“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd”. Voltaire
The allegations are not proof, they are speculation.
Even the Israelis agree.
The rebels have been known to keep chemical weapons; so does the USA. The USA is drawing down its supply, but why not just eliminate them outright?
Sarin is made from sodium fluoride which is what is in your water supply. The British gov't has been sending this stuff to Syria, even though a
recent shipment was blocked by the EU.
American interests are blatant; as they were in Iraq. Oil.
The mass media is attacking Assad with nonsense and rhetoric.
Socialists in France have a problem with Assad, no doubt...
Use Google translate, worth reading.
Assad keeps a low security level attesting to the fact that his people support him against the international terrorists (read: CIA/Saudi
And about France's sudden support:
"France has been backing Syrian rebels since the start of the 2½-year-old civil war. It fears the violence may spill into Lebanon, where about
20,000 French citizens live, many French companies operate and where France has an 800-strong contingent of UN peacekeepers."
Petro dollars is the real issue. Here is an excellent primer video if you do not know what petro-dollars are, and even if you do.
Petro-dollars are the only thing propping up the US economy; without them, the US cannot pay its debts and the door opens to the invasion by its
creditors. All perfectly legal.
Here is the full interview with Assad (transcript) for which the video was not released. If you do not read this, you do not know the true
I'm out. Good luck avoiding WW3.