Why, pray tell, would the whitehouse have to pander, plead, politic, campaign, and cajole the public into thinking that a war is necessary against a
non-existent threat to a public that appears to be about 99% against taking such action?
Even the most liberal (in terms of relinquishing congressional authority to the executive) like this
WAR POWERS RESOLUTION have limits on what the executive can do, but if somehow they
can justify an imminent threat, they can fall back on said liberal rules and exercise virtually unimpeded power.
The federal government is chomping at the bit for a new war, and there's a deeper reason for it. They want complete control, and current laws
(albeit unconstitutional in MY mind) force them to have some sort of emergency going on in order to exercise this control. With Afghanistan waning,
and really no excuse for bringing the troops home, they need the next chapter to keep hold of complete control.
Here's what happened, although I refuse to provide links because there's nary a link on the internet that everyone will trust:
The CIA has been stirring the pot in Syria (and Egypt, and Libya) for over two years to keep the hornets' nest buzzing. The chemical weapons used
recently in Syria were facilitated by the CIA using a slimeball fringe group they could bribe to do it. There has been a NSA/CIA disinformation
campaign working quite hard to validate the inane allegations by the whitehouse to justify action in Syria. If the campaigning doesn't do the trick,
there will be some other inhumane action that points a finger at the incumbent regime in Syria. This cycle will repeat until the whitehouse (and the
NSA/CIA) feel like they can justify an attack on Syria. It will probably also precipitate a 'terrorist' act in the US, which will give the
whitehouse their niche they so avidly pursue, i.e. a national emergency, to keep the executive in totalitarian control. This latest public push is
gaining ground, and the typically moronic (tax sucking entitlement crowd) masses who vote in empty shirts like Obama, will soon be enough of a
majority to convince the whitehouse to take military action in Syria.
Anybody who is buying off on the federal government's propaganda campaign is a sucker. The federal government has been given enough time now to
fabricate evidence that will appeal to the moronic masses. Just prior to, and thereafter, there will be all sorts of reports, videos, photos, and
testimony that will claim that the accusations against the Syrian government are fully justified. This will be false information.
Syria never would have been in civil war had it not been for US covert interference.