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Calls to Congress 499 to 1 against Syria war

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 05:05 PM
From CNN's Breaking news ticker -

First on CNN: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has turned down a Russian request to meet to discuss Syria, his office says.



EDIT: There should really be a "Running" thread on Syria. I wasn't sure where to post this. *nudge nudge* Anyone?
edit on 5-9-2013 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:02 PM
This is one time when Americans of different ideologies can come together and deny the PTB a war they want to feed their greedy selves.

Sign Rep Alan Grayson’s petition

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:49 PM
Idk if this was already posted but here is the link to find out your local Senator and their contact information:

Also if you want to contact your local disctrict representative go here:

Doesn't take long even if you don't make a phone call. How easy is it to make one generic email with you concerns and then copy/paste it into the others' contact boxes?? Did all three of mine in less than 10 minutes. Nothing will change if we look at the big picture, we need to start local!!

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:49 AM
Cui Bono: Who benefits?

In this case I am at a loss. No one benefits if a war is ignited that destroys the world. Unless you plan to live in a well stocked bunker for decades...

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:51 AM
Yes, the majority of the American people don't want the US to engage Syria. But it makes no difference.

Ironically, the people the US are claiming to support are those trying to overthrow a dictatorial regime. Who knows - if enough American citizens stood up and tried to overthrow their dictatorial government, maybe Obama, Kerry and Hagel would chip in with some support?

I'm sure Putin would help.


posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 11:08 AM
I just called Congressman Ben Ray Lujan's Santa Fe Office, a real person answered , said they're recording the calls on the Syria issue.
edit on 6-9-2013 by kkrattiger because: Typo

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 11:37 AM
My first ever online political rant was to express skepticism about the Obama Administration's insistence that Assad was guilty of the chemical attack, and that if we choose to intervene it should at least be done with respect to our Constitution as well as consideration for the international community. The same day I see Obama on TV saying he'll ask for the go/no go from Congress, and today I get an email from my Representative asking me how he should vote. I know so many things in this world are rigged, but I want to believe we can actually change this.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 02:28 PM
It's great to see the American people speak up and show what everything is thinking and feels.

But as we know, the American Government, has already decided it's course of action, and it will happen anyway.

I think the entire world would be genuinely shocked if they voted against and Obama stood by it and said "Okay, no military action".

Of course if that did happen, and Obama ruled out military action, which I honestly think at this moment, is almost impossible, you can be certain that the US and the UK and every other country who said no, will be going through other methods of "action" through back door funding and so on.

I truly believe that the future on this matter, has already been decided, and will not be thrown off course, sadly, very, very sadly.

I hope we all remember the upcoming months as when the democratic world citizens, started to realise that they actually have no voice, no matter how loud.

This entire situation makes me so angry.

Boy, I hope I am proved wrong, I really do.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 02:50 PM
I urge all Americans to send another message to congress - this is my second to my congressman and senators and I am steaming!

Here is my message:

Please, please, please FORCE A VOTE on Syria so that Obama can be impeached if he goes against the will of the American people which is quite clear, the will of congress, and the will of the rest of the world. He is a mad man for even considering it, especially since Russia is threatening to get involved and Iran threatening our soil. Obama does not need to be saving face or playing chicken with the rest of the world when millions can die as a result. He's crazy!

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I have emailed, left voice messages as well to my reps. Finally got through to their offices a few minutes ago.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:12 PM
My message to the white house:

PLEASE do NOT attack Syria. It is clear from Russia's and Iran's response that it WILL trigger a major war. Is the killing of millions really worth "saving face"?
Our troops are war weary, we already can't fund another war and how can you even consider letting our troops be mercenaries for some middle eastern country? Now it looks like you are even afraid to hear from congress as it is being considered to drop the vote on the issue. It is quite clear from the calls and messages from the American people that 99.9% of the American people OPPOSE getting involved in a 3 year old civil war. I question the sanity of considering going ahead with this in the face of Russia and Iran threatening to get involved and the ENTIRE world saying don't do it!

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I just emailed my representative, Ron Barber (D) in Arizona. I let him know that We the People pay his salary. We the People hire him to represent us, and that he answers to We the People. If this elected government acts against the extreme majority of the People, We must hold them accountable and press charges of treason upon every official who is a supporter of this travesty. That includes the President.
They have been successful stupefying us with MSM poop and GMO rubbish, but maybe, just maybe we can wrestle control of this nation back out of the hands of these wretches in office. Of course we may actually have an Illuminati backed puppet government and this all part of their grand scheme for world domination, but who knows?

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by neformore
If only the same reaction had appeared when Afghanistan and Iraq were attacked.

I hope you guys get the result you want from your congress. It appears our Parliament over here listened this time.

I will say this though - Obama has taken this to congress. He didn't have to at all - and yet you guys are still slating him. You are trying to make the guy out to be some kind of tyrant and yet here he is following a democratic process. That, I'm afraid, is just rubbish, and proves that the only thing that matters to most of you is hating on the man, regardless of what he does.

I'll wager if congress votes no to action, and nothing happens, it will be less than 24 hours before there are posts on ATS from haters decrying him as indecisive and weak for not taking action, and making the US look soft to the world.

I'll wager that 24 hours after a vote of "no" passes, Obama will do it anyway.

I'll also further wager that regardless of the vote, Obama has a scapegoat in terms of the results after the attack in Syria.

If it goes well, Obama takes credit.
If it goes poorly, Obama will place blame on congress.

Regardless, Obama comes out of this smelling quite nicely.

Maybe you bash obama too much? Kerry and McCain should be bigger targets based on their stance so far.

I think the government will have to back-out or face terrible consequences from lots of pissed off people.

Just my honest 2 cents!

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 04:24 PM
House leadership Pelosi and Boehner are now considering to take the vote out of the house completely because of its inevitable failure. It would be a complete embarrassment if congress voted it down and BO still struck Syria.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by neformore
If only the same reaction had appeared when Afghanistan and Iraq were attacked.

I hope you guys get the result you want from your congress. It appears our Parliament over here listened this time.

I will say this though - Obama has taken this to congress. He didn't have to at all - and yet you guys are still slating him. You are trying to make the guy out to be some kind of tyrant and yet here he is following a democratic process. That, I'm afraid, is just rubbish, and proves that the only thing that matters to most of you is hating on the man, regardless of what he does.

I'll wager if congress votes no to action, and nothing happens, it will be less than 24 hours before there are posts on ATS from haters decrying him as indecisive and weak for not taking action, and making the US look soft to the world.

I'll wager that 24 hours after a vote of "no" passes, Obama will do it anyway.

I'll also further wager that regardless of the vote, Obama has a scapegoat in terms of the results after the attack in Syria.

If it goes well, Obama takes credit.
If it goes poorly, Obama will place blame on congress.

Regardless, Obama comes out of this smelling quite nicely.

Maybe you bash obama too much? Kerry and McCain should be bigger targets based on their stance so far.

I think the government will have to back-out or face terrible consequences from lots of pissed off people.

Just my honest 2 cents!

You really don't know that Kerry IS Obama's mouthpiece right now?

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
How many of you members in this thread have contacted YOUR Congressmen?

I have emailed mine. Please do so, and DO IT NOW! The article has a clickable link with a map that will steer you to their contact info. Please DO THIS.

Thanks, OP. S/F. IMPEACH OBAMA! (I put that in my email to my Rep!)

I'm proud of the military personnel holding signs in front of their faces, in uniforms/BDUs, saying "I DID NOT SIGN UP TO FIGHT FOR AL QAEDA IN SYRIA!" (Or TO FIGHT THE POOR FOR THE RICH...)

Check out the article. GO TEAM AMERICA!! That is US! WE are America and WE SAY NO. GOD DAMN IT, NO!!

Luckily my Congresman gets it. He opposes the war in Syria. This is what he has to say about it:

The American people are war weary. We should pay attention to their common sense. We should not engage in conflicts around the world unless they directly affect our national security. This is not the case with Syria. Both sides of the Syrian conflict are dominated by forces opposed not only to American interests but to American values. For those who say we should intervene against Assad because he's a dictator, we should have learned our lesson in Iraq, which cost us the lives of 6,000 Americans and tens of thousands wounded, not to mention a trillion dollars added to the debt that hangs around the necks of the American people. Even worse, those we sacrificed for are not grateful. Getting involved in Syria would be even worse because it would indicate we haven't learned our lesson. America should not retreat from the world, nor can we police the world. Our military should not be engaged in any way in the Syrian conflict.

I will therefore vote against any resolution approving America's military engagement in the Syrian conflict.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 05:26 AM
This proves without a shadow of a doubt that if the U.S. govt does go ahead with this, that Americans do not live in a democratic society.

But this has been obvious to many people for quite awhile now. And the US of A is not the only country. In any case, perhaps enough waves can be made to influence what happens. Good to hear people are at least writing and calling their congressmen (and women) about this.

edit on 7-9-2013 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

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