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Final conclusions on UFOs and Aliens.

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posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by 0pass

With all due respect, I have extensively researched the UFO phenomenon on ATS and other sites and realized that there are so many different hypothesis, theories and ideas out there that in order to come to an accurate conclusion you must research countless different subjects on history, science, geography etc and cross-reference that knowledge with the analysis of all the different UFO theories out there, and then maybe you might come to an all-encompassing conclusion that makes sense and answers everything.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by combatmaster
reply to post by 0pass

With all due respect, I have extensively researched the UFO phenomenon on ATS and other sites and realized that there are so many different hypothesis, theories and ideas out there that in order to come to an accurate conclusion you must research countless different subjects on history, science, geography etc and cross-reference that knowledge with the analysis of all the different UFO theories out there, and then maybe you might come to an all-encompassing conclusion that makes sense and answers everything.

Let's keep our eyes, ears and minds open and explore all options.

If our governments were not so secretive in this issue, people like Billy Meier's would have no business working on these issues.

There is clear evidence that something in our skies keep coming and going. What is the air force doing? When they can spend trillions on a war defeating cavemen, they shy away from spending money and dollars on this issue.

And if they are doing it they are not telling us. Why the big secrecy if all these are hoaxes?

Why are researchers dying in strange situations! Homeless people mutilated like cattle and drowned in the seas

Are we just here to pull people down by harping on needless issues.

I really appreciate that Whitley talked about these homeless people even if it is to push sales of his book.

Time to keep the eye on the needle and pin down what's really happening.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Research, actual research, on the other hand is a process of reviewing the data of any given subject, ignoring all previous findings or indications, and arriving at an INDEPENDENT conclusion, whether supporting, or detracting, through sourcing personal or other references of expertise of relevant applicable informations.

And this, my friend, is exactly the process used by the esteemed psychiatrist, Dr. Mack, to help draw his conclusions on the whole UFO/abduction phenomenon. Unfortunately, his Harvard peers did not quite see eye to eye with his carefully detailed conclusions but, he was way too established to denounce by his establishment.

BTW, of the 5% of the truly unexplained events, I would estimate the majority of the 5%ers went to great lengths to avoid detection or give evidence to the masses. As such, you and I will continue to cry for ample evidence as supporting documentation.

Look, as far as I am concerned, the phenomenon is real. I have 1st hand experience. I don't base my conclusions on the "alien" theory but based on what I have seen and heard, I fully support unexplainable/non-human involvement as a factor, whether earth bound or not.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by 0pass
There is clear evidence that something in our skies keep coming and going. What is the air force doing? When they can spend trillions on a war defeating cavemen, they shy away from spending money and dollars on this issue.

How would one spend money on this issue in a productive way? They have already done the obvious, which is radar and telescopes to track satellites.

And if there were ET's coming here (quite a big if), who are not obviously a military threat, do not make contact, but have immensely superior technology, what sort of military response is proper? What sort of political response is proper? If you ran US Space Command and had thousands of service members you are directly responsible for, and 300 million citizens you are indirectly responsible for, what would you do?

"War against ET" movies are fun in a July matinee. In Real Life they are a Catastrophically Bad Idea.
What happens when some mouthbreathing Congressdroid finds out about "Them Infidel Illegal Aliens In Our Backyard" and insists we "Do Something About It"?

Consider that if there are ET coming here, they're coming in minor exploration craft.

Like an anthropologist driving into the outback in a Land Cruiser to look at aborigines. We have NO CLUE what sort of capability ET might bring to an actual fight (which would be sized against interstellar empires), just as an aborigine looking at an exotic Land Cruiser driving around still hasn't a clue of a conception of a fleet of ICBM's and precision cluster bombs, or even just a freaking land mine. A single relativistic asteroid would annihilate the entire surface of the planet (global crust-cracking earthquakes and continent-destroying tsunamis) and be completely undetectable.

The most prudent action is to STFU, because the best thing to Do Something About It is precisely nothing.

Or, as is more likely the case, no ET, in which case you just do your job and ignore the whackos.

And if they are doing it they are not telling us. Why the big secrecy if all these are hoaxes?

It's likely that much of the time there is no government knowledge, and when there is, it is undisclosed operations. Remember too that government and secret civilian tests and operations keep secrets from other parts of the government.

edit on 22-8-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by mbkennel
I always ask this question: "If there is no ET visiting us (and there may not be any ET), please explain the radar confirmed and credible eyewitness reports of mile-long or several miles long craft above us? Who are the pilots of these things? Are they remote controlled? Where are they being parked without anyone seeing them?" Explain the smaller crafts zooming in at great speeds, docking on the bigger crafts and immediately zooming off at even greater speeds.

Does anyone know of any government with these kind of technologies?Basic questions.

edit on 22-8-2013 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-8-2013 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Jaellma

you ask some really good questions and pose some good points to ponder, but no matter how many media and first hand reports you see and listen to and read, there is no solid concrete proof that is available to the general public, if there is proof of the existence of other life forms good or bad from other planets we are not being told and we will not be told, unless something occurs and the governments have no options but to tell us,,,, otherwise this will go on and on and on... people who have seen someting or those that believe will be in 1000 years time what they are today, frustrated by not getting proper information and honesty from those they mistrust most...the governments.... todays world is not filled with freedom of speech or choice... that's just a falacy,... we are conditioned in millions of ways,,,,, and restricted to how much information we can have.... and that includes anything related to solid proof of UFO's......

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by 0pass
One observation that caught my fancy from the Billy Meier video is the shape of the UFO. Having gone through various cases besides the Billy Meier case and research on what would be right shape for technology that involves anti-gravity or electromagnetic propulsion (not just on what is said in the video by some scientists but also from other sources) the saucer shape or the circular shape would be the best shape for interstellar or hyperspace travel.

You've mentioned Billy Meier in almost every single post in this thread. What you are continuing not to comprehend is that he built his "UFO" out of items laying around his house. His ex-wife admitted it, and those items are identified at the link you ignored earlier here:

Furthermore, I'll direct you to the ATS Terms and Conditions that you agreed to when you signed up here:

15). Posting: You will not Post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

15l.) [HOAX]: In the event you Post more than three items that are later determined to be of an obviously hoax, fraudulent, or faked nature, your account may be terminated without warning.

To know something is a hoax, and then to continue to advertise the hoax, makes you just as guilty as the hoaxer.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:37 PM
The problem is when we look at evidence over lets say the last 6000 years it has not advance past a particular point, and that is troublesome.

We have people's impressions of paintings and drawings, impressions of pictures/video, witness reports and that is about it. The one connection to all this is it is all manmade in some way, so I would suggest we need something alien at some point to reach a final conclusion that aliens are among us. I find more evidence that all this leads to a socially created phenomena that is fueled by our abstract abilities.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Jaellma

Does anyone know of any government with these kind of technologies?Basic questions.

Well, it isn't as though that information is going to be shouted from the rooftops if there are govs with that kind of technology.
And I think it's a real possibility.

I have personally seen a few things that are not within the public perception of our technological capabilities. Aliens? or black projects? Until I see enough evidence to support aliens, I'm going with black projects. Though I'm definitely open to the idea of my sightings being "other worldly".

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Jaellma
reply to post by mbkennel
I always ask this question: "If there is no ET visiting us (and there may not be any ET), please explain the radar confirmed and credible eyewitness reports of mile-long or several miles long craft above us? Who are the pilots of these things? Are they remote controlled? Where are they being parked without anyone seeing them?" Explain the smaller crafts zooming in at great speeds, docking on the bigger crafts and immediately zooming off at even greater speeds.

Does anyone know of any government with these kind of technologies?Basic questions.

edit on 22-8-2013 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-8-2013 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

If you look at some of the evidence you will realize that most of the advanced countries possess these technologies.

For example I came across a website that claims that we have time travel technology since long back.

Even countries like India is in the forefront of this technology. But the owner of this website has vanished.

This sounds bizarre but as I am from India I found out that an Indian Military Institute is right bang on at this address.

And I myself have been theorizing on how to build this kind of technology since 1987.

Though I must admit my theories have only remained on paper.

But during my research I have found out couple of other scientists working on something similar.

So I feel we may already have these technologies but not coming out in the open as yet as it would be a game changer.

Any country that has this technology can move mountains, create earthquakes, and of course engage in time travel.

Obviously getting evidence will be next to impossible on this. That is why governments are coming down hard in whistle blowers.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by 0pass
One observation that caught my fancy from the Billy Meier video is the shape of the UFO. Having gone through various cases besides the Billy Meier case and research on what would be right shape for technology that involves anti-gravity or electromagnetic propulsion (not just on what is said in the video by some scientists but also from other sources) the saucer shape or the circular shape would be the best shape for interstellar or hyperspace travel.

You've mentioned Billy Meier in almost every single post in this thread. What you are continuing not to comprehend is that he built his "UFO" out of items laying around his house. His ex-wife admitted it, and those items are identified at the link you ignored earlier here:

Furthermore, I'll direct you to the ATS Terms and Conditions that you agreed to when you signed up here:

15). Posting: You will not Post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

15l.) [HOAX]: In the event you Post more than three items that are later determined to be of an obviously hoax, fraudulent, or faked nature, your account may be terminated without warning.

To know something is a hoax, and then to continue to advertise the hoax, makes you just as guilty as the hoaxer.

Smells of censureship. Well I consider the topic of UFOlogy as a hoax perpetuated by most researchers to make a living. Then this forum should be shutdown all together.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by 0pass

I take my opinion on these two individuals from a far more credible source that is Wikipedia.

Hate to be the one to break it to you but...

That State Farm commercial with the french model LIED...

They actually CAN put things on the Internet that aren't true.

You have been duped if you actually BELIEVE Wikipedia.

It is truly AMAZING how gullible people can be.

"Wikipedia is a propaganda outlet dominated by people who want to radically transform our existence."

Who Controls Wikipedia? (George Soros)
Wikipedia Disinformation & Propaganda

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid
reply to post by 0pass

I take my opinion on these two individuals from a far more credible source that is Wikipedia.

Hate to be the one to break it to you but...

That State Farm commercial with the french model LIED...

They actually CAN put things on the Internet that aren't true.

You have been duped if you actually BELIEVE Wikipedia.

It is truly AMAZING how gullible people can be.

"Wikipedia is a propaganda outlet dominated by people who want to radically transform our existence."

Who Controls Wikipedia? (George Soros)
Wikipedia Disinformation & Propaganda

Well when our governments can lie to us then what can we expect from websites such as wikipedia or ATS.

So I do not have to really search hard for the truth. Because the truth can never be hidden for long.

The truth is also influenced by individual experiences. For example I have not seen anything paranormal in my life so far be it spirits or aliens or UFO so I have no reason to believe any of these 2 guys.

But I would certainly believe that if some one tells me that our government has had this advanced technology all this while but denied it to us for so many years because of greed of a few group of people.

Because I have seen evidence that we are being lied to about most other things.

The documentary of billy meier pretty much says the same thing in different ways.

Though I understand he must have been delusional when he says that this was told to him by some friendly aliens.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by 0pass
Let me go one bit further. Do you believe we have the technology to do the following:

1) Snatch fighter jets out of thin air and dispose of them somewhere else never to be seen again. Zero evidence of crashed planes. Ex: fighter jets approaching aerial anomaly and suddenly disappearing never to be seen again.

2) Miles-long craft. Are you seriously telling me we have technology to levitate and fly massive behemoths such as these giant crafts? If so, where are we parking them at the end of the day? On mountain tops? In the ocean? Camouflaged and parked where no one sees them coming and going? How come not one single whistle blower on these type of massive crafts? I mean, come on, at least 1 person should have let something slip at some point.

3) Craft going from start to 100,000 + mph in a mere few seconds. So we have technology to build and physically withstand the amount of g-force needed to keep these things together?

4) Craft causing motor vehicles, planes, boats and entire city blocks to electrically lose power until they decide to leave.

5) Aerial objects jumping from one end of the globe to another in a blink of the eye, toying with military planes

6) Aerial objects bending light from emanating from motor cars. Where is this technology being developed and tested?

7) Underwater craft traveling at speeds only dreamed of by crafts traveling in the air.

8) Objects captured diving into active volcanoes. Military/government testing???

9) craft doing amazing turns, zig zags, 90 degree turns at unheard of speeds.

10) NORAD tracking objects coming in FROM deep outer space, making 90 degree or abrupt turns and zooming back off into outer space. Government?

11) Shutting down of military silos from above or aerial objects soaking in or deflecting bullets/missiles shot at them from planes/ground batteries.

I can go on and on. And these are only addressing the UFO aspect. I am not even touching the supposedly 'alien" phenomenon.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 06:58 PM
Ah, Youtube! Where all of life's questions are answered in a great many ways... most of them incorrect of course, but they're answers nonetheless.

Tune in during my next upload where I'll show you how to power your own authentically recreated Roswell UFO with radioactive Mountain Dew enhanced with the quasi-acoustical styling of Numa Numa.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 07:39 PM
"I just don't know", I'm all for that! I saw an Alien up close!!

I don't know what it was (it woke me up) but, it got right in my face and then touched me!

Bottom line. We need proof.

Or it's going to be "could be", it's possible or "I don't know"

Lots of stories, just stories though.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 07:55 PM
When I see someone making a final "conclusion:, I wonder why they may or may not have studied and read as much as some of us have. Im not saying ANYTHING IN THESE BOOKS MENTIONED BELOW IS TRUE...but the simple fact is it COULD be.

By reading the FREE PDF version you can search and download, one's opinions can broaden. It gives you many, MANY alternative ways of thinking. So much so...Im sure it will change the mind of the OP. And there are other books, also free, that will give the readers OPTIONS they did not use to assess their "final conclusion".

Yes, they may be fictional, never the less.One cannot make a final conclusion without all availble evidence and conjecture to make one the very least.

"Extraterrestial Vision" Who Is Here and Why and Their Impact on Our World
Gina Lake

PART I: Who Is Here and Why
1. Where You Came From and Where You Are Going
2. The Pleiadians 31
3. The Sirians 39
4. The Orions 46
5. The Zeta Reticuli 49
6. The Greys 56

PART II: Preparing for Contact
7. Servers and Self-servers in the World Today 67
8. The First Contact 75
9. Appearances and Other Differences 82
10. Living in an Integrated World 90
11. The Future

Also downloadable and FREE PDF's....

"Cosmic Voyage" Brown

"Alien Interview" Lawrence R. Spencer.

Reptilian "Interview"
"The Lacerta File 1 & 2"
(Translation by Christian Pfeiler)

By reading these books, I believe one can use the possibilities explained in them, to reach an entirely different "conclusion".

Opinions without varied and cumulative research of both fact and fiction...are by no means..."conclusive".

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by 0pass

These "sources" you quote have been quite thoroughly debunked.

Despite 2 centuries of science, there also doesn't seem to be any credible data relating to electro-gravitics. It all seems to come from 1950's sci-fi and the UFO community.

edit on 22/8/2013 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 10:49 PM
Whitley Strieber

"We started by believing gods are everywhere, decided there was only one, then none. Next we'll find they are everywhere, and us."

edit on 22-8-2013 by RUFFREADY because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by 0pass

Maybe you misunderstood. All i was trying to say was that thereare so many theories that are part true part false and if someone went and validated all the truths out there and discarded the falsehoods by means of explanation of how they came to be, then that would be something i would say i believe in.

But right now i believe we dont know the whole truth in regard to UFO and i dont know which theory to belive anymore but i still keep an open mind to every little fact that comes my way.

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