Most of my dreams are different although the story line changes,
either at the start, middle or end. Although I do get the "Your not suppost to be here line"
Ever get the going to school dream's? Just like a real class! Only most are with people I do
not know; except sometimes later in life I find I've been here. Most though are either
somewhere later in the future or on a different world.
I get the feeling I live 3-5 live's at once; hard on the brain sometimes and some day's
seem to be back in time then in real time. Getting use to it though, always been that
way as a child.
It's funny though, why given the dream and unable to open a door, go upstairs do something
before a Poof stop's you. Poof= out of thin air! One would think being a curious mind; never
stops they would not put it there in the first place!
Then again, have been to the Gates of Hell; met the Devil and other strange people. Seen place's
I know do not Exist here on Earth, a future Earth; lot's of that! The thing that get's me is the people
standing by my bed, writing stuff down and my arm's can go through the wall's!
I have worked on things though, like actually talking to my voices. I now know they are part's
of me so might as well Hear Them Out.