posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 07:55 AM
I just got finished listening to Secretary of State Leon Panetta. Paraphrasing his comments he claims that President Obama is the Leader of the
World. Panetta did this in a well rehearsed and carefully prepared interview yesterday with NBC. Panetta went on to say it is our duty as a World
Leader to take action in Syria. We have a responsibility to exercise leadership in the World to take action and there’s no question that the
credibility and the leadership of the United States in a troubled world is extremely important to our national security.
So what I see is the powers in Washington or Democrats feel we are the Leaders of The World. Furthermore, Obama has done a knee jerk reaction to
chemical weapons use in Syria and months ago drew a “Red Line” about the use of weapons of mass destruction or WMD’s. Even though American
Citizens, other allies throughout the world have expressed and even voted not to get involved, it seems that they must now protect the personal
reputation of Obama or he will appear weak. Think about this…..The Democrats are going to go to war over protecting the CREDIBILITY OF PRESIDENT
OBAMA. Because if they do not it is a national security would be damaged so bad that it could cause….What problem? Wow!!
I think this is as low as one can get. I do not condone the use of WMD’s that were used in Syria, and that most likely were given to Syria by Sadam
Hussein of Iraq before the 2nd Gulf War. To go in and risk exposing innocent citizens in Syria to WMD contamination, and to risk a war against Russia
and China without any allied supports is insane. I am sorry that Obama got his feelings hurt because his reputation or credibility damaged but the
truth is his credibility sucked long before this happened.
I am so glad that Panetta and Kerry all realize that Americans are fatigue over more than a decade of being at war. It was so moving and heartfelt
NOT!!! These guys are idiots. America is not only fatigued we are bankrupt. Ten plus years of war with nothing to show but death and destruction
around the world. No specific mission, nothing gained but more pissed off Muslims and now our allies are fed up with our arrogance of believing we
have a responsibility to be the World Leader. We are being led by an individual that thinks he is so important that he must start a war in order to
keep his credibility intact. That seems narcissistic and it truly sad and pitiful. I think Hitler was the same way. That deal ended pretty bad for
him for you all that have knowledge of WWII or World War 2. We use to be a Leader of The Free World now we are The Leader of The World. I see
problems on so many levels.
Lastly, and a side observation. I find it interesting how NBC has edited the controversial parts of the interview out with Panetta and they have not
done a transcript of the entire interview. It is amazing how much censorship and deceptive information is being spewed out onto the public.
Washington is running scared and desperate the Americans are so unhappy that if the truth was actually reported we would get rid of everybody in the
Federal Government.
What say you? Do not hold back because I cannot interrupt you like the idiots on TV.
edit on 31-8-2013 by rgzing because: typo
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31-8-2013 by rgzing because: (no reason given)
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31-8-2013 by rgzing because: (no reason given)