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Black Egypt the cover up - compilation video

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

It was such an intriguing discussion. There were strong arguments on both sides, and just the right, healthy amount of tension between opposing viewpoints. For the most part, it was civil and good-natured.

But you just had to blow it. I was content on lurking and soaking up all the info, but your last few posts spoilt the broth, man. I don't know if forwarding the Japan videos was sone idea if a joke, but it was in very poor taste.

Though I'm not surprised in the slightest... Just disappointed. I've read some of your previous posts concerning Sub-Saharan Africans, in the context of ancient history as well as in general. They have been crude and sweeping at best - downright incendiary at worst.

Are you bitter about something? You seem too invested to simply be misinformed about the achievements and capabilties of the black African. As to your insistence on all blacks needing confirmation through the ancient Egyptians, I'll bite. Many do tend to 'claim' something they shouldn't, but it's frankly no worse than one claiming Renaissance Italy when they were born in the 1970s. We should look to our own achievements for confirmation of our worth as humans, so all things considered I partially agree with your post's sentiment.

In any case, black Africans are responsible for several great civilisations and breaktroughs in human history. I guess Egypt is such a hot topic because it's one of the most intact?

P.S. On mobile. Apologies for typos!

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:32 PM

reply to post by LUXUS

In any case, black Africans are responsible for several great civilisations and breaktroughs in human history. I guess Egypt is such a hot topic because it's one of the most intact?

P.S. On mobile. Apologies for typos!

Can you share some examples with me? Breakthroughs specifically If you have time the sources would be nice also. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Spider879

My question is, Since AE was a predominantly black civilization, according to you, and AE could be considered a first world Country at the time... Where is today's Black first world Country? South Africa was, but that was under White rule, It's now under Black rule... Where does it rank now? To my knowledge they have to downgrade their air force due to lack of White pilots which is due to discrimination....
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Also, In regards to cities in the US., the Predominantly "Black" cities, how are they fairing against the predominantly "White" cities? Honest question. I'd like stats and figures. Danke

The reason being, because if it's not happening now, it didn't happen then. Deal with it.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by SexNinja

Absolutely! Is it okay if I PM you later? Don't want to go off-topic on here lol.

A good place to start though would be looking at the Lebombo and Ishango bones, which seem to present some of the earliest methods of counting between 35,000 and 20,000 years ago.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by kimish

reply to post by Spider879

My question is, Since AE was a predominantly black civilization, according to you, and AE could be considered a first world Country at the time... Where is today's Black first world Country? South Africa was, but that was under White rule, It's now under Black rule... Where does it rank now? To my knowledge they have to downgrade their air force due to lack of White pilots which is due to discrimination....
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Also, In regards to cities in the US., the Predominantly "Black" cities, how are they fairing against the predominantly "White" cities? Honest question. I'd like stats and figures. Danke

The reason being, because if it's not happening now, it didn't happen then. Deal with it.

I don't understand what this has to do with anything. Surely it's possible for a population to be both pioneers and the great unwashed at different points in history? There were 'black' civilisations, if you want to put it that way, such as the Mali and Ghana Empires, the Kush Kingdom, Great Zimbabwe, etc. But the fact is, all of those countries - Mali, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe - are in a completely different state today. Why? Guns, Germs and Steel. No malice, it happens. Humans are violent. And yeah, we have to deal with that.

All empires fall. But why scoff at all "black countries" or "black cities" because of where they are now? Why draw the dividing line? To be honest, now that I think about it, trying to determine which civilisation was "black" and which one was "white" thousands of years ago is pointless, because our perceptions of race didn't exist back then. The 19th century was a positive turn in many ways, but it arguably set us back in other areas.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 11:04 PM

reply to post by Spider879

My question is, Since AE was a predominantly black civilization, according to you, and AE could be considered a first world Country at the time... Where is today's Black first world Country? South Africa was, but that was under White rule, It's now under Black rule... Where does it rank now? To my knowledge they have to downgrade their air force due to lack of White pilots which is due to discrimination....
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Also, In regards to cities in the US., the Predominantly "Black" cities, how are they fairing against the predominantly "White" cities? Honest question. I'd like stats and figures. Danke

The reason being, because if it's not happening now, it didn't happen then. Deal with it.

ihavenoaccount answered that beautifully and I might add Greece was in a bad shape for centuries and still is despite being the founding civilization in Europe,Portugal a once very dynamic civilization with colonies all over the globe had to be bailed out by Angola economically and there is rush for jobs in that former colony..look at Egypt today home of the once mighty Pharaohs quite the hell hole , fact is a lot of African economies are growing in leaps and bound despite trouble spots.
Klik here.

The quick answer to your question as to what happened??...history happened so deal with that!
edit on 11-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Spider879

The first video goes into detail about what Herodotus said (including quoting him precisely) , you choose not to like it I suppose because it goes against your Egyptians were black stance on this subject.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by ihavenoaccount

The fact you did not like the Japanese video is not a concern of mine, I did not make it and it is the view of many Asians in general, in older text Asians often refer to white people as barbarians so its not exclusive to the black community. In any case black people will often present the fiction that it is specifically the white man who is suppressing their true history, the truth is afrocentrism is even less successful in Asian country's, try telling the Chinese or Japanese that sub-Saharan built the pyramids and they will simply laugh at you, whilst you may not like that it is a fact and they are right to ridicule such false assertions!

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by kimish

Correct, I have friends who left south Africa for that exact reason ( over one quarter of the white population of SA have left!) The country has gone into a rapid downward spiral under its new rulers, electricity/phone service, hospital standards, crime rates, farm production levels all negatively affected. Give SA 50 years and it will be the biggest ghetto on earth, a larger version of Detroit!

In 100 years Africans will be talking about how their ancestors built those city's and whites came and destroyed them lol

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

First it was white people specifically Americans who introduced Black faced minstrel into Japan.

In any case black people will often present the fiction that it is specifically the white man who is suppressing their true history, the truth is afrocentrism is even less successful in Asian country's, try telling the Chinese or Japanese that sub-Saharan built the pyramids and they will simply laugh at you, whilst you may not like that it is a fact and they are right to ridicule such false assertions!

Fig. 4. This Japanese print depicts the antics of the "Corps of Ethiopians belonging to the Powhatan." A playbill distributed to the audience promised "songs and dances of the plantation blacks of the South." "Assembled Pictures of Commodore Perry's Visit," artist and date unknown. Courtesy of the Tokyo Historiographical Institute and the MIT "Visualizing Cultures" program.

Subsequently American companies introduced the black faced caricature with their products in Asia in general like they did in the states these products then became part of the pop culture still running in some parts of Asia today.

‘eycwfAr.png (258×73)News’ from the Hong Wrong Sub-Standard: Colgate-Palmolive are relaunching their Darlie brand of toothpaste next month under its original name, ‘Darkie’. A spokesperson for the company stated that “With Obama as president, we now live in a post-racial society… Besides, it is not possible for Hong Kong people to be racist, as China never had slavery.”
Weather or not Asians need help being racist it is a fact that racist white folks introduced certain form of it among them,now when Black folks move to boycott the parent company state side watch them squeal like a stucked pig.

Btw the racist stereotype and raw racism was transferred on to the dark-skinned Filipinos so much so that it cause some African American soldiers to defect.

A highly skilled guerrilla fighter (he was a veteran in Cuba during the Spanish-American War of 1898), Fagen would raise havoc with his former comrades in the US army. For the next two years, his actions would give hope to the losing “Filipino cause.”
An incredible story? Yes. And it all happened during the Philippine-American War of 1899-1902. Fagen was one of the 7,000 “Black American” soldiers sent to the Philippines to secure the islands for the United States. Originally called “Buffalo Soldiers,” a monicker given by the American-Indians because of their combat prowess and bravery, four regiments of “Black American” soldiers were sent: the 9th and 10th cavalry, and the 23rd and 24th infantry regiments. Fagen belonged to the 24th. In June 1899, Fagen’s regiment was sent to Central Luzon to fight the Insurrectos.

During the course of the battle, two factors would change Fagen’s perspective of the war. First, his constant quarrel with his superiors. Second, the “racist” manner in which the Americans conducted the war, oftentimes calling Filipino soldiers racial slurs like “'n-word's,” “black devils” and “gugus.”

On Nov. 17, 1899, Fagen defected to the side of the Insurrectos. On Sept. 6, 1900, he was promoted from corporal to captain by his commanding officer, General Alejandrino. “Captain Fagen” would clash with the American army at least eight times, from Aug. 30, 1900 to Jan. 12, 1901 (twice against Frederick Funston, the fabled general who captured Aguinaldo). His most famous action was the daring capture of an American steam launch on the Rio Grande de la Pampanga River. Along with 150 of his men, Fagen seized its cargo of guns and disappeared swiftly into the dense forest before American reinforcements could arrive. It was after this episode that he was referred to as “General Fagen” by the New York Times.

And the average Japanese and especially Chinese could careless either way about who built pyramids to actually laugh at anyone most likely you would get an indifferent look those who are interested however will surprise the heck out of you for in true Japanese fashion they will study dig deep and inform you of stuff you wouldn't even guess exist and that includes info about the ancient folks on the Nile and who they were and what they did.

One more thing during an interview some yrs ago when they had the Africa-China summit a Japanese scholar was interviewing a Chinese scholar about that historic event, the Chinese guy said something that struck me to this day he said: We Chinese are record keepers,We know who the Indians are We know who the Japanese are We know who the Arabs are We know who the Africans are but beyond the time when Europeans first came to our shore we have no record of them they are a people with whom we had no historic connection.

edit on 12-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Spider879

I gave you a star for finding those highly accurate historical pictures.
edit on 12-9-2013 by SexNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:54 PM


One more thing during an interview some yrs ago when they had the Africa-China summit a Japanese scholar was interviewing a Chinese scholar about that historic event, the Chinese guy said something that struck me to this day he said: We Chinese are record keepers,We know who the Indians are We know who the Japanese are We know who the Arabs are We know who the Africans are but beyond the time when Europeans first came to our shore we have no record of them they are a people with whom we had no historic connection.

edit on 12-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

Oh he must not know about the mummies in china or the pyramids then because they are white for sure

or maybe he is talking about a time before we came to this planet, we still haven't got our spaceship working!

edit on 12-9-2013 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 11:53 AM


Several Egyptians told me that in their opinion the Colchians were descended from soldiers of Sesostris. I had conjectured as much myself from two pointers, firstly because they have black (melanchros) skins and kinky hair and secondly, and more reliably for the reason that alone among mankind the Egyptians and the Ethiopians have practiced circumcision since time immemorial

Herodotus the Histories.

Why are Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because the bodies of living creatures become distorted by the heat, like logs of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory, for it is curlier than that of other nations, and curliness is as it were, crookedness of the hair

In Aristotle's Physiognomica we find the following(Book 14, Paragraph 4)

"Too black a hue as you see with Egyptians and Ethiopians Or too white a hue as you see with women. A tawny colour signifies courage as you see with lions. It is the intermediate colour. A colour that is too ruddy marks a rogue as you see with foxes"

edit on 9-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

this is a terrible argument, it's like claiming that chachapoya were white and blond because de leon called them whiter than the other peoples around them.

first of all herodotus is known for adding in things that are not true, and you need more than quotes from him to make what you believe close to true.
in fact herodotus is taken less and less seriously as a historian, with good reason. he lies a lot, makes up stories, believes anything he heard, even things people have never seen.
hence why he was called the 'father of lies'

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 12:07 PM

reply to post by LUXUS

It was such an intriguing discussion. There were strong arguments on both sides, and just the right, healthy amount of tension between opposing viewpoints. For the most part, it was civil and good-natured.

But you just had to blow it. I was content on lurking and soaking up all the info, but your last few posts spoilt the broth, man. I don't know if forwarding the Japan videos was sone idea if a joke, but it was in very poor taste.

Though I'm not surprised in the slightest... Just disappointed. I've read some of your previous posts concerning Sub-Saharan Africans, in the context of ancient history as well as in general. They have been crude and sweeping at best - downright incendiary at worst.

Are you bitter about something? You seem too invested to simply be misinformed about the achievements and capabilties of the black African. As to your insistence on all blacks needing confirmation through the ancient Egyptians, I'll bite. Many do tend to 'claim' something they shouldn't, but it's frankly no worse than one claiming Renaissance Italy when they were born in the 1970s. We should look to our own achievements for confirmation of our worth as humans, so all things considered I partially agree with your post's sentiment.

In any case, black Africans are responsible for several great civilisations and breaktroughs in human history. I guess Egypt is such a hot topic because it's one of the most intact?

P.S. On mobile. Apologies for typos!

why is it that people always have to insinuate that a person attempting to refute propaganda, lies and made up stories have an alternative motive to do it? why do afrocentrists insist on attacking people personally?

why can't it just simply be to refute misinformation? the egyptians being white or black is misinformation, they were neither and people should be informed of this because it's the truth.
the egyptians were a unique people, they are the product of cultures that quickly subsumed into other cultures that it is an isolated language with no other living branches.

the reason egypt is such a big deal is because of the impact it's had on the world, when it comes to this debate? it's because nationalistic centrists feel the need to make everything a product of their chosen group, whether it be race or creed or what have you.
if they stop that, maybe this wouldn't be an issue, personally i just hate revisionism. if the truth is as people like that say, then the evidence should win out, not ignoring history or lying about it.
edit on 16-9-2013 by demongoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 04:04 PM
Yeah the Afro-centric vs Euro-centric is a tiresome and in my mind a silly discussion for this day and age.

From what we know now:

Everyone originally was from Africa so using that as a basis here are some questions for Luxus and Spider.

200,0000 years ago were there (dipping down into your worlds) people we would be considered in this present time 'black and white'? Comparisons between known skin pigmentation genes in chimpanzees and modern Africans show that dark skin evolved along with the loss of body hair about 1.2 million years ago and is the ancestral state of all humans but how dark they were is unknown AFAIK.


When these people wandered out of Africa at what precise point and based on what criteria did they cease to be African and black and Europeans/Asians who were white, or 'yellow' ? So how long does it take a black African to become a white European?

What percentage of melanin means a person is black or white, why are you obsessed with hypodescent/hyperdescent? For lurkers this is known as the Quadroon question, at one point does black or white 'DNA' cease to make that person that race and the 'magic' number that can be reached that makes you the other race......Why does everyone have to be specifically in one race or another?

Yep silly

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 04:34 PM
Looks like capetown colords to me. As in dark skin and arab features..who knows lol!

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Yeah the Afro-centric vs Euro-centric is a tiresome and in my mind a silly discussion for this day and age.

From what we know now:

Everyone originally was from Africa so using that as a basis here are some questions for Luxus and Spider.

200,0000 years ago were there (dipping down into your worlds) people we would be considered in this present time 'black and white'? Comparisons between known skin pigmentation genes in chimpanzees and modern Africans show that dark skin evolved along with the loss of body hair about 1.2 million years ago and is the ancestral state of all humans but how dark they were is unknown AFAIK.


When these people wandered out of Africa at what precise point and based on what criteria did they cease to be African and black and Europeans/Asians who were white, or 'yellow' ? So how long does it take a black African to become a white European?

What percentage of melanin means a person is black or white, why are you obsessed with hypodescent/hyperdescent? For lurkers this is known as the Quadroon question, at one point does black or white 'DNA' cease to make that person that race and the 'magic' number that can be reached that makes you the other race......Why does everyone have to be specifically in one race or another?

Yep silly

I am not at all concerned about the exact shade of skin the ancient kemetians had if you read my post carefully I said they were biologically African and culturally African at-least the core population were, I am in no way the flip side of the Negro phobic Luxus so stop with the comparison, I have said that academia have settled the issue for sometime now see links provided, the problem now is with pop media and culture and even then there are subtle changes.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 10:26 PM

The whole black theory has lost all credibility now because black supremacists are always pushing this on their websites. White supremacists also like to say ancient Egyptians were white lol. Whenever you read something like this always check the sources to see if the person supplying this "information" is biased or not.

Also, these people don't look black or white. They look Arab, so my money is on the ancient Egyptians being Arab.

With all the ancients meticulous attention to detail I find it a bit strange that both the people depicted above have right hands on their left arms.
I always believed (perhaps wrongly) that prior to 10,000 years ago we were all "hunter gatherers" and for a period of 240.000 years (immediately after the 'hominid(n)' of our species when we became homo-sapien) we did little or nothing regarding architecture and agriculture and we were all black. Then the Sumerian's came into effect and wrote down some amazing tales of how they came into being. At this stage in time it appears (through pictographs and sculptures) that we were of various shades ranging from black, brown, reddish-brown, yellow(ish) and white(ish) and apparently all living together in the same area. Not only but also we had different shades of hair color too.
Whether we believe the Sumerian Tablets of creation (and their amazing comparison to the book of Genesis) or the DNA evidence of some sort of genetic modification (46 chromosomes from 48 chromosomes some 250,000 years ago and 9 of our chromosomes again modified some 10,000 years ago - again subject to much speculation) the question is why were the lighter skin people so superior intellectually to the black people they later made into slaves?
The Ancient Egyptians are mainly depicted as lighter skinned although in some pictographs they are decidedly black. Some theories suggest that the Pharaoh's were a race of their own - Akenhaten for one seems way different.
Interesting thread and some good reading on many posts.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by demongoat

this is a terrible argument, it's like claiming that chachapoya were white and blond because de leon called them whiter than the other peoples around them.

first of all herodotus is known for adding in things that are not true, and you need more than quotes from him to make what you believe close to true.
in fact herodotus is taken less and less seriously as a historian, with good reason. he lies a lot, makes up stories, believes anything he heard, even things people have never seen.
hence why he was called the 'father of lies'

First off Herodotus made distinctions between things heard and things seen,somethings thought too weird or impossible have been confirmed like.

One example of this is his claim of fox-sized ants in Persia who spread gold dust when digging their mounds. This account has been rejected for centuries until, in 1984 CE, the French author and explorer Michel Peissel, confirmed that a fox-sized marmot in the Himalayas did indeed spread gold dust when digging and that accounts showed the animal had done so in antiquity as the villagers had a long history of gathering this dust. Peissel also explained that the Persian word for `mountain ant’ was very close to their word for `marmot’ and so it was established that Herodotus was not making up his giant ants but, since he did not speak Persian and had to rely on translators, was the victim of a misunderstanding in translation. While it is undeniable that Herodotus makes some mistakes in his work, his Histories are generally reliable and scholarly studies in all disciplines concerning his work (from archaeology to ethnology and more) have continued to substantiate all of his most important observations.

Then again perhaps if he was the only one we could brush him off but he was far from it there is a long list of travelers both Greeks and Romans right down to the Byzantines that remarked on what the Kemetians of their era looked like and almost without fail tried to link them with their neighbors to the south.

Byzantine's view of what they thought the earlier Kemetians looked like the subject in the
Painting are The Pharaoh Sarah and Abraham

Concerning such paintings they are also responsible for the Black Madonna and Child paintings found throughout Europe based off Isis and Baby Horus.

My point is there is a long tradition of ancient Europeans associating their counter part the kemetians with Blacks especially to the south of Kemet and they found nothing strange about such association for it was taken for granted,19th century racism have alot to do with the confusion of who and what the Kemetian were,a view that many still cling to despite the changed views of many academics today.

edit on 16-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by OzTiger

the question is why were the lighter skin people so superior intellectually to the black people they later made into slaves?


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