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Current economic system.

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posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 11:31 AM
Ok I see on hear and allot of places where if you denounce the current corrupt system we have now you get labelled a liberal or a commie ect.

Thing is most of us who are appalled by the current system are not asking for full soclislim or communism. Hell allot of us want REAL capitalism not the fake capitalism we have now.

If you don't know the difference between REAL capitalism and fake capitalism ?

Fake capitalism is were the CEO of you company works 4 hours a day 3 days a week and spends the rest of the work day/week on a golf course
Fake capitalism is were you work over 40 hours a week with no overtime missing weekends.

Fake capitalism is were the CEO of you company get double you holiday plus "business trips".
Fake capitalism is were you get exactly the minimum and your company try's and screws you out of that.

Fake capitalism is were your boss gets 7 figure salary that goes up every year even if they screw up.
Fake capitalism is were you spend years in the same job earning barley enough with limited pay rises with the risk of being made redundant and having to start on the company ladder all over again.

Fake capitalism is were is were your boss gets big bonus even when the company's is doing badly or does something outright illegal.
Fake capitalism is were 2 weeks before Christmas you get your needed £1000 bonus taken away even though you meet your targets, cause F you that's why.

Fake capitalism is were your bosses only pay 10% tax because they have a Swiss bankacount.
Fake capitalism is were you pay up to 40% tax before you even get your check. And if you avoid it you go to prison.

Fake capitalism is were the banks can borrow billions and loss it all and get bailed out at the expense of other people.
Fake capitalism is were you default on a mortgage or credit card and get everything reposed and/or go to jail.

Fake capitalism is were a bank or corporation can make a huge mistake and cause the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs without any repercussions.
Fake capitalism is were you terminate someone's job and you get sued out of business.

Fake capitalism is were you your boss can screw up at work and loss billions, kill people, ruin life's and at worst gets "retired" on a 6 figure pension.
Fake capitalism is were you make a minor mistake and get fired and black booked in your career area.

Fake capitalism is were one of the elite can get drugged up and crash there car/ injure people multiple times and at worse get a few days in jail.
Fake capitalism is were you do the same and do hard time.

Fake capitalism is were a member of rich/well known family with the IQ of a retarded monkey gets into a top university and sails through on there name and money.
Fake capitalism is were a gifted child from a low income family who gets straight A's cant get onto a scholarship due to not enough places and gets left behind.

Fake capitalism is were a elite who have never worked a day in there life gets a top job because they have "connections".
Fake capitalism is were you work hard 25 years and barely get anywhere.

Fake capitalism is were the elite don't have to worry about there future as they have a guaranteed pension/trust fund waiting for them.
Fake capitalism is were your company/Government sells off your pension.

Fake capitalism were if your a elite other people pay for you mistake.
Fake capitalism is were you pay for the elite mistakes in higher taxes and inflation.

Fake capitalism is were those at the top can borrow unlimited money and loss it and borrow more.
Fake capitalism is were you cant get a vital loan cause you defaulted on 1 small credit card bill years ago.

Fake capitalism is were in a draft/conscription the rich send there children to Champaign units thousands of miles away form any action or hardship.
Fake capitalism is when your drafted and used as a meat shield in a war that has nothing to do with you. And if you survive dumped back home without any gratitude form those who sent you.

Fake capitalism is were a company actions harm the environment and/or kill people and all they get is a slap on the risk.)
Fake capitalism is were you do the same and (rightfully) go to prison.

Fake capitalism is were banks and goverments can take money that doesnt belong to them freely.
Fake capitalism is were you take money that doesnt belong to you and you go to jail for stealing or fraud.

You see the above is the problem. Its not capitalism its the double standards.

edit on 3-9-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

S and F for speaking out and telling it like it is! Your right! Todays version of Capitalism is far from it!

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

REAL capitalism is only possible in an independent, decentralized, minarchistic state.

I can't even add a second line... it's that simple.

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

S/F for a well thought out and presented thread.

I'd be happy to condemn capitalism if I'd seen any real examples of it for most of my adult life. It seems to have morphed out the last unregulated and uncontrolled areas of the economy as the Internet has been tamed and taxed.

Heck, it's all a failure when no system is allowed to function without leaders who "know better" making their daily little tweaks to sabotage even the best of intentions.

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