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posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:12 PM
is jahbulon concitered as baphomet the god the knights templar were known for worshipping

it was a head, some people say it was a horn god thats holding the caduceus, the symbol of hermes

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
is jahbulon concitered as baphomet the god the knights templar were known for worshipping
it was a head, some people say it was a horn god thats holding the caduceus, the symbol of hermes

I'll bump this one for you, I can't help you but hopefully someone else can help you with baphomet. Is that egyptian?

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
is jahbulon concitered as baphomet the god the knights templar were known for worshipping

No. Baphomet has nothing to do with masonry or the templars, it was a LIE made up by the pope's minions under the direction of Phillip LeBel so he could seize the assets of the Knights Templar... most likely, baphomet is an adulteration of Mohamet, since the KT did not worship anything called baphoment.

it was a head, some people say it was a horn god thats holding the caduceus, the symbol of hermes

You know, tomb, if you are going to participate in this discussion, you might want to do a LITTLE study of the facts before you go parading that highly polished set of ignorance you have going there...

try reading the REST of the threads on the subject.... you know, use the SEARCH feature. No mason, no lodge, has anything to do with anything called a baphomet...

[edit on 11/11/04 by theron dunn]

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
is jahbulon concitered as baphomet the god the knights templar were known for worshipping

The Knights Templar never worshiped a god named Baphomet; this was one of many false charges leveled against the Order by Philip of France. The word "Baphomet" is a corruption of Mahomet (the French spelling of "Muhammed"), and implied that the Templars had converted to Islam and should be persecuted as heretics.

"Jahbulon" was originally a character found in the legend of Royal Arch Masonry in the French Rite. In the legend, he was one of several Israelites who returned to the Holy Land from Babylon during the reign of Zerubbabel. This legend has nothing to do with the Knights Templar or their purported "heresy".

it was a head, some people say it was a horn god thats holding the caduceus, the symbol of hermes

I believe you're thinking of Cerunnos and Pan, both of which were horned, thus representing the deities of wildlife and the forest.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:21 PM
you will find all you need to know here, with supporting documentation.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:53 PM
lol your calling me ignorant just because im uneducated at this subject

and didnt albert pike even say that lu cipher was the god of freemasonary

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
lol your calling me ignorant just because im uneducated at this subject?

I think that by you attempting to inform yourself about it is a good measure to 'deny ignorance'. Don't feel bad.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 08:01 PM
im not talkin about pan

look up a picture of baphomet, hes holding the staff that hermes has

the symbol thats on hospitals, the caduceus

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
lol your calling me ignorant just because im uneducated at this subject

By definition, if you are truly uneducated "at this subject" then you are ignorant. That's not an insult, it's a fact.

and didnt albert pike even say that lu cipher was the god of freemasonary

I assume you mean Lucifer? And I further assume you mean Freemasonry...not lu cipher and freemasonary...

Nope. He never did. This has been discussed again and again and again. Do a search on ATS . . . or better yet... read about the famous Taxil hoax right here:

By the way tomb, how old are you? I'd guess 15 by your posts.... But that's just my guess, you're probably not that old.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
lol your calling me ignorant just because im uneducated at this subject

and didnt albert pike even say that lu cipher was the god of freemasonary

well, you ARE ignorant on this subject, yet you are posting as if you actually know something...

and no, Albert Pike did NOT say or write that lucifer was the god of masonry...

masonry does not have a special, separate god. Masonry is not a religion. Masonry is a fraternity of religious men...

C'mon... if you are going to post here, you might actually try READING up on the subject first...

The purpose of this forum is to DENY IGNORANCE, not promulgate it...

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
and didnt albert pike even say that lu cipher was the god of freemasonary

No. There is no "god of freemasonary" (sic) any more than there is a "god of the Lion's Club" or "god of the San Francisco 49'ers". Freemasonry is a fraternity, and does not interfere with the religious beliefs of its members.

And, by the way, Albert Pike was a Communicant of Christ Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., where he occasionally taught Sunday school classes.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by tomb_of_lazarus
im not talkin about pan

look up a picture of baphomet,

Actually, the modern allegorical Baphomet is based on Pan, and was invented by the French writer Eliphas Levi in the 19th century. The popular modern image known as "Baphomet" descends from Levi, not the Templars.

hes holding the staff that hermes has
the symbol thats on hospitals, the caduceus

In Roman and Greek mythology, the Caduceus Serpent on the staff was a symbol of healing (the Hebrews apparently adopted this...consider Moses' Brazen Serpent, and Christ's allusion to it in the Gospels).

The Caduceus was carried by Apollo, the god of healing. The Hippocratic Oath which medical doctors now take upon graduation begins with the line, "I swear by all that I hold sacred..."; however, the original version, written by the Greek philosopher and doctor Hippocrates, began "I swear by Apollo the Physician..."

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:53 PM
i dont really know if this is true but didnt the knights templars say they worshipped a head named baphomet and stomped on the cross

what i read it said they found sacred teaching of jesus

i dont know why they would turn to a head lol i think its a made up theory

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:59 PM
Sword of Esus;

What you refer to are the lies made up by Prince Phillip with his puppet pope to steal the wealth of the templars, but they failed... now all that is left of that terrible plot is the reference to Friday the 13th (they were all arrested on Friday, October 13th) and maybe, just maybe, the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 12:01 AM
Im a kind one and only chastize once. Shhhhhh,,,Im begging of you...dont let Hiram catch us talking about this subject....or we will all end up riding the goat....very unpleasant and humiliating.

[edit on 13-11-2004 by project_pisces]

[edit on 13-11-2004 by project_pisces]

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 12:47 AM
Does this make sense?:

Baphomet: [from Greek baphe "immersion" + metis "wisdom"] From The Theosophical Glossary: "A medieval mystic term usually identified with the goat of Mendes. The Templars of Malta were accused of worshiping Baphomet as an idol. Baphomat signifies a baptism in wisdom or initiation, but became degraded and misunderstood when the keys to its real meaning were lost." The symbol of the Baphomet is related to Arcanum 15: Passion, as explained in The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah. The term "baphomet" hides a message when read backwards: Tem-o-h-p-ab, which is the symbol of the Latin words Templi ommun hominum pacis abbas, which means "The Father of the temple of universal peace for men." See Typhon.

Typhon Baphomet: (Egyptian) An aspect or shadow of Osiris. Typhon is not an �evil principle� or �Satan,� but is rather the lower cosmic principle of the divine body of Osiris, being the shadow of Him. In the Book of the Dead, he is described as being one who �steals reason from the soul.�

"We need to grab the Devil by the horns; it is essential that we capture the fiery torch from Typhon Baphomet, the Male Goat of Mendez." - Samael Aun Weor

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 03:05 PM
didnt the knight templars claim they had secret teachings of jesus?

where they beleived he wasnt the one that died on the cross

jesus got married to a woman and had kids

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by the sword of esus
didnt the knight templars claim they had secret teachings of jesus?


The Knights Templar were a military unit during the Crusades, they made no pretence to any sort of secret knowledge. Their job was to protect Christian pilgrims from Muslim bandits in the Holy Land, and they never claimed to do anything but their job.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 05:25 AM
Dismissing someone as ignorant because they are in the process of learning is a sign of true ignorance, a bit of a smelly personality, too. My grandparents, super good people whom were loved by all, were Mason/Shriner/OES for over 40 years as well as extremely religious Episcopalians, so I know a little, which is a lot more than most. Being religious is not the same as being born again of the spirit of God. Most of these churches were taken over by Norman Vincent Peale style philosophies and the membership became what is called apostate, meaning that they followed the rituals but lost the meaning of the crucifixion, they no longer believed in the literal salvation and born again experience, but still think of themselves as Christians. Unfortunately, they aren't. Those saying here that Freemasonry is only a fraternity are very wrong, though many fraternities are not just fraternities, either. You may be members yourselves and think that way, but you simply haven't taken seriously the reality of the secrets these societies require. The oaths and ceremonies taken in the blue degrees definitely define it as a religion and one which denies the literal deity of Christ and the unique path to salvation. The rich symbolism of freemasonry carry this religion to the most extreme, and the meanings are strictly contrary to serious Biblical doctrine. Baphomet is also definitely an idol within the definition of fundamental Christianity. The very fact that the initiate accepts the penalty of death for revealing masonic secrets can only mean that provisions are made for sinister purpose, and then begins the long, upward path to enlightment, brotherhood, and gradual introduction to the worship of demons, which, of course, must be strictly denied by those in the "fraternity" unless they want their tongues cut out and heads chopped off in that order.

My grandparents could not have been admitted into Heaven. They never saw a need to reject all in favor of receiving Christ literally into their hearts. Most people never do. They belonged to a church, observed the right holidays, and adopted the philosophy of freemasonry. They had a big, flashy family Bible, but they never understood the contents or took them to heart. They did not put Jesus before all, and so He could not have prepared a place for them. That's how it works.

Doesn't anyone know how to use Google? That's about the best way to research topics these days, unless you're looking for God in the real. You have to go upstairs and see the real thing for that.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by cusanus
Doesn't anyone know how to use Google? That's about the best way to research topics these days...

I do!!!!

I typed 'christian fundementalist nonesense' and was reminded of the absolute certainty of their intolerance and arrogance.

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