posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Jordan River
It's not ww3...
Not yet.
If current events lead to wide spread oil production/shipment disruption the west will need to wage war to regain supply chains.
I feel that Russia will do all it can to stop Assad being disposed of, up until going directly against the US.
Saudia Arabia and Turkey love what is currently taking place and they will sit by and continue supporting the west semi covertly.
If a nuke goes off or if Syria or Iran shoot off massive volleys of Rockets at Israel then WW3 could begin at that point.. If the US surgical strikes
and leaves civilian infrastructure intact this will end in Syria being taking over by terrorists, followed by a Marine invasion by the US to gain
control of Chemical weapons. These troops should then leave, but the longer they may stick around the more likely other players will escalate the
I would say these current events have the most likely ending in WW3 for anything in my life time (around 30 years).. I don't think it will happen at
this point though.