posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 10:46 PM
Earlier I made a thread about a device that could block astral form. I saw the schematics in a vision and it took me a while to build it. i was very
worried on what its true nature really was. perhaps that if i built it hordes of insect demons will enter our world just to french kiss humans or
maybe it was a ghost detector which would register when a entity was in the room. I don't know. I got the nerve to get a soldering iron and some
capacitors and resistors.
What i did was make an array of these devices. so that it formed a fence. I wanted to know if it blocked astral projection or even stopped somebody
from going to sleep. It indeed felt like i was being pushed back into by head that my consciousness was being thrust back into the myself. When i had
it in my hand it fell on my face it felt like a brick wall fell on me and woke up fast.
The way it seems to work is that it forms a sort of RC filter. a resistor capacitor filter is a device which can block or pass bandwidths. This
particular device is called a high pass filter because at a certain corner frequency it starts to roll off and block wavelengths. What seems to be
unique about it is that it is two dimensional rather than one that ordinary filters are.
10 82k ohm resistors
5 50pf capacitors.
if it really works can it be used to trap ghosts like in ghost busters
if it is a repulsive force in astral worlds could it stop posessions/ astral project or even stop somebody from dying?
if a big enough fence if these built put inside a room could it prevent demons from entering? or souls from leaving?
shot from a gun to destroy greys?
If you would like to acquire some for your own experimentation save yourself some hassle and time u2u me for samples. i will be MIA for a few days
this week. so don't feel bad if i am not responding to u2u's