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Do I have ESP?

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posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 03:27 PM
I believe I have clarivoyance. I just wanna be sure, because I have de ja vus alot, some of my guesses always to turn out to be correct, and everytime I get these weird dizzying feelings. WHen I get this feeling something happens. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 03:37 PM
Everyone has ESP its just that not many people can clear there mind enough to use it. And most peole just don't believe.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 03:45 PM
you kind of contradicted yourself when you said "SOME of my guesses ALWAYS to turn out to be correct." The fact of the matter is you are making a lot of guesses all the time, and very few of your guesses come true. But when they do come true it suprises you and you remember it. You remember a lot more of the guesses you get right then the guesses you get wrong.
You could scientifically say that you have ESP if you are right more then 50 percent of the time.
Sometimes i think i have ESP, but only when i don' t need it.
Those are just my thoughts
D of P

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 03:57 PM
You're wrong most of the time, but you only remember your correct guesses, making your wrong guesses seem smaller than they really are.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Striker122
I believe I have clarivoyance. I just wanna be sure, because I have de ja vus alot, some of my guesses always to turn out to be correct, and everytime I get these weird dizzying feelings. WHen I get this feeling something happens. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.

Hi Striker

Everyone has ESP.
The ability to use it productively depends upon your intent and trust in this ability. It requires the rational mind to be put on hold, so that the "Higher Mind" can operate cleanly.
We are all Universal Entities that take our origins from places other than this 3d earth. If we did not have this Universal Connection to the Universal Mind, we would not have ESP abilities.
The following article is one we received, that relates to this subject.



You can't have one without the other
As simple as that

Who do you think you are?
Where do you think you come from?
How do you think that you contact your higher selves?
What makes it possible to have Extra Sensory Perceptions?

Do you think for one moment that earth is the be all and end all of all civilizations that are part of the greater universe. We see the mundane attempts made to grasp what your limited knowledge gives you. We see the ones who will go out of their way to avoid issues like the plague, who will skirt around, who will dismiss what they do not know, who put everything they know down to their learned ways, who pull out their earthly egos to put across to the masses a bent view of something they know nothing about. For if they truly admitted to themselves, instead of fooling themselves, that, they DON�T know, cannot begin to fathom what is beyond their normal thinking process, they MIGHT actually begin to learn something which IS beyond their capability.

You look at yourselves; you see the outside. You see the hologramatic covering that covers you. You see all nations of the world in the same hologramatic way. What are humans? You perceive yourself, as you want yourself to be. To US, you are a form, just another form. That form in the true sense of the word is as Alien as the Aliens you see portrayed in earthly ways. How do you think the human/aliens of your earth are capable of Extra Sensory Perceptions if they were not part of the Alien race? We would tell you it could not happen. You can only contact what is already of you. There is no great mystery to it. Some choose to reel in their extraordinary gifts. Some choose not to do so. All part of the G.O.D Grand Order of Design, Gift of Design. The Ones who deny their connection (and we will tell you that you all have it) do so for their lessons in that life. So, you can debate until the cows come home what you want to believe to be, or not to be, but to see yourself as you really are, can you do that, that is the question

This is So!



[edit on 13/11/04 by malai5]

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 11:23 AM
Everyone has ESP abilitys but humanity can be ignorent and denys it but that should change soon. Thank you homeland security cameras, at least you will do one good thing.


posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 11:38 AM
ESP abilities?
I would like to know what you were able to predict pre-911?
What do you see for terrorism in the U.S. for the future?

[edit on 13-11-2004 by LL1]

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by LL1
ESP abilities?
I would like to know what you were able to predict pre-911?
What do you see for terrorism in the U.S. for the future?

[edit on 13-11-2004 by LL1]

Dont ask them to REALLY use their "powers", because they obviously cant. They CAN however make an unlimited number of guesses about something, get it wrong most of the time, and eventually get one right, and claim they have ESP. Completely forgetting the part of being wrong 10000000 times to 1.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 06:19 PM
My powers suck, I can use them but they still are weak.

As for terrorest attacks here an guss basied on the world right now.

Expect world war 3 us vs the world. because we are going to do somthing stupid

Expect the economy to crash as soon as the middle east pulls out its 10% of our economy.

Expect america to become a theocracy thanks to our goverment, theirs a bill in congress right now to let the churchs pick political officals. (I think its a rider)

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by LL1
ESP abilities?
I would like to know what you were able to predict pre-911?
What do you see for terrorism in the U.S. for the future?

[edit on 13-11-2004 by LL1]

Hi LL1

This is an example of what can be received. This we received a day or so after 911. It does indicate the series of events that transpired after 911, including the involvement of the US, in this event.
This "writing" is as received. We don't change anything.



More on 911

Q) Please give US some insights as to what will now happen since Tuesdays terrorist attack on America. Is Osama Bin Laden responsible � The finger is certainly pointing in that direction as far as � Officials� are concerned. What part do WE now play in this � How do we do what we are supposed to in the face of all this � Who is going to take notice of US. How will this come about.

A) What you fail to realize is the Contact with which you have with US. You fail to see that what has come about by �their own hands� was destined to be. This is the beginning, only the beginning � The lessons that will fall on the powers that be will not be learnt � Does War begat War.
That is what you humans do when threatened, are under attack � You retaliate.
This does not make for peace � It makes for War.
This was sent to show you, in the worst possible way that what humanity has come to. It�s all to do with Power and Money and Evil � All related to the human condition � But what can ride above all that can be to look at each individual and see what is truly within.
When each of you is born unto your earth, you are all equal in everyway � But because of indoctrination and purposeful ways of doing, the humans each go on their individual ways to learn their lessons in life � Man does to man and because of your choices, your decisions your thoughts, your actions, your free will � You become what you become � Man has brought himself to face himself � This is what will be � Man will be left with himself to face and see what he has created � How can you be allowed to continue in such a �Way�, which set man against man, woman against woman, child against child.
This is the start, this is the beginning � This is your time.
You have all been chosen for your positions in the most thought out, loving way.
Could it have been anybody � Yes, it was you, you and you � But that anybody just happened to have a history which would show that who they would ultimately become would be the only one�s to �get it right�, get it right � The right connection the right message, the right answers, the right reasons, the right outcomes, the right �Way�.
We could say to you �nothing�, we could let the world continue on it�s path without ever having to tell you, who you are, what you are, what you will do, what you will become to many. We didn�t have to tell you anything � But because of who your were and because you were destined to become aware of Who you Are.
You were led on this path, each individually playing out your lives � Each with their own individual thoughts and processes, each with the ability to make choices, each with their own lives in their own hands. No one with any particular religion to cloud their view, each with an open mind, each with the ability to bounce back, each with NO LIMITATIONS placed upon them, each with the ability to think, weigh up, to question, to seek answers to those questions, each in their unique individual way.
To see the �fruition� of your lives coming together, joining as ONE has been waited with the knowledge that the time was drawing near for all that is to come to pass. This is the �bigger picture unfolding�, it will never be the way you think, because of what you �can�t see�, even though you will have knowledge � This is the way it must be for you, to continue on in the knowledge of the �Best Possible Outcome�.

Remember, you are all doing what is timely and in the correct way � This is just the beginning for you, but you had to be secure enough in what you do and think, to come to some understanding of the enormity of what your world will face � You are all protected � With all that is about to unfold.

What you must also understand is that what now confronts your world is prosperity, priorities and patience � These things are sent to you for you to see the choices that are about to face you.
The world as a whole has been brought to the same awareness that what now faces them is a picture of just how vulnerable and exposed everyone is to other people�s beliefs � How others beliefs can destroy the very heart of a person�s life, their daily existence in the world.
This awareness has set up a mass feeling of �getting back� at the heart of what changed their daily routines, at what changed their comfort zones.
This will make people see how �VULNERABLE� and how �mortal� they are.
The One�s who set about the �act of terrorism�, although of a belief which is of no regard for themselves, as they are working for a cause � Have shown the world how �fanaticism� acts out and has little respect for human life.
We will say to you that God�s word has been used and abused from day 1. God has not condoned violence against one another � God has put his �way� to the test and the One�s who die in Gods name for a cause has not known God.
Man has put his own stamp on what hatred and violence you see � But not in the name of God. Those that commit such atrocities know at this time what they have done and how misled they were � They have lessons in other lives which will see them learning.

No, God does not ACT this way and those who take the Lord God�s name in vain will know what they have done.

The One�s you see before you Now, who have carried out their �ACTS� of violence � The One�s who give themselves the Power to revenge such deeds, have themselves, placed all that is close to them in peril also.
The One who calls himself Bin Laden, is being watched and targeted by Officials. He is of little means and he will become known as the One who changed the face of America � But to dig deeper would see that the One who calls himself Saddam Hussein, is very much involved with the �terrorism�, that has been leveled at America. He has kept a low profile, as the public sees it. He has many, many Allies and he uses these allies to further his cause against the U.S.A.
4 key Government Officials know of this � They spend their time deflecting accusations pointing towards such a person, as to uncover internal carryings on would point further to America�s involvement with TOP Military forces.
Remember, you have on your earth beings who make this their goals also to work with Governments, to meet each others needs.
Don�t loose sight of other outside forces in all this, they have agendas also � Go back to your writings, it�s all there � INFILTRATIONS.

How do you have a part to play, how do you do what you were sent to do.
This is still early days and you still have not experienced the influences of �outside� directly. We will tell you that what you all do is timely and apt. You need to gather amongst yourselves all the information and confidence, knowledge within remembered, TRUST, FAITH and BELIEF in US, just to do what has to eventuate.
We won�t try and show you what WILL eventuate, because it has no place with you yet � You do what you do because there is that TRUST in US � We can only ask that you keep your FAITH and BELIEF in US also as we will not let you down.
You will get through and face what comes before you, as you will know no other way of doing � This is second nature to you � You know how that feels, you can�t do it any other way, except the correct way.

We hoped that has helped you to understand the nature of what you do and to have that TRUST that this is working towards the best possible Outcome.

This is So!


posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:46 AM
"This is an example of what can be received. This we received a day or so after 911."

Can you kindly explain to me how the "example of what can be received",
how this was received, a dream/vision? And who is "we"?
I really would like to know.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by LL1
"This is an example of what can be received. This we received a day or so after 911."

Can you kindly explain to me how the "example of what can be received",
how this was received, a dream/vision? And who is "we"?
I really would like to know.

Hi LL1

There are 3 of us who research the understanding of the mind and the Universal Mind. We have Gifts that allow us to collaborate to receive by what we call the cognitive intuitive flow, information from the Universal Mind, via our Higher Self mind. (not the 3d mind)
We have been in research of this subject for nearly 5 years, full time.
We have perfected the proceedure to the point where the information we receive is untainted by our own 3d thoughts and learned 3d ways. It has not been easy to unlearn to be able to learn.
Malai, Asti and Morphi are our names. The Articles we receive are signed off, M.A.M.
We approach this research in a very methological way, by adopting the "non" thought approach. We just connect to our Higher Self Mind, in a conscious state and receive, with out ANY expectations as to what will come through. It is a two way conversation, as we ask questions as well as just receive.
Over the past 5 years, we have received a huge amount of material, which we are beginning to collate into "book" form and will publish when apt.
Thank you for your enquiry. We are happy to share our material. Just ask your questions.



posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 08:55 PM
ESP or so-called "sixth sense" is more a first sense that was present before any of our five senses developed.

Malai5 is on something or onto something. How fascinating the non-3D book of their higher entity will be.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 11:16 PM
I do believe the ability to 'predict' things is real. I have done it a couple of times, sometimes I feel what people want to do physically, but i can't imagine their intentions weird thing is it's not ideas/theories based off evidence that would classicaly lead to that action they commit. Like for instance the last time I predicted something was when I was drunk on top of a fire escape at a frat house smoking a cigerette by myself. Looked up at the stars and said to myself there's going to be a shooting star, viola shooting star came and went, i went inside like nothing happened. I've done that three times now, and no i do not stand outside trying to predict when shooting stars will come. Yes, though true, the things you mistake for your ability your mind just seems to forget, but think about all the things your mind doesn't see and just throws out and forgets.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Aether
I do believe the ability to 'predict' things is real. I have done it a couple of times, sometimes I feel what people want to do physically, but i can't imagine their intentions weird thing is it's not ideas/theories based off evidence that would classicaly lead to that action they commit. Like for instance the last time I predicted something was when I was drunk on top of a fire escape at a frat house smoking a cigerette by myself. Looked up at the stars and said to myself there's going to be a shooting star, viola shooting star came and went, i went inside like nothing happened. I've done that three times now, and no i do not stand outside trying to predict when shooting stars will come. Yes, though true, the things you mistake for your ability your mind just seems to forget, but think about all the things your mind doesn't see and just throws out and forgets.

Hi Aether

Intuition, or intuitive "flashes" give the key. They are just there without thinking. The "thoughts" without a thread. in other words, no 3d thought led up to them.
We have learned to produce a "flow" of these "flashes", basically when we have the intent to do so.
If we have "blockages", it is not because the "flow" is being blocked by our Higher Self Mind, but rather by interference from our 3d mind, which has been "trained" by our 3d upbringing to only recognise the "physical" world that it perceives through it's "physical" sensory inputs.
The fact that everyone does receive Intuitive Flashes, just shows you that there is a whole area that you can train yourself to tune into. It is, in fact, another part of you, that you came into this world with and will take with you when you "physically" die.
It is for you to tap into and use for your life in this world, to give you what we know as the "Best Possible Outcome" life.



posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
Dont ask them to REALLY use their "powers", because they obviously cant. They CAN however make an unlimited number of guesses about something, get it wrong most of the time, and eventually get one right, and claim they have ESP. Completely forgetting the part of being wrong 10000000 times to 1.

I saw a spiritual medium at work a month ago(I've seen a few, most seem fake to me) he was a guest medium, so it was his first time at the place I saw him. He gave a few people a reading, and he was consistently accurate, but with one particular woman, he told her what street she lived in, what her name was, her dad's name and an exact description of her living room, among other things. He did not make 1000000000 attempts, he said it in one.
Nope, the woman wasn't a plant.

Rather than asking a psychic to give you specific information, just ask them to give you information on you, and see where it leads you. Like that woman, you may find yourself to be surprised.

I know it's quite frustrating with psychics, all most of them are either fake, delusional or incompetent, but there are some psychics who are genuine, you just need to find them.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
Dont ask them to REALLY use their "powers", because they obviously cant. They CAN however make an unlimited number of guesses about something, get it wrong most of the time, and eventually get one right, and claim they have ESP. Completely forgetting the part of being wrong 10000000 times to 1.

I saw a spiritual medium at work a month ago(I've seen a few, most seem fake to me) he was a guest medium, so it was his first time at the place I saw him. He gave a few people a reading, and he was consistently accurate, but with one particular woman, he told her what street she lived in, what her name was, her dad's name and an exact description of her living room, among other things. He did not make 1000000000 attempts, he said it in one.
Nope, the woman wasn't a plant.

Rather than asking a psychic to give you specific information, just ask them to give you information on you, and see where it leads you. Like that woman, you may find yourself to be surprised.

I know it's quite frustrating with psychics, all most of them are either fake, delusional or incompetent, but there are some psychics who are genuine, you just need to find them.

Well, I think it would be cool if real. I just cant believe, I've seen too many tricks that seem convincing enough. Like a physcic getting an accomplice to prented their car breaks down, go inside the persons house to make a call. A week later the physcic tells the person everything about the inside of their house. Thats only one example. Sorry, I just cant believe any of it. And I feel like no one should have to lead a physcic on, if they have these powers, they should have no problem and no doubts hitting things right off the bat. No need for the baiting and cold reading.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
Well, I think it would be cool if real. I just cant believe, I've seen too many tricks that seem convincing enough. Like a physcic getting an accomplice to prented their car breaks down, go inside the persons house to make a call. A week later the physcic tells the person everything about the inside of their house. Thats only one example. Sorry, I just cant believe any of it. And I feel like no one should have to lead a physcic on, if they have these powers, they should have no problem and no doubts hitting things right off the bat. No need for the baiting and cold reading.

I can understand your skepticism. This is one of those "seeing is believing" type situations. So you will need to find a genuine psychic, ask them to demonstrate their ability, or if you require scientifc evidence, research some cases in parapsychology. Most of the self-proclaimed psychics out there are fake or no good. If you are motivated, and scout around, you will find a genuine one.

As I said with the medium I saw, he was was not reading cold or making educated guesses, he was getting everything in one go. The woman was not a plant, he was right with 5-6 others too, just more right with this particular woman.

The other thing is, you have to give a psychic the benefit of the doubt to be wrong, because if you understood the process of clairvoyance and how difficult it is to discriminate between internal and external thoughts, you would appreciate how a human being would be wrong at times. What you are looking for, is someone who has a higher percentage of hits, 70+%, as well as as the quality of hits. Most of the time, what you think are misses at the time, actually turn out to be hits when you have time to ponder the information later.

Say some psychic gets only 50% right of they say to you, but tell you to a tee a certain event in your life, that they cannot possibly know, then it's far more likely they are genuine. It's just that they are not that experienced.

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