posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by butcherguy
I do know that the Onion is a site that pokes fun and makes light of media and other outlets, but that necessarily doesn't mean that what was said
doesn't have merit. I mean I listen to Howard Stern daily and they do street interviews all the time with ordinary people supposedly and they have
no clue about whats truly going on in the world but they sure do know about pop culture.
My question was is there anything that is not controlled solely by the monetary value of the action??? Almost everything in life is based on decisions
that are decided more by your wallet than your mind.
My girlfriend watches real housewives and all this bull crap and thinks one day that could be her. I laugh everytime in her face. These so called
housewives never work, bitch and moan about everything and spend about 2k a day on absolutely nothing but yet are portrayed as the "new american
It's just so tiring, devoting all your time to a piece of paper that has almost no value as I have no gold to back up the receipt I hold or highly
doubt given the financial collapse that my children will see will be honored by the American government.