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Julian Assange: "I`m a big admirer of Ron Paul"

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posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

He just damaged Rand Paul even more than the quirkiness of his fathers runs.

Julian Assange is a hero of the left. His endorsement will get lots of Dems to look into Rand Paul (without bothering to realize that Rand Paul is incompatible with their leftist views).

The simple facts that he is not a citizen of the US, and he is trying to throw influence into the ring will tick off way more voters. He will be one of many reasons voters come out to vote for anyone else.

Oh and the talking heads will have a field day with this one, foreign fugitive hostile to the US attempting to have influence on an US election. Hillary must be smiling and some old Republicans are choking on their cigar smoke from all the laughter.
I think they will all just tuck this little gem away to use for a rainy day of needed distractions.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I forgot benghazigate, the irs tax scandal, the snooping on media, the gun grabbing agenda. And I could probably list more if I thought it was worth it. But people get the point......that voting democrat is a vote for satan.

Give me $1 million and I STILL would not vote democrat.

If people vote for hillary then honestly I will lose all respect for americans. Heck maybe FEMA camps is exactly what most deserve. Sorry for being brutal here, but I dont like mincing my words.

Rand Paul is not a better choice? I think he certainly is! I hope to god he wins, not because he is the best, but because he is the lesser of evils in a realistic sense.

Time will tell but the media has turned against Obama to some degree. I cant believe how naive I was to buy this bogus hope and change crap eight years ago.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Unfortunately I think you are right when it comes to liberals. Right now, I personally don't see many (if any) liberals admitting to the faults of this current administration. It's like a cult IMO, everything the man does, they defend. The things like NDAA, they just ignore. It's weird and horrible at the same time. Current "liberals" are not interested in the big issues. They are only interested in the things that side track the real issues, like racism (that exists more on their side, but whatever) etc.

I would love to see everyone finally open their eyes and have a libertarian president in 2016. But after watching the blind ignorance people displayed in 2012, I dunno if I have hope for it happening anytime soon. The republican party of which Ron Paul belonged to mindlessly blasted him at every opportunity. We even had religious republicans in the south booing the golden rule that Jesus spoke.

So not only do we have the cult liberals of today to contend with, but also brainwashed republicans that refuse to see past the establishment agenda. Both of these factors combined is why we are in the middle of a train wreck. Yes, Hillary will be sold to them by the media and everything else will be drowned out. The worst part is, people will still carry on as if nothing is wrong.
edit on 19-8-2013 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Time will tell but the media has turned against Obama to some degree. I cant believe how naive I was to buy this bogus hope and change crap eight years ago.

I was actually willing to give Obama a chance. Even though I disagreed with his political stance, I figured he has good intentions and will do the things he said he would. I was even fairly OK with him getting re-elected, knowing he is not a good President for me, but at least he`ll be a good President for 50% of the country. But as this guy just keeps piling on more and more and more thoroughly evil acts especially the NSA thing, the IRS thing, the Egypt thing and also his constant "race" thing, I'm just appalled. This isnt good for 50% of the country, it isnt good for anyone. The LEAST he could do is follow your typical Democrat Program like Clinton did, but he's not even doing that.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
Ron [and Rand Paul] seem like traditional conservatives that are against the globalist agenda, not really libertarians.

Did you really just say that? Ron Paul is the godfather of the modern libertarian movement, how the hell is he not really a libertarian? He believes in MINIMALIST government, only enough to protect life, liberty, and property...he believes in abolishing most of government entities outside of the few main constitutional functions. He believes in states rights, he believes in personal and economic freedom. Rand labels himself a libertarian conservative, small l big C...that much we already know although I personally believe he is closer to his father than he leads everybody to believe. The only reason why he is so popular today is because he has worded the message in such a way that mainstream conservatives can accept it without getting defensive.

As to Rand's endorsement of Romney, I didn't like it but I understood it. Ron had no credibility in the GOP primaries because he didn't endorse McCain in 08, every time he was on tv, they asked him whether he was a going to run third party, they shattered his chances as a serious front runner. Rand endorsed Romney to be a team player, so he doesn't get stonewalled by media and the massive amount of high roller donors needed to win presidential bids. This is politics, if you enter into the arena, be prepared to win. Ron Paul got us to this point where the Federal Reserve, surveillance/police state, foreign intervention etc...are all hot topics that the MSM are talking we gotta finish the winning.

As for Assange, hate him or love him, he is more of a friend to the ATS-type than a foe. For conspiracy theories to be conspiracy fact, we need whistleblowers to do their thing and we need to protect them, so everybody knows the truth. I have no idea why anybody would be an active member of ATS if they think the government should be allowed to classify anything simply because some shady figures claim its for "national security". Ed Snowden donated to Ron Paul in the past, I am not surprised at all that he took such a principled stance in sacrificing his entire life so that we can finally PROVE as a MATTER OF FACT that the US Government is secretly spying on the entire world without warrant. If anybody decides they rather not know the truth, they can continue eating their Round-up ready GMO and IQ lowering Fluoride water.

edit on 19-8-2013 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
Rand labels himself a libertarian conservative, small l big C...that much we already know although I personally believe he is closer to his father than he leads everybody to believe. The only reason why he is so popular today is because he has worded the message in such a way that mainstream conservatives can accept it without getting defensive.

I too can sense him playing this. I can hear him say "Dad. Dad, listen to me. I need to go more mainstream if you want me to be able to influence anything"

I have no idea why anybody would be an active member of ATS if they think the government should be allowed to classify anything simply because some shady figures claim its for "national security".

Well put.

Ed Snowden donated to Ron Paul in the past,


posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by Skyfloating

Too bad a libertarian won't be taken seriously in the US for another 15 years or so.

Hillary Clinton is going to dominate the political scene from here to the next election and beyond. Rand isn't as libertarian as I would like, nor most moderate libertarians.

So yeah, Assange can like him all he wants, but his support actually only hurts the libertarian movement in if you ask me. Most Americans still believe Assange to be some traitor, even if he isn't a citizen.

So when he 'allies' himself with major political figures within the US, it just de-legitimatizes those movements in the eyes of many Americans.


Too true.

Assenge is either a blackmailed lapdog or a paid CIA operative.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

The USA needs a new viable third part to split the middle and shake everything up, call it something like "Progressive Conservative".

And if the system won't allow for that, then change the system, somehow..

Even if it doesn't take the Whitehouse, by altering the course of the election it would have a major impact, and then within an election cycle of two, the two-party system will be busted up.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

What about US Non-Statist Party?

Free flat screen tv if you vote.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 06:27 PM
As much as I wanted to support Rand Paul I watched him defend for-profit healthcare with a straight face on Jon Stewart, er, the Daily Show (with John Oliver at the moment) the other day. I got so nauseous. I know Ron would defend for-profit healthcare as well but it somehow seems more annoying coming from Rand. It's this giant Elephant in the room. The US is literally the only western nation in the world with barbarism disguised as healthcare and no one talks about it, unless they're telling you to keep your pinko commie socialist ideas to yourself and to keep your hands off the money of big pharma. Because god knows the world won't revolve unless people are getting mega rich off the misfortune of others.
edit on 8/19/13 by Malynn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

It doesn't matter who's on power (Puppet). It will remain the same until they change it.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." - Edward Bernays

edit on 19-8-2013 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 06:45 PM
I'm curious, how does Hillary Clinton have support? Everything I've seen of her scares the # out of me. Good luck America. Here in Australia we have our election coming up, and there's a choice between big gov or big gov (given the liberals last 4-5 years in power, which was Howard, who raised public sector revenue and added many public jobs). I guess we could vote wikileaks into senate and hope they blocked anything stupid that the house comes out with. Other then that, it's just a massive gamble.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 06:53 PM
I view Assange as I do politicians in general nothing but an opportunist telling people what they want to hear.

When it is all said and done much like politicians it's all about themselves.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 09:24 PM
And to add to my previous post that doesn't mean to say I don't like Ron and Rand Paul. I do. I think their hearts are in the correct places. I don't agree with all their positions on everything, but I agree with enough of them, and approve of their character enough that I would be more than willing to let either of them have a go at untangling this mess were it up to me.

I just think our electoral system is so hopelessly corrupted, bought-and-paid for, and broken that there is no situation possible in which either of them would be allowed to win.

Which is why we need people like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Bradley Manning. People who are brave enough to stick their necks out for the rest of us. You know, us. The ones who watch it all transpire, and do nothing. Nothing but argue with people on ATS about it.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:40 PM
Geeze.. what did Rand Paul do to piss off Assange?? I'm not even kidding. Snowden and others have insinuated all this may have gone as far as directly influencing Judges and others in power by the things collected in some monster version of the Hoover files. (At least Hoover had the class to keep what didn't need used...right to his death).

Isn't this kind of like George Bush..or better yet, Dick Cheney coming out an endorsing a national politician? It strikes me as something akin to the kiss of death in some circles. Assange made Hillary Clinton's life one endless hell, personally, and Obama has a grudge wide enough to keep him hiding in an Embassy despite full asylum being granted under protection of Ecuador. Even HE knows the US will do anything to get him...

So what favor was it to make this connection in such broad and vague terms? It's so... ODD?
edit on 19-8-2013 by wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I did have lots of respect for that man, Ron Paul that is. Until he folded and started helping Romney. as fast as he folded and vanished from the media you know this spy thing got something on him.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman

Assenge is either a blackmailed lapdog or a paid CIA operative.

Assange is nothing more than the guy who operated Wikileaks as a place for journalists to drop info they otherwise couldnt publish. Sometimes the moon is just the moon.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

I think its because the people believe in what Assange is doing.
Americans are frustrated with the direction of their country, the wars and lies are a big part of that.
Assange is putting light on those lies and wars and the people like him, because they know knowledge is power.

I don't see Assange giving his opinion on a politician as a bad thing at all, especially when the people are the deciders, not the politicians.

But, of course.. you'll get those childish detractors who want to go on and on about the trumped up condom breaking charges that have 0 merit, 0 substance, no legs to stand on and have been fabricated from the beginning, and yet... those charges are still what people want to focus on.. not the work he is doing or the information he is releasing.

sad, really. I thought all Americans wanted real change!

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Make Speed Limit 45

I would disagree, he does not say it because the media would trash him. The people are not yet ready for the truth and the media would crucify anyone speaking against the official story.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by St0mP121
reply to post by Skyfloating

I did have lots of respect for that man, Ron Paul that is. Until he folded and started helping Romney. as fast as he folded and vanished from the media you know this spy thing got something on him.

I don't know about that. Ron Paul strikes me as the only national level politician that would stick to his principals and flat out say what the NSA is doing if he were being blackmailed. Such a declaration would only help him politically as it would make his case for him about needing to bring these programs under control and cut them back. It particularly helps that Ron Paul is at the end of his career so that can't be held over him. Rand has a whole future ahead of him to think about and is much more easily able to be manipulated.

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