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Floating Prisons

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posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:48 AM
With the rising number of in mates in prisons in the uk (not sure about the rest of the world) should are goverments start looking at sending long term prisoners and lifers and/or prisoners deemed dangerous or prone to escape to floating prisons far out at see?
I cant find any info on a project i heard mentioned years ago where someone put this idea forward?
The advantages are quite easy to see with firstly the remote positioning preventing easy escape and dangerous/violent/psychotic inmates from interacting with relatively normal prisoners,which is happening in the uk due to overcrowding.
I know these prisons would be expensive initally but it would solve 3 problems in my mind ,over crowding of current jails and prisons,increase the deterent for crime,added safety for general public minimalizing the risk of violent and psychotic rapists and murderers etc escaping back onto our streets-keeps the scum out of site and out of mind!

Any thoughts?


posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:51 AM
yes... this has been tried once....

Alcatraz.... off the coast of California... it was deemed to be unescapable.... however 4 men did escape.... or did they drown...

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:55 AM
The costs for maintaining the facility would probably be prohibitive. Supplying the food and other essentials could be cumbersome, not to mention if there was some sort of riot, the guards would not be able to get any back-up before tragedy occurred.
As far as the murderers and rapists go - bring on the death penalty. Make it swift and absolute, now there is a deterrent!

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:00 AM

As far as the murderers and rapists go - bring on the death penalty. Make it swift and absolute, now there is a deterrent!

a man after my own heart.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:02 AM
You also need to consider the safety of the prisoners being detained in such a prison.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:03 AM
I invnted that --- Iwas 14 years y/o----merci chapo
1960 OK

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 01:56 PM
there is a prison ship in portland harbour, weymouth. HMP ship somethingorother. it was in he news for being in as about as bad a condition a prison can be in.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 04:44 PM
Anchor somewhere 1000 miles from sea, and only have supplies air-dropped in and staff can only leave via air drop.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 04:50 PM
I say we should evacuate some island or islands and send them all there and only air drop supplies in and have ships from various navies patrol off of the coast. Safe for everyone not a prisoner!

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 07:12 PM

there is a prison ship in portland harbour, weymouth. HMP ship somethingorother. it was in he news for being in as about as bad a condition a prison can be in

minimi, it's called HMP Weare

HMP Weare condemned as an �entirely unsuitable� prison

The chief inspector of prisons has condemned HMP Weare, the UK�s sole prison ship, as �entirely unsuitable� for its function.

Opened in 1997, initially for just three years, Weare was intended as a training prison for up to 400 low-risk inmates.

In a November 4 report, however, chief inspector of prisons Anne Owers said Weare was �literally and metaphorically� a container.

�Prisoners� accommodation has no access to fresh air, and in some cases little natural light. Though notionally a training prison, Weare has no space for workshops and insufficient space for exercise and education,� Owers said.

She added that millions of pounds of capital investment would be needed to make the prison more suitable.

�But even then, it would be a training prison in the wrong place, with limited facilities and in a constricted environment,� she said.

There was praise for the good prisoner-staff relationships and innovative resettlement work. Prisoners also praised Weare�s reception procedures and health care provision.

Phil Wheatley, director of the Prison Service, said a decision on Weare�s future would be made �as soon as possible�.

�This will take into account all the relevant factors including prison population projections, the costs and benefits of alternative accommodation and the need to renew both planning clearance and the seaworthiness certificate in 2006 if the Weare is to continue in use,� he said.

Article Date: 10-Nov-2004

zero lift

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:29 PM
I worked offshore on an oil rig, and they're just like a floating prison!
heh, heh

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:32 PM
Bet the prisoners would not be too keen to take yard exercise on one of those hey.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 08:03 AM
Yeah all the sharks and barracudas would sure be a deterrent!

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 08:20 AM
This reminds me of the movie Face Off.
If there was a way to implement a prison like the one in the movie, I think it would be possible.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by hatchedcross
I say we should evacuate some island or islands and send them all there and only air drop supplies in and have ships from various navies patrol off of the coast. Safe for everyone not a prisoner!

That's how Austrailia started...

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 02:10 PM
If I recall, prison �hulks� anchored in the tidal flats of the Thames were common in England in the 19th century (18th?)

Frankly, that ship, the Weare, looks like a floating death trap to me. I can only imagine what would happen if that ship were to start leaking. With that high COG, it wouldn�t take much to tip it over.

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 04:58 AM
well mixed responces,personally i like the idea of dropping supplies in by helicopter but obviously theres always going to be the time when staff need to be lifted off for holidays or changing shifts etc,also the need for inmates or staff needing urgent medical attention could arise and there may not be sufficient medical facillities onboard to deal with serious problems.
Personally i still think its a good idea,float the scum out to sea on oil rig style prisons,inform all shipping to give it a wide birth,pay the security guards and staff well for performing their jobs in the rather extreme conditions and only drop supplys in by chopper!

oh and by the way,alcatraz was an island,not a floating prison!

[edit on 24-11-2004 by optimus fett]

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 05:45 AM
all this talk of floating prisons saving space got me thinking...

why not simply build them underground, a bit like a tunnel system, adding new sections when the prison population grows....

the only problem i can think of are:

- Expensive set up costs


- Lack of sun light

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 06:36 AM
And digging too far and finding a Reptilian civilisation!! OOOOPS!!

those are all really good ideas guys but i think we should just solve two problems with one stone, or maybe a few.....


Think about it the population is growing, people are being raped KIDS BEING RAPED and we throw em in prison for hmmmm a long tought 5 yrs!! OOOOOO!!! well done mr blair have a gold star.

I think we should kill all the rapists, peadophiles, dumb presidents (lol), anybody who has done a serious crime.

Which brings me to my next thing...... Britain is to have its own kind of FBI the name of it?? well its sadly called the SCA (SERIOUS CRIME AGENCY!!!) very deadly

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 04:14 AM

Think about it the population is growing, people are being raped KIDS BEING RAPED and we throw em in prison for hmmmm a long tought 5 yrs!! OOOOOO!!! well done mr blair have a gold star.

yeah,i agree well done mr blair

the sad thing is i dont think any goverment in the uk would do any differentley,but dont rip the goverment off by not paying your taxes or else your really in trouble!!!!


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