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The Transfiguration of Miley Cyrus

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+17 more 
posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 04:56 PM
The Transfiguration of Hannah Montana

There is something that has been bothering me as it relates to a scheme that has been portrayed upon the morality of our nation, an insidious ploy designed and executed with the sole purpose of the destruction of innocence within our youth. For sometime now I have had difficulty seeing the machinations of this plan clearly, though the auspices of its design ruminated around the recesses of my mind. With the recent declaration of demagogic debauchery displayed by Miley Cyrus at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards, a light bulb went off in my head, and for the first time I was able to see with greater clarity the deviant design behind our modern day teen idols.

For the purpose of this article, I will focus primarily on our young female idols and their effect upon the teen and pre-teen girls of the country, though the male equivalent is certainly just as prolific and culturally malignant in both scope and intention. One thing that I observed with this most recent fall of an innocent teen idol is the similitude of the playbook relaying again and again this likewise narrative. Like Brittany Spears before her, Cyrus was presented to the girls of America, and more importantly to the parents thereof, as a model of innocence and girlish frivolity. Few parents objected to the enthusiasm found within their young daughters for this giggling mascot of purity, lauded by society and displayed within the sanctified and trusted realm of Disney. Just as Brittany Spears made her entrée onto the world stage as a Mouseketeer, so too was Cyrus introduced to our daughters and permitted into our homes under the guise of cultural innocence that has been the banner of Disney, cemented in the national consciousness established by Walt and his loveable band of characters such as Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy. With the passage of its namesake and the inevitable change through time, America has lost the thread of cultural degeneracy that has occurred in our most stalwart institutions like Disney. As market demands and pressures have coalesced to create the largest media empire on Earth, the typical American exists in a false state of nostalgia of times long since passed and replaced by ruthless competitive forces devoid of moral consideration where the heir of Walt, Michael Eisner, has slaughtered and cooked the likes of Donald Duck and made Dumbos of us all.

One might rightly ask, why would a conglomerate like Disney purposefully bring down a model of innocence such as Cyrus? There could be many such reasons. One reason is the revenue sustainability of an established figure within a “captured” audience. As Cyrus ages and becomes less palatable to the next generation of teen and pre-teen girls, it is perhaps better to bring her established fan base along through an ever evolving career that allows for the continual return on investment into maturity rather than discard her and start anew with the next selected idol. Hannah Montana, like all fads, simply would not engender the endurance necessary for another decade of sustainment. Twerking Miley Cyrus, however, brings a fresh modality of appeal to an ever increasing society of decadence and thereby increased cultural life to a fruit otherwise squeezed dry.

As a man of faith, however, I do not see simple profit motive in such behaviors, but rather a willful and purposeful design of malfeasance perpetrated upon the youth of the world under the seemingly watchful and approving eyes of a distracted and beguiled parentage. The guise of innocence worn by these teen idols in the genesis of their careers is actually a Trojan Horse by which parents swing wide the gates and allow complete entry into the homes and hearts of innocence found in the living and bedrooms of their susceptible and easily influenced children. Perhaps these parents falsely believe that the influence wrought upon their babes by such figures is relative to the time of their observance with them, a half hour on television once a day. This is an antiquated view. With the proliferation of constant media and its seeming obsession with pop-culture (oft in lieu of very real social and world issues), our children are bombarded with news that is essentially tantamount to gossip and a cult of popularity that resonates in their lives as a sort of “super-school” experience, where everyone marvels after the “it” girl and follows her comings and goings as if scripture. When not inundated with the idiocy and asinine behaviors of these idols portrayed on such shows as Cribs and TMZ, our children find their fix upon the countless pages of the internet dedicated to these same things. They discuss it in the halls of their learning institutions, follow it with the constancy of updates sent to their ever present phones via Twitter and Facebook, and even block out the sounds of the world in their walk or drive home, replacing what used to be conversation with a distracted silence and the siren song of a malevolent muse found only in their ears by the pulsating message delivered via MP3. By the time these media idols have the attention of your children, make no mistake, they spend more time with them then you.

Until, inevitably, their innocence no longer has value, and is shed both literally and metaphorically by the clothing they fling to the ground and reveal the demonic intent behind their false front of piety. Whether it be the highly touted virginity claim worn for so long by Brittany Spears morphing into the lingerie clad stripper tongue kissing Madonna before millions of people, or the Disney Diva Hanna Montana flashing her tongue in Gene Simmons like pantomime while gyrating her barely clad body in a masturbatory dance with a giant foam finger, the fall is the same and resonates likewise with those simple and adoring fans who, incidentally, are your children. The tactic is linear and always leads to the same place, like an arrow shot toward the ground. Those who will not embrace this next stage of their careers will simply parish from the limelight they once enjoyed, and their legion of adoring fans will merely fade as the next great distraction overtakes their minds and wills and walks them obligingly to the sullied and barren grounds prepared for them.

Fathers. Mothers. This is a call to arms.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:05 PM
When I saw this I was like "Yup, the tptb music industry has made her sell her soul"

I'm my opinion she should be ashamed of herself. I thought she was a role model for for kids and teens but it rather more like having her little followers to be......what's the word I'm looking for? Slutty.

This what happens when money pays you to do.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by sylent6
This what happens when money pays you to do.

This could honestly conclude the thread and pretty much every other thread too.

Syria, the death of America, on and on it goes, and the reality centres around.... $$

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by BBobb

Yes I have watched them go from beautiful sweet girls to backstreet tramps right in front of my eyes and it saddens me so much. I am sure it is making a lot of people money and making a lot of creeps happy to see them disintegrate.

+5 more 
posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:10 PM
Today...Hannah "Herpes" Montana...Tomorrow the WORLD--Muah-Ha-Ha!--join us next time where we'll pick up where we left Syria! Muah-ha-ha-ha....tune in next week for the new exciting episode of "You're Totally Effed!"

Same Bat-Time, same Bat-Channel!

edit on 28-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by sylent6
This what happens when money pays you to do.

This could honestly conclude the thread and pretty much every other thread too.

Syria, the death of America, on and on it goes, and the reality centres around.... $$

I actually think there is more to it then money, but clearly it does play a role,

+4 more 
posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:12 PM
Oh no, a teenager is acting like a .....teenager. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:12 PM
I never saw Hannah Montana, i learned of her via random crappy newpapers at the barbers thinking "who is this young tramp and why should i care".

I dont like her songs now she does that as herself, i pretty much ignore/change channel/open up a new tab when i see her.

Not even all that familiar with her face, unfortunately learning how to avoid her means you must pay some attention - and that sucks. Weather you like her or not, you cant avoid her

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by BBobb

Why don't you start your own media empire and use it to express your views and promote the healthy family programming you think is lacking. Implement the change you want to see.
The platforms are readily available on cable, the web, over the air TV, public access etc.

You can start here....

If people resonate with your message then you will be a success in social and cultural modification.

Join us in the New Media revolution and stop being a crybaby!

Get to work!!!

edit on 28-8-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by sylent6
This what happens when money pays you to do.

This could honestly conclude the thread and pretty much every other thread too.

Syria, the death of America, on and on it goes, and the reality centres around.... $$

I actually think there is more to it then money, but clearly it does play a role,

More to it, such as personal relationships and the like?
Where certain people are in their lives, and the decisions they are forced to make because of it?

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by BBobb

Yes I have watched them go from beautiful sweet girls to backstreet tramps right in front of my eyes and it saddens me so much. I am sure it is making a lot of people money and making a lot of creeps happy to see them disintegrate.

I've personally lived and worked in Hollywood as a musician, and I can tell you that your comment does carry a good amount of weight. There seems to be this love/hate relationship with our celebrity. We love them, cheer, applaud, adore, all that, but we almost love more to see them fall...

+3 more 
posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:16 PM
Before her image "makeover" this year, Cyrus left the Disney-owned Hollywood Records, and signed with RCA (which I can't find any evidence offhand of the two corps. being intertwined). There isn't any "plan" behind a 20 year-old millionaire putting their money up their nose and turning on the sex appeal. These formerly "innocent" stars are growing up, and becoming jaded in the entertainment industry.
You don't have to look hard to see that many child stars turn into drug addicts, as having the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head from a young age tends to make you not turn out too well adjusted. The reason Miley is twerking and singing about molly is that she, like Justin Bieber pissing in a mop bucket, are too damn high.
I'm a long time lurker (without an account) on these forums and this is my first time posting, but I always see people looking too closely at the mundane for evidence of whatever worldview-defining conspiracy is theirs; If you want to point out something about Lady GaGa's mysticism laden music videos / outfits / persona, I agree that there is some merit to that thought (though she, like Drake / Bieber / Jay Z seems to be doing it purely for the aura of mystique that flying those flags attaches to her act). In the case of Miley doing these wild acts in a performance, it's because she wants to appeal to a wider audience (of older, pervy men). It's a shameless money grab.
As a counterpoint, look at Justin Bieber's stage persona - still a squeaky clean one-man boy band. (With some kinda weird messianic crap with the all-white outfits, and I think I saw a picture of him wearing angel wings somewhere). He is still working at his target demographic, and his transition towards working with more hip-hop acts is how he will attempt to evolve, as pop / R&B / rap / EDM are all the same genre in modern music, and it is an existing archetype that can be filled, just as "Scantily-Clad Temptress" has been an established trope for female performers for decades.

TL;DR: No conspiracy of corruption, just normal sex, drugs, rock & roll (&$) corruption

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:20 PM

Well I didn't over-emphasize the point in my article, but I do feel that it is a nefarious scheme, a linear objective so to say. I'll tell you, when I worked in medical sales, I learned real quickly that the first person you have to get past is the front desk lady(ies). If you don't get past the gatekeepers, you're never gonna see the doc. Today, parents are (or should be) the gatekeepers to our children. Marilyn Manson will never get past certain parents because of his overt image, but that doesn't mean dark forces give up on those children more closely shielded behind parental walls. They simply send in a plant, guised in innocence and morally digestable to sneak past the firewalls of parental protection, only to reveal their true nature at a later time when the children are already, for lack of a better word, worshippers.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:20 PM
The Transformation is now complete...

She is a Product like most products today made of Plastic, Disposable and Cheap! She is manufactured, packaged (barely) and sold. She has been designed as a distraction with the most potent of sells SEX. Our god of money made her and we continue to worship her b(u)y bowing down on Youtube and we have declared this is our freedom by voting for this with spending our wages on her! And just when you think it has been shoved down your throat enough THE PRODUCT will THRIVE because of this publicity!

To bad and extremely sad there is actually a human being used as a product, that we continue to buy, buy, buy...

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:21 PM

I think the whole industry has a joy of corrupting innocence just as though they are molesting the kid. There is a perversion running through it all that reminds me of sacrifice.
edit on 28-8-2013 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by BBobb

Why don't you start your own media empire and use it to express your views and promote the healthy family programming you think is lacking. Implement the change you want to see.
The platforms are readily available on cable, the web, over the air TV, public access etc.

You can start here....

If people resonate with your message then you will be a success in social and cultural modification.

Join us in the New Media revolution and stop being a crybaby!

Get to work!!!

edit on 28-8-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

Ha! I don't think I was being a crybaby. By the way, when you speak to someone like that, you do not inspire in them any true impetus to "join your cause". I was simply making a social commentary on a tactic that I believe is being used against our youth. If you agree, great, if not, I respect that, but your name-calling is simply unappreciated.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:26 PM

Very well said. As we know, pedophilia is a rampant problem in Hollywood. I think that you're right when you conclude this is another form of that debauchery. Thanks for the insight.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by BBobb

I would like to congratulate and curse you, both at the same time but perhaps a little explanation is necessary. I have only ever seen the name of this Miley Cyrus person float by in various newspaper headlines. Until now. Now you posted this thread here on ATS with a video I clicked! I now have heard her "music" for the first and last time in my life. Holy Mother of God, it's a good thing I didn't have a fork close to hand as I would otherwise have stabbed myself repeatedly in the neck.... Do people really buy this? A more talentless, out of tune no-hoper I should never hope to meet! I guess this is what achey-brakey heart funded...

Now, can someone please lend me a fork?

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:34 PM
I HATE censorship. Well, at least I think I do. I also agree parents need to take responsibility for what our children watch.

However, one day, I was hanging out at a friend's house for a cookout. The kids were all doing their thing and hanging together.

When I went to grab my jacket and leave, I heard the unmistakable sounds of a sex video. Yeah, I know, how do I know that? I stand accused.

Anyhoo, I looked around the corner to investigate and there were 3 kids that I LOVE as if they were family crouched around a computer monitor. One of them was, actually, a family member.

Their ages: 11, 11, 10. Two boys, one girl watching a "gangbang" video.

How do I put that into perspective?

We often talk of Madison Ave subjecting women to stereotypes. It's true. It has affected me, too, I admit…to my, and others, detriment.

Do we really want to make excuses for that kind of shizzle? I ask these things in all sincerity...and with more than a little sadness.

edit on 28-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

+15 more 
posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Let me tell you a story.

A man becomes a super star because he has some singing ability.

He has a daughter. This daughter is raised with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Disney takes notice as they always do and create a promotional honey pot for money.

Teen breaks free from Disney and starts acting out, since she has no real rules or sense of accomplishment.

This is the story of Miley Cyrus and her problem is not the music industry.

Her problem, is that she's a spoiled little brat, whose parents didn't do their due diligence.


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