posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:18 PM
Two threads: one about hate speech, the other about the "recent surge in hate speech," one by Springer, one by Skeptic Overlord. One from 2009,
and one on 4-4-2012. Both threads are now closed, according to information I get on my browser from "Recent Topics." Yet, both keep showing all
day a post made by both owner/asministrators as of 11 mins. ago, and my time now is 6:16 pm, Wednesday, August28, 2013.......
Is this showing up on anyone else's Recent Topics? If there are added postings to closed threads, how come it doesn't show up on my computer and
Just a question, sorry. Did someone hit a reset backwards button, and this is my clue
Or otherwise, WTH is going on here.