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Need guidance in Astral projection, OBEs, Lucid Dreaming, etc.

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posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 04:53 PM
Hello everyone! I would like to start off by saying, even though this is the Paranormal Studies forum, I'm sure i am going to be getting a fair amount of ridicule from people who don't believe in these sorts of things. I just want to say, don't read on if you're not a believer like i am. I don't believe Christ in the religious sense like others, yet I don't go on the Religious forum and bash your beliefs. Beliefs are suppose to be different. Please and thank you

With that being said. Hello chums! I have recently gotten in to lucid dreaming and things of the sort. My ultimate goal is to be able to Astral Project at will and to communicate with other beings in the universe. Yes, i do believe that in the thought that there is 1 greater consciousness that ALL beings in the universe are a part of. I would like to be able to tap in to that said consciousness and communicate, even if it isn't with ETs! Let's say ETs aren't real, i still believe that you can communicate with others on this planet, at the very least.

I completely believe that human brains have way more potential than we know and that it is just waiting to be tapped into. Whether that is by meditation, telepathy, etc.

I guess the purpose of this post is to ask for some guidance. I have researched a great deal recently about HOW to AP, lucid dream, have an OBE, etc., I just haven't done any of them successfully other than Lucid Dreaming. I have read in many places that Meditation is the first step. Which i definitely plan on doing more and more.

I have also read that practicing all of these said topics are much, much easier if you have a partner or a teacher. Only problem is, i don't know anyone personally that would be able to teach me. I was wondering if there is anyone here on ATS that would be willing to guide me, either over email or, preferably, actually IN the astral.

Thanks for your time my good chums,

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 05:28 PM
I don't know about Astral projection but i heard peanuts before bed helps with lucid dreaming.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:07 PM
I think I read somewhere on ATS in another thread that lying on your back in the Pharoahs position with your arms folded, right hand to left shoulder, left hand to right shoulder is how some people inspire astral projection. And I think you have to be naked, no kidding, as clothes inhibit the process. This is just the information I can remember.

However I have astral projected before, when I was a Pre-teen. I used to sleep in PJ's too. The thing with me is I used to get into trouble all the time and sent to bed without dinner, and when that happened I would burn myself out with anger then finally fall sleep in an exhausted heap, usually foetal position, and that's when my first AP used to occur.

I should also point out that my parents would always cook home cooked meals and we never had soda drinks in the fridge, if we were thirsty we only drank water. So when I turned 18 and could finally eat Coco Pops for breakfast, Micky-D's or KFC for lunch and 10 beers for dinner my AP abilities soon disappeared.

The Moonies are a Japanese Cult who were responsible for a subway attack in Tokyo on a train during peak hour several decades ago, however when psychologists studied the mechanics of their belief system there was one major point which struck a chord with many occultists which was, nobody was allowed to drink Coffee.

Coffee may seem harmless to you and I, but the Moonies knew that coffee was a stimulant, and therefore inhibited NEW LEARNING. obviously alcohol and drugs were prohibited in their cult, but coffee was also banned because their main aim was.....well I suppose I would have to call it The Yoda Technique. They had to UNLEARN what they had already learned, and the easiest way to facilitate this is to detox the body of all stimulants, drugs and alcohol, eat a well balanced natural diet, free from soda drink as well, in order to purify your body as much as you are able.

Once the body is starved of these things it will yearn for nourishment in other forms, and your mind will be more be receptive to new ideas. Once your body and mind are in this state, it is easier to teach it new things. Thus it is the primary basis of all indoctrination.

You might be wondering why I am drawing conclusions from an occult group when your more interested in outer body experiences. The answer is simple, many Oriental religions who practice spiritual enlightenment know about AP and as such they don't pollute their bodies with impurities that can hinder the outer body experience.

I'm sorry I can't provide you with links to sites or quotes from sources. This is just information which I've remembered over the years.

I now drink 10 beers a week, pollute my body with junk food, soda drink and start every day with 2 coffees, and I've not had an AP for 15 years or more.

Good luck.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:13 PM

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:22 PM

I think I read somewhere on ATS in another thread that lying on your back in the Pharoahs position with your arms folded, right hand to left shoulder, left hand to right shoulder is how some people inspire astral projection. And I think you have to be naked, no kidding, as clothes inhibit the process. This is just the information I can remember.

However I have astral projected before, when I was a Pre-teen. I used to sleep in PJ's too. The thing with me is I used to get into trouble all the time and sent to bed without dinner, and when that happened I would burn myself out with anger then finally fall sleep in an exhausted heap, usually foetal position, and that's when my first AP used to occur.

I should also point out that my parents would always cook home cooked meals and we never had soda drinks in the fridge, if we were thirsty we only drank water. So when I turned 18 and could finally eat Coco Pops for breakfast, Micky-D's or KFC for lunch and 10 beers for dinner my AP abilities soon disappeared.

The Moonies are a Japanese Cult who were responsible for a subway attack in Tokyo on a train during peak hour several decades ago, however when psychologists studied the mechanics of their belief system there was one major point which struck a chord with many occultists which was, nobody was allowed to drink Coffee.

Coffee may seem harmless to you and I, but the Moonies knew that coffee was a stimulant, and therefore inhibited NEW LEARNING. obviously alcohol and drugs were prohibited in their cult, but coffee was also banned because their main aim was.....well I suppose I would have to call it The Yoda Technique. They had to UNLEARN what they had already learned, and the easiest way to facilitate this is to detox the body of all stimulants, drugs and alcohol, eat a well balanced natural diet, free from soda drink as well, in order to purify your body as much as you are able.

Once the body is starved of these things it will yearn for nourishment in other forms, and your mind will be more be receptive to new ideas. Once your body and mind are in this state, it is easier to teach it new things. Thus it is the primary basis of all indoctrination.

You might be wondering why I am drawing conclusions from an occult group when your more interested in outer body experiences. The answer is simple, many Oriental religions who practice spiritual enlightenment know about AP and as such they don't pollute their bodies with impurities that can hinder the outer body experience.

I'm sorry I can't provide you with links to sites or quotes from sources. This is just information which I've remembered over the years.

I now drink 10 beers a week, pollute my body with junk food, soda drink and start every day with 2 coffees, and I've not had an AP for 15 years or more.

Good luck.

I really appreciate your insight! It was very interesting. I have read in multiple places that drugs and alcohol can indeed inhibit the results i am looking for. I have, however, read in other places that drugs like marijuana, which i partake in daily lol, can open your mind better than when you are sober. For the sake of testing out different possibilities though, i have recently stopped smoking and drinking, just to see if it does make a difference.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by ContactME

I really wouldn't have time to email with anyone other than my current contacts, but I will say, and I don't want to contradict other posters, I quite often AP and I enjoy it, to get off the ground as it were, you will read that you should lay this way and that way, and quite honestly if you're on you're back or side or whatever way you lay, just be comfortable, you need to have your body comfortable and let it relax, there is no need to start deep breaths or anything like that, it's not as difficult as some would have you believe. next you gotta close your eyes, and visualise something that elevates you, perhaps you can imagine you are standing in a lift, and it is travelling upward, I find that if you visualise being in a car, and you can view the road ahead, it has to be a climbing road, you see!! whatever you visualise it must be upwards as in those two examples, and you progress with this you will feel as if you are lifting upward from your bed, and toward your ceiling, just keep visualising and go with it, this is not a near death experience so dont look to see yourself still sleeping below in your bed, that is not what its about, just go with it, and you will travel, it is strange but if you have read anything about ufo's and how they move around so amazingly fast, this is what you will experience, you see when you AP you go to different destinations just by the power of thought, you think of somewhere, and you are just automatically there, I am referring to real life if you imagine your friends house for example and their kitchen you will be there, there is no journey you are just there by thought, but you can also travel as in you are in strange lands passing over them and seeing people below, you cannot make contact with anyone, you cannot speak to them, you cannot touch them, you are more or less a ghost, or if you like you are the spirit of yourself, as your physical body is back in bed, but you are having these experiences... I know this may have people reading it and shredding it, but I write as I find, and I tell you this from first hand experience... I intend to AP tonight just like other nights, and I have to say it's a wonderful feeling of freedom.. feels kind of like being let free after being locked up, thankfully I wasn't yet, but I guess that's the feeling.... You may find it a little difficult at first but if you practice you can easily achieve this state, and I never found the necessity to abandon my pyjamas, there is no special way to dress or undress just whatever is normal for people... anyway I hope some of that helps, good luck with your trial and errors and that applies to all things methinks...

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by ContactME

remember friend.....your BREAKTHROUGH...everyone responding, everything they say...all is of benefit to you tomorrow...not upon it all....

for it is the JOURNEY......Peace again........MS

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by ContactME

I'll start you off with a mini-tutorial, as my job prevents me from being a full-time guide (Feel free to drop me a message on here, and I'll send over my official email - I can be a guide on non-working hours).

1. According to most of the major literature on the subject (most of the common literature, that is), it is possible to communicate with other beings.

2. There are several "layers" to an astral projection. The ones that you will often here are the "Astral Plane" (where all the different entities seem to reside), the "etheric" plane (supposedly, this is a reality that is almost the same as our physical world, except for subtle differences), and the physical plane (where you are now).

Another one that is sometimes mentioned is the "lower" astral planes, which is believed to be the closest to the physical in some literature (this is where spirits, emotions, and thoughts can manifest).

3. Just like anywhere else, there are negative entities, or NEGs (Robert Bruce, Astral Dynamics), but don't think of them as demons. Rather, think of them as bullies (if they feel you aren't going to put up with them, then they will leave you alone).

4. You don't need sleep paralysis, the "vibrational state" (named for the weird effects people experience when in sleep paralysis) or even meditation to astral project, as all it takes is a little willpower.

One of the easiest methods to induce an OBE is to attempt every time you wake up at night. You know that warm, fuzzy feeling that occurs when you're about to fall asleep? Instead of focusing on the sleep part, try remembering to astral project, or focus on something that isn't in the same room as you. If done enough times, you might find yourself standing or floating next to that object.

5. Don't get discouraged, because some people are able to do this naturally, and others never find a way to do it (I always had uncontrolled projections, and am only now starting to find a repeatable method).

6. One thing that gave me immediate results (as in, two conscious projections within two days of each other), was done with the following method:
-Get a set of earbud headphones, and either an MP3 player, CD player, computer, etc.
-Get in bed, and lie on your back (unless you have a couple speakers nearby, then get in your favorite sleeping position).

-Pick some music that you can tolerate listening to for extended periods (I used all of Dvorak's symphonies in one playlist), and start the CD before you go to sleep.

-As you go to "sleep", focus on the music, and try to sync your breathing with the music. If you have to focus on something other than the music, focus on slowing your breathing without restricting your airflow.

-At some point, you will either experience sleep paralysis, or find yourself dreaming. If you are dreaming, then try a traditional method to get out.

NOTE: Make sure you take a break between using this method, as the body will attempt to "tune out" the music about a week after you get used to the method (basically, it becomes background noise after a while).

7. When you do actually have a conscious experience, try to get used to moving around first (I actually devoted one whole conscious experience to floating around; I might've been wasting time, but the next time I was able to control my movements better).


posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by fossilera

I really appreciate your input and suggestions! they are all very interesting and i will definitely be trying these out soon! And i will definitely take you up on the offer of asking a buncha questions eventually lol

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Trubeeleever
I should also point out that my parents would always cook home cooked meals and we never had soda drinks in the fridge, if we were thirsty we only drank water. So when I turned 18 and could finally eat Coco Pops for breakfast, Micky-D's or KFC for lunch and 10 beers for dinner my AP abilities soon disappeared.

I find that the more pure I live diet-wise, the more recollection I have of my dreams.

Considering that TPTB try to make us believe that anything spiritual is make-believe (except, of course, their churches etc) it sort of makes sense why they contaminate our food and water.
edit on 21/8/13 by NuclearPaul because: typo

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 08:15 AM
Personally I have never gotten past the vibrational stage. I've been trying for almost a year now. But getting to this stage I have mastered quite well. They say at first if you laydown with your body in the magnetic North/South position it will help. Make sure you take off any rings, chains or piercings. Although I have never taken off my wedding band, it's never been a problem. The position you lay in is the position you are most comfortable in. I usually lay flat on my back or on my side.

Next you have to relax every part of your body, while keeping your mind active. I'm sure your aware of this as this usually brings on lucid dreaming.

Once I'm at this stage (lucid dream stage) my body usually starts to vibrate. And I usually start to hear grinding metal or something alike. Once you've reached this stage, you're supposed to let the vibration engulf your whole body without getting scared or exited. This is usually where I wake up.

But from this stage you are supposed to imagine yourself sit up, float upward, reach up etc...

I never would have gotten this far without reading "William Bullman: Adentures Beyond the Body". Great read!

Well good luck, and keep us updated on your progress

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Xquizit

thanks for the reply! you've definitely gotten farther than I have! ha and i'll definitely give that suggestion a reading!

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 09:53 PM
I second William Buhlman's material - back when I was in my "research" phase, I went through several different books; Robert Monroe was the first author that seemed like he "wanted" to get this out to everyone without charging them too much for reading material. Buhlman also seemed less like an "out to make money" type of author, and more of a free-to-the-public kind. Granted, Monroe Institute now charges, ahem, large prices for their out-of-body exploration classes & sessions, and Buhlman has several CDs to help with astral projection that can fall in the expensive category, but their reading material is highly recommended.

Another point of advice - don't let the pet's in while you are attempting a projection, as they seem to know just when your are about to project (I thought it was just vibrations, until I remembered that vibrations don't jump onto the bed next to you and purr contently).


posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:29 PM
There is a lot of good information here to get started on astral projection. You need to be comfortable and deep breathing isn't necessary, but it helps a lot. When you have a lot of oxygen in your system, it's easier to relax and fall into a deeper state of projection. I use three very specific methods though, and I haven't seen them posted here. One is the index finger touching the thumb to create a cycle of energy, Buddhist style. The second is clearing the mind of distracting thoughts, I tend to think of a candle flame burning in my mind and anything distracting gets tossed into the fire. After years, I'm able to reach that state in a moment. And the last is similar to visualizing going up, but you have to turn your mind to the right. Up and to the right is the trigger that can cause astral projection anywhere, at nearly anytime. I've tried a few drugs, but for the most part, I've noticed they hinder more than help because they increase the distractions and decrease the mind's focus.

Best of luck!


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