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Seismic Server ALL BLACK!!

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posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Gizmoqt
Temper Tantrum time....please answer my question

If these are "aftershocks" or "ripples" then what would a 9.0 look like on these machines?? How do we determine the magnitude? Waiting for them to tell us or do I have the wrong graphs?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE......someone answer my question

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:05 PM
Giz, i too have felt shaking but no one talks about it, i told someone at work 3 days ago i felf something and they thought i was crazy!!!
Certainly nothing on the news.
Maybe we're sensitive where others arent!

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:09 PM
To me, the amazing thing is the lack of media attention. Yeah, I guess maybe I heard about the Japan quake recently.

DG, I may be wrong, but I don't think those black lines mean you SHOULD have felt a tremor in your area. AZ is way too fara from the epicenter?? Trust me, if you felt a tremor, you would not have been the only one, IMO

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:13 PM
SOOOOO....if this is all....Rumbling in the Earth, OR/Fault lines, OR/"Ripples", then ......THESE MACHINES ARE POINTLESS........RIGHT?

I mean if they are entirely black because of the above then what is the point......another waste of taxpayers money on some outdated MANED equipment????

How could I tell if a 9.0 hit on one of these graphs that is already BLACK

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:15 PM
Gizmo, did you read the link I provided on reading a seismograph?

Seismologists are trained to read the vaying types of waves printed on the graphs and interpret them for quake location and magnitude.

Try giving it a look-see, and maybe do a little Googling on how to interpret a seismo. I think you're missing the important parts here and letting paranoia take over.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Banshee

Originally posted by Emily_Cragg
No, this does NOT happen all the time. This is one of my regular url stops and it has only happened twice in the last two years.

Yes, it does happen all the time.

I can assure you it's happened MANY more than 2 times in the last two years. There are close to 80 pages on those two threads alone tracking quakes, quake swarms (and this instance is not a quake swarm, BTW), and seismo readings much like this one.

The only games are the ones being played by those who think this is something to be concerned about.

I have to side with Ms. Emily on this one.

Thanks for the links ...although I'm not sure whether to believe (banned member) or (banned member). Well, many of the
(banned member)s were basically saying the same thing.

Why so many banned members on this site?

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Banshee
Gizmo, did you read the link I provided on reading a seismograph?

Seismologists are trained to read the vaying types of waves printed on the graphs and interpret them for quake location and magnitude.

Try giving it a look-see, and maybe do a little Googling on how to interpret a seismo. I think you're missing the important parts here and letting paranoia take over.

I did "look-see" and if you "look-see" it says squat.

No I am not see when there are NO WAVES because it is totally could any "pro-seismologists" interpret it, much less, if a 9.0 hit at that moment, in that location.....well the graph is already totally could they see ANY WAVES?

See my point.....NOW "COULD" these be like many of the solar readings that are JUST OFF THE CHARTS??

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Gizmoqt
how could any "pro-seismologists" interpret it, much less, if a 9.0 hit at that moment, in that location.....well the graph is already totally could they see ANY WAVES?

1. Did you click on the individual graphs to see the enlarged image?
2. The physical traces are much longer than a web graphic allows. They're shrunk to display online, otherwise you'd have yards & yards worth of graphic.

I'll keep answering your questions, but will anything I say have an impact?

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Banshee
I'll keep answering your questions, but will anything I say have an impact?

Do you know if there will be a big quake in CA tonight at 11:11 EST or 11:11 PST?

Just kidding you. I did notice alot of activity in CA today though. Maybe something to be on the lookout for.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Banshee

1. Did you click on the individual graphs to see the enlarged image?
2. The physical traces are much longer than a web graphic allows. They're shrunk to display online, otherwise you'd have yards & yards worth of graphic.

I'll keep answering your questions, but will anything I say have an impact?

Please do not belittle me. I understand what you are saying and yes I forgot to click on each image....but the fact remains, the lines are still OFF THE CHARTS! Just like to solar readings have been.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Gizmoqt
but the fact remains, the lines are still OFF THE CHARTS! Just like to solar readings have been.

The lines are "off the charts" because we're viewing a small version of the actual reading.
The data seismologists study is recorded on a much larger-scale image, ergo it's not truly off the charts and the waves are more clearly visible.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 10:19 PM
I'm not jumping to any conclusions or taking any side in determining the magnitude of the quakes, but I did find something interesting, HAARP's magnetometer:

I just found this to be odd that it's active close to the timeframe of these seismic events

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:01 PM

Looks worse now.

Are any of these signs of a impending pole shift......just maybe?

[edit on 11-11-2004 by Gizmoqt]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 01:58 AM
Hey everybody,

I just wanted to back Banshee up on this. This does happen all the time. Keep in mind the entire crust of the planet is sitting on top of molten magma. The crust is broken up into plates that float around and keep ramming into each other, similar to the way ice floats on top of the water in the artic.....There are constant quake waves going through the earth at all times. Most of them are too small to be picked up by all of the seismographs. The bigger ones (generally over 5.0 magnitude) will show up on all of them except the ones in the "shadow zone", which is directly opposite the focal point of the quake on the other side of the planet. When that happens, they will show up on the graphs, one looking different from another because the waves travel at different speeds through different types of material, such as crust vs. ocean, and different kinds of rocks in the crust. As soon as a wave hits a different type of material, it is refracted, or bent. Thus, the quakes will look a little different on the graphs.

There were 9 earthquakes over magnitude 5.0 yesterday, including a 7.4 and a 6.4 in Indonesia, a 6.5 in the Solomon Islands, and a 6.4 in Hokkaido, Japan. That's why there are so many aftershocks circling the earth.

And Emily, I was just telling someone the other day that most scientists go into the field of science for the good of the earth and the beings that inhabit it. The majority of them are not going to hide information from the public because the government tells them to. And also bear in mind that the U.S. is not the only country in the world monitoring earthquakes. There are many others. I don't think the entire world is going to collaborate to withhold information from the public. Most earth scientists want to save lives.

And when panic sets in, let common sense be the rule. If it's not shaking where you are, you don't have anything to worry about!!

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 02:02 AM

To Unknown Origins,

The spike you see in the magnetic field is from the major geomagnetic storm we had from 11/7 - 11/9 from a class M solar flare.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 02:19 AM
Repent! The End is here! Run away, run away! Oh the humanity!

Aieeeee! There's no hope, we're all going to be squished like bugs on the windshield of the cosmos! Aggggh, there is so much I had left to do in life! Mommy!

Or wait, maybe I'm wrong. I'm not sure the matter has been settled yet on this thread.

So people, are we like toast or not?

Opinions seem to vary, and I would like to be assured that my mortality doesn't become an indeterminate condition.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:22 AM

OK, the Giz has to humble herself....the above chart shows quake info for the past 10 years. Now, if it is accurate, it kind of puts things into perspective.

And thanks Magickal for your explaination.

I guess the earth movement is just much more than I ever realized. Maybe just more people are looking at it these days and that is why it seems so alarming.

Now, Mod......dont you feel all tingley inside knowing that you have helped educate someone that does not get along with scientists' (too close minded to the stuff they cant see or place on a machine or devise a formula for)

Personally I wish Einstein was still around, I like that guy!

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 12:44 PM
No problem Giz....I have to disagree about scientists being close-minded though....Every discovery and invention in this world is due to scientists dreaming, thinking, testing, and proving a theory. Every idea from the earth being round to spaceflight has come from scientists "thinking outside the box". A lot more of us would be dead if it weren't for scientists discovering antibiotics and other drugs. You wouldn't be reading this post right now if it weren't for scientists. Scientists have always had to overcome ridicule by people who thought it was "ridiculous" that the earth was not flat, or that the sun was the center of the solar system. Even today, how long did it take for people to accept that global warming does exist. There are still those who think that it doesn't exist, and probably won't until the sea level rises 25 feet!!

While Einstein was brilliant, I don't think the atomic bomb was such a great idea. Einstein himself said it was the biggest mistake he ever made. Nicolai Tesla was far more brilliant, and Einstein actually got a lot of his "ideas" from Tesla. Tesla invented a death ray, that could destroy large areas of land, but was smart enough to destroy all his drawings and notes because he knew mankind would destroy itself with it.

In short, we owe our entire lifestyle, as we are today to science.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by magickalworld
No problem Giz....I have to disagree about scientists being close-minded though....Every discovery and invention in this world is due to scientists dreaming, thinking, testing, and proving a theory. Every idea from the earth being round to spaceflight has come from scientists "thinking outside the box". A lot more of us would be dead if it weren't for scientists discovering antibiotics and other drugs. You wouldn't be reading this post right now if it weren't for scientists. Scientists have always had to overcome ridicule by people who thought it was "ridiculous" that the earth was not flat, or that the sun was the center of the solar system. Even today, how long did it take for people to accept that global warming does exist. There are still those who think that it doesn't exist, and probably won't until the sea level rises 25 feet!!

While Einstein was brilliant, I don't think the atomic bomb was such a great idea. Einstein himself said it was the biggest mistake he ever made. Nicolai Tesla was far more brilliant, and Einstein actually got a lot of his "ideas" from Tesla. Tesla invented a death ray, that could destroy large areas of land, but was smart enough to destroy all his drawings and notes because he knew mankind would destroy itself with it.

In short, we owe our entire lifestyle, as we are today to science.

Nope, I dont agree

1st, if I am correct the atom bomb was an accident on the part of Einstein, not intentional and he refused to build it! Also, it was a stepping stone that had to happen. Many things in life are scarey or dangerous but we have to experience them to get to the next level.

2nd, we owe our entire lifestyle to science cultivated by God. (my perception)

3rd, I guess I misled you there, when I was speaking of Scientists, start talking to them about God or spirit, religion, meditation, or the mystical.....there is where it gets wirey! I think they get all frustrated because they dont know where to begin or just choose to dismiss the existence all together, saying "Prove it".

Question, do you think scientists, even through dreaming, and "thinking outside the box" have a wall of limitations somewhere in the abyss due to their own realm of thinking, not to mention their owns realm of believing? Is there this wall being...... God's spiritual world.
"Dont believe the things you see but rather the things you cant see"

There is a unity of existence, between science and spirituality, or is there?

For example, ask a scientist to prove there is a soul, he/she will probably laugh at you.

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Einstein

I cant wait to see the outcome of the next 100 years, unfortunately, I will be watching from somewhere else


posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 03:08 PM
. . . unless we're SLEEPING through Life and Time.

You never know. I like the idea of a reference back to the beginning of the thread. I'll adopt that.

MY MY MY -- Woudja lookee here.

No, fellas, this sort of widespread >HIT< doesn't happen very often.


[edit on 12-11-2004 by Emily_Cragg]

Here's more on how to read earthquake seisigraphs.

How to read "webicorder" images and seismograms:

"Webicorder" images digitally simulate seismograms recorded at the Earthquake Studies Office. Seismograms are records of ground motion at seismograph stations in the Montana Seismograph Network made each 24-hour period. Seismograms are "read" like a book, from left to right, and then from top to bottom (these are the directions on the images that time increases). As with a book, the right end of any horizontal line "connects" with the left end of the line below it. The color of each horizontal line has no significance, but makes the "webicorder" image (seismogram) easier to read.

The vertical lines are spaced at one-minute intervals. The time of day (Hours:Minutes) is indicated in the left margin in Mountain Daylight Time (On the hours) and at the right margin in Universal Coordinated Time (Greenwich Time) (On the quarter-hours).

When a seismic event occurs, seismograms show ground motion at the location of the recording instrument that typically lasts from several tens of seconds to many minutes, depending on the size of the event and its distance from the recorder. The height of the waves on the seismogram (wave amplitude) is a greatly magnified representation of the actual ground motion. The magnification of some stations may be greater than 100,000 times. An earthquake recorded on a seismogram has recognizable characteristics: Typically, you can see the arrival the Compressional Wave, P, (travels fastest through the earth), and S, Shear Wave (somewhat slower).

On our seismograms you may see local earthquakes in Western Montana, regional earthquakes, from surrounding states and the Pacific Northwest, and earthquakes elsewhere in the world having a magnitude greater than 5.5 on the Richter scale. For distant earthquakes be sure to look at the "broad band" seismogram (BOZ). Broad band seismographs are equally sensitive to high frequency shaking from local earthquakes and to low-frequency ground motions generated by distant earthquakes. The lower frequency surface waves generated by a distant earthquake will only be visible on broad band seismograms.

Not all the waves on seismograms are caused by earthquakes. Anything that produces ground vibrations is recorded. For example: Vehicles on nearby roads (why we try to locate our seismometers well away from roads), Wind noise and thunder, Animals passing nearby (a herd of elk for example). Man-made mine blasts, such as the ones from: Montana Tunnels, Golden Sunlight, the Continental Pit, and Yellowstone Talc. The uniform amplitude ground vibration at certain stations, (BZMT, STMT) is caused by nearby equipment.

Non ground motion signals that are common are: Pulses at regular intervals during daylight hours on some stations, (for example SLMT, BGMT) are caused by the solar charging system voltage regulator. Radio noise: Since the seismic signals from the seismometers are typically transmitted to the Earthquake Studies Office using low-power FM radio links, other radios with similar frequencies may interfere with our signal. Interference is usually easy to distinguish from earthquakes because the the interference is often "spiky" or "one-sided", and begins and ends abruptly.

Webicorder Seismograms for regional Seismic Stations are available at:
UUSS Webicorder (Seismogram) Displays (Utah and Yellowstone National Park Seismic Networks).

WEBICORDERS - Real-time PNSN Seismograph displays (University of Washington Seismic Network).

24 Hour Seismic Data Plots (Canadian National Seismograph Network).

[edit on 12-11-2004 by Emily_Cragg]

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