posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 09:13 PM
I don't see why people are babbling about a new civil war. Usually people who do so, are tea-party members who don't even realize that their being
influenced by billionaires, such as the Koch brothers. The tea party and other like-minded groups usually complain about two things: Socialism and
taxes. Obviously socialism and taxes are two very bad words to a billionaire such as the Koch brothers who have with out a doubt funded groups such as
these. Socialism aims more to have a more equal society, with a little more government control in most cases. And inequality is what makes
billionaires even more richer, they can't afford to make the money spread around fairly. And socialism, or any other type of government isn't really
"bad." Bad people may use these systems negatively, but overall a simple political system itself isn't bad. People have had it beat into their head
that socialism and communism are evil, but in reality they aren't, their are just some evil people who use these systems in the wrong ways. And when
it comes to taxes, obviously the powerful people who influence "grass-root" groups don't want higher taxes. But the fact is, they don't care about
lower simpler taxes, they just don't want increased corporate taxes, and they want less government control, such as EPA regulations, and other
associated regulations from government programs.
Most american's think that their fighting for their own rights, but there's really people behind the curtain pulling the strings with their own
underlying agenda.
But going back to the possibility of a civil war, sure the economy in the U.S. is bad, but everywhere pretty much is bad, around half the worlds
population is only living on a few dollars a day, but you can't really blame the government for that. The U.S. has been losing quite a bit of its
industry in recent years. Mostly because companies seek to take advantage of "developing countries." Plus they can get away with paying foreign
workers a much smaller wage than an American worker would expect.
If you look back in post WWII America, we had one of the biggest booms in industry in American history. The reason for this was because Europe was
pretty beat up after the war, along with Japan, and Japan is now one of the biggest countries around when it comes to technology, robotics, and auto
mobiles, among many other things. Since quite a few countries were basically crippled, the U.S. had the opportunity to become the "big dogs." And
for awhile everything was great, but it seems as though we got to comfortable, and these countries starting catching back up to us, and now probably
even surpassed us in quite a few corporate aspects.
A staggering amount of Americans today are relying on government programs such as welfare, food stamps, unemployment, etc. I believe about 1 out of 5
Americans today rely on such programs. I personally have had to do so not long ago in the past. Mostly because a lot of Americans are losing jobs, and
corporations in America just don't want to pay their workers fairly anymore. They say that were in a ressesion right now, but I guarantee we're
actually in a depression. They just don't want to tell us that because they don't want Americans to grow even more upset.
What i'm ultimately trying to say, is that a total civil war wouldn't help. It would just further weaker us, and we would sink even lower than we
already are now. It would be chaos, and that's not something that we would need right now at all.