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We are currently in Asteroids, people. Don't you get that? E.T. is next.

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

I tried to u2u this, but unfortunately the mail is down so ill post it here, maybe there is information to help with this thread.

Whateva69 ATS Thread : Extraterrestrial Reality Weapon

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 02:19 PM

I meditate every night and during last nights relaxation exercises i had a communication from a male, although i didn't see him i did see the images he showed me and i did hear the words he spoke. He was very clear and calm. He said Two dozen are lining up in each cell. He then proceeded to show me what appeared to be multiple gun barrels that could pivot. It was the colour of gunmetal, he then went on to tell me it was an Extraterrestrial Reality Weapon.

So im curious if there is such a weapon and what its purpose could be.

Slayer69 ATS Thread : Star Wars: It has begun...

Project Thor Wiki : Link

space next link : Air Force Seeks Presidential Approval For Space Based Weapons

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Whateva69

I think that it is reasonable to say, based on the knowledge what is in those links you provided, and together with the knowledge in SPACECAST 2020 and other publicly notable documents, issued by the Pentagon and various Departments, Agencies and Committee's of the US Government over the last 70 years... it's just my hunch...

that the US/UN? military is well into 4 decades of a manned outer space exploration program, beyond low earth orbit for defense purposes against THEM.

Did you know, in the early years of civil aviation, the 1920-30's, there were hundreds of civilian pilots lining up on both sides of the Atlantic willing to take the death defying chance of making it across the ocean intact & alive on the other side.

Since 1972, there hasn't been a single explorer beyond low earth orbit. Something must be up there.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 08:21 PM
I wanted to save geobro's idea of the question of 1866 Sisyphus (August of 1972) for this thread.

When geobro mentioned the 1866 Sisyphus event in another thread I immediately recognized it as being significant to the von Braun asteroids threat. At this point, I simply don't know anything about it. I'm going to need to do some research on this.

I'm afraid that I am already "stuck" on a few other "jobs" and can't get to 1866 Sisyphus right now. That's why I'm saving the idea here. I hope to get back to it... and find out how it could be related to the larger theme of the Werner von Braun asteroids threat prophecy.

Well, geobro, if you have something to add on this please do so (at your own leisure, as always)!

reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

how different life would be in 1972 if the apollo asteroid 1866 sisyphus had hit that evening of august when i was young right after the most violent solar flare ever witnessed at the time .

the record says it grazed the earth at 35km but records lie i saw it pass at 10.000 ft and at 10 km in size she was big and would have done the damage of a lot of nukes if it had hit .

and on earth some men were weaving a tangaled web of deceipt that will one day be unravelled good work sayonarajupiter keep it up

reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

maybe some bad men are planning to push one in with a ion engine you just never know these days .

yip he earned the name tricky dickie for sure

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 01:13 AM
The online edition of Slate has posted Phil Plait's word on the NASA shut down.

What this really means, though, is that about 17,500 NASA employees are staying home today. Out of 18,000 NASA employees. - Phil Plait

The first question that popped into my mind was "who's watching the moon rocks?"

Phil Plait answers that question,

Basically, it's only people involved in International Space Station operations—ensuing the safety of humans currently in space is a clear priority—as well as people who make sure NASA property is protected.

So you have 500 security guards spread out across the country at dozens of NASA sites with 24x7 security I'd say they would be stretched pretty thin. Subtract the ISS team from that.

At this point, I don't have any solid ideas about what is going to happen in this. I know that the Asteroid Threat is increasing, NASA has asked for our help in finding asteroids and neo's

but now the situation is that NASA is really, really blind to outerspace right now. It seems like a set up. As if someone is setting up the stage for a Grande Celestial Event

Since the Chelyabinsk event there has been a total propaganda pushing asteroids threats in the media. And it really seems like to me that we are in the Asteroids Threat phase of the NWO sequence of threats that were disclosed to Carol Rosin by Werner von Braun. NASA is blind. Asteroids are a threat.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 05:10 PM

The Plans to Use Nuclear Weapons to Blow Up Incoming Asteroids
For real.

In case some people missed the recent Asteroid Threat article in The Atlantic October 16, 2013.

And another news article from October 18, 2013. from CNN

Big asteroid buzzes past Earth and will again in 19 years

Also, the chances that this one, which the Ukrainian astronomers who discovered it named 2013 TV135, will collide with Earth are extremely slim, NASA said in a statement it called "a reality check."

"We believe anything larger than one to two kilometers (about 0.6 to 1.2 miles) could have worldwide effects," NASA said in a statement.

2013 TV135 was discovered on October 8, while NASA was closed during the government shutdown. And already it looks to soon be joining the ranks of the more than 10,000 known near-Earth objects that are virtually certain to cause us no harm.
But until then, it has the distinction of having a danger rating of 1 out of a possible 10 on the Torino Impact Hazard Scale, the system that gauges the danger of impact destruction by asteroids.

edit on 10/21/2013 by SayonaraJupiter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 01:31 AM
It's obvious that the Asteroid Threat is ramping up in the news media, exactly as was predicted in the Von Braun Prophecy.

The Asteroid Threat is in the news almost every day now.

United Nations to Spearhead Asteroid Deflection Plan
OCT 28, 2013 01:23 PM ET Source

The U.N. is currently in the early stages of setting up an “International Asteroid Warning Group”


posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 01:47 AM
Happy 2014. Asteroids are increasing in the news and asteroids threats will continue to ramp up in 2014. This is according to the von Braun NWO prophecy... after the asteroids, the next threat is E.T.

First Asteroid Discovered in 2014 Hits Earth’s Atmosphere

Second tiny asteroid spotted before it hit Earth
00:17 03 January 2014 by Jeff Hecht

The asteroid was 2 to 4 metres wide, which makes it a little smaller than 2008 TC3 and much smaller than the 17-metre-wide meteor that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in February 2013.

Objects of 2014 AA's size hit Earth every few months, and are too small to pose a threat to the planet. But tracking their motions through the atmosphere could help astronomers recover the pieces that survive, says Peter Jenniskens of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, who led the effort to collect meteorites from 2008 TC3 and the Chelyabinsk meteor.

Although 2014 AA is probably lost to the sea, learning to track others like it could have big payoffs for science. "It's like a low-cost sample-return mission," he says.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 01:44 AM


UA busy working on mission to asteroid
Space rock poses threat to Earth in next century

This is a $1 Billion dollar asteroid project.

UA is leading the $1 billion project, called OSIRIS-REx, which faces a major mission milestone this spring.

OSIRIS-REx’s destination is the asteroid Bennu, which is a third of a mile in diameter.

It's not solely a University of Arizona project, Arizona State University is also involved, hmmm....

One instrument is being built at Arizona State University...

A 39-day launch window opens Sept. 3, 2016.

After Osiris-Rex is launched and it's mission to Bennu completed it will return to earth to splash land in....

... the Utah desert?? Why not the Arizona desert or the Pacific Ocean?

The capsule containing the sample isn’t expected to land in the Utah desert until September 2023, where it will be taken to a lab for analysis.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 03:18 AM

reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Yes, that RADAR was what was used in tandem with Chandrayaan. For 4 minutes. Chandrayaan had one too.

A radar, not a laser shot down Chandrayaan now?

And 9 days after the experiment?

so you are claiming to know what NASA are up to....based on what exactly?...what you read on the net ?

please enlighten the rest of us would you as i and many more would like to know what goes on behind the scenes and well by your statements you seem to know alot

posted on Jan, 11 2014 @ 04:15 PM


What does OSIRIS-REx stand for?

The spacecraft under construction by Lockheed is called the Origins, Spectral, Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security and Regolith Explorer or OSIRIS-REx.

This has to be one of the most strained acronyms I have ever seen. They really wanted to call it OSIRIS-REx so they just fit the words to fit the acronym they originally wanted. They wanted an acronym based on Egyptology.

What is the planned destination of OSIRIS-Rex?

101955 Bennu (provisional designation 1999 RQ36)[6] is an Apollo asteroid discovered by the LINEAR Project on September 11, 1999. Source

[Bennu] It completes an orbit of the Sun every 436.604 days (1.2 years). This orbit takes it close to the Earth every six years. Source

What is a 'bennu'?

The Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity linked with the sun, creation, and rebirth. It was also a symbol of rebirth and was therefore associated with Osiris. Source

Where will OSIRIS-REx return the asteroid sample?

The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will use a Stardust-type sample return capsule which will also land in the Utah desert. Stardust returned its sample capsule to Earth on late night on January 15, 2006. Source

What famous Mormon has been famously linked with Egyptian translations?

But in April 1966, Modern Microfilm Company obtained and published copies from microfilm of the "Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar" that Joseph Smith began in 1835. These documents are now generally referred to as the "Joseph Smith Egyptian Papers". Source

And by the way, "OSIRIS-REx," is a registered trademarks of the Arizona Board of Regents.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 01:21 AM
I hope that there are some people out there on ATS who are able to put this together. The NWO works on long term plans, problems, reactions, solutions. The Von Braun Prophecy is, in my view, a damned good explanation of NWO methods, motives and opportunities. They know how to exploit a crisis.

I am copying this conversation with Wildespace over to this thread because it is pertinent to the subject at hand.

reply to post by wildespace

I see you putting out this theory in ATS threads time and again, but I'd like to ask you something.

The main reason that I mention the Rosin/Von Braun asteroid threat in so many posts is that there are 0 people talking about this on ATS and I am hoping to find people to talk with about this particular subject. So thanks for asking.

Carol Rosin made these statements in public for the first time back in 2000/2001 time frame. (source Nexus Magazine December 2000 )It means that she has been on the record for at least 13 years with the von Braun threat sequence and she hasn't changed it. What has changed? The world has changed.

Carol Rosin's convincing scenario is that there is a planned sequence of threats. The time frame of 2001-2009 was all about terrorism and rogue nations. She was right about that. Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Iran. Even Venezuela was on the list, to some extent, as a threat to the security of the US.

Is, according to this theory, the asteroid thread completely fabricated or blown out of proportions? What about the fact that population, in general, is ignorant of such threat or of NASA's asteroid campaigns?

If you listen to what Carol Rosin is actually saying it comes out like the asteroid & E.T. threats will be lies. I interpret this to mean that the asteroid & E.T. will be 'false flags'.

Wildespace, I don't know where you stand on 9-11 or the Gulf of Tonkin, but I'm sure that you understand the meaning of 'false flag operation' and how false flags have been used (misused and abused) to create the conditions for interventions, which usually means, the application of force upon certain targetted populations of the world.

In support of Carol Rosin is the historical record of Communism, Terrorism and Rogue Nations. The Western media has been obsessed with communism, terrorism and rogue nations for the last 70+ years. The state of current events in the world also supports Carol Rosin.

Not only does Carol Rosin list the examples but she listed them in sequence 13 years ago!

Rogue states is a subjective matter; in my book Israel is a rogue state. There's nothing rogue about Cuba or Iran.

That's nonsense. The Cuban Revolution 1953-1959. Likewise, the Iranian Revolution of 1979 resulted in a political situation which included terrorism and rogue nations... Both Cuba and Iran were considered 'rogue' nations, 'terrorist' nations, there is a long tradition in the media of depicting both these regimes as intolerant, totalitarian, with malicious intent toward the West.

Anyway, I agree with you that Israel is a rogue state! (save it for another thread on the definitions of rogue states.)

Suppose the strategy you described is applied to the Americans, and they are kept in the dark about the "true purposes", what about the rest of the world? If there are American space weapons being developed and deployed, I'd think Russia, India and China would be the first onto that.

The Americans are not the only nation with an asteroid initiative, the Russians, after Chelyabinsk, are increasing efforts, so is NASA increasing efforts, by waking up Neo-WISE satellite, and building the OSIRIS-REX asteroid mission plan, here is a headline that might convince you:

March 12th, 2013

Russia to build anti-meteorite shield – The project, titled “Citadel”, would cost about $500 million, and could be implemented only with international cooperation.
Read more at only-with-international-cooperation/#8GUQpj6oyxmf2MV8.99

Just google news on asteroid threat and you will see that the news is getting more heavy on asteroids.

Wildespace, Carol Rosin is on the record 13 years ago. She knew the exact threat sequence in advance.

Wildespace, back in 2000, could you have predicted asteroids would be a threat in 2013/2014?

Carol Rosin made a bold prediction.... and she was right!

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 03:21 AM
Google search results on 'asteroid threat' for today.

Earthlings unite to confront the asteroid menace
CNET-by Eric Mack-Jan 31, 2014
The first meeting of an international group tasked with figuring out how to react to asteroids that threaten our very existence is set for next week.
Getting Ready for Asteroids
eNews Park Forest-Jan 31, 2014

Potential Near-Earth Object Threat, Asteroid 2009 FD, Is Less Likely ...
International Business Times-by Charles Poladian-Jan 21, 2014
As part of the Space Situational Awareness program, asteroid 2009 FD ... ESO and ESA have reduced the potential threat of asteroid 2009 FD.
ESA/ESO collaboration successfully tracks its first potentially ...
Nanowerk-Jan 21, 2014

NASA Spots Dangerous Asteroid Heading for Earth
Guardian Liberty Voice-Jan 12, 2014
NASA has spotted a potentially dangerous asteroid heading toward the ... NASA uses the Torino Impact Hazard Scale to measure the threats ...

$1B mission to check out asteroid that may threaten Earth ... in 2182
Florida Today-Jan 6, 2014
NASA preps for mission to asteroid: OSIRIS-REx will visit a near-Earth asteroid called Bennu and return with samples that may hold clues to the ...
Nasa Spots New Hazardous Asteroid Heading For Earth
Huffington Post UK-Jan 10, 2014
The asteroid known as 2013 YP139 is the first spotted by the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NeoWise) spacecraft since ...
NASA's NEOWISE discovers its first new near-Earth asteroid since ...
Gizmag-Jan 8, 2014

Tottenham News
Space agencies gearing up against future asteroid strikes
Zee News-Feb 1, 2014
It will coordinate the technological knowhow of agencies to recommend specific efforts related to asteroid threats, including basic research and ...
Space agencies around the world to challenge the next asteroid to ...
Tottenham News-Feb 1, 2014

Aviation Week
NASA Posts Final Asteroid Workshop Report
Space Daily-Feb 2, 2014
In 2013, NASA kicked off the Asteroid Redirect Mission and the ... ideas to find all asteroid threats to human populations, and to accelerate the ...

Russia, US to join forces against space threats
The Voice of Russia-Jan 29, 2014
Russia and the United States will pool efforts in the creation of asteroid diversion techniques. Russian Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir ...
Russia, US mulling over diversion of asteroid hazard
Russia Beyond The Headlines-Jan 28, 2014

Latin Post
Physics professor joins One Book in inviting public to a Star Party
The Daily News Journal-Feb 2, 2014
Asteroid flyby came closer than GPS satellites: A newly discovered asteroid nearly half the size of a football field passed closer to the Earth than ...
Space debris threat demands all nations to combine efforts - expert
The Voice of Russia-Jan 30, 2014
The US and Russian are launching a joint anti-asteroid campaign. The two countries have agreed that space threats have been gaining ground ...

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 06:13 PM

CBS NEWSFebruary 18, 2014, 11:53 AM

Could nuclear bombs be best defense against asteroids?

"We have the solution, using our baseline concept, to be able to mitigate the asteroid-impact threat, with any range of warning," Bong Wie, of Iowa State University, said Feb. 6 at the 2014 NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) meeting at Stanford University. [Video: Nuclear Bomb Takes Out Asteroid] Source

Bong Wie: Wie and his colleagues are developing a concept spacecraft called the Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle, or HAIV. They've gotten two rounds of NIAC funding for their work, one in 2011 and the other in 2012.

The HAIV would rendezvous with an asteroid in deep space, then send a kinetic impactor barreling into the object to blast out a crater. The nuclear bomb would follow one millisecond behind — perhaps attached via a long boom, or perhaps flying freely — and then detonate inside the hole, shattering the asteroid into millions of tiny pieces.

Excavating a crater for the bomb increases its destructive power by a factor of 20, Wie said.

How a mini-nuke can be used,

Senators Warner and Allard imagine these nuclear weapons could be used in small-scale conventional conflicts against rogue dictators, while leaving most of the civilian population untouched. As one anonymous former Pentagon official put it to the Washington Post last spring,

"What's needed now is something that can threaten a bunker tunneled under 300 meters of granite without killing the surrounding civilian population." Source Source

Rusty Schweickart says using nukes on an asteroid is viable.

the work we’ve already done in the U.N. on working through these issues has been based on the idea that a nuke would only be used as a last resort. Happily there are other, most likely cheaper and more reliable means, to get the job done. However, there are extremely low probability circumstances where it would be too late to use other means, or the job too big for other means, and so we can’t safely rule out nukes completely.” Source

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 06:21 PM

Deputy PM Rogozin invites best minds to create anti-asteroid technology

by Staff Writers
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Apr 14, 2014

"This is a dangerous phenomenon. Those who think that we know everything about the far reaches of deep space and that no catastrophe will happen are seriously wrong," Rogozin said at a meeting with students of the South Urals Federal University on Saturday, April 12.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 06:40 PM

Former NASA astronaut likens asteroid threat to gambling :

“The fact that none of these asteroid impacts represented in the video was detected in advance, is proof that the only thing preventing a catastrophe from a ‘city killer’-sized asteroid is blind luck,” said Lu,

“It’s a giant game of chance we’re playing. It’s cosmic roulette,” said Lu, whose group is working toward building and launching Sentinel, a $275-million-Cdn telescope that would spot space rocks on a collision course with Earth, giving years or even decades of notice to deflect a disaster.

“There’s a saying in Vegas that ‘the house never loses.’ It’s true; you can’t just keep playing a game of chance and expect to keep winning,” added Lu, the group’s chief executive. Source

Some Snazzy Asteroid CGI from NASA

edit on 4/20/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: tags

edit on 4/20/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: high rolling bluff or serious existential threat?

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 06:43 PM
Just bumping this thread, as from the few pages I`ve read. I think I`ll have to come back and read all of it.
I cant believe the lack of replies to this fascinating thread ?

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: SayonaraJupiter

From the OP:

4. With Charles Bolden empowered as NASA Administrator they will be launching a new laser weapons platform, LADEE, next month, to patrol the moon ahead of the Chinese and Indian lunar projects coming up. - See more at:


Study of Moon’s Atmosphere Ends With Planned Crash

What Ladee did not solve was a four-decade-old mystery: The glowing light at the lunar horizon just before sunrise that some Apollo astronauts had reported seeing.

LADEE mission was unable to confirm the glowing lights reported by Apollo. Mission failed. Crashing it on the far-side of the moon where nobody can witness it... Perhaps it's still in orbit working on a private channel using the laser communications experiment on board... perhaps LADEE is still working to record and transmit high bandwidth lunar data back to earth for the benefit of a secret organization like the CIA or KGB or CIA-Google-KGB.

Recall, that NASA also smashed GRAIL-A and GRAIL-B, could they also still be operational in lunar orbit?

In December 2012, two small NASA spacecraft measuring the moon’s gravity similarly crashed after their maneuvering fuel ran out.

posted on Apr, 20 2014 @ 08:30 PM


As reported on RT.

Spectacular fireball from space explodes over Russian city (VIDEO)
Published time: April 19, 2014 13:46
Edited time: April 20, 2014 08:42

edit on 4/20/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: tags

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:26 AM
In the von Braun threat sequence asteroids are followed by E.T.'s. I just wanna emphasize that we are now in asteroids and the media is starting to catch on to this threat as an existential threat to humanity.

This is not a coincidence.

If we look back at the sequence of threats it's clear the media have a major role to play in escalating this threats and a leading role in writing the narrative of history in doing so.

(I'll sneak in here a reference to Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" (1992)

Rogue Nations.

Asteroids & finally E.T.

Recently in the "news" :

Astronauts plan $250 million asteroid telescope 'to stop disaster'
Apollo astronauts warn only "blind luck" has prevented worse disasters as they push for $250 million telescope to spot asteroids on collision course with Earth Source

Nuclear-scale asteroid blasts in atmosphere '10 times more common' than thought
The most damaging asteroid to explode over Earth in recent times occurred in 1908 above Tunguska, Siberia. The energy yield of that detonation fell between the equivalent of 5,000 and 15,000 tons of TNT. About 770 square miles (1,239 sq km) of remote forest area was razed by the eruption. Source
Published time: April 23, 2014

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:59 AM

Revelations 8,9,10: The Asteroid Threat

6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

REV8:7 is describing a "hail and fire" "they were cast upon the earth"... obviously from the sky i.e. heavens. That's asteroid #1.

8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

REV8:7 describes "a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea"... that's asteroid #2.

10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

REV8:11 It's named Wormwood and it is asteroid #3

12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!

Sun and moon and stars are darkened by 33%. Could be asteroid related phenomenon.

9 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

REV9:1 "star fall from heaven unto the earth" is asteroid #4.

13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,

14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.

REV9:13 4 angels followed by a 5th mighty angel...

10 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

REV10:1 I think this is describing an E.T. landing scenario coming after the peak of asteroid threats #1-#4.

4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

REV10:4 E.T. landing scenario is kept secret...

7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

"..should be finished..." but it's not.

9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.

REV10:9 More secrets concerning the little book, which could contain information about E.T. and asteroids?

edit on 5/6/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: (no reason given)

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