strontium-90, TEPCO dedicated the rest of the report to explaining the calculation methods used. They combined the calculations based on the “degree of damage to the reactor core” and reverse calculations based on the “density of radioactive substances found in the atmosphere and seawater,” which allowed the company to come up with what they believe to be the most accurate figures.

The blasts at the Fukushima reactor, which had been triggered by an earthquake and tsunami last year, caused a massive radiation leak. Tens of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes in and around the Fukushima region in central Japan, while the crippled reactor was shut down and encircled by a twenty-kilometer exclusion zone.

Since then the authorities and TEPCO officials have faced accusations of withholding vital information about the radiation levels in the area.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Ektar...
and in the U.S. 'test' reactors do not need to be licensed or regulated...resulting in at least one melt down and explosion of an 'experimental' ( meaning "no need for regulation " ) plant in California that was attempting to use molten sodium as coolant fluid ( because sodium has no stable radioactive state ).
sodium is a HIGHLY reactive metal, and, like hydrogen, is almost impossible to use economically at high temperatures due to it's corrosive nature...

Thorium + Sodium as a replacement for uranium plutonium is simply moving the gun from the right to the left hand...thorium MAY not produce corium , but it still produces all the rest of the centuries long waste problems.

I wonder if MArie Curie was brought back to life today , if she would embrace homeostasis....hahahahahah ( she and her daughter died from carrying samples of low level radioactive materials in their pockets during the research that led to the discovery of radiation and radioactive decay) ...

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: fakedirt Everyone still reading this thread should read that

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
a reply to: Silverlok

I found taking deep breaths helped. Peace. Happy weekend. Some links and pics gone but, the collective memory is alive and well.

"...collective memory..." is becoming active memory if the way the news flows out in the wild is any indication. And the weird of the first two hundred monkeys never stops amazing me.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: thorfourwinds
Your Radiation This Week No 14 | Veterans Today

The difference between Billings’ and Bakersfield’s Rad numbers is only 14 CPM points out of a reported Rad count of 1,724 Rad CPMs. That is such a small amount of Rad difference, less than One Percent of the total reported Rad....

Bakersfield is at the 'bottom' of the central the sacremento to bakersfield 'desert' the air velocity normally comes in through the SF bay to the stockton quay ( aquaduct) and then down through the valley ( modesto , fresno, bakersfield) until it passess through the gap ( the pass) from bakersfield to the mojave desert.

So it is the most likely place for pollution , of all kinds , to aggregate , it always has , it's just now the pollution is a bit more flamboyant. I suppose for the west coast we could consider Bakersfield as a thermometer for general bioaccumulation in the entire western as bakersfield today, so as your food and body tommorrow.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 01:50 AM
Has anybody on this thread done comparative analysis of satellite photos ( since japan has gone all nazi gag order of fuku ) of the growth and state of the (ad hoc ) 'waste' coolant tanks / pools / plastic bags over time ?

I ask because the math indicates that most of the storage fields/ tanks MUST , as emitted (radiated/electromagnetically transmitted energy ) radiation, be beyond 'safe' for more than an hour or two levels ( due to the surface boiling / buckyball inhabitants of that 'waste' coolant fluid problems ) .
because they are either double in size every month at this point ...are extremely ( lethally) toxic to be around , or ...

are "leaking" ( pumping ) ever more vast amounts of waste coolant into the ocean .

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 10:09 AM

Fukushima WASTE Even Falling Out of BAGS & More update 6/16/15

Published on Jun 16, 2015
Bags of Contaminated Soil "Damaged" at Storage Sites _ Yes... IT'S TRUE: BAGS OF RADIOACTIVE CRAP THEY RAKED UP AND SHOVELED UP and what found it's way into "bags" and stacked until they were to be permanently disposed of...

You know... to help "decontaminate" the areas. The Bags are OPENING UP REspilling radioactive Waste - to be "moved" to "temporary location" - generally described as 30 YEARS but DON'T WORRY - your Prefecture will get hefty kick backs$ for your "trouble" - feel free to move back at any time.

Free radioactive waste - with "PERKS". RESTART REACTOR Screening Sought for Another Hamaoka Reactor - oH, OKay - (what is wrong with this picture?)

Regulatory officials are discussing the possibility of earthquakes and tsunami in the area, leading to a delayed screening for the No. 4 reactor.

SHAKE RATTLE AND ROLL OH, and maybe a few Volcano Blasts from any of the active 100 Japan volcanoes?

7000 Tochigi Residents Seek Damages From TEPCO~ Their lawyers say it is the first arbitration to be sought by a group of people in areas not covered by the operator's compensation program. They add that the number of people involved is the second largest after a case in Namie Town in Fukushima, which about 15,000 people joined.

The group's leader, Mineki Nishikawa, said that, like Fukushima Prefecture, their areas were also affected by contamination, but they were treated in a very different way regarding health checks. He called for equal treatment on their side of the prefectural boarder.

Oh, and then you have this: one (ANOTHER ONE) of Japan's over 100 active Volcanoes blew - Mt. Asama has minor eruption.

The agency has maintained the alert level for the volcano at 2 on a scale of 5. It's warning people to keep out of a roughly 2-kilometer area around the crater, because of the possibility of flying rocks in an eruption.
Mount Asama straddles Gunma and Nagano prefectures. It had not erupted since May 2009.

Japan, S. Korea To Discuss Food Import Ban but get this: South Korea maintains it should be lifted in stages. Japan argues that the ban has no scientific basis and should be removed across the board.

But on the Brighter side of things, we are told "The number of nuclear weapons decreases".

Gee, I feel all warm and fuzzy now.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 10:26 AM
More problems for Sendai. There's thousands of these pipes. I wonder how many more they find.

Cracked Condenser Pipes Found In Sendai Reactor

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 12:00 PM

Bad Omen: Japan Bracing for Massive Volcano Eruption near Nuclear Plant

17 August 2015
By Joshua Krause
When Japan decided it was going to begin the process of restarting many of their mothballed nuclear reactors last week, there was certainly cause for alarm. After all, it’s not unheard of for a nuclear reactor to run into problems shortly after being started. When Japan made this announcement, The World Nuclear Association noted that

“Of 14 reactors that resumed operations after four years offline, all had emergency shutdowns and technical failures.”

So it’s safe to say that when 25 Japanese plants applied for restart permits, the international community was a little worried.

Now it appears that some of those fears have been validated, though not in the way most people were expecting. The Sendai nuclear power plant was the first of those reactors to be restarted on Tuesday, an event which couldn’t have come at a worse time.

A volcano near the plant appears ready to blow its top.

Sakurajima Volcano with Lightning
(Credit Martin Rietze - Alien Landscapes on Planet Earth)

If that’s not a terrible omen for Japan’s resurgent nuclear program, I don’t know what is.

Considering that the Japanese are so well-known for their superstitions, perhaps they should take a hint from this event, and rethink the idea of reopening dozens of nuclear power plants across one of the most seismic, and volcanically active regions on the planet.

edit on 24/8/2015 by thorfourwinds because: lynx

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 01:59 PM

We are still looking for any credible information relating to SFP #4 NOT being 'completely emptied' as per TEPCO's statements.

Of course our friend Hatrick Penry has his angle on this hoax (his word) from the very beginning crying foul!

Fukushima Unit 4 hoax underway | hatrickpenry

Debunking ‘Alternative’ media disinformation on Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Fuel Pool | hatrickpenry

Fukushima: Explosive # Dead Marine Animals & Mutant Daisies 7/27/15 - YouTube

Published on Jul 28, 2015
Fukushima Mutant Daisies Caused by Radiation

Fukushima Mutant Daisies Most Likely Caused by Radiation from Japans Melted reactors.

Chernobyl = 400 Hiroshima Bombs of radiation
Then Fukushima is equal to 500,000 Hiroshima bombs and rising daily.
Chat room & info by and for the Fukushima Hounds.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 11:44 PM
Another thing to consider in those off hand times of contemplation....four years of fukushima's corium uncontrolled and uncontrollable ( based on money spent to do so ) )releases, both air and water , and the U.S. west coast fires ;

let's , for #s and giggles , say fuku irradiated the California coast ( and oregon and washington and canada , and alaska) with only a slight dusting of unnatural radionuclides, only for a short period right after the 3/11 meltdowns....

would not the current fires now be redistributing substantial portions of this material across the country due to the now ( 8-24-15) wind patterns?

and following that logic if over four years the leaks have been continually adding ( which they have ) to the accumulations, then are these epic fires ( smoke signals ) perhaps (are) the dust of dearth and then death wherever they may travel, spreading , in the worse possible way : fire , nuclear fallout?

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