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Bigfoot: Answers and Orgin Explained

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posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 05:24 PM
All very interesting.

I've speculated more on a theory that humans can develop according to the environment in different ways.
In that sense Bigfoot might be in our genes, but he doesn't pop out until there are extreme environmental stressors at a certain age of development.

I thought about this during a documentary on the "monkey boy" of Uganda, one of the cases of feral children.
Although it's a long story, what is significant is that when the boy was found, he had grown long black hair all over his body.
The first thing the villagers did was shave him, and the fur never returned when he rejoined human society.

It could be that all these Bigfoot-type species are simply humans who got cut off from society and went mentally and physically "feral".
If certain genes are switched on, young humans could develop along a hominid line - a safeguard against extinction, or simply just reverting to the hominids, like pigs turn back into hogs in the wild.
Perhaps it's our truly natural state?

Such hominid people could have existed since prehistory, but under certain circumstances they could also result from war, where the children who escape into the wild know just enough not to starve, but haven't really learnt any culture.

"Wildmen" could even disappear and reappear where ever there are situations of war and destruction surrounded by a wilderness.
At least in the initial phase of going feral, identifying with local primates seems to be a logical step.
Where primates have been absent, watching bears might also have guided survival skills.

Ultimately, their communities might become too small to find mates, and they could become extinct.
Maybe that's why these creatures cannot be tracked down, for example, in Russia or Asia.
In some places they were rumored to steal human women.
Nevertheless, if stumbled upon by human society, even after generations of hiding, it seems that mating between village people and wild people is possible, and the "wild" traits are quickly repressed.

Whether people could be isolated enough to revert to a hominid state nowadays is questionable.
Technically it might be possible, but the wild people tend to disappear with wild spaces (which is quite telling in itself).

I still wonder however if the cultured Homo Sapiens is our only developmental option.
Perhaps it's best not to know.

edit on 1-9-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Chazam
I generally stay as far away from channeled information as I can. Most of these people are not to be taken seriously.

edit on 8/31/2013 by Chazam because: spelling

You don't think Edgar Casey, or Nostradamus was taken seriously?

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

I have learned to never say never.

Anything is possible.

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 09:25 PM
Well you had me till we got side tracked with channeling. It is a subject for a different thread than Bigfoot in my opinion. Something that has never been proven or have a basis in science, channeling that is. I too don't believe most people want to shoot Bigfoot. It would be more valuable alive.

I think that is probably how proof will eventually happen, that one will be shot. I lived in the mountains of Colorado and have seen what I believe to be Bigfoot at a distance. I will tell you when they are close you will know it, the rest of the animals grow silent or extra jittery, or in the case of some birds get extremely excited. At least that is my perception of when I felt one was around.

Have seen several different sized tracks that make one believe there are families out there. I can tell you nature is amazing, laid under the low hanging bows of evergreen hunting and never heard deer, elk, or even mountain lion once until they were right there on top of me. It is not hard to believe something could remain hidden if it wants too.

There are allot of reports of ufo activity around sightings that make you think they are linked though. In Colorado there was not that many reports of the smell people talk about. I moved into the area where I had my sighting and there were tracks but no smell. It did take me quite a while to hike down and then up the other side though.

In Louisiana I know friends who had sighting and they said the smell was awful. But that was in swampland so I would expect as much.

I hope we get one alive and get answers. Hey the old farts in Texas wildlife did not want to believe chupacbre but there is DNA now and a body.

The Bot

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by dlbott

Thank you for your post, Dlbott.

I hope we get the proof someday soon too... without having to kill one. But I fear this would be the only way to do it. It is obviously much stronger than man, and I don't think it would come willingly.

Of course, there are darts one could use to put it to sleep... maybe.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman
All very interesting.

I still wonder however if the cultured homo Sapiens is our only developmental option.
Perhaps it's best not to know.

edit on 1-9-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

Interesting. This is why I think there is a coverup of bigfoot in the first place, really. It's pretty clear the higher ups acknowledge the existence, so why no disclosure? I remember watching a show (forgot which one) where a scientist (looking at some sort of squatch evidence) deduced it was actually much more human than ape.

If bigfoot is a human, what would this mean for institutions and business that operate on the bigfoot's land? Would they actually fall into protected peoples category if they are, in fact, human? If bigfoot is a human, what repercussions would it have for our way life?

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by PrinceAdam

Originally posted by halfoldman
All very interesting.

I still wonder however if the cultured homo Sapiens is our only developmental option.
Perhaps it's best not to know.

edit on 1-9-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

Interesting. This is why I think there is a coverup of bigfoot in the first place, really. It's pretty clear the higher ups acknowledge the existence, so why no disclosure? I remember watching a show (forgot which one) where a scientist (looking at some sort of squatch evidence) deduced it was actually much more human than ape.

If bigfoot is a human, what would this mean for institutions and business that operate on the bigfoot's land? Would they actually fall into protected peoples category if they are, in fact, human? If bigfoot is a human, what repercussions would it have for our way life?

Did you watch the video Cody posted on the first page? It has information similar to that.

I am guessing the reason there is a cover-up is because if "they" acknowledged this information, they would have to re-write all the text books again, and it would make them look like idiots.

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by PrinceAdam

I should add to my previous comment (too late to edit) that Big foot is already on the protected/endangered list of species.
I saw that in another thread with the link to the document some time ago.

So, I imagine nothing would change from how it is now.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 08:41 AM
I have never had encounters with a Bigfoot, but have heard that they have been spotted in TN. I actually asked my husband not long ago, "What would I do if a Bigfoot came banging at the door!?!?!" (he thinks I am crazy!) Half joking, half not! I think I had just watched some videos where the people recounted violent encounters.
Not that I live in an area where I would think they would likely come.
If I wasn't such a scaredy cat I would check out some of the reports I have heard. But, I am a chicken!

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by chelsdh

I don't know about all of Tennessee, but I know the east side is a prime region for this species to hide and survive in the thick forest terrain.
You have the Appalachian, and the Smoky Mountains, which have some areas I'm sure humans have not stepped foot on since the Indians roamed their trails many years ago. Excellent home for Big foot.

I grew up in an area like that. No telling what kind of creatures lurk in those mountains!

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by sled735

James Gilliland said almost the same thing, that Bigfeet were very spiritual beings, and they were in contact with others from the stars. His ranch had some bigfoot sightings etc too.

Interesting thoughts as this is only the 2nd time I have heard something similar.


edit on 4-9-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by jazztrance

You may simply use YouTube to search "ra channeling" (the quotation marks should not be used when searching), and find one video such as this one linked here.
In that video, which is more like audio with pictures, you may hear the channeling; and just to let you know, the recordings of the channeling sessions should be paid for.

The woman who is voicing Ra (the channeled entity) is barely taking on a voice at all - meaning to say, the woman sounds like she's whispering, speaking slowly, and probably retaining her own accent.

Originally posted by jazztrance
Is that the crazy lady that "channells" Ra and then takes his voice ? If so, she is a nutbag, but good fiction read none the less.

Her name is Carla Rueckert, in case you or anybody else were wondering.

Now, about the topic:
The planet that Ra calls Maldek is not the same as the Red Planet which is most likely a reference to Mars.
The race that existed on that planet (Maldek) was totally annihilated, so that the individuals were traumatized to the core of their being. All this happening about 500,000 years ago. Then about 200,000 years ago, they regained consciousness, started reviewing their life and planning how to reincarnate to finish their existence in this dimension.
Approx. 46,000 years ago, the souls of Maldek's inhabitants started incarnating on Earth in the form of bigfoots. The form was chosen for quite a few good reasons.

Also, in one of the OP's off-site quotes, there was some info which [...] has an omission. Let me pull up the whole quote box with an edit bolding the omission:

Originally posted by sled735
Session 9, page 116-117:

There are no second-density consciousness complexes here on your sphere at this time. However, there are two races which use the second-density form.
One is the entities from the planetary sphere you call Maldek. These entities are working their understanding complexes through a series of what you would call karmic restitutions.
They dwell within your deeper underground passageways and are known to you as “Bigfoot.”
[The other race is that being offered a dwelling in this density by guardians who wish to give the mind/body/spirit complexes of those who are of this density at this time appropriately engineered physical vehicles, as you would call these chemical complexes, in the event that there is what you call nuclear war.]
These are beings which exist as instinctual second-density beings which are being held in reserve to form what you would call a gene pool in case these body complexes are needed. These body complexes are greatly able to withstand the rigors of radiation which the body complexes you now inhabit could not do.
These body complexes of the second race dwell in uninhabited deep forest.

There are many in various places over the surface of your planet.
The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other mind/body/spirit complexes, but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here. These entities of the glowing eyes are those most familiar to your peoples.

There are three types of Bigfoot, if you will accept that vibratory sound complex used for three such different races of mind/body/spirit complexes. The first two we have described.
The third is a thought-form.

edit on 5-9-2013 by 1Learner because: removed the word "would" where it made my sentence grammatically incorrect.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Thank you, DarkBlade.

I have also read somewhere that they can make themselves invisible. They know how to raise their vibrations to a higher level to avoid detection by the lower vibration level entities... us.

Maybe this is why no one can catch them.

If I hadn't seen that thing in the woods that appeared to be invisible, I probably never would have gave that part another thought. I would have thought that was crazy talk. But, I did see it, so... gives one something to ponder.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:33 AM
Here is more about Maldek, for those who are interested:
And there is more in the link.

The destruction of Maldek, Malona, Nibiru, The Twelfth Planet, Lucifer, Phaeton, Tiamat, The Original Atlantis(all the same), between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was the single greatest catastrophic event to occur in the history of this solar system.
This great interplanetary event, variously placed at between 8800 and 1500 BC(the longer dates are unreliable), changed our solar system and all life on it forever.

This is the Luciferian rebellion which brought devastation and chaos to our solar system and beyond. There may have actually been two planetary destructions, the fragments of which littered the solar system with asteroid belts, comets, errant moons, and planetary rings.

From all the sources I've read it appears the great planet Maldek either destroyed itself in a nuclear detonation or was destroyed by huge planet-sized enemy ships(one of which may have been the famed Nibiru). There is no clear consensus on what actually happened except that the planet blew up and left its survivors wandering space for a new home.
reply to post by 1Learner

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by 1Learner

This was missing from my previous post, the omitted part is underlined:


Session 9, page 116-117:
There are no second-density consciousness complexes here on your sphere at this time. However, there are two races which use the second-density form.
One is the entities from the planetary sphere you call Maldek. These entities are working their understanding complexes through a series of what you would call karmic restitutions.
They dwell within your deeper underground passageways and are known to you as “Bigfoot.”
The other race is that being offered a dwelling in this density by guardians who wish to give the mind/body/spirit complexes of those who are of this density at this time appropriately engineered physical vehicles, as you would call these chemical complexes, in the event that there is what you call nuclear war.
These are beings which exist as instinctual second-density beings which are being held in reserve to form what you would call a gene pool in case these body complexes are needed. These body complexes are greatly able to withstand the rigors of radiation which the body complexes you now inhabit could not do.
These body complexes of the second race dwell in uninhabited deep forest.

There are many in various places over the surface of your planet.
The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other mind/body/spirit complexes, but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here. These entities of the glowing eyes are those most familiar to your peoples.

There are three types of Bigfoot, if you will accept that vibratory sound complex used for three such different races of mind/body/spirit complexes. The first two we have described.
The third is a thought-form.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by 1Learner

Is this suggesting that the Bigfoot creatures are waiting for man to destroy himself so they can take over when we're gone?
Are they hiding in the woods, and underground, just waiting?
If they are from another world, are they being controlled by a higher intelligence to become the next occupants of Earth?

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by sled735

East TN..... hm. This has gotten me thinking, maybe, just maybe I am not too mch of a chicken to do some exploring in my parts. I definitely couldn't do it at night, but maybe during the day. I wonder if my husband would come along?

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by chelsdh

Knowing what I know now, I would NEVER venture out in the mountains alone around those parts. You should definitely take someone with you... and a good camera.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Mindless1980

The material does not suggest the intentions of the race -referred to in the material as "the other race", "the second race", and "entities of the glowing eyes"- which were categorized as a Bigfoot type of creature.

The second question you ask has an answer depending on which creature you talk about.
If you are able to reread the material, and if you have understood a distinction that I've pointed out, then i think you can figure it out by yourself.

I do not know about your third question.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by sled735

I guess I need to read through your threads. You have me interested in what you know about the area. And, possibly changed my mind to do any "observations"
I read a thread here a while back about a child who disappeared while camping with his family, only to be found but he had a very odd story he shared with his grandmother. I think that story frightened me from the wilderness more than the thought of Bigfoot.
edit on 6-9-2013 by chelsdh because: spelling

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