posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 07:01 PM
Originally posted by irdulili
oh, yea... demons are really nasty. if you're feeling brave, or stupid enough to mess with one, at least protect yourself in some way, erect a
circle(if ritual majick is your bag) or cover your nose and mouth so it can't get in. demons also like to screw with emotionally voulnerable people
and pose as the deceased. be carefull...
Agree 110% with fact bout demons that can take form of any deceased (like family/friend and so forth)....
But knowing not everyone is Christians ,and i who study spiritual warfare as a Christian know or should know God warns us
NEVER to take on any
demon on or make up stories (for instance saying a house is haunted),never challenge a demon as you just open doors that should have stayed shut
The reason is that we as man are full of sin & a demon will & can use that against you in warfare,the fact that certain people (even Christians) think
there are no such thing as ghosts/spirits are totally incorrect as the bible tells us how many times about spirits/ghost (same thing) for eg some
people call The Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost.
The only time we have to fight (warfare spiritually) is when demons do attack a person (possesses) him/her.
We are but flesh and although Jesus gave us the authority over any demon through God,we as flesh cannot seem to grasp the fact that He who is inside
of us is much stronger than them who are in the world (spiritual) & trust me you get tough tough ones..they are no jokes ,they don't play they can
seriously hurt someone
Then on the
good ghost/spiritual careful cause they (demons) are the BIGGEST betrayers there are & will make you think
they mean well,the only spiritual form that mean well is an Angel as when a person dies he will only arise with the 2nd coming..we are being fooled i
am being fooled by them
Trust with your WHOLE HEART & SOUL ,you will know (do not even draw a circle around you as that was never given from God as a protection device ,only
prayer and faith (AND PUTTING ON THE ARMOUR OF GOD) & the fact that we were released from hell through Christ ,He was not just punished & crucified to
death for our diseases & sins ,but went to hell after His death for us as well for 3 days before God resurrected Him
Just what i believe in or my opinion
[edit on 20-11-2004 by ChandlerBing]