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Worldwide Persecution of Christians - End Times Prophecy

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posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
You'll ignore my question because you can't answer it.

ACTUALLY I ignore your questions because I don't even bother to read them most of the time...

No point in discussing the truth with those who refuse to believe it.

Conversing with someone who only wants to ridicule, mock, and argue is a complete waste of time.

There are plenty on ATS who enjoy that kind of thing, I am not one of them.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid
reply to post by Grimpachi

Originally posted by Grimpachi
I know you have an affinity for videos. I found this one funny hope you do as well.

It NEVER ceases to amaze me when ever someone on a conspiracy forum cites a MSM source and expects to be taken seriously...

How in the world can people be so gullible that they actually BELIEVE what the mass media propaganda is telling them?

It's been shown countless times on ATS that the MSM is the most powerful tool used by the elite to manipulate the masses and yet people STILL listen to what they say.

WHY for crying out loud?!

When will people ever learn to believe the OPPOSITE of what propaganda is saying?

WHEN will people realize that everything in the mainstream apparatus is agenda driven?

Well I am sorry but I needed to find something short and simple for the simple. You could attack the information but as we both know it is correct so instead you go after the source. As far as sources go I find it ironic that you have such an affinity for scripture. Pots meet Kettle.

If you like there are some in depth lectures I can post and afterword’s we can discuss them but I need your word that you will actually watch them.

One other thing I have asked you before to provide evidence of the illuminati you keep referring to and I am still waiting. You may as well be claiming a group of unicorns are controlling your mind both claims are equally valid until you show supporting evidence.

ETA I usually gloss over your posts and find the same illuminati mind control jiber jabber so until you show some evidence I will continue to.
edit on 26-8-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

So there's nothing Christianity teaches that you don't believe. If you took the time to reply to my post, you took the time to read it, if you took the time to read it and reply to it, you should have time to answer the question. I guess if the question is too tough, you ignore it.

By the way, I'm not the one who constantly tells people they're in danger of going to hell for not believing what I believe.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Didn't you know? Unicorns are real, the bible says so. Windword mentioned this earlier in the thread.

Job 39
9 Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?

10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

11 Wilt thou trust him, because his strength is great? or wilt thou leave thy labour to him?

12 Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn?

For all we know, unicorns are trying to control our minds.

edit on 27-8-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Oh man I forgot. Dinosaurs, Unicorns, the arc and god. There has to be a joke in there.

I find it odd that the least persecuted religious group cry's so much about it. Well maybe Buddhists are less persecuted then again maybe not.

Doesn't the bible say they will be persecuted so what's the deal? They look forward to the end of times go figure.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 01:12 AM
I keep seeing this claim made, every generation, every religion,
they all think the have it right, i wonder if at the twilight of their
life they ever realize it isn't going to end in their lifetime.......

I also wonder how that would make them feel, the sheer terror
of doubt they must have after expecting it their entire life.....

A life lived in fear of the end that never came, a life wasted
worrying about a moral code that's immoral. A life given over
to charity in which the lions share is spent on buildings and
paying people to tell you the end is coming....... what little
manages to trickle down is spent on more bibles......

After spending my entire life watching religion being taken
to third world countries to try and help, the only thing i can
say for sure is those countries are worse now then when
i was younger, but they do have more believers in them......

Odd how more believers and a primarily christian populace
do not seem to equate to prosperity.... wonder why that is.

I would say its because wishing something better does nothing
and putting the personal responsibility off on someones else
shoulders, even a supposed god figure, is wrong.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 01:39 AM
UnifiedSerenity your last couple threads comments are enough proof that what your saying is true.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

When was the last time you stood up and defended a christian in your own neighbourhood?

Just saying.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

You could always try the radical idea of not announcing your faith to the world.

If you're a Christian in a Muslim nation you have to realize that you're a minority among those people. If you want to preach and proselytize, be prepared to be treated exactly the same way Christians treat atheists, homosexuals, Muslims, and pagans in nations where those groups are the minorities.

It has nothing to do with worldwide oppression, and everything to do with where you're looking.

Islam and Christianity have been aggressive toward each other since the Crusades. If you rile them up, in their own theocratic nations, what do you expect to happen? Do you think that by mentioning Jesus the Muslims will magically abandon their faith and see you as some divine messenger on behalf of the messiah? They have the same amount of faith in Jesus as you have in Horus. If you wouldn't be willing to accept Horus as the Lord and Savior, why should they accept Jesus?

But here's an extremely radical idea for you. If you want this nonexistent worldwide Christian persecution to stop, all you have to do... and hear me out here, I know I'm going to be proposing some crazy stuff... is stop making religion an issue. Let the Muslims be Muslims. Let the Jews be Jews. Let the pagans be pagans. Keep your religion to yourself, in your house, and out of the government.

If the issue of religion never comes up... no one can kill anyone over it.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by TheLotLizard
I for one should think it is a mental illness.

Believing in some imaginary friend in the sky that does nothing before believing in yourself which is capable of anything.

Blowing off all forms of evolution even when it stares you right in the face. Making it seem that your imaginary friend put them all there at one time, even though this is the 1% of diversity left throughout time.

If dinosaurs walked with humans where's the scriptures? No not dragons they fly.

And where did they go, did your friend just get bored and smite them to hell?

If you don't want to be called mental then don't act mental.

You do get that you can read the bible as symbolic information and the stories become something very different then.

From my point of view:
The fall from genesis is a disconnection and fall into duality and ego.
Revelation is about hidden energy centers in the body that can be activated thru meditation.

Seek and you shall find. Any true seeking will do in any religion or spiritual knowledge. In the end all roads lead home to source no matter humans belief in duality views.

The real problem comes when the so called imaginary friend say hi and you know you are in Platos cave looking at reflections to try to understand what "really is".

But if you do not like what I saying then do not listen to a "crazy" mystic like me. For those who get the message 11:11.
. I love you guys.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity

Originally posted by BubbaJoe
I was raised in the church, and a pretty staunch believer for about half of my life. The church left me, the church continued their hate that they had spewed for 2000 years. The christian church is full of hypocrits that are outed daily, and history doesn't speak much in their favor. I have no problem believing that there is something larger than I in the universe, but the christian church is not it. Stop pounding on my front door you idiots.

Just because you had idiots in your church does not mean the truth of the word is at fault. I bet you work for a living and did not hold your co-workers up to that standard since all those hypocrites in church work usually as well. This is just an excuse. Name one false thing in the bible. Most of the people I come across who say the bible is full of lies don't really know what it says. Most have never really studied on their own, but simply realized the preachers were full of dogma and teaching traditions rather than the bible line upon line and precept upon precept. They traded the truth for comfortable lies.

UnifiedSerenity. My own thoughts and I could be wrong. I normally keep away of anything written by Paul since I do not trust that Paul is what he say he is. There is something very off when I read him that makes me think he is more interested in making people wear a garment than the real thing even if he is skilled at saying the right words to try to hide it. I see much ego there and I do not like it.

I might be wrong but from my point Pauls additions are not needed anyway to make the message clear.

Romans 13 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. This is patently false, authorities and governments do not work for the greater good, only for the good of themselves.

Thanks 3NL1GHT3N3D1 you are proving my point.

edit on 27-8-2013 by LittleByLittle because: Spellchecking

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

You are absolutely right, what really angers me, is that Muslims living in the west are given every means available to practice their religion, as you point out in your op,Christians do not benefit from the same munificence in Muslim countries. About time our "leaders "realised that Christians and Muslims will never co-exist in a harmonious state.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:14 AM
The Book of Revelation is very clear, that the AntiChrist will come and "wage war against the saints... and he will overcome them." One who truly believes in Jesus Christ should not fear this, because we know how this all ends.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

When was the last time you stood up and defended a christian in your own neighbourhood?

Just saying.

Why would we ?? i dont run with people having a convert or burn in hell mentallity.

Fact is if the Church would still have reign over Europe i would not be alive....

Any Religion that believes they are better beings or whatever , is just plain radicalism.


edit on 27-8-2013 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

I found this commentary regarding Romans 13 very enlightening. Please check it out.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

I generally put all Abrahamic faiths in the same boat (they worship in the same pantheon, anyway) so when I see Christians murdering Muslims, Muslims killing Christians, or Jews killing Muslims, I view it all as sort of an "in-fighting" scenario. They are persecuting themselves.

ANY persecution of ANY kind is detestable but understand that villages and nations that are killing Christians in the name of their own religions (like Islam) do that to all religions. It is not because they are Christian, it is because they are not Muslim.

Do you think that if the woman was a Jew or Pagan that they would have said "Oh, sorry, our mistake. We thought you were a Christian. We only hang and beat Christians."

The illusion of Christian persecution is wishful thinking on the part of those who think it fulfills and justifies their behaviors.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Jesus said, "If you were of the world, the world would love it's own.."

From this we understand that we are no longer of the world because God has changed us spiritually into His children through Christ. The world doesn't like Christians because we are now a different type of human being than them. They are earthly, fleshly, carnal minded. To them this is all there is and ever will be.

There are people of this world that believe in various gods but they are no gods. There is but one God and He alone created the heavens and the earth. Yet the people of this world cannot know Him or find Him because they are not of Him.

Jesus told Pilate at his mock trial, " I am from above, and you are from beneath.."

From this we know that those who are of this world are below those who are the new creation, who have been reborn spiritually through Christ. yet the people of this fallen world believe it is the other way around. While they rule the earth they do as they please and kill many of God's Children because of the fact that they are God's children.

Jesus told Nicodemus, You must be reborn, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.."

We know from this that there are two distinct and separate races of human beings on the earth. Those that are flesh and blood only, and those who are reborn. The people of this world are from their forefather Adam and the Adamic race will soon come to and end. Jesus is described as the "second Adam" and is the first of all those who are reborn through Him into a new existence.

When I look around I see two types of people. Those who are eternal, reborn, new and alive. And those who are like the animals of the earth, that think and act like animals of the earth. All they know and see is what they can perceive with their senses and nothing more. They don't hear the voice of God in their hearts and minds so they laugh as if it were all pretend. They do as they please and what seems fit to them. Some even think they worship a god but in reality it's a ploy from their master the devil who rules them.

So, the killing and the hurting will continue and grow worse, but we were told this by our Lord Jesus. They will do it without remorse, even being glad of ridding the world of the Christians thinking they will have the earth as their own. So all this we see only means that time is short for them.

Jesus will return and rule the world for a thousand years. At some point the heavens and the earth will fade out of existence along will everything in it. The only things that will remain are that which will go into the new heavens and the new earth. All else including the people of this world who were never reborn will be destroyed.

That's the way it will be. So be patient as they destroy the earth with their wars and death and pain. Jesus is coming sooner than they even know. We know because we are of God.

edit on 27-8-2013 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:11 AM
I though martyrdom was a good thing for Christians. You get to reign with Christ a 1000 years and get all kinds of goodies like crowns and iron scepters to break nations like clay pots. Why are you complaining?

Furthermore, how many Heretics/Pagans/Witches/Homosexuals/Blasphemers/Atheists and random people has Christianity persecuted and destroyed? Countless.

Karma is a bitch. You reap what you sow. Even God must obey his own laws, this the real reason you are being persecuted and he/it lets it happen. Y'all deserve it as a consequence of what you have done to others.
edit on 27-8-2013 by lupodigubbio because: typo

edit on 27-8-2013 by lupodigubbio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by lupodigubbio
I though martyrdom was a good thing for Christians. You get to reign with Christ a 1000 years and get all kinds of goodies like crowns and iron scepters to break nations like clay pots. Why are you complaining?

Furthermore, how many Heretics/Pagans/Witches/Homosexuals/Blasphemers/Atheists and random people has Christianity persecuted and destroyed? Countless.

Karma is a bitch. You reap what you sow. Even God must obey his own laws, this the real reason you are being persecuted and he/it lets it happen. Y'all deserve it.
edit on 27-8-2013 by lupodigubbio because: typo

This is a perfect example of what I describe in my above post.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Well, Christians have done it to themselves. You didn't learn the most key lesson in the bible, your faith is exactly that, YOUR faith. It told you to keep it private but NOOO!! you had to proselytize. You let priests manipulate you into to doing unchristian actions. The worst among you preach messages of hate. Your religion as it currently stands needs a little housecleaning.

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