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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: fakedirt
if extremophiles can be created to de-activate/reduce the energy emitted within the radionuclides then it could be feasible.
I am still in favour of direct outer core injection with the accumulated utilised plant and machinery following behind.

How would you go about achieving that major feat?

We have a mass of nuclear burning goo to deal with wich cannot be approached with machinery. . . .

However exremophiles can go anywhere and accomplish tasks our current robots cannot, perhaps we can create nanobots which can use the nuclear energy like fuel or just eat the thing up.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

originally posted by: fakedirt
if extremophiles can be created to de-activate/reduce the energy emitted within the radionuclides then it could be feasible.
I am still in favour of direct outer core injection with the accumulated utilised plant and machinery following behind.

How would you go about achieving that major feat?

drill down right next to fuku for a start. continuous pile/core drilling approx 2m diameter. sleeve thickness approx 100mm and using the stored tritium water as a lubricant well beyond lowest detectable water table level. nitrogen injection as temps rise until magma is reached. through pressure bulkheads, super-cooled caskets are inserted into core sleeve until they are released into outer core magma where they will continue to move away whilst destruction of the casket occurs. materials are released and dispersed throughout the outer core. granted easier said than done but it would provide a means to disperse materials that were originally found dispersed within strata.

We have a mass of nuclear burning goo to deal with wich cannot be approached with machinery. . . .

the corium is one of the big problems (approx. 180 tons?). no-one has a solution on record as yet. it should be located and extracted into smaller volumes if it hasn't already reached the outer core. the rest of the contaminated media can go downchute.

However exremophiles can go anywhere and accomplish tasks our current robots cannot, perhaps we can create nanobots which can use the nuclear energy like fuel or just eat the thing up.

can you give me an example of an extremophile accomplishing a given task?

created nanobots which can use the waste as fuel is of interest.


posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 04:30 PM
I haven't been able to find positively that extremophiles can turn a radioactive material into a stable form except in this news article where they state that;

“Now in a new paper published today in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology the team explain how they have discovered that radiation could actually allow certain microbes to thrive, rather than killing them, possibly including a species known to transform radioactive material into much more stable forms. Hence, radiation could make them more effective in the cleanup of contaminated land or in contributing to the safety of radioactive waste disposal in the long-term.”

Still cant find what microbe they were talking about but I assume it was D. radiodurans. If it's true that they can convert radionuclides to a stable non radioactive form why haven't we heard about it from day one and why aren't there ways to put it to use right now.

Also came across some interesting discussion of Fulvic acid reducing radioactivity to zero, but once again nothing conclusive and info was only found on conspiracy websites that I would never ever click on. Oh wait a minute......ATS is a.....nevermind.

ON EDIT: the above study can be found at "The impact of gamma radiation on sediment microbial processes." Appl. Environ. Microbiol. AEM.00590-15; Accepted manuscript posted online 3 April 2015, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00590-15

edit on 21-6-2015 by zworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 10:44 PM

ETERNAL DISASTER: Outline of the Fukushima Never-ending Catastrophe

What on earth could possibly justify a technology that can have such atrocious consequences?

Why are we taking that risk?

Why are we continuing down this nefarious path, even though after Windscale, after Three Mile Island, after Chernobyl and now after Fukushima it has become absolutely clear that this technology transcends our means of controlling it?

Why is lying and the suppression of facts still rampant? As this technology is threatening our very existence – why don't we just quit?

1986, four months after the Chernobyl accident, Morris Rosen, nuclear safety expert at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), stated:

“Even if there were an accident of this type every year, I would still regard nuclear power as a valuable source of energy.”

Valuable. Valuable for whom?

Not for business.
Private investors are not interested in nuclear power, even when governments offer billions in subsidies. The market knows: economically nuclear power is not viable, not least because of its inherent risks.

Not for the environment.
In the course of producing highly toxic wastes that remain dangerous for thousands of years, some electricity is generated as a by-product (and plutonium for the DOE/DOD).

Today the nuclear industry is touting NPPs as a panacea for preventing climate change. Of course, nuclear zealots keep silent about the fact that electricity accounts for a mere 17% of the globe's total energy consumption.

Of these 17%, just about one tenth, 1,7%, is being produced by nuclear.

Therefore, in order to combat climate change effectively by using nuclear, we would have to embark on an enormous building spree.

Even if we put the pharaonic costs incurred by such a monstrous project aside, the insolvable problem of how to handle the nuclear waste would be immeasurably exacerbated yet again.

What then is the magic ingredient that makes this technology so valuable?

Best Regards,
A Reader

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 09:40 AM

The real picture of the seriousness of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan is being covered up by governments and corporations putting people's lives further at risk.
Fukushima will most probably go down in history as the biggest cover-up of the 21st Century as citizens are not being informed about the actual risks and dangers. The real picture of the seriousness of the situation is being covered up by governments and corporations, according to Robert Hunziker, an environmental journalist.

Tens of thousands of Fukushima residents fled the area after the horrific disaster of March 2011. Some areas on the peripheries of Fukushima have reopened to former residents, but many people are hesitant to return home because of widespread distrust of government claims that it is safe.

More at the link......

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: matadoor

The Japanese people need to say enough already......Tell us the truth. They let pride and honor guide them but truth be told TPTB only use this foolish pride back against them. TEPCO is a criminal organization and eventually the facts will come out and criminal trials will happen in Japan.

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: zworld
I haven't been able to find positively that extremophiles can turn a radioactive material into a stable form except in this news article where they state that;

“Now in a new paper published today in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology the team explain how they have discovered that radiation could actually allow certain microbes to thrive, rather than killing them, possibly including a species known to transform radioactive material into much more stable forms. Hence, radiation could make them more effective in the cleanup of contaminated land or in contributing to the safety of radioactive waste disposal in the long-term.”

Still cant find what microbe they were talking about but I assume it was D. radiodurans. If it's true that they can convert radionuclides to a stable non radioactive form why haven't we heard about it from day one and why aren't there ways to put it to use right now.

Also came across some interesting discussion of Fulvic acid reducing radioactivity to zero, but once again nothing conclusive and info was only found on conspiracy websites that I would never ever click on. Oh wait a minute......ATS is a.....nevermind.

ON EDIT: the above study can be found at "The impact of gamma radiation on sediment microbial processes." Appl. Environ. Microbiol. AEM.00590-15; Accepted manuscript posted online 3 April 2015, DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00590-15

Good we have an idea which may work here! Nice find, now to tell a scientist near you!

posted on Jun, 23 2015 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: matadoor

Here is Hunziker's latest, an excellent read about a Japanese saint who died of cancer after being one of the Fukushima 50. whole article is good reading.

A Hero Amongst the Radiation / Dr. Josh Park’s Courage at Fukushima

posted on Jun, 23 2015 @ 10:00 AM
Another great article, this one from SimplyInfo at

below is first two paragraphs but much more at the link. This answers the question of what kind of R&D is going on, or actually what isnt going on.

New Problems & Challenges Plague Fukushima

TEPCO introduced a new roadmap plan. In this they declared they would now focus on safety over speed. At the same time they announced that spent fuel removal work for units 1-3 would be delayed again. Currently they are attempting to remove the cover on unit 1 but this process has not actually begun based on visual evidence at the plant. TEPCO has not been forthcoming what is delaying this work again. Work at unit 3 had been underway in early spring to remove parts of the crane that fell into the fuel pool. An oil leak was found as they attempted to remove a portion of the crane. This stopped the removal work as they cleaned the oil out of the pool water and investigated a cause. Around the same time they discovered damage to the metal gate that connects the spent fuel pool to the reactor well. After this discovery, removal work at unit 3 appeared to cease.

Newer reports also showed that the earlier concept of flooding the reactor containments to remove damaged fuel debris is being phased out. This will require research to be focused on ways to remove fuel without doing so under water. Asahi Shimbun criticized the government and TEPCO for ignoring experts urging that they research the challenge in a broader way. Something that has not been done is to drill under the reactor buildings to check for fuel debris that may have burned through the basement of the reactor buildings. After Chernobyl this was done within a few months and with 1980′s technology. Horizontal drilling under the reactor buildings would give a considerable amount of information that could help refine decommissioning plans. At this point the melted fuel at units 1-3 has not been located. Delays in investigation efforts and denial of the potential extent of the damage will only drive up costs and create years of additional delay.

posted on Jun, 23 2015 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: zworld

Ok Z you know I'm am such a lay person, sorry but here goes....

What does it matter about the bloody crane that parts fell into the fuel
pool & that there was an oil leak? The crane is wasted any way & unless there
is a danger of the oil being in the pool who gives a F&%#k...
Who cares about a bloody gate! They should be putting ALL FOCUS on finding
the MELTED FUEL beneath all the buildings or whatever the last obstacle is before
going into the ground, because WE ALL know here that it is NO WHERE near the
containment. The FUEL is most important...I think. I know there is an extremely
high risk to the rest of the rods that need to be removed before the next quake
or other disaster.
Isn't the fuel the most important? Why can't they try to accomplish both at the same time.
Bloody hell look how fast they can pump out new cars & other machinery, why they
cannot do the same for they machines needed at Fuku? I truly don't think they want
the disaster to go away.
My heart goes out to the poor people that believe SO much & trust their government...
it is a crying shame...just pitiful how they have been lied to & will never know the truth.

Sorry for the rant when I am not very educated in this field so it makes it difficult
to speak in such manor. But this continuous CIRCUS drives me bloody nuts! I just
truly do not understand why they (TEPCO) keep dicking around when their very
well be solutions to this earth destructing event. WHY in the HELL doesn't anyone
amongst you brains!

You guys are brilliant! If i were in their position I would be looking EVERYWHERE for
help. Plus many of the well known people that they are in contact with or maybe in
contact with are included here on ATS.

When you do serious web searches for major events ATS is always in the top. So it
just makes it more obvious that they don't care because they may have a more sinister
plan...maybe to depopulate? Who the bloody knows...I am still so behooved that NO
worldly govs have stepped up...LOSERS!

That was sad about Dr Parks...& that just pushed me into looking into our homeless
here...I just moved here in March but am only 15 miles from where I was previously
located. I was almost homeless meself about 1 1/2 yrs ago while waiting for disability
& I am one to give back to the community.
to all you mates for doing such an excellent job in not just
posting but helping those like myself being able to have a better understanding of
the situation & keeping us informed of everything that is ongoing in this situation of HELL.

My heart REALLY goes out to ALL the animals whether sea, air or land...they are suffering.


Sorry about there being a lack of paragraphs...they were there before I posted.
edit on 2362015 by Ektar because: No paragraphs?

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: Ektar

hello ektar
I do understand your frustration on this matter. I am in agreement with you on the rant. pumping out cars yet cannot nail down a workable solution to this ongoing disaster.
it seems to me profit is being made for all concerned whilst life worldwide becomes irradiated. after all these years and it seems very little has been done. the management need to take a swim in the spent fuel pool daily until they come to their senses.

there should be a worldwide mandatory levy on all nuclear facilities with unlimited funds for remediation. this should have been implemented in the early fifties when they were fully aware that radioactivity had an effect on lifeforms.
the current system is not fit for purpose as is plainly apparent and should be apparent to those involved. the insurance costs alone should be high enough to cover ongoing issues yet somewhere in the paperwork I feel multiple scams are afoot as the major stakeholders all seem to be doing well whilst the ecosystem slowly goes to ratcrap.

with the media keeping a lid on this slow death scenario, they are as much to blame as the planners, designers and management involved in sweeping the mess under the rug. don't forget politicians. most of them will shudder at the very thought of talking about these issues.
this cannot be kept subdued indefinitely and once its' effects are noticed by ever increasing numbers through the as ready proliferation of cancers and health problems, the uninformed populous are going to require answers to the whole setup.


posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 03:58 PM
Hey mate thanks for the follow up. I am very surprised that we have
not seen a huge increase in cancer cases already since the exposures were
so high & are still high & everything seems to be contaminated. If the media
is keeping a gag order on the health problems, I would think the citizens
who are ill would gather together & make a stand. Especially if they are
going to die anyway & now knowing the truth.
I understand the "honor" part but if they are terminally ill, where's the
"HONOR" for them? It no longer exist if the gov is lying to you.

I was shocked that someone from the Fuku 50 had just passed away. I actually
thought those guys had passed soon after being "fried". That is a long time to suffer.

The bloody politicians...I kind of laughed at that because the first thing
that popped into my head was that if anyone running for U.S. prez would mention
they were going to get the REAL clean up going on at Fuku would probably win.


posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Your frustration is something I feel every day. Especially today with the fast track authority bill winning knowing that in the future it will be almost impossible to stop the building of a nuclear power plant due to the tribunals these new trade deals contain.

But getting back to Fuku I think that they should be trying to locate the corium as described above, but at the same time be getting rid of the spent fuel. Its all bad which is what makes the thought of leaving it in TEPCOs hands such a scary thought. I'm not sure the corium can ever be removed though. Thats a huge black hole mystery that the world's leaders have let TEPCO tip toe around so they can continue with their own nuclear programs when they all know that locating and removing tonnes and tonnes of red hot nuclear material is not going to happen anytime soon. Like the next 50 years say.

But no problem is totally unworkable, and though there is no solution currently available, hopefully there will be one found someday.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Ektar
hello ektar,
I don't have the stats on increased cancers and ailments at hand but I will say that the northern hemisphere incidents are increasing. childhood thyroid issues in japan are increasing and if you look for articles from Belarus you will see that although the media are keeping a lid on this issue, incidents of deformity, cancer and other ailments are worryingly high in relation to the Chernobyl incident 30 years on.

as this issue is spread out globally, it seems to me most people would rather endure this affliction in silence with dignity.
the head turds would rather focus on global warming to which I suspect is connected to the nuclear tests anyway. will they concede this point? I doubt it but they will press for more stealth taxes which we will all end up paying anyway.
getting a good shafting from all directions.

2010 Recommendations of the ECRR The Health Effects of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation
Regulators' Edition
Edited by Chris Busby with Rosalie Bertell, Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake, Molly Scott Cato and Alexey Yablokov

the above is a rather large publication if you can find it as a free download. it may be within this thread.


posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 08:23 AM
Wikipedia needs some aggressive updates. This source used extensively in general discussions is creating a false sense of safety regarding Fukushima.

Although no fatalities due to short-term radiation exposure were reported, some 300,000 people evacuated the area. TheWorld Health Organization indicated that evacuees were exposed to so little radiation that radiation-induced health impacts are likely to be below detectable levels, and that any additional cancer risk from radiation was small—extremely small, for the most part—and chiefly limited to those living closest to the nuclear power plant. The World Health Organization stated that a 2013 thyroid ultrasound screening program was, due to the screening effect, likely to lead to an increase in recorded thyroid cases due to early detection of non-symptomatic disease cases.

According to a linear no-threshold model(LNT risk model) this energy accidentsrelease of radiation into the surroundings would most likely cause a total of 130 cancer deaths in the years and decades ahead.

The plant manager...
The Fukushima 50...
Those on board the USS Ronald Reagan...
The worker whose body was seen in the plant wreckage...
Families in the area...
Declaring cause of death delays compensation by Japan...

Anyone here ready, willing or able to help rewrite the digital history book on this at Wikipedia. This whitewash on Wiki is like tents covering the destruction at Fukushima? Tepco, how are the workers who hung the tents around triple meltdowns?

Time to tackle the misinformation about the rainbows and unicorns at Fukushima?


posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 11:31 AM
Here is an interesting thought. We know that most solid substances in life are crystalline structures. In the human body our skeletal bone structure is a solid crystal structure. We also know that radiation therapy for cancer patients can break down bone-building cells, making bones susceptible to insufficiency fractures.

Now for the question of interest. Is this damage caused by radiation therapy the same thing as the damage caused by neutron embrittlement or the Wigner effect, (neutron induced swelling of crystal structures). If so, are the crystalline structures of the human body or other biota like fish deformed by radiation from Fukushima, and is this weakening of the crystalline lattices in aquatic species behind the marine die-offs. This could be an insidious form of radiation damage that may not be accounted for.

posted on Jun, 26 2015 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

Excellent idea. The only problem is that Wikipedia seems to look more and more like a Fox News outlet these days with numerous pages conveying corporate idealogy instead of factual information. Sad.

But yes that Fuku page needs serious work and cant do it myself hoping someone else can.

posted on Jun, 30 2015 @ 04:37 AM
Unit 2 Reactor Pipe

Melted seal pic:

NHK Article:

TEPCO Pics and look at document...anyone able to translate?

- Purple Chive

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 12:02 PM
Sorry, I've been on the road and not able to post for awhile.

Had a really interesting offer head my way yesterday. I was offered a job doing demo in Japan, specifically in the area North of Fuk, there are tons of roads that need to come down for new construction (wiped out by the flooding), and the Japanese people have run out of explosives people so they are outsourcing some of the work. Oh, and they are also now importing almost all of their explosives from the US.

I have almost NEVER turned down work, until today. My wife looked at me and said "I don't care if they offer you a Billion dollars, you are not going".

She's right, I turned them down.

Look, when they blow those roads and bridges, it's going to scatter whatever radiation has settled on those roads into the upper atmosphere. whoever is downwind from that is going to have some very nasty stuff heading their way.

I won't be there, I can tell you that.


posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 07:51 PM
Matador, good call. To you and your wife.

A question for all, that I barely possess the vocabulary to pose in elementary form...

Would there be a way to capture at least some of the hemorrhaging radiation from the Fukushima meltdowns by creating a magnetic field around the plant? In theory, could some of the radiation be captured into localized Van Allen Radiation belts like those around the earth by generating a magnetic field? Like the way earth's magnetosphere blocks out some radiation, could a localized field trap radiation in?

Would a generated magnetic field like the earth's allow radiation to be captured along magnetic field lines in endless loops?

If some scientists are correct, earth's magnetic field is created by a nuclear breeder/core of uranium at the center of the earth. Fukushima has plenty of uranium simmering away. Could corium power an isolated magnetic field even...

Never hurts to hope for any solutions




Lastly, a good article...

Is Fukushima Getting Worse?

Thanks all for the updates and insights.
edit on 1-7-2015 by DancedWithWolves because: add photo

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