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Originally posted by MountainLaurel
I know Levinson says he is not closing because of "one" person, but the timing makes one wonder?
"Our federal government has the power to take all of your money and your freedom, and they've shown no shame in using those powers to get what they want and to punish people who speak out against them."
“ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that were tamped down for centuries by dictators, and that was complicated further by this little thing called the internet and the ability of people everywhere to communicate instantaneously
Originally posted by grey580
Originally posted by juleol
reply to post by grey580
Or you do like Groklaw and just shutdown the entire business.. I personally respect that better than them handing over information while lying about it like Microsoft and Google is doing now.
I don't know man.
Lavabit and Groklaw might be in different situations. I don't know.
Personally. If you feel that passionate about something. You shouldn't go away. You should raise awareness.
Originally posted by MountainLaurel
Perhaps other members that are more computer literate them myself could help clarify some things I don't quite understand. As far as I can make it out, major providers of e-mail internet services such as Google have complied with giving access to the government / NSA of individuals personal information regardless of any warrant being issued on a person of interest, basically everyone's info is fair game in the name of "fighting terrorism".
Basically bypassing the need to get a warrant and confiscate a person's actual computer to get information , it is being done through a third party, the internet provider, do I have that right? So companies such as Lavabit come into being and provide a service that prevents this , either by not complying or some sort of technology that prevents their customers information from being accessed by a third party , namely the government / that correct so far?
So is the reason for this "crack down" because people like Snowden and others that may have sensitive information, especially about government corruption had found a way to circumvent illegal access to their information? If Snowden took his computer with him, is the only way to now access it through Lavabit files? I know Levinson says he is not closing because of "one" person, but the timing makes one wonder?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help shed more light on this for me, and I will refrain from further comment until I have a better understanding of the total implications of this.edit on 20-8-2013 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Strewth
Well, being the boss man, surely you can consider the possibility of departing from your rules and getting a petition together.
Between your ATS, Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as those of your membership it is time to say enough is enough.
It is our fight.
United we can send a clear message that the real enemy IS the US government (or specific controlling elements within).
Time to Break Bad Bro.
Because I for one am sick of this snip...........if not now, when?
If not us, who?
If you've got more to give then you've got to prove Put your hands up and I'll copy you
Originally posted by havok
At what point do the people who don't frequent this site, or similar, realize what's happening? Because apparently it's not important enough to stop what they are doing and throw a stone in the cogs. We conspiracy theorists have been right about alot of things and thank God people are paying attention.
Finally our voices will be heard and not ignored (like Dr. Paul has been).
All too funny to say "I told you so".
But we say it to ourselves.
Outsiders rarely listen to anything but what the TV tells them.
Let's hope they start to get the picture.
I fear our voices are getting tired, and maybe that's the object of this game.
The gov't is so relentless and powerful that they just sit back and wait until we die down again.
Like a lion stalking it's wounded prey. Once we lay down, it pounces.
Then the death blow.
99.9% of the people don't realize that without We the people, this gov't is NOTHING.
We feed them, we cloth them.
We support their companies and pay their wages.
We protect them and we provide for them.
We administer their health care and services.
If we decide to shut them down, WE have the power to do so.
The question remains...
When are WE going to do something about it?
Excellent topic, Bill.
edit on 20-8-2013 by havok because: ugh spelling
Originally posted by Dreine
reply to post by grey580
Not everyone that works at the agencies are bad people... the problem is that a lot of the people in charge ARE. And if you stand up against it, you find that you'll probably be looking for a new career very soon.
The only thing holding everything from crashing down is the good and honest men and women who are still fighting the good fight, but every day more and more of them leave for various reasons.
Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
WE MUST toss aside the petty partisan wars that are merely a tactic in the grand Con Job being perpetuated on the [..] world. There are no more liberals, there are no more conservatives, there are no more libertarians, and there are no more socialists. There are only those who are classified as potential enemies by the [..] Governments -- all of us.