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Syria, NSA, and Blackmail? Do the Math.

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posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by The GUT

Who knows man. If the stories from Albert Pike have any truth to them, all of this crap has been planned for years, if not hundreds of years.

Yes I am talking about the New World Order. But it seems almost inevitable at this point. Like nothing can stop it. Like nothing can stop WW3 right now. The only thing I can think of is the entire US military standing down, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I guess just enjoy the ride while it lasts? Heh, how incredibly depressing all this crap is. It's like watching a train slowly crash and there's nothing you can do.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Skjord
I guess just enjoy the ride while it lasts? Heh, how incredibly depressing all this crap is. It's like watching a train slowly crash and there's nothing you can do.

I know. I was already experiencing heartache for us and the world at large today. Then, out of frustration, I told a true American hero and fine human-being--my 88-yr old WW II veteran Pop--what really lay behind the curtain and what we had become.

He's smart. He got it. I saw him get older and more pale in the span of a few short minutes. WHY did I go there? I wish with ALL my heart I could take it back! I'm soooo sad. Stupid me!

edit on 31-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Skjord

It really makes you wonder if America's revolution was planned in advance and this country was set up to be the very thing we have today, Rome 2.0

The empire never ended

Dick's hypothesis that history had been stopped in the 1st century AD., and that "the Empire never ended". He saw Rome as the pinnacle of materialism and despotism, which, after forcing the Gnostics underground, had kept the population of Earth enslaved to worldly possessions. Dick believed that VALIS had communicated with him, and anonymous others, to induce the impeachment of U.S. President Richard Nixon, whom Dick believed to be the current Emperor of Rome incarnate.

Philip K. Dick

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:45 AM
Obama has gone from being a man of confidence.... a man of total distress and masterful crushing of the Elite...

...who really could use some life-saving advice to save his life and family...

So who can help this man of presidency get over this difficult time if not the "free" people of America???

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 08:57 AM
I agree with the OP and have stated that I believe that the US govt may be controlled by the NSA or someone that controls them. I have said this since Snowden revealed his info.

I hope that he comes out with damning info that collapses the house of cards. If he does, watch out.... the plug will be pulled on the internet and there will be soldiers in our streets.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Sometime after the Cuban missile crisis my father and I were discussing my fears of a foreign invasion and I will never forget what he told me.

He said; you never have to worry about another country invading The United States borders with bombs and soldiers and taking it over, that will never happen. What WILL happen is some nefarious group will infiltrate our government and slowly over time take over everything until one day we wake up and realize we have lost all of our freedom. And you might call it communism or you might not but you won't be able to call it freedom anymore.

My father was a simple man who worked as a welder in a factory, just trying to raise his family. He loved Muhammad Ali and watching National Geographic on TV and he was a wise man.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Octave
My father was a simple man who worked as a welder in a factory, just trying to raise his family. He loved Muhammad Ali and watching National Geographic on TV and he was a wise man.

Thank you for sharing him with us today. I felt his character and your love.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by The GUT::
You do the Math

everyone hates Math ,,,so the powers that be do it for us...(2 + 2 = Cash)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Blowback
Oh, that kind of math,...I guess we're Abbott in the following vid without the laugh track:

Very pertinent vid in your sig.

edit on 31-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:55 PM
America has launched a significant overseas assault every 40 months since 1963. imho The year 1963 has significance as JFK was killed in a coup de'atat that empowered the industrial military complex that year.

Paul Waldman lays out a list of significant U.S. military actions over the past 50 years, and it adds up to 15 separate episodes, ranging from full-scale wars (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan) to smaller incursions (Grenada, Haiti, Panama). For those of you who are math challenged, this means we've launched a significant overseas assault every 40 months since 1963.


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by The GUT

This scenario has occurred to me (and many, many others with senses and a brain) too. Unfortunately, most folks who seek public office are of a certain personality type that breeds a certain hypocrisy between private and public actions... the MSM's frantic pursuit of lurid, easy stories helps nothing, either.

I have long wavered between the picture painted by the mainstream news sources and wondering if there were deep, darker secrets because of the obvious strain on our leaders as they lead. I know there are things that remain secret that are scary but a more reasonable part of me suggests it can't be so bad or removed from the main narrative. Could it? (The UFO "situation" creeps to mind)

Human nature would again suggest that the alphabet agencies would use this vast trove of info to further their own ends, even where our own leaders are concerned... as in blackmail. But would every single blackmail victim remain silent? One would think the victim would appeal to the masses, spilling all about a black government that has subverted our rule and let their predilection for whipping underage prostitutes be known... damn the torpedoes.

So it's either close to what we are told (close but definitely not point for point) or so far removed that black is white and we informed citizens are Trumans in our own show and completely clueless.

The latter view is the road to madness and all signs point that it isn't that bad... however, time will tell if the machinations at the top would stun Machiavelli and make Phillip Dick seem sane.

There is the sinking feeling that with a black apparatus so vast, trusting a periodical four year oversight by strangers would be... clunky. The people involved are only sure of their own prowess and might be of the opinion that our country would fall should someone else take the helm.

When our country was formed such tech was not imagined or taken into consideration. A steady crew of people running things behind the scenes is to be expected, and with such power and erosion of "da Constuushion" a small compartmentalized "real government" isn't far fetched... at all. Yup, military industrial complex... we love ya... really...

So good question and thread... as usual... and there's my tail again! Excuse me...

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

Hey Baddogma:
You didn't reply to me, of course, but since I'm bored on this Sat. afternoon, I'm going to respond, no matter how much anyone hates that.

Unfortunately, most folks who seek public office are of a certain personality type that breeds a certain hypocrisy between private and public actions... the MSM's frantic pursuit of lurid, easy stories helps nothing, either.

Are they, really, of a certain personality type, I mean? I'm not so sure. I tend to think we get conscribed in this place, into a certain dogma (nod to your screen name) and it sometimes goes beyond our grasp, bc it applies to our vulnerabilities, as people: i.e., our vanities, egos, or maybe the idea "here's your chance to make a difference in the world, and you aren't going to take it? You would deny that responsibility?" Just another way of looking at the same thing you are. For there definitely is, I believe, a control authority and mechanism beyond our reach, and that may, or may not, include our public "leaders" and how they are chosen, for, at least, I find, they reallly aren't leading anything, but instead, taking the fall for whatever was already in motion, and planned, years ago. But then, we have that "time" issue, per who knows?

I have long wavered between the picture painted by the mainstream news sources and wondering if there were deep, darker secrets because of the obvious strain on our leaders as they lead. I know there are things that remain secret that are scary but a more reasonable part of me suggests it can't be so bad or removed from the main narrative. Could it? (The UFO "situation" creeps to mind)

Of course there are obvious strains on our leaders as they attempt to lead, thinking personally, this is what they were there for, after all..... Could it be so bad or removed from the main narrative? hmmm. I think when you said, "could it?" you answered your own question, especially when then referencing the UFO "situation."
Narratives? We've all been on other threads talking about the "collection" of said narratives on a very personal mining, at this point, I prefer to call it. But, yes, I am jaded and opinionated; I admit this, willingly.
However, reasons put forth about why this would be done seem to be on target, for I cannot think of one innocent reason to do so. And yes, just that, in and of itself, is a path to personal blackmail, and en masse control...

So yes, it really could be that bad, couldn't it, for why else, in all innocence, would it be taking place at all.

But would every single blackmail victim remain silent? One would think the victim would appeal to the masses, spilling all about a black government that has subverted our rule and let their predilection for whipping underage prostitutes be known... damn the torpedoes.

Have you not noticed some trying to do just as you suggest, spill it all. And who believes?
That's the beauty of plausible deniability and slander, and control, I might add. Do you not agree we live in a highly controlled atmosphere, disregarding, even, more radical views and science about how we are controlled, but just on the surface, as it were?

Whipping the underage prostitutes......hmmmmm. No matter whether the whipping is happening, the just having the underaged prostitues is a definitive, blackmailable problem, is it not? So, there again, you've answered your own question: could it be so bad.
My point being, if you recognize all that, have the gumption to admit it really might be that bad.

So it's either close to what we are told (close but definitely not point for point) or so far removed that black is white and we informed citizens are Trumans in our own show and completely clueless.

Of course we are. Is that not what the total surveillance by the NSA and what Edward Snowden leaked, really means? We are clueless, and in many cases, happy to be so, bc we can do nothing about it but be subverted and distracted by our shiny new Apple and smartphone, and otherwise, toys...... What else can anyone do, when confronted with a veil so thick there is no penetration and to try to do so spells out total disenfranchisement from the system we "need" to survive, at least, we think so.....and having read about those who have suffered that, I tend to believe and respect that point of view.....

Oh, you have given me so much to work with here. Thanks for that.....

The latter view is the road to madness and all signs point that it isn't that bad... however, time will tell if the machinations at the top would stun Machiavelli and make Phillip Dick seem sane.

The problem with that statement is Machiavelli was real, and Phillip Dick, Ursula LeGuin, Frank Herbert, Roger Zelazny, and Isaac Asimov, con't...

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:41 PM
just to name a few authors, have already told it over time....and told the story. And we have still sat back and watched and argued with each other. Not that I blame anyone for that. For what, really, could have been done, acknowleding the "veil" that I already have in this thread. Probably nothing. But to support one another, instead of react to divisionary tactics would be most helpful (don't misunderstand, my post is not accusing you of anything.)

There is the sinking feeling that with a black apparatus so vast, trusting a periodical four year oversight by strangers would be... clunky. The people involved are only sure of their own prowess and might be of the opinion that our country would fall should someone else take the helm.

I think those people involved you speak of are investing their own prowess to make sure the country falls, to institute their new order on an international, worldwide scale of control...... But that's just me.

When our country was formed such tech was not imagined or taken into consideration. A steady crew of people running things behind the scenes is to be expected, and with such power and erosion of "da Constuushion" a small compartmentalized "real government" isn't far fetched... at all. Yup, military industrial complex... we love ya... really...

I am not so sure you are right about that first thing there, about such tech not being imagined. There is a Gospel of Mary currently online to view and read where she supposedly said, some two thousand years ago, that Jesus told her " in the mind was the treasure," and surely, Jesus, was nothing at the time, if not a highly political figure. So go figure with that. But then, you also have to consider, there, revisionist history and such.

As to compartmentalized gov. and the military industrial complex, I'm not sure the one we "see" and "know" is even the real one, pulling the strings, and so there again, we are blaming the surrogates. Just sayin'

Enjoy your responses, always, and mean this all respectfully.
Gut, it's your thread, and this response wasn't meant to me, sorry if I "took the helm" for a second. Just expressing my views.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:00 PM
First off, Tetra, apologies to any unanswered posts... I work from my home and "real life" barges in all too often, taking my attention away from the truly important matters... an obvious control mechanism built into our "system" btw... so I hope any silence doesn't translate to lack of immense respect for the grey matter punching keys at your keyboard.

I tend to think that it is very possible that "things" are just as you suggest, but don't know... so my nature is to remain as uncertain as the zombie cat in that famous box. The deep end of conspiracy theory doesn't have a bottom and the edges of the pool are slippery and sloped ... to use a terrible and trite metaphor.

But where are these whistle-blowers? I have heard a zillion, but not in regards to this specific subject .... at least I can't remember off hand... heh, aside from a president or two. Shadow govs are a fact and pockets of true believers have acted and been sort-of caught before (Reagan/North) but as far as this specific instance of NSA using intel to leverage policy... though it makes sense, I personally can't recall credible testimony and await correction in 3-2-1... you think and type fast... ok reading... okay, and again it goes to verifiable and probable... I'm not one to draw out Occam's cutting edge as a first resort and with what I have experienced in my life, it's a wonder I can keep a foot in the mainstream at all, but I have to have my snout rubbed in the excrement of this cabal to truly believe there are folks this precise and removed from human pursuits. And again, if there are folks working toward a more cohesive human family, I can't automatically believe it's evil because that level of dedication usually goes with benevolence... but heck, fascist bastards exist and I remain open to the possibility, just can't commit and probably won't until the drone wipes me out or I awake in a gulag.

And leave my imagined underage prostitutes out of this (and any headshrinking, too)... they're good girls, they are....

EditX4 Okay, added your name (since I hit the general reply and not on yours as intended... oops) and I tend to cut things short because a) I get distracted by the crap around my physical self and b) because I try not to fill threads with dense (in both meanings) text... but invariably fail on both counts. I'll try to be precise and do a point by point where (and if) I disagree...

edit on 8/31/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/31/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/31/2013 by Baddogma because: final poignancy

edit on 8/31/2013 by Baddogma because: Addendumb again

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Baddogma
First off, apologies to any unanswered posts... I work from my home and "real life" barges in all too often, taking my attention away from the truly important matters... an obvious control mechanism built into our "system" btw... so I hope any silence doesn't translate to lack of immense respect for the grey matter punching keys at your keyboard.

I tend to think that it is very possible that "things" are just as you suggest, but don't know... so my nature is to remain as uncertain as the zombie cat in that famous box. The deep end of conspiracy theory doesn't have a bottom and the edges of the pool are slippery and sloped ... to use a terrible and trite metaphor.

But where are these whistle-blowers? I have heard a zillion, but not in regards to this specific subject .... at least I can't remember off hand... heh, aside from a president or two. Shadow govs are a fact and pockets of true believers have acted and been sort-of caught before (Reagan/North) but as far as this specific instance of NSA using intel to leverage policy... though it makes sense, I personally can't recall credible testimony and await correction in 3-2-1... you think and type fast... ok reading... okay, and again it goes to verifiable and probable... I'm not one to draw out Occam's cutting edge as a first resort and with what I have experienced in my life, it's a wonder I can keep a foot in the mainstream at all, but I have to have my snout rubbed in the excrement of this cabal to truly believe there are folks this precise and removed from human pursuits.

And again, if there are folks working toward a more cohesive human family, I can't automatically believe it's evil because that level of dedication usually goes with benevolence...

edit on 8/31/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/31/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

First off, I assume, as Tetra, you are replying to me, and for the record I am a woman, and don't feel disrespected by my replly, I like your mind, or I wouldn't waste my time.
And in fact, I am asking for you to explain the above to me, what you meant by that, for I am not getting it.....perhaps too thick intellectually, or whatever....but I don't get how "if there are folks moveing toward a cohesive human family, assuming it's evil with that level of dedication usually goes with benevolence..."

Excuse my paraphrasing here. But I DO ABSOLUTELY get how the opposite frequently accompanies what we observe; however, I'm not getting what you just wrote there..... so could you illuminate me as to what you mean?


edit on 31-8-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:26 PM

But where are these whistle-blowers? I have heard a zillion, but not in regards to this specific subject .... at least I can't remember off hand... heh, aside from a president or two. Shadow govs are a fact and pockets of true believers have acted and been sort-of caught before (Reagan/North) but as far as this specific instance of NSA using intel to leverage policy... though it makes sense, I personally can't recall credible testimony and await correction in 3-2-1...

reply to post by tetra50

Hah, you got me there. We whitleblowers are of a varying to speak. I can give you a lot of history, and background, as to a "shadow government," the military industrial complex and what it's goals are, and even about there being something/someone "shadow" of all those agencies, if you wish it. But it comes at a price, as remembering it has come at a price, a very high one, for me.....

But I have decided I won't hide it, but won't display it, within this format, either. If you wish to know more, I will provide you with a way to communicate with me outside of this purview, for this is not a place, really, for more than pure conjecture, in my experience. And all knowledge, comes at a price. One must know that. So choose carefully. For I have and am paying that price, even as I offer information.....which you may or may not consider worthy.... That is not my issue. My issue, is doing what I could. As memory and tampering with it, applies. You must understand, fully, that some who know much, are tampered with, so they cannnot blow any whistle whatsoever.

That is where we are.

Mostly, those who blow the whistle, at least my belief and knowledge is, that whistle being blown is an essential part of a plan and end game goal.....that is why there are rebels out here, suffering consequences, and struggling with truth, memory, and warning.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by tetra50

Okay, I have recalled more context and this is a reply to the above post, not the above the above post calling for clarification... that will wait a bit.

I didn't know (or more precisely recall) you claimed whistle blower status. From previous content I assume this comes from personal interaction with "mind control" methods and tech... and from your online demeanor I'd give your stance far more credibility than the average trailer park resident claiming periscopes in his cheerios (no offense to those unwashed being targeted or not... as this realm has been co-opted by the insane... whether or not this is a deliberate ploy to hide in plain sight by those that wield such powers or just a psychological trend of unstable humans or both).

I'd gladly peruse other posts where this is told, or engage in m2m with you about this... for the reason of discussion and learning, rather than actually doing much about it because though I've been haphazardly trained as a journalist, I am not a force to be reckoned with ... but rather one that has been reckoned.

I am curious despite the implied danger... but there is the fact that you seem "together" and can type on a website and haven't been "dealt with" that makes me wonder... though to be fair, those that have been silenced are in fact silenced and we wouldn't hear them in the first place... so there's that.

So sure, I'm open to hearing about this implied government mind control that I've heard/read about, judge a feasible pursuit by those intrepid alphabet agencies but the details of which are never brought all the way into the light... but I have heard things and they are the stuff of paranoia.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by The GUT

No way. Your thread and I enjoy it.

A little off topic but it bleeds into other federal entities too. Most who rise to positions of 'official level puller' are awesome at the bureaucracy regardless if they are good at the agency's mission or not. They are good gamers. That is their focus. Budget share is the prize. Hopefully the folks in the field can still do what they are supposed to but once a person of this mindset graduates to head office, all of that is forgotten.

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 09:47 AM
Ok, math done. Didn't even need to add.

edit on 1-9-2013 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Nephalim
Even I can do that math. Needs to be sent to every member of Congress. What a bunch of weenies we've let have their way with us. GOOD ONE!

I'm sure Obama was a compromised hypocrite before ever speaking those words, but someone does seem to get their attention and full control of their strings once elected.

Actually, Nephalim, that vid would make the basis for a good thread right now hint-hint.

edit on 1-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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