posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by ctophil
Also, how do you turn off the sixth sense?
It's a bit difficult to control your sixth sense unless you've been training your third eye (on your forehead, between the eyebrows) for a while.
You ever tried to stick your finger between your eyebrows? Feels kinda weird doesn't it? Well that is your sixth sense. This third eye can see all
things that are hidden to the average person in this world and others. When you dream at night, you are actually soul traveling to the Astral. The
soul is attached to this eye on your physical body. The reason why you dream is that the third eye sees what your soul is experiencing at that moment
in the higher planes. At first, you don't have much control over your dreams. But when you dream next time, try to control your dream's outcome.
This will help you control your sixth sense. If you are not dreaming, it helps to wake up at night by using the bathroom or get a drink of water.
When you come back, there is a high chance you will dream and soul travel. So drink lots of water before bed so that you get up at night.
Another thing is prayer and meditation before bedtime can be helpful. Praying to God, like I said, creates a connection to the higher planes. During
your prayer, you can switch to talking to Archangel Michael to help you get rid of the ghosts. He is an expert in clearing the Astral field of ghosts
and demons around your house. You have to do this during your early training, because you can't control your sixth sense at the beginning very well.
Switch over to Archangel Sandalphon (expert of Astral Plane) to help you with sixth sense training. Ask Him to train you while you Astral travel at
night (dreaming). People don't realize that dreaming is part of life training if you go to the correct places during sleep. After prayer, you can
sit down in meditation. Close your eyes and try to clear your mind. Stop thinking about your daily activities and emotional attachments. Breath in
and out in even rhythms. The mind can focus on spiritual things when it is not thinking so much. Try to visualize that the ghosts or demons you see
are leaving your house. Tell them with your mind to GET OUT OF HERE NOW! Trust me, they will hear you. But you must be firm and focus your mind on
their energy. Then, tell yourself to switch off your sixth sense at this time. Say in your mind, "I don't want to see ghosts anymore, switch off
my sixth sense when I wake up tomorrow."
Keep your focus and do this every night for 2-3 days. You will see results. You can turn on your sixth sense again by telling your mind to turn it
back on for further training in the future. When you are used to doing this, you can tell your mind at anytime to switch between using the sixth
sense or not. Also avoid negative thinking and other stuff I mentioned in my previous posts. This helps your third eye see positive aspects of the
Emotional Plane (yes, the middle and upper areas are beautiful and full of light), not the negatives. You can read more about the Planes of Existence
and their different areas from my other post here:
The third eye is very powerful and can see through lies and deceit, control the outcome of events, and manipulate all matter. So instead of seeing
ghosts, using it properly can be quite beneficial to your life and others. Just don't use it for hurting others (which some people do) because this
creates karma.