Look for a warm climate, cold weather is no fun.
Drinking water
Women do not fare to well in these type of situations, so prepare to be alone, and if on the off chance you find a honey to take with you, she will
most certainly cave in , she will get the island fever and leave you hanging. I did this and the chick lasted for almost two weeks, then went
completely crazy, crying for hours every day until I finally shipped her sorry ass back too the mainland.
After about a week you'll get used to being alone.
Books, Fishing gear, hunting gear
Solar gear is awesome, but its very heavy and hard to drag around, I have almost two hundred watts of solar and I'm tired of moving panels. adds over
150 pounds to my already heavy load of tents, tarps, rods, reals, knives, art work, bungees, tools, stereo; which never gets used, laptops, desktops,
batteries, flashlights, CB equipment, an old Ingraham meteor clock .
The Art work and clock are a pain, I'm constantly worried about them getting wet, and keep them completely covered in tarps most of the time. (Oil ,
water color, charcoal, photographs)
A cheap air mattress.
blankets& pillows. stuffed animals, military style backpacks
steel toe boots, and flipflops, lots of clothes.
The hardest part is being alone, take lots of pens, and paper, journal every day.
Try it for a year, after that you will be begging for a Starbucks & McDonald , some good islands have these
, Ship a truck to your island if you
can afford it.
Im leaving out lots of stuff, including but not limited too; brushes, razors, toothbrushes, soap, etc, etc...