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Obama states he DID NOT set a Red Line for Syria...

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posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Biigs
You can claim this and that about line drawing.

Chemical weapons are really bad and not allowed.

Why does everyone still even have these weapons then?!?!?!?
Should that not be the main point of all this!!!?????!

Guys splitting hairs to get on the bashing train. He did not say he did not draw a red line, what he said was hey dummies this the world's red line, it is one of the few things, very few, that 98% of the United Nations members agreed upon. The world said there is a red line, he never said he never said it.

Instead of acting like children, arguing everything against Obama, why don't you guys support your president and country, I don't get it.

I did not vote for him but I am honest and have to give him credit we are allot better off than the total disaster bush left us in. Yeah, I voted for bush, twice, but turns out that was mistake, he took us into two wars, not Obama, he brought to the very brink of depression, not recession but almost depression. You don't have to like Obama but the fact is we are along way back up the road to recovery, we have a long way to go. Bush took eight years to drive the country to the brink of depression, Obama brought us back off that brink in less than four.

Like I said I am an independent who voted for the Republican but these are hard economic facts and I do have to give the guy credit and support him in action against Syria.

I am actually proud to see Boehner and reed support the president before they even had hearings. It is about time everyone does what they are supposed to do and work together to get things done.

It is time we all come together and understand we can't let anyone use weapons of mass destruction period. I don't like that it is always us who have to respond but the fact is we are really one of the only countries in the world who can.

The Bot

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

This is him...not me...

"First of all, I didn't set a red line," said Obama

Reminds me of this guy...

They are trying to use the old Jedi Mindtrick on us..." these are not the terrorists you are looking for...."
Quite sad.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by dlbott

Lol.. yeah most of us know he wasnt trying to back out of his statement (read my previous post. However your comment disgusts me. Why should we back a president that doesn't support us? He should NOT be going to Syria.

We do support our country and anuone that would say something as ignorant as what you just said does NOT support out country. If you support the president on this you do not support our country.

Wise up.
If you think we are better off than when we were with Bush then you are an absolute fool. Things are declining just the same. Hes the same as Bush and things are getting worse. You really are defending him going to war over the same lie Bush told and saying he's better in the same breath. We aren't in recovery you clown. We are in a depression, not a recession, a depression and its not getting better.

You are clueless.

edit on 4-9-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Biigs

They still have them because the US sold them to Assad so Obama could get up on his podium and tell the world "Assad is the bad guy, see, he has chemical weapons!"

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by grey580

This could be relevant.

edit on 4-9-2013 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

Yea that pretty much sums it all up. Star to you my friend.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 01:35 PM
Good statement, it's the entire community, not just the USA. Which gives a better impression of different factions. Not sure about what he said about a wall with the relationship with Russia. There was a wall once between west and east but it's gone. Russia just doesn't appear to 'jump the gun' and they need more evidence before they make a final judgement at least how I interpret an earlier statement.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by grey580

This could be relevant.

The reason why is because a nuclear weapon may kill many but it only takes a short while so the victims suffer less than using gas or viruses where people can suffer for hours even days before dying but usually death is inevitable, that is why it is considered more bad than any other kind of weapon. Nobody would want to use weapons I'm sure but that cannot be said about those countries who do not want to sign certain agremeents and/or the use is suspected or proven, which is always difficult to judge when not being on either side.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

The difference between Bush and Obama is Plain and Clear.

First,'Bush's' war was to find those who pulled off 9/11. The UN had already agreed to do something about Iraq. We are just the arm of the UN there. We went to Afghanistan and blew some # up as we should have when we were attacked on US soil. Attacked. No one attacked us here this time.

Now, you have this clown who is ARMING the same people who attacked us 10 years ago. WTF kind of logic is this? It is not rational by any means. It is like the LAPD going to Compton and dropping off weapons from a recent gun turn in. Here you safe.

How about we stop with the 1 billion in aid we have given Syria in the last year. Economic sanctions. Many have fled so who are we aiding? It is being funneled straight to the Syrian opposition. I think at this point the entire Congress and POTUS/VPOTUS should be gone for even entertaining this.
edit on 4-9-2013 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Biigs
You can claim this and that about line drawing.

Chemical weapons are really bad and not allowed.

Why does everyone still even have these weapons then?!?!?!?
Should that not be the main point of all this!!!?????!

ask our "friends" in the EU who, up until 2012, were shipping Sarin making chemicals to Syria.

Besides being hypocritical, England is guilty of approving export of dangerous chemicals 10 months after the Syrian civil war began, and only stopped when the EU place sanctions on Syria 6 months later. The government has not been forthcoming with dates the chemicals were shipped or revealed the firm(s) that sold and profited from selling to Syria, and it prevents thorough investigations Members of Parliament demand and casts greater suspicion on the government.

edit on 4-9-2013 by LittleBlackEagle because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 01:56 PM
I watched the interview in Sweden earlier and have to say I was disappointed with him saying he didn't set a line in the sand.

He clearly did and by saying he meant the world set a line, he's not looking very good.

I sympathise with some of the points he raised about how everyone looks to America to help and then criticises when they do, but that, along with other things he said, were just strawmen.

He did say that HE/America would act if chemical weapons were moving around or utilised.
He's not disputing the level/amount of of weapons, just that he never meant it to be "his" line or America's line.

I'm not even sure where I stand on involvement.

For the first few months I wanted the UN or someone to do something, but now, two and a half years later, it seems extremely odd that we've decided to get involved.... because somehow 1000 people dying by gas is worse than 100,000 being shot, tortured, mutilated and burned.

Also we're going to be aiding and fighting on the side of our "mortal enemy" Al-Qaeda

I am so wary and so against us invading and bombing countries.... but I think people being slaughtered for two and half years maybe worse.

This really is different from the last 2-3 we've got involved in.

But I'm still massively apprehensive, suspicious and wary
edit on 4/9/13 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by dlbott

I was sort of with you at first. I saw his press conference this morning in Sweden. His press secretary actually addressed the "red line" issue and basically said the POTUS was trying to make the point that his red line was determined by the World's red line, so yeah, semantics.

Where you lost me is that we should support our President and our Country.....In my mind those of us that don't support attacking Syria are protecting our Country. Now Obama did offer more details about why he believes Assad's regime was responsible, but at this point I would need him to take a lie detector test to believe this is his only motive. He claimed....

1. The weapons were shot from sites controlled by Assad.
2. The rebels do not have the capability to pull off these attacks
3. Intel claiming to have Syrian officials discussing the attack before and after it happened

He did not directly answer the question on whether he would attack without congressional approval, other then to say he felt sure they would pass it, and he reserves the right to make the ultimate decision, but that the debate was important......
I also thought it was interesting that he cited a bill congress actually has passed to forbid the use of chemical weapons, as if to say to them, this is already the law so you need to follow it.

It's not looking good folks. So WTH happens if this is approved for the 90 days? We just blast missiles at Syria for 3 months, to what end ? Does "no boots" on the ground include mercenary's, CIA trained operatives, WHO runs this Country if Assad is overthrown, which apparently 70% of the people still seem to support ?

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 02:21 PM

edit on 4-9-2013 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 02:59 PM
There will have to be boots on the ground if we are there and Marines are deployed already as well as CIA assets.

Again, he is laying blame and takes no responsibility. He said it. He did not say if others agree, he said that we would act...if they mobilized them. Not even if they used them. Dire consequences he said. These were his words. No, Syria is calling his bluff. Poking the US in the chest and saying bring it on. In this case there are a few things to do...

1. Wait for UN approval and the world stage just goes along and we thrust into WW3
2. Send in a few B2's and cripple his Air Force in a show of force and then let Israel go to town
3. Throw up his hands and say....I fold.

At this point he can fold and no one would blame him but if he keeps this up there will be dire consequences but it will be for us. No one but our elected officials wants to go. No one. I am sorry that there are 1000's dead but this has gone on for over 2 years. He is going to try to use this for the 2014 elections and THAT is what is being discussed by the current administration right now and planned ...not war strategy. Pathetic...

edit on 4-9-2013 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by dlbott

Lol.. yeah most of us know he wasnt trying to back out of his statement (read my previous post. However your comment disgusts me. Why should we back a president that doesn't support us? He should NOT be going to Syria.

We do support our country and anuone that would say something as ignorant as what you just said does NOT support out country. If you support the president on this you do not support our country.

Wise up.
If you think we are better off than when we were with Bush then you are an absolute fool. Things are declining just the same. Hes the same as Bush and things are getting worse. You really are defending him going to war over the same lie Bush told and saying he's better in the same breath. We aren't in recovery you clown. We are in a depression, not a recession, a depression and its not getting better.

You are clueless.

edit on 4-9-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

I served my country so no I am not ignorant. That is also something else that separates us, I support the president, whoever it is after he is elected. I am not gonna set around whining like a little baby. The difference is i put my life on the line so you could have the ability and right to a different opinion. No it does not make you ignorant, no I believe that is what makes us great, because in our country we can debate and disagree.

The facts are we are doing much better economically than the total mess bush left us with. I voted for him twice, but the facts are he took the country into war over nothing but taking up for his father. Say what you want about Clinton he gave bush a balanced budget and a steady economy and he destroyed it, to the very point of depression. These are not things we can debate, these are now actual historical facts there forever.

There is no question about supporting the president in action against Syria. Not to do so by proxy means that you support the use of chemical weapons against women and children.

I don't agree with everything happening in Washington like the fact they have captured our emails and phone calls. Bottom line there is no room for whining.....

The Bot

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Not only did Obama kill Osama, but it now looks like he also found the Weapons of Mass Destruction that Bush warned us about and demonized for.
Remember that convoy of Iraqi trucks found heading to Syria?

Oh, regarding that line in the sand, I'm sure there is a golf course out there somewhere that still has that line, just check the sand pit.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:18 PM
This is something the Arab league or the UN needs to deal with, not a country that stands in contempt of it's own constitution and willfully disregards international law, the us govt is no moral champion.
The world has grown weary of the Western war on Islam, it's time as Mr. Obama once said, to bring the boys home..
edit on 4-9-2013 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:29 PM
I would like to add that out of all the actions we have taken, Iraq etc. I think Syria is actually more important than all of them. Those who are veterans will understand this. Out of all these conflicts this one has the most that could actually effect us. There is no way to insure that chemical and biological weapons don't end up in terrorist hands without securing them ourselves.

People need to understand this is stuff you can't detect like explosives. And depending on which you use it takes a small amount to kill. Think about Boston but instead think about almost everyone in the crowd dying, or with the wrong biological half the city before it is contained. We don't know what all this guy actually has. We know sarin, vx, anthrax, botulism, to name a few. Some estimates puts his pile oh chit as the largest in the world but we know Russia has larger. Ours is pretty nasty too.

This is scary stuff, you can carry this stuff in your suit case in the belly of the plane and depending on what it is will go through every time. It can be in a toothpaste or shampoo bottle, etc etc. Wickedly scary stuff... This really is something we will see used against us on our shores. Once they have it going to be almost impossible to stop. We should be willing to do anything to stop terrorist getting their hands on this stuff.

One last thing, I think after we strike him he is going to give some of this stuff to the terrorists any way. Of course they know that. Lol

The Bot

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 05:28 PM
This man continuously lies right to our faces and always seems to get away with it. His exit from the Oval Office can't come soon enough.

I long for the old days when politicians at least tried to be sneaky when they lied to us.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by dlbott

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by dlbott

Lol.. yeah most of us know he wasnt trying to back out of his statement (read my previous post. However your comment disgusts me. Why should we back a president that doesn't support us? He should NOT be going to Syria.

We do support our country and anuone that would say something as ignorant as what you just said does NOT support out country. If you support the president on this you do not support our country.

Wise up.
If you think we are better off than when we were with Bush then you are an absolute fool. Things are declining just the same. Hes the same as Bush and things are getting worse. You really are defending him going to war over the same lie Bush told and saying he's better in the same breath. We aren't in recovery you clown. We are in a depression, not a recession, a depression and its not getting better.

You are clueless.

edit on 4-9-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

I served my country so no I am not ignorant. That is also something else that separates us, I support the president, whoever it is after he is elected. I am not gonna set around whining like a little baby. The difference is i put my life on the line so you could have the ability and right to a different opinion. No it does not make you ignorant, no I believe that is what makes us great, because in our country we can debate and disagree.

The facts are we are doing much better economically than the total mess bush left us with. I voted for him twice, but the facts are he took the country into war over nothing but taking up for his father. Say what you want about Clinton he gave bush a balanced budget and a steady economy and he destroyed it, to the very point of depression. These are not things we can debate, these are now actual historical facts there forever.

There is no question about supporting the president in action against Syria. Not to do so by proxy means that you support the use of chemical weapons against women and children.

I don't agree with everything happening in Washington like the fact they have captured our emails and phone calls. Bottom line there is no room for whining.....

The Bot

Yeah, cause there's no way Obama is lying to us about what is happening in Syria just like Bush did in Iraq.

And you just blindly follow the pres. after he is elected? I'm afraid there is a popular internet meme concerning the general public that applies to you, my good man.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 11:39 PM

Not to do so by proxy means that you support the use of chemical weapons against women and children.

You supporting the war in Syria is by proxy supporting the killing of innocent civilians in Syria which include women and children. As long as they're not getting killed by chemicals its o.k., right?

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