posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 07:20 AM
There isn't much you can do on an ipad when it comes to privacy and anonimity. First of all you probably got a tonne of apps on it that all, or at
least the majority of them, call home or ask access/permission to another service you registered to, services like facebook, google apple etc. In
non-technical terms, walking with an ipad, conected to the net, is like walking with a bright torch in a dark cave. There are a couple of things like
anonymous browsing, as chrome for ipad (and some other less popular browsers) offer for instance.
I too have an ipad, but I implement it a bit difrent, first of all, I use one of a couple of VPN's I have at my disposal (but you can set up one
yourself, allbeit with the aid of a medium performance computer) to connect to the internet.That way, wherever I am, the traffic to and from my ipad
is relatively safe and inaccessable for others, who might have the ways and means to intercept it.
There is another way of using an ipad. For instance, those who have a normal pc/mediacenter at home, can remotely access that system from an ipad with
the aid of apps like teamviewer, remoter or vnc. All it needs is some minor adjustments and you're up and running. From then of you can use that
mac/pc/linux box from the ipad as if you were sitting behind it. You can open your favorite texteditor and create documents, send them via email or
whatever else you have on that pc, in fact, anything other then intense graphical games or watching movies, is possible. Some apps even offer the
latter, however with varying performance. Combine that with a cloudservice, preferbly your own (owncloud), to wich your ipad is also connected, and
everything you create on the remote system, can be on your ipad in an instant, by syncing the ipad with that service.
I use/remote several systems that way, but I have the best results with a mac mini with the resolution set to 1024 x768 (with some apps even 800x600),
I've enlarged the icons a bit, wich makes remotely working on that mac almost as if it was made to be used on a tablet. But I guess you have to see
it, to really get the idea.
Whatever the case may be, the word privacy is beginning to fade, as do the lines, there to protect us, that weren't supposed to be crossed. Have no
illusions, where there is a will, there's usually a way, and the powers that are at work these days, are more then willing.
Lastly, I'd advice you to visit a site like engadget, where people with almost no knowledge can get good advice on matters like