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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 02:48 AM
The 4 year anniversary of Fuku is quickly upcoming... guess what?

Nothing has changed.. radiation continues to leak into the Pacific Ocean on a daily basis.

Happy Pre-Birthday Fukushima.... the world may have forgotten you.... but some of us know you exist... and we will continue to watch and report.

I very seldom ever post on this topic anymore, that is reflected in part that this forum got moved from its original position. Once ATS caved into the idea that this wasn't an important topic, I realized that no one really cares except the fanatics and nut jobs that inhabit the enenews comment sections (which is the only qausi-current info for Fukushima). It's a very slow death that will only come to light long after I am dead.

Once again, the Japanese have really screwed the pooch on this one..... time will always does.

Only two types of news come from Fukushima.. bad news and worse news....count on it.

edit on R042015-02-23T03:04:09-06:00k042Vam by RickinVa because: what?

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: RickinVa

For Rick, I also manage some databases, and I can easily see why they wanted us to start a new post and archive the first one, as these posts grow, keeping them from getting corrupted can become a job unto itself, so the management here was looking out for our best interests, keeping the original thread from becoming lost forever.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: RickinVa
Once ATS caved into the idea that this wasn't an important topic, I realized that no one really cares except the fanatics and nut jobs that inhabit the enenews comment sections (which is the only qausi-current info for Fukushima).

Please link me to any ATS post where you or anyone else had any objections to The Fukushima Forum being removed from 'Breaking News'.

I can't find a single comment.

Seems it suited all the regular 'contributors' to a tee. The thread-killers that bring rational discussion to a full stop with private theories of irrelevant obfuscation.

It is 'Breaking News' that 100,000 tons of tritium was dumped into the Pacific Ocean TODAY at Fukushima, instead of something relegated to the bottom of the 'Conspiracy Theories' list.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: matadoor
a reply to: RickinVa

For Rick, I also manage some databases, and I can easily see why they wanted us to start a new post and archive the first one, as these posts grow, keeping them from getting corrupted can become a job unto itself, so the management here was looking out for our best interests, keeping the original thread from becoming lost forever.

That's not what he's talking about.

Fukushima was downgraded to the 'Conspiracy Theories' forum when ATS introduced NLBS.

Your post is off topic.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: zworld
Another curious thing. ScientificRailguns, could you check this. They are now putting out the english graphs in Japanese and Im not sure if this is right and may be another sign of ongoing fission. On their parameters page at I think it shows that they are getting readings of Xenon 135, a fission product that has a half life in hours, not even days, in Unit 1.
That looks like Xenon 135 yeah. Very interesting. At the very least, it confirms there is still active fission happening which is what many of us here have known for a long time.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun
Thanks ScientificRailgun. Definately one more piece of evidence of trouble brewing.

And since my stars never stick, I just have to say that its there even if it doesnt show up.

edit on 23-2-2015 by zworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 05:54 PM
The following quote is from an nuclear engineer just posted on ENE. Ive seen the video and dont know what he's referring to but he seems to think criticality is still occurring.

“There’s been some new video released of what could be the molten – some of the corium – that has leeched out. We talked a long time ago that some of it is not solid and still oozing in that respect. And this video showed something, that if it weren’t just metal melted, but it sure looked like if it was corium, then it would be oozing. Which would lend credibility to our lava lamp effect that we’ve been talking about for a long time now, thus little criticalities going on and causing continued heat… Certainly there were some pretty interesting images of it… You can see how frustrating the attempts are to contain the mess into some area, let alone treat it…. The fuel was never designed to leave the cladding, that was the first line of defense. Once that gets broken and then the containment gets broken, or even before that the reactor gets broken, the genie is long out of the bottle.”

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 05:34 AM
You know, sometimes I really wish we had other icons to use to respond to some posts. I'd use one about now.

Now, back to the matter at hand.

4 yrs on, problems accumulate at TEPCO’s Fukushima plant

FUKUSHIMA — March will mark the fourth year since the crisis began at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, where decommissioning work continues. About 6,000 to 7,000 workers are working every day to try to bring the situation under control at the buildings and facilities still scarred by the accident. On Monday, we entered the nuclear plant.

We headed first for the No. 3 reactor building, which was damaged by a hydrogen explosion, wearing white protective gear, masks with filters and trilayered gloves. TEPCO plans to remove spent nuclear fuel from the pool at the No. 3 reactor building, starting in the next fiscal year. Although an unmanned remote-controlled crane has been working to remove debris on the top floor, the floor below remains just as it was right after the accident occurred.

As we stared at the No. 3 reactor building from elevated ground in front of the No. 1 reactor, a TEPCO official holding a dosimeter urged us to leave, saying, “Three-hundred microsieverts per hour. We can’t stay here any longer.” Exposure at this level for only a little more than three hours would equal the maximum amount of radiation exposure considered acceptable over the course of a year in daily life.

More at the link......

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: matadoor
. About 6,000 to 7,000 workers are working every day to try to bring the situation under control at the buildings and facilities still scarred by the accident.

The radiation must have rendered them invisible.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 12:41 PM

Fukushima operator finds new source of radiation leak into sea

TOKYO (Reuters) - The operator of the tsunami-crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant said on Tuesday it had found a pool of highly contaminated water on the roof of a plant building and that it had probably leaked into the sea through a gutter when it rained.

The finding comes four years after a massive earthquake and tsunami caused meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power Co Inc's Fukushima reactors, and 1-1/2 years after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assured the International Olympic Committee that radiation leaks at the plant were "under control".

Tokyo's victory over rivals Madrid and Istanbul to host the 2020 Olympic Games followed soon after Abe's declaration.

Tokyo Electric said it has been aware since last spring that radiation levels in water running in one of the plant gutters rise when it rains but had confirmed the source of the contamination only on Tuesday.

Leakage of contaminated water into the sea in and of itself does not violate regulations because the outflow of radiation from the plant is controlled by monitoring radiation levels in sea water, a Nuclear Regulation Agency official said.

More at the link.....

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: zworld

zworld and everyone, thank you for the nitrogen updates. The only other non-sanitized news I've seen out of Japan is in the March 2015 issue of Harpers magazine, . (After the usual 30-day embargo period, that article should be available for free on their website.) It is titled "Letter from Japan -- invisible and insidious -- living at the edge of Fukushima's nuclear disaster." Armed with a gamma-only-reading dosimeter and later a gamma-only-reading scintillation counter (Aloka TCS-172B gamma survey meter) plus a copy of what he mistakenly says is The First Responder's Guide to Radiation Incidents, author William Vollman takes 15 pages (10 pages of text, plus some ambiguous photos) to survey conditions outside of and near the edge of the Fukushima dai-ichi evacuation zone. His reference book's actual title is "The First Responder's Pocket Guide to Radiation Incidents."

It does surprise Vollman that he can't find one doctor in Japan willing to talk to him about the nuclear disaster. How about that. He finds a newspaper statement that the Fukushima Prefecture Dental Association will, with family consent, analyze the extracted teeth of children ages 5 through 15 ... they will check 1st for cesium-137, and for teeth where that is found, then check for strontium-90.

I bought a copy of that magazine issue, but you should be able to read it for free in a public library. If you have a library card, you can access a library database from home 24/7 to read the article after typing in your library card number. US library cards are issued free of charge.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: Uphill
a reply to: zworld

... they will check 1st for cesium-137, and for teeth where that is found, then check for strontium-90.

apologies for chopping the paragraph. the above jumped out for me.

in my opinion this is not the correct way. it should be strontium-90 test first then caesium-137. strontium-90 as I understand accumulates in the bones whereas caesium-137 targets glands and soft tissues/organs. that is if I have read this correctly the one test is dependent on the other which seems unusual.

if the above quote is the procedure they are following then I suspect it may be an attempt to 'mask/dilute' the findings.

to op, zworld, four winds et al keep up the splendid work.
best wishes fakedirt.
edit on 25-2-2015 by fakedirt because: b be bee

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 03:06 PM
Uphill and fakedirt, thank you for the kind words. Fakedirt, good eye for spotting that. Did some homework and could find no relation of C137 to teeth. It does mimic potassium which helps fight the acids that attack teeth, but neither it nor C137 are found in bone as far as I can find. It is also excreted from the body much faster than S90.

Definately looks like a scam to keep from looking for S90.

The scary thing is this is something that would instantly stand out to anyone who has studied radiation toxicity. Like everyone from Japanese, US and international nuclear oversight agencies, and no one has questioned this. You might be the first.
edit on 25-2-2015 by zworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 05:42 PM
hello zworld you are most welcome.

s90 mimics calcium. I am going off my notes from the Chernobyl incident. the uptake of c-137 and s90 in plants and edible fruits was quite a concern around the area. one note of caution I remember from a ranger studying the area was to avoid eating the seeds of any fruits picked.
other observations 20 years later showed genetic differences in silver birch and pine trees.
lastly a pine forest downwind of the plant turned red. within weeks of the incident the pine needles changed colour and the term 'leopardskin fallout' was coined.

regards fakedirt.

a reply to: zworld

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 05:27 AM
hello zworld, uphill et al.
some digging done on the bone seeker element.

I removed a ccnr page link due to some ambiguity I suspect was injected as a dilutant.

regards fakedirt.

edit on 26-2-2015 by fakedirt because: wrong link

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 06:42 AM
More Pics and Videos of Unit 1 Damage

- Purple Chive

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 10:52 AM
This is from Simplyinfo's Unit 2 analysis at

This has all been covered in my chapters of the unfinished book that I started posting on the old thread. The analysis below is one more attempt to explain that which can not be explained unless they take into account the possibility of an underground facility. The so called explosion on the 15th caused the damage at Unit 4 yet sounded like it came from Unit 2. It wasn't an ordinary explosion as described below, but the statement made by INPO at the time was that there was no seismic signature. (INPO if you remember is the trade association that was behind the scenes calling the shots in the early days).

That is not true. There is a seismic signature of some kind of explosive force happening, but it happened underground, and was muffled by the time it surfaced. (All covered in the old thread, including a lengthy discussion by someone who knew how to read seismic graphs and agreed that it wasn't an above ground hydrogen explosion). When this strange sounding explosion was done Unit 4 was left destroyed with massive amounts of molten metal puking out the north side of the building.

As theorized, the explanation that fits best is that after the initial explosion underground which shot out Unit 3 on the 14th, the cavity left behind sealed, pressure built up, and a second avenue of escape occurred on the 15th destroying Unit 4. Since there was underground connectivity (tunnels) between 2, 3 and 4, the underground expulsion was heard at Unit 2 as well, and thats where the doon doon sound came from.

Until someone admits that the possibility of an underground facility exists and an underground explosion occurred, no piece of the puzzle will fit, nor will they ever be able to stem the ever increasing levels of radioactive products being emitted from Daiichi. (Actually, if it does exist, then they will never be able to stop the flow anyway as it's coming from too deep underground, and need massive amounts of help to end this nightmare, and more money than the world's banks contain.)

It's a truly depressing thought, one that made me wish I could forget the whole thing two years ago, but sooner or later they will need to admit the obvious instead of constantly searching for a reason for the destruction of 4, and the current condition of 2.

From SimplyInfo;

“At 6:00 am March 15 an underground explosive sound was heard at the plant. One of the higher ups at the plant described the sound as a “doon doon” type sound. The same worker in a later interview made the assumption that this was “china syndrome” happening. INPO reports that there was no seismic signature at the time of the explosion. This would indicate it was not an explosion similar to the other large building explosions at the plant. TEPCO initially assumed that the suppression chamber torus tube had failed and was the source of the sound. Later investigations found no damage to the torus tube or indications of any sort of explosion in the suppression chamber room. INPO reports that the sudden loss of pressure in the suppression chamber may have been an instrument failure. Radiation levels at the main gate began to rise at the same time as the explosion event.”

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 11:31 AM
This will be the last analysis of the (still) confusing parameters from 1, 2 and 3 unless a significant change occurs.

The reason they pump nitrogen into the RPV and PCV is to kill any hydrogen buildup and possible explosion. The amount of hydrogen in Unit 1's PCV is 6 to 7 times less than 2 and 3 and way below the threshold where hydrogen is a concern, yet they are pumping almost twice as much N into 1 as they are 2 and 3. At the same time they are picking up readings of Xe135 in Unit 1, a clear sign of ongoing criticality.

That alone makes no sense, but further confusing things is the fact that the amount of N outflowing from the reactors is not in line with whats going in. The amount of gas flowing out 2 and 3 is greater than the amount going in which I think should be expected, yet the amount leaving Unit 1 is much less than what's going in. And now for the really confusing part. The gas being measured coming out 2 and 3 is nitrogen, which again is what should be expected, yet they have no N connected to the amount coming out 1 which Im guessing means that it's not just N but Xe135 (and other fission gases?) as well.

I think PC was right in theorizing that the corium in 2 and 3, like Elvis, has left the building, but 1 is still in the basement, or most of it. And its cooking.

The caveat is that this comes from someone who has little understanding of nuclear processes so take with a grain of salt.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: zworld

The caveat is that this comes from someone who has little understanding of nuclear processes so take with a grain of salt.
I hope that wasn't confusing. I meant me and not PC of course but the way I wrote is confusing. Just thought Id clear that up.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: zworld

originally posted by: zworld

The caveat is that this comes from someone who has little understanding of nuclear processes so take with a grain of salt.
I hope that wasn't confusing. I meant me and not PC of course but the way I wrote is confusing. Just thought Id clear that up.

It has always been completely clear to me.

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