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Young Thug Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine

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posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Superhans
reply to post by mr10k

What the F****** HELL has gotten into the minds of these kids where things like this are 'Ok, as long you apologize'? The hell? They should have made an example out of him, but lord knows it would have been seen as either Police Brutality or they would have tried the guy who shot the gun. Man what the- I can't even mmmmmmmmmm Damn I'm mad.

Its the schools, with new policies that say not to discipline black students as much as white ones they are being taught that just saying you are sorry will suffice.

I'm black, went to a majority white school, was never treated differently. What schools are these you're referring to?

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by mr10k

Originally posted by Superhans
reply to post by mr10k

What the F****** HELL has gotten into the minds of these kids where things like this are 'Ok, as long you apologize'? The hell? They should have made an example out of him, but lord knows it would have been seen as either Police Brutality or they would have tried the guy who shot the gun. Man what the- I can't even mmmmmmmmmm Damn I'm mad.

Its the schools, with new policies that say not to discipline black students as much as white ones they are being taught that just saying you are sorry will suffice.

I'm black, went to a majority white school, was never treated differently. What schools are these you're referring to?

Most of them now, many schools are shifting towards race based dicipline. Which makes it so black students don't get disciplined as much as white students do to keep things "equal".

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:30 PM
I think these "games" are blown out of proportion. Just like "rainbow parties" that people talk about, but no one ever knows anyone that has attended one. There used to be a game involving a biscuit or cracker (that's all I'll say about that) -- and no one ever knew anyone that partook in such a thing.

I think these are isolated incidents being spun into some kind of fear-based propaganda. The MSM would have us think that these types of activities kids do is rampant. I'll ask some high school teachers I know if they've had to deal with this particular "pass out game".

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:31 PM
He should be getting attempted murder, tasering someone in the back of the neck, or any area of the neck can cause serious damage, including cardiac arrest. Many many stories of people being killed or permanently injured from taser accidents.

This story comes to mind

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
It's always refreshing to hear that a victim was able to protect themselves, and at the same time give the attacker a taste of his own medicine. Anytime someone decides to commit a crime, they take a risk that their victim will strike back and either maim or cause their death. I have no sympathy for this kid or any other criminal who plays with fire and gets burnt.

Here are a few other stories on the "polar bear hunting" game. Two little turdlets were injured, one fatally, after their victim fought back:

But these are disturbing, especially when the news channels just ignore these attacks, even when people get killed:

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
I think these "games" are blown out of proportion. Just like "rainbow parties" that people talk about, but no one ever knows anyone that has attended one. There used to be a game involving a biscuit or cracker (that's all I'll say about that) -- and no one ever knew anyone that partook in such a thing.

I think these are isolated incidents being spun into some kind of fear-based propaganda. The MSM would have us think that these types of activities kids do is rampant. I'll ask some high school teachers I know if they've had to deal with this particular "pass out game".

Its called Limp Biscuit (also where the band got its name from)

I play it every night....alone...And I always win!

I know lots of typical dumb teenagers that live around me that seem to always have some "game" they have made up, it comes from families not spending time with each other, fathers not being around and kids running wild with no respect for anything, because they have no one to look up to.

edit on 28-8-2013 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by Superhans
reply to post by yourmaker

Not fighting at all is much more efficient.

This is where parkour comes in. I can already visualize the massive eye-roll as you read this.

So you make your assassins creed get away when you see someone who MIGHT be a threat?

Depending on the context of the threat I suppose. Assassins creed lol, more like Mirror's edge.
That's besides the point. It's a backup if necessary, a skillset not used often if at all but timely if needed.

Just let it go man...

however your discussion about this reminded me of this..

Now and Zen

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:51 PM

Why are you not the world champion of UFC and any other martial arts tournaments? You would be the 1st person on Earth to be able to evade every single attack. Sorry but someone with a knife, gun, pepper spray, etc has a huge advantage over you. Even if you are trained to disarm, thats in the classroom, real world is much different with fear and adrenaline playing key roles.


posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:54 PM
And these thugs are going to contribute to the gene pool. No wonder we are in trouble.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by stormcell

Some of these kids growing up today are sick in the head. To play a game where you knock someone out or kill them is just plain evil!! You have to blame the parents if these kids are growing up not valuing or respecting human life. It just boggles my mind that kids can even think of doing such a thing!

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:00 PM


posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:03 PM
Glad no one was seriously injured including the idiot teenager. Perhaps his stupidity will prevent further attacks from his peers. At least he appears to acknowledge he did wrong and formally admitted guilt, I hope his parents had something to do with it and not the lawyers.

Sadly being a male teenager with lots of testosterone is not known to equate to high mental capacity.

Perhaps we need to have Public School Announcements and commercials explaining to these mentally challenged teenagers and wannabe be thugs that they are playing Russian roulette when attacking someone in a state that allows you to carry a gun.

edit on 28-8-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by interupt42
At least he appears to acknowledge he did wrong and formally admitted guilt,

edit on 28-8-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

He only admits he did something wrong because it didn't work out in his favor.. chances are had he succeeded and not gotten caught he would continued doing it or it would have embolden his friends to do it too.

I think it is well worth the shot in the @$$ if his friends say it is not worth the risk to play that game..

Now I know why my parents used to like keeping me tired when I was a kid..... so I didn't have idle energy that could be put to bad use.
edit on 28-8-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:13 PM
The shooter should have aimed for the perp's center mass and squeezed twice. I damn sure would have without a second thought. If you try to come up to me with a stun gun trying to cause me bodily harm of "knock me out"(meaning, trying to kill me) I'd have no regard for your life.

At age 17, if I played a game like that, I would have gotten slapped from here to west bumblef***.

This is called a lack of parenting, period. I bet the idiot kid's parent(s) are just as ignorant, because in no way should your child get to that age and think that going up to people trying to "knock them out" is acceptable behavior.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by votan

Originally posted by interupt42

Now I know why my parents used to like keeping me tired when I was a kid..... so I didn't have idle energy that could be put to bad use.

Smart parents, Too much time is definitely not a good thing for most teenagers.

edit on 28-8-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by interupt42

And time isn't wasted on these individuals. The same individuals complaining that they can't get a job. I wonder why???

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by kimish
reply to post by interupt42

And time isn't wasted on these individuals. The same individuals complaining that they can't get a job. I wonder why???

well they are too busy attempting to knock out people who have a job!

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:32 PM
Glad this turned out okay. Maybe it will bring attention to the fact that people can defend themselves. The stun gun guy and his friends will at least think twice about attacking anyone for fun.

That's one of the main benefits of concealed weapons. They act a s vaccinations for herd immunity. Not everyone needs to carry a gun. Just enough people so the criminals will think twice or even a third time about attacking anyone.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:38 PM


posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by Faust100f

You're funny.

Unless you are serious, as that would be rather tragic.

People can change, sometimes it takes a serious incident to force that change, sometimes not. He was a 17 year old child, for gods sake. Did you never make mistakes as a teenager? You must be one of only of a few worldwide if you didn't.


i made tons of mistakes as a punk kid tons of them..none were violent or attempting to hurt someone, thats where i have 0% sympathy for this little creep
wtf is wrong with kids today

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