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Female Archer with "Bionic" arm is funnier then most of our current comedians.

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posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 07:06 PM

AMA with Bionic Girl

I was wandering through Reddit today and came across an AMA with a girl who has a bionic arm, the following are just some of the questions she was asked and the hilarious answers she gave..

When the inevitable war between man and machine happens. Which side will you choose?

I'm not deciding my allegiances too early.

How many of your arms have a GI Joe Kung Fu Grip?

Actually, a couple! Like my arm I used for cheerleading in high school to hold my pom poms

Bionic cheerleader.
If that wasn't a fetish before today, I'll bet it is now.

Do you ever incorporate any of your hands into fancy dress costumes?

I love dressing up! Halloween is the best. But, I also like to act so I've done extra work in several movies where I've played a zombie, wounded veteran, or a dead body. I also am in a haunted house every year.

Have you ever given anyone a bionic bitch slap?

Yes. Many people.

If you could have an arm made up with an additional unexpected function (built-in flashlight, built-in-cellphone, secret storage compartment etc), what would you ask for?
(And now I'm imagining one which turns into a crossbow...)

Definitely some type of internet access. Can it shoot lasers? Will you make it for me?

Do you have any funny or awkward stories about people being caught off guard by your arm? Have you ever had any "security issues" with it? (ie getting on planes)

Oh god. I could write a book. I was bad though when I was little so I used to try catch people off guard. I used to hide my arm in my teachers' desks in school. I used to throw my arm in the pool during adult swim. Usually when I catch people staring, I like to slowly move my arm behind my back until they realize and look up a my face and I just smile at them.
I always have to get "wanded" at airports and then the pull me aside and test it fr explosives by using this sheet they rub against my rm and then run it through a machine

How did you find out your picture was on Reddit and how did you feel about it. Also do you know who put it up?

I woke up this morning to a call from my boyfriend. He's a Marine at training and one of the guys in his platoon happened to see it and tell him. I thought it was awesome, he thought it was awesome and we were both shocked at how long it took everyone to start making robot handjob comments.

Sometimes you just gotta laugh.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 07:47 PM
I love this- she has such a good sense of humour!

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 07:50 PM
A solidly bionic personality that one! Love it. And she gets to be a Zombie!!!

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 11:14 PM
Not only does she have a great sense of humor she's got a little bit of imp in her also. The throwing the arm in the pool of adults is just classic. Other than causing problems with the TSA, imagine detaching the arm while the TSA are doing their it could be a bomb inspection and screaming that they ripped off her arm as she hold up a bloody stump ala Halloween style.

TSA = no humor but it would be a Kodak moment for sure

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by pstrron

You sir have just as wonderful a sense of humor and you made me hurt myself laughing at your reply.

Not making fun of her at all mind you...that little imp as your called her has a great one too!!

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:27 PM

we were both shocked at how long it took everyone to start making robot [censored] comments.

Damn...beat me to it right out of the gate....

So, her boyfriend goes into the ER.
Nurse: "What happened?"
Boyfriend: "I said right hand, right hand! Not left!"

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