posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 09:25 PM
When considering Dr. King, one must consider his message. He was killed for it, as were many other black brothers and sisters for standing up for what
was right, against all odds. RFK supported Dr. King, I'd argue more than JFK did. He was killed also. White privileged Irish American guy. So? In
death wtf is the difference if you're standing up for the same thing. Many posters here are caught in racial definitions as they are NOW. Dr. King
didn't think that way. Neither did RFK. Or MJ for that matter. I believe if the heart is in the right place, it matters not the color of yr garment.
Sticking up for the right thing is the right thing. # the brainwashed masses if they can't comprehend that. That may be the problem in of itself,
no? Some are willing to give their all, despite the narrow mindedness of those around them. Some are looking towards the future. It may seem crass or
arrogant to you, but maybe you're not thinking 4th dimensionally, Marty!!! BTTF, WTF??