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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:00 AM
After four years of this BS you'd think one would be immune to it, but it still pisses me off. From SimplyInfo an article states that TEPCO is indeed trying to blame the massive rise in rads in wells 11 and 12 which are upstream from the reactors on leaks and rainwater coming from the tank farm.

Please correct me if wrong but the drainage ditch that is the catch point is concreted in and therefore any rainwater or leaks will run into it and into the ocean. Yet according to TEPCO these perturbations are making their way deep underground into the groundwater and causing all the problems with wells 11 and 12.

One more obfuscation on top of all the other BS. At least they're consistent.

ON EDIT: The Dairy goes further and says TEPCO stated the following;

"In the morning of 3/10/2015, a Tepco employee found the water level decreased to half of last night. As a result of their investigation, water leakage was found near the bottom of an earth dike, and bubble was coming up from the joint part of a gutter and concrete base.

Tepco pumped up the retained water and transferred it to another dam. The estimated leaked volume was 747 m3.

The highest density of All β nuclides was 8,300,000 Bq/m3 in the retained rainwater."

So now all this rainwater that only had to fall on the tank farm to become this contaminated has leaked into the groundwater table through a crack in the concrete. Forget the corium, forget the nuke factory, the only problem is this damn rainwater and this crack which TEPCO will fix and everyone can go back to sleep.


Of course the really scary part is that the MSM have bought that line of BS as if the gospel truth.
edit on 12-3-2015 by zworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Silverlok

Great anniversary post silverlock.

It is a shame the thread has gone into the aether in many ways. This of course happened when the shills from japan took over in their attempt to somehow demonstrate this Armageddon trigger was simply spilled sake that could be cleaned up with a napkin. They succeeded in driving folks like myself off, but I am glad to hear that the original thread enlightened many, including the nuke "experts."

You raise the key point and it is the one that gets lost all the time. The only reason nuclear power exists, the only reason, is to make bombs cheaply. It is a horrible, expensive, wasteful way to create electrons for teeeveee's. Clearly those back in the 40's and 50's were dumb enough to believe the great oz's words of the coming of the "Atomic Age" but now we know different - or at least some do.

The proponents of this mess never, ever had a plan to dispose of the waste. They knew waste was coming and they never had a plan to deal with it, yet the plants popped up all over and in the 70+ years there is still no plan for the waste. Did they hope the Italian mafia would help them dispose of the waste in countries other then Italy? Curious.

These are built in the most horrible places for these plants. Three plants alone, all with ocean killing potential on the ring of fire, are located in population zones, earthquake zones, tsunami zones and built in a manner that pleads for meltdown. Curious.

They've built thousands of bombs, or more (who knows) and YET, they have only dropped the one's on Japan 70 years ago (ring of fire, japan, nuke disaster - no coincidence). All of this waste created, all of this sword of Damocles danger all over the world to make bombs that are never used - tens of millions have been killed by napalm, depleted uranium, bullets, famine and poverty but no nukes. Curious.

I raise this notion of the real purpose of the nukes because people are caught in a loop. The system said, "nuke plants make free clean energy for all" and that is the only PR statement that matters to the masses (they see that friendly smiling atom from the film strip and smile). The truth was "nuke plants defer the cost of bomb making to the slaves" who are the intended recipients of the bombs and yet these bombs have not been used on them - why? They can indeed understand that nuke plants were created to make bombs used to eventually lead to the demise of those who used the electrons to reheat their coffee in the microwave.

That last conundrum is the key to understanding what this is all about and how to change it. If you can determine why a small cadre of individuals need thousands of nuclear weapons, weapons they have not chosen to use on the planetary population of commies, and terrorists and muslim evil doers, then you will understand how it can change. Who are the nukes for if not us...

As for the end. I have always figured tepco wanted to remove the spent fuel rods and then concrete over the whole mess and walk away. But your salient point about the waste water being yet another potential literal bomb eliminates that idea almost entirely. I never thought I would say something of this ilk, but it seems to me, at this point, we are simply watching hospice care for Earth and ourselves. At some point it would seem Japan itself might become to radioactive to live in with any reasonable expectation of competency, and which point your vision of the zombie plants makes Japan the nuke center of Earth - again their record of nuke problems is not coincidental.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
a reply to: Silverlok

This of course happened when the shills from japan took over in their attempt to somehow demonstrate this Armageddon trigger was simply spilled sake that could be cleaned up with a napkin. They succeeded in driving folks like myself off, but I am glad to hear that the original thread enlightened many, including the nuke "experts."

I lost interest in this thread when it became dominated by the people you describe.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Silverlok

Thank you for your insights and support.

I am in complete agreement.

I started a thread called the Nuclear Olympics and would appreciate any contributions you wish to make.


posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 03:03 PM
A couple of quick things:

texasgirl, it was the SFP ( pool) at #4 that was supposedly cleared , but I am of the opinion that Tepco is embellishing that particular accomplishment rather heavily. Given the lack of structural integrity of the building, damage to the physical pool, early indications ( from thermal imaging ) of some melt material passing into the building, the reactor containment and torus , and documents containing conversations between the NRC investigators ( about the 6.00 minute mark ) about the fire at four it seems impossible that they could have done as they claim, how they claim.

crankyoldman, what is especially disturbing about fuku-daichi's waste water is that the particles released ( uranium, plutonium, cesium, etc ) are 'buckyballs' and extremely small ( some of the cesium ones from Tokyo samples are only 2.6 microns ) making them aerosols. A disturbing but unique feature is that these particles are actually non-soluble and remain suspended in water or air as a colloid.
This heightens their trouble making capacity in bio-accumulation, surface contamination, and environmental longevity. Imagine evaporating salt water in a pan until you have just a crusty layer of salt remaining. If one pours more water into the pan the salt goes back into solution ( washing it 'away' so to speak ) , BUT THESE RADIOACTIVE PARTICLES DO NOT DO THAT. Once they precipitate out they tend to stick to where they precipitated .

Also the short and long term effects of radiation exposure are not just responsible for cancers and tumors, research indicates that the cells/molecules in complex biological systems tend to "remember" damaged responses so that the impaired function becomes the new 'normal' state, this means the long term effects of even short term radiation exposure are things like heart disease, vastly weakened immune response, and problems with neurological and respiratory function.
A Very informative speech on the subject is given by Dr. Bill Mcbride , vice chair of radiation oncology for UCLA . It's a bit technical at times but I highly recommend it ( from 17.35 to about 58. )

Matador, that link on the MSM suppresion is very interesting in deed, especially for a D.C. publication.

Zworld, and Fourwinds, good to see you both :-) , and I do find it interesting about HOW they are reporting water leaks and the temperature situations ...I think they are up to their old tried and true method of leaking some truth some BS to see where and how it is being received /analyzed ( for instance some of the *cough* luminaries on reddit seemed unable to comprehend that run-off with strontium in it is a good indication that a criticality happened recently ) .
If this is the case it indicates a kind of linearity of thinking methodology that should not be so consistent over the time/personel change outs we have seen at Tepco...interesting

Psynic I will make some time to check out the Nuker Oly's

and CK ( and the rest of you ) I am flattered, though I do wish the reason was that I had perfected the Lockhead truck sized fusion reactor

ON the bright side to help solve all the medical related problems we have the 2009 Nobel prize being handed out for telomeres and telomarse and a lot of tech millionares they may not be part of the loop and may not want the humans to die young
edit on 12-3-2015 by Silverlok because: details details

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Silverlok


posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 01:11 PM
Leaked Water near South Discharge Cannel on Unit 1-4 side

High amount of Cs-137 reported on March 3, 2015:

Usually, if Cs-137 is detected it is rather low, like today March 13, 2015:

Anyhow good to see you long time folks bantering back and forth again!!

- Purple Chive

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Silverlok

Oops, I meant to say Unit #4. I have made posts concerning Unit #4 so I do know that's the one. Sorry for the error!

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 02:26 PM
And the show goes on. Now TEPCO is saying that the massive spike in beta in the wells upstream from the reactors was not only caused by the recent leak but also by one they experienced in 2012. From the Dairy.

“On 3/11/2015, Tepco announced the radiation level spiked up 30 times in near groundwater.......

As a result, they detected 11,000,000 Bq/m3 of All β nuclides (including Strontium-90) from a boring well on 3/11/2015. It was 370,000 Bq/m3 on 3/9/2015.

Tepco doesn’t announce the distance from the leaking point and the boring well. However the boring well is situated in the direction of the sea, which strongly suggests the absorbed contaminated water is flowing toward the sea.

Tepco is commenting it hasn’t been confirmed that the contaminated water reached the sea and they will stop monitoring in a week........

For the reason of why the absorbed water is highly contaminated, they state it might be affected by the past major leakage in March of 2012.

The detailed analysis result and the photos of the potential contamination source are not published for some reason.”


posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 09:10 PM

Plutonium shares some important similarities with biologically important trivalent transition metals, especially iron. This could have importance from a material science point of view, as well.

Plutonium Trojan Horse in the Body | Mining Awareness Plus

26 February 2015
“Plutonium tricks cells by ‘pretending’ to be iron
By Jared Sagoff

Plutonium gets taken up by our cells much as iron does,…

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University have identified a new biological pathway by which plutonium finds its way into mammalian cells. The researchers learned that, to get into cells, plutonium acts like a ‘Trojan horse,’ duping a special membrane protein that is typically responsible for taking up iron.

This discovery may help enhance the safety of workers who deal with plutonium, as well as show the way to new ‘bio-inspired’ approaches for separating radioactive elements from other metals in used nuclear fuel.

Because the bodies of mammals have evolved no natural ability to recognize plutonium—the element was first produced in 1941—scientists were curious to know the cellular mechanisms responsible for its retention in the body.

The researchers exposed adrenal cells from rats to minute quantities of plutonium to see how the cells accumulated the radioactive material.

Using the high-energy X-rays provided by Argonne’s Advanced Photon Source, the researchers were able to characterize a particular protein known as “transferrin,” which is responsible for bringing iron into cells. Each transferrin is made up of two subunits, known as N and C, that normally bind iron.

When another protein—the transferrin receptor—recognizes both the N and C subunits, it admits the molecule to the cell. However, when both the N and C subunits contain plutonium, the transferrin receptor doesn’t recognize the protein and keeps it out.

Contrary to their expectations, the researchers discovered that in one of the mixed states—when an iron-containing N-subunit is combined with a plutonium-containing C-subunit—the resulting hybrid so closely resembles the normal iron protein that the uptake pathway is ‘tricked’ into allowing plutonium to enter the cell.

‘Although the interaction between plutonium and bodily tissues has been studied for a long time, this is the first conclusive identification of a specific pathway that allows for the introduction of plutonium into cells,’ said Mark Jensen, an Argonne chemist who led the research.

… The research was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science as well as by the National Institutes of Health.”

Author manuscript found here: “An iron-dependent and transferrin-mediated cellular uptake pathway for plutonium“, Mark P. Jensen et. al. (

From the Jensen et. al. author manuscript:
“… Pu is radiotoxic and is strongly retained by organisms1, Pu uptake from an accident, environmental contamination, or a nuclear or radiological attack can pose significant health risks. Plutonium localizes principally in the liver and skeleton in humans where it remains for decades2.

It associates in vivo with the iron-containing proteins serum transferrin and ferritin3,4, but despite the danger of plutonium poisoning, the specific molecular-level pathways Pu travels to enter and localize in cells have never been identified2,5…”


posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 03:15 PM
Report says 32 million people in Japan are exposed to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster ter40532.shtml

More at the link...

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 03:45 PM
I'm just popping in to say hey & to thank ALL of you
for still keeping up on the thread with ongoing valuable
information. I was with you guys until the end of the
first thread but had to bow out due to extreme uncontrolled
anxiety. I still come to check the news here & I hope I can
visit more often...I have gained more I will
start back slowly if possible & see what happens.

I am greatful for all the hard work from you guys & I
see the core group is still seems to be intact...haven't
seen air-cooled?

Any way thank you & I hope this thread continues as it's
the ONLY place to find the truth about the ongoing issues.


posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: matadoor
Report says 32 million people in Japan are exposed to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster ter40532.shtml

More at the link...

Bahamas Weakly?

Link dead.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Psynic
The link is not dead. It's broken by ATS coding.
But here is the actual study.

edit on 3/14/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Phage

Thanks Phage!


posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: Ektar
I was with you guys until the end of the
first thread but had to bow out due to extreme uncontrolled
anxiety. I still come to check the news here & I hope I can
visit more often...I have gained more I will
start back slowly if possible & see what happens.

Ektar, welcome back. Now if AC and Q show up we can start singing hail, hail the gangs all here.

I dropped out for similar reasons and if not for Q would have quit the first week after rejoining. Glad I didn't though. Too important to keep a magnifying glass on the unfolding Fuku disaster.

ON EDIT; another soul we haven't seen for awhile is kdog. He posted some really interesting stuff. Hope he jumps back in too.
edit on 15-3-2015 by zworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:24 PM

Based on calculations by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the total atmospheric release of radioactive material (iodine-131, cesium-134, cesium-137, and noble gases) from the Fukushima disaster was estimated
as less than 15% of the total radiation emitted from the Chernobyl disaster (1).

Yeah, right.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds
TFW, isnt that an old estimation. I think they recently revised that way upward but cant remember for sure.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:41 PM

Report: Over 30 million permanently affected by Fukushima radiation

11 March 2015
Green Cross International (NGO founded by Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union), Mar 11, 2015: 32 million people in Japan still exposed to radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster… according to the 2015 Fukushima Report now available from Green Cross…

[They are] at potential risk from both long and short-term consequences… Japan is expected to see increased cancer risk… Chernobyl and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disasters were categorized as level 7 events – defined as a major release of radioactive material, with widespread effects, requiring planned and extended countermeasures…

“However, the number of people affected by radiation in Japan has tripled compared to Chernobyl,” said Nathalie Gysi of Green Cross Switzerland… water leakage at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant remains a problem four years after…

There continue to be… rising doubts over the safety of seafood, such as radioactivity levels in tuna and other fish…

The Fukushima Report was prepared under the direction of Dr. Jonathan M. Samet, MD, Professor at the USC School of Medicine and chair of Preventive Medicine]… using the same measurement standards as a similar 2012 study on Chernobyl…

The lives of approximately 42 million people have been permanently affected by radioactive contamination caused by… Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi…

Continued exposure to low-level radiation, entering the human body on a daily basis through food intake, is of particular consequence.

The 2015 Fukushima Report is available for download in English at

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: zworld
a reply to: thorfourwinds
TFW, isnt that an old estimation. I think they recently revised that way upward but cant remember for sure.

Right out of the report in question..2nd paragraph. Here's the rest of that paragraph:

Both the Chernobyl and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disasters were categorized as level 7 in the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). However, the Chernobyl disaster released greater amounts of radiation into the atmosphere than the Fukushima accident and the plume spread across Europe, while the release of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant was mostly concentrated in Japan and over the Pacific Ocean.

Based on calculations by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the total atmospheric release of radioactive material (iodine-131, cesium-134, cesium-137, and noble gases) from the Fukushima disaster was estimated as less than 15% of the total radiation emitted from the Chernobyl disaster (1).

However, Greenpeace International has reported estimates for the total atmospheric release from the Fukushima disaster that range from 10% to 40% of the Chernobyl disaster release (2).

The Fukushima disaster is estimated to have released amounts of iodine-131 and cesium-137 to the atmosphere that were approximately 10% and 20%, respectively, of the amounts released by the Chernobyl disaster(3).

It is estimated that about 80% of released radiation from the Fukushima accident was deposited in the ocean and the remaining 20% was mostly dispersed over the Fukushima prefecture within a 50-km radius to the northwest of the power plant (1).

While estimated cancer risks to humans from the radiation released over the Pacific Ocean are small, trace amounts of radiation have now reached North America, including parts of the northern West Coast of the United States (4-7).

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