posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:53 PM
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31 _ _ _ PlanetXisHERE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Didn't an air force major first say they had found a metallic disk with alien bodies? Then the next day an air force colonel comes out and says
it was just a weather balloon with no bodies?
The inescapable conclusion must be that a) the original air force major must be insane or psychotic to have made such a huge mistake, or b) the
colonel was lying. Aren't most air force major engineers? Was the air force major who made the original statement reprimanded or institutionalized? I
don't think so......
here’s Tom Carey’s answer:
Army Air Corps Major Jesse A. Marcel was the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group located at Roswell Army Air 1947. This was the
outfit that ended WW II by dropping A-Bombs on Japan. It's sole mission was to deliver A-Bombs on enemy targets in times of war. It still exists
today. In 1947, it was the elite unit of the U.S. military.
According to his son, Jesse, Jr. who unfortunately passed away last week at age 76, his father believed immediately that the wreckage he was looking
at and handling in the sheep pasture on the Foster Ranch was that of a UFO. The first newspaper reports mentioned Marcel and said that a "Flying
Saucer" had been recovered. General Roger Ramey, commanding officer of the 8th Air Force in fort Worth, then pulled the rug out from under Marcel and
the story that a saucer had been recoverd with a new story - that it was a weather balloon! Marcel had been made the "patsy."
To believe the new story, you had to believe that Marcel and the men of the 509th - with their fingers on the atomic trigger - were dopes! They were
not, of course.
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32 _ _ _ Angelic Resurrection _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Now where did this ufo contraption come from and how exactly did it get here?
here’s Tom Carey’s answer:
I have no idea where the UFO that crashed at Roswell in 1947 came from. The universe is abig place. Don Schmitt and I do not like to speculate - we
like to keep speculation to a minimum - so, we leave that question to others to speculate upon. Ditto for the question as to how they got here.
Obviously, whoever they are, and from wherever they came from, have solved the space-time continuum somehow, perhaps by "bending" space? I don't
know, but that's all the speculating I will attempt.
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33 _ _ _ Haze617 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If we are to believe that a E.T spacecraft crashed in Roswell and bodies were recovered , would it be reasonable to assume that
whomever sent that craft would also come on a rescue mission for the crew/craft?
I guess my main question is if contact has ever happened between an advanced civilization and the U.S government then could we use the Roswell
incident as the point when contact was established, and if so have you ever found any evidence of this to be true?
here’s Tom Carey’s answer:
There are accounts that "they" might have tried to retrieve or establish contact with the stranded crew from the UFO that crashed near Roswell in
Ranchers near the Debris Field crash location reported seeing lights late at night beaming down from overhead onto the surface of the desert floor as
if someone from above was searching the area for something.
There is also a report from someone who was driving north from Roswell on Hwy #285 late at night shortly after the Roswell crash who reported that a
disk-shaped obeject passed low, from left to right, across the highway right in from of them. The direction of flight of the object suggests that it
was coming from the direction where the three crash locations were.
A third account came to from the late Earl Fulford who was a sergeant stationed at the Roswell base in 1947. His duty station was a hangar located
right next to the hangar where all of the UFO wreckage and bodies were being stored prior shipment. While on a smoke-break one evening, he saw three
saucers up in the sky haning directly over the hangar where all of the UFO was being stored, as if "they" paying their last respects to their lost
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34 _ _ _ K-PAX-PROT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1;Was there any contingency plans prior to Roswell in place by the USAF intelligence regarding possible off world/ET incidents involving the
military/public, in other words was there any effective ways of the information ect being controlled, censored or manipulated... i ask this because i
really believe that the ORIGINAL report issued by the military involved was genuine because no one expected any such thing to happen , they reported
it as it was because there was NO guild lines or orders to prevent them doing so...
2; Can we really trust the military and government that offered THREE different explanations , they in essence LIED three times over Roswell. can we
ever trust KNOW liars, in ordinary life most people would NOT. This is mu smoking gun, the change of explanations not once but THREE times... why???
3; Could we really expect the authorities of that time and even know to admit an ET device crashed and ET intelligence's were found also??? There has
been many speculations as to why any government would cover up any confirmed ET existence to the world but i suspect that it was done o two accounts,
stealth control of any technological understandings gained from crashed device. And panic ...
Too many discrepancies, red flags to suggest or perceive that any of the three offered lies, sorry official explanations are i any way valid.., cheers
for your time...
here’s Tom Carey’s answer:
The modern age of UFOs was only two weeks old when the Roswell crash occurred, so there were no contingency plans in place on the handling of such an
event. Plans were in place, however, on how to deal with a "nuclear incident," and those served as an impromptu model for the handling of Roswell.
It took the military and the government a few days to get their act together, but they did by deciding on a secrecy course of action going forward.
The Air Force to date has had four "explanations for Roswell:
(1) that it was a flying saucer;
(2) a weather balloon;
(3) Project Mogul; and
(4) anthropomorphic dummies from the sky used in high-altitude parachute tests.
Whether Air Force-inspired or not, a fifth explanation seems to be making the rounds these days, that it's all a "myth."
If the AF came out with yet another explanation - even if was the truth - who would believe it? No, the AF will never admit that Roswell or UFOs are
ET. It will take an "event" that is beyond their control. 4/9/2013@09:11
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35 _ _ _ Logarock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A 1947 model? What’s that?
here’s Tom Carey’s answer:
A 1947-model UFO is one that was observed in or crashed in 1947, aka an attempt at humor.
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