posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 05:44 PM
Ron Paul has a very strong point and view on the whole Syria crisis. He couldn't of said it any better, the Obama administration as so much of these
'Blind-Followers' that will believe just about anything our Government says or does. Which that itself is against the 'morality' of the People of
the United States of America that was set by the Constitution. Government BY the People FOR the People. If WE (The People) don't agree with what the
Government's view is on something, or we don't like the decisions that they present to us- then it SHOULD NOT be done or whatever it is the
Government wanted. This country was not established for the Government-Oh hell no. It was established for us, the People, and we need to defend our
Liberty at any cost, EVEN against our own Government. Yes that's right. The People and the Government are two completely different 'things'. Don't
let the Government trick you to their bidding and run you blind.
And yes, I still feel disappointed that Ron Paul didn't become President. I bet he would of gotten us a lot more "on-track" with our obligations
and problems here within our own Country.
The Syrian people are not an obligation for us at all to do anything about that crisis. BUT our Government thinks so; and at LEAST 50% of the American
population of PEOPLE think the opposite of the Government on this decision. The other percent are those "Blind-Followers" I was talking about
before. Don't let the Government force us into yet another war- which COULD turn out to be WW3. Oh ya, there's quite a high probability of that too.