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Does U.S. Air Force have "starships"?

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:19 AM
According to their commercial
they have. What do you think?

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Hhhmmm, is all i can say to that, doesn't exactly mention the shuttle but does mention spaceships and starships.

Shuttle would be a spaceship, but a starship ??????

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:42 AM
If you stop and consider that the US had the shuttle in operation for about thirty years and then retired it supposedly without a replacement, what would be your best guess about something more super-duper replacing that death trap?

Yep! We learned to make our own UFOs, the triangles. Too wild of a suggestion?

Or would you rather think that we just gave up the effort to let the other countries entering space take over?
edit on 5-9-2013 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:45 AM
Well, I doubt it. I honestly do not believe there is any secret organisation flying off into space to fight the goa'uld and wraith etc, using starships.

We're still throwing people into orbit using loads of exploding stuff. Unless, of course, this is all part of the plan to keep it a secret, with the occasional blowing up of school teachers and stuff.

But if you were to go by the strict definition of a star ship, the sun is a star.

So the shuttle would be the closest thing to a ship entering the sol system.

I dunno. If they do have starships, then gods damn it bill, I wanna be a cylon.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:54 AM

If you stop and consider that the US had the shuttle in operation for about thirty years and then retired it supposedly without a replacement, what would be your best guess about something more super-duper replacing that death trap?

Yep! We learned to make our own UFOs, the triangles. To wild of a suggestion?

Or would you rather think that we just gave up the effort to let the other countries entering space take over?

Before humans had conquered the oceans, we built massive ships and set sail to circumnavigate the globe. We've done that so there is now no real need to build boats and go sailing at a national level.

But because you and I are not lining up to sail around the world, doesn't mean we've given up looking out to sea, or that we've got secret mariners out there being all cappn nemo. We don't need to explore, explored islands.

No doubt there is a plan in some government area to continue working on secret technology.... without doubt. it's how it is. But I don't think we've got star ships and triangles popping off to fight the devious aliens before they find out where the Earth is.

Why the guy said it in an advert tho, just strikes me as typical human sillyness. and you just have to accept that at times, we're a dopy bunch of intelligent beings...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:06 AM
I'm sure there are a few air force refueling boom operators that could chime in here.
They've seen all types of craft. Especially top secret stuff.
But they can't confirm nor deny ;p

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:06 AM
When he says "starships" (8 second mark) there's a flash of a sun-like bright ball. Reminds of a UFO.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:15 AM
If we have some big, secret space program that has gone SO far as to build full blown intergalactic, much less interstellar capable ships? We'd see it. Unless they moved production and launch facilities off-world and well past the Moon for distance.

I think back to how backyard astronomers with Walmart level gear could watch the ISS or even the little 'ol shuttle pass overhead. Space isn't THAT far away and even small satellites are visible to the naked eye often enough, let along anything big.

So, if they've gone that far? They've gone ALL the way and have so much explaining to do, they can't even let HINT of the existence of any of it leak. There would simply be NO way to explain any of it without offering resignations by way of explanation, for each of them and at the opening press conference. Even that wouldn't save them prison cells for life, in all likelihood. Imagine what would have had to be done, lied about and betrayed to maintain something of that scope and size in total secrecy (that worked!). I'm kinda dubious by that alone?]

* We'll know without question when the first NEO pops up, unexpected on on a collision course. Do we see the USS Enterprise pop into view and zap the offending rock? Or do we take a little one in the teeth to prove we have no other options?

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:22 AM
Maybe they were referring to the X-37B? Supposedly the X-37C can carry individuals, and was proposed in 2011, according to Wikipedia. This is, of course, just the stuff that they deem us worthy to know about. Who knows what they have flying among the stars, these days.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by m83x1

Groups within the US have developed some types of advanced technology that could be considered a "Starship". Not sure which branch of the govt would actually run such a program. Because of the excessive elite family/occult corruption at the highest levels within America, I would assume such programs would be compartmentalized to all hell. And would have been kept secret.

Don't expect to get any answers about anything cool like this until this global corruption problem is solved. We are not allowed the cool toys. We must stay in the box whilst the psychopaths destroy the planet :/

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:30 AM
He says he has the best job on earth. He then listed a slew of things and then follows up by saying, "If it left the surface of the earth and went somewhere else on an adventure, it captured my imagination". He doesn't say, "The Air Force is flying starships

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:51 AM
Yes we have interstellar spacecraft, we are way past the development phase in starship advanced-technology systems. However I can only say this from a software point of view...

My cup tells the whole story...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:57 AM
I'm confident to say that yes we do. I'm kind of on the fence of actually giving out who said it because I rather not draw attention to them and I don't think they want it either.

After learning that from him/her, watching this video made perfect sense of what Bill was trying to get at.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by m83x1

I can't answer that question ,but I have faith in human ingenuity and a big budget . I hope they do, and if they do ? it would be VERY VERY cool .

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:26 PM
No. Not the Americans.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:52 PM
I can't see things like star trek Battle star gallactica, sg1 or Atlantis, or any other imagined reality and not assume that people dream in a similar fashion. If we don't now we will eventually.

We need to be up there. I don't think we will feel realized as a species if we don't get into space.

Our first off world colony will make us think and act differently here on "home".

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

I guess that if you people had seen a triangle, low, slow and silent, as I have, you wouldn't want to dismiss and side-track discussions of triangles, starships and that other item that government and science so likes to deny, debunk and ignore...UFOs.

People, we have a space program started with the Space Defense Initiative (Star Wars) under Reagan. It sometimes puzzles me why some people seem keen to dismiss UFOs, and especially triangles in these days when they obviously have ignored or are otherwise ignorant of what has been radar proven, photographed and witnessed by countless people.

When ever I give factual reasons why we have a Space Force (as it is officially called) and what that evidently entails, detractors appear to start generalizing and going off on another tangent such as saying, "Oh, the government couldn't keep secrets like that..." Right Our government has no secrets from us? Ha Ha So funny.!

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:50 PM
It makes no sense that we have cut back so far and letti g china take over space. Either there is a secret program or our Government is a wash. Its looking more and more like a 2ash.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Well, I see it's amusing and that's good. A good sense of humor will be very important in the months and years to come for us all.

Now in terms of what does or doesn't exist? I wonder if you appreciate the contradiction within your own message? You start out, in absolute confident terms, stating what the US Government has and when development in it starts...right down to which President and Umbrella program it all came out of.

...then you state with a sarcastic laugh, that the Government can't keep secrets from us? As if to mock anyone who suggests they really cannot manage to keep big secrets. Which is it? They either CAN keep secrets, in which case everything you're suggesting MAY be real or it MAY be wishful thinking fed by culture and self-desire for it to be true Or they cannot keep secrets (which explains how you'd know a top national security matter with any detail) which case? I think we'd all know far MORE than the little bit some claim to now.

DOES the U.S. have an alternate space program? Well.. Doh! That's self evident and silly to ask. The X-37 didn't build and launch itself, even if it can fly itself. lol... Vandenberg didn't launch an illusion to set records with, a matter of days ago. Yes, there IS a secret track space program and has been from the start. I "KNOW" part of that is developed in an underground facility stretching almost from the North end of the Edwards AFB Hangar buildings to well beyond Hwy 58 on into the open desert......well beneath it all. I "KNOW" this...but I haven't been inside the place. I personally knew someone who worked Lockheed security, TDY from the Army. Yet....Like what you 'know''s still theory until proven objectively, right?

I wouldn't take offense if someone didn't believe me on the Hwy 58 / Edwards skunk works type facility. I wouldn't mock and laugh at them for that, either....after all, it's all just theory without personally experienced or verified proof.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:15 PM

It makes no sense that we have cut back so far and letti g china take over space. Either there is a secret program or our Government is a wash. Its looking more and more like a 2ash.

the government is not one thing.. I doubt most everyone in power knows anything about the black triangle craft that only make an electromagnetic hum, hover, and go insanely fast... I saw one up close. I was about 300 feet away. It struck me as completely American..

There must be some guys in some secret unit who laughed their asses off when me and my brother ran from them. Heck with drug money and underground bases who the heck would ever know about them?

It either went invisible or took off almost instantly after seemingly tracking us on the beach. It had come in off the water and was moving at 30 mph the whole time and ended up right on top of us..

I would call that a Star ship. And Why in the world would they tell NASA about it? Instead just cut their budget and leave them be as the false face of space.. They still do useful work anyway..

A star ship is not something that enters our solar system from our solar system... It must be able to travel in between at least 2 star systems to qualify.
edit on 9/5/2013 by dustytoad because: (no reason given)

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