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Rapist sentenced to 30 days in Jail.

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posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by LightOrange

Originally posted by w810i
reply to post by zetaM7

Only in your mind. I'd bet money on the fact that if you were to poll 20 people on the street you'd get almost a 100% agreement that anyone like this guy deserves the worst that can befall him that our legal system allows.

They'd also tell you Miley Cyrus is an interesting talking point and the GZ trial was a news-worthy incident.

What's your point?

That the general population is void of critical thinking skills?

I'm personally not inclined to get enraged over someone sleeping with a teenager when the teenager atively admits that he/she was actively trying to sleep with them. I understand there is a certain level of bias when you have children whom you want to protect, but my sympathies are with the individuals who are actually part of it rather than the parents who simply seek to control their chilrens' sex lives for whatever reason.

I'll remind you that the story of Romeo and Juliet largely depicts a pre-teen girl with an older man. This story seems to me like they were having a sexual relationship and he got arrested and charges filed agaisnt him and they are no longer allowed to be near eachother so she killed herself.

Now all the harlequins come out to scream at the man who she may have very well thought she was in love with or something when realistically she killed herself because these fools poked their nose in someone else's love life to begin with.


Why are you trying to compare rape to miley cyrus? Let me also remind you that Romeo and Juliet was written in a time when relationships between partners of vast age differences was acceptable. It is not today so what is your point? This is not 15th century England and this is not a Shakespeare play. This is about a teacher who knowingly and willfully violated his position of trust and authority. How is that so difficult for you comprehend?

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by w810i
Why are you trying to compare rape to miley cyrus?

I'm not. I'm succeeding in comparing what you claim society thinks is important to what society actively professes is important.

Let me also remind you that Romeo and Juliet was written in a time when relationships between partners of vast age differences was acceptable. It is not today so what is your point?

Has the human emotional and reproductive system changed since then?

This is about a teacher who knowingly and willfully violated his position of trust and authority. How is that so difficult for you comprehend?

It's also about a girl who knowingly and willfully "violated" her own, and when the smart boys came in with the pitchforks to haul the guy away, she killed herself. Now you blame him for having sex with her... that's why she killed herself? Not because of the separation. Surely she realized she could no longer live because she willingly had sex with someone.

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