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I did not see it coming!

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posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 12:53 PM
I did not understand what the matter was. I did not understand what kind of people I was growing up with.

My people, the Americans, my generation, and the one immediately after it, have been prepared for something terrible, something evil, something that has never been in America before.

My people have been prepared to be the slaves a new world order. It's in the way they buy, they way they sell, the things they believe in, the things they love, the things they hate. They have all been neatly tucked away.

I never understood why I had such a hard time relating to my own peers. Why I had no friends. Why people seemed to dislike me, even if they didn't even know me. It has everything to do with the fate of this nation, and what is coming to it.

Many of you have been made sick, your souls have been altered, your minds twisted, you serve something terrible and evil. Those of who don't serve it are asleep, powerless, living in a dream state generated by the powers of this world, so that you do nothing but turn the wheels of their power.

You don't live as citizens anymore, you don't think or judge important matters, and you react violently against those who do. Your women supress all dissention, discourage individuals from thinking or acting out, and your institutions are designed to grind up all notions of liberty and personal authority.

You people have become something totally different than me. It's like you never had a chance - something came and ate you from the moment you emerged from the womb. Now you march to it, serve it, and bear its burden on your backs. You noble slaves, how obedient you are. How you lick the hands of your masters, for the baubles, the bright shiny lights, the enthralling sounds. You have sold your souls, you ignorant animals.

You won't understand what it is you brought into this world, or how it thrives off you, uses you like a throne to sit on, and now seeks to destroy the good from this world forever.

My disgust with a people that has become nothing but slaves to their government, slaves to the marketplace, bought cheap for a few credit cards and a barbie-dream lifestyle. I hate the men and women that have done this to you.

Most of you don't understand the forces at work today. You don't recognize the names, the powers, and the attributes of the things that have come to rule you. They have entered into every people shortly before that people was destroyed, enslaved, or taken into calamity. Your teachers, your books, are all lies, constructions, psychological masterpieces of a destructive and cynical power-play for the control of the entire world.

It is in EVERY single powerful person, it is HOW they rule, it is HOW they came to power, NO righteous man is in authority at this time. Righteousness is reserved to the people, the workers. Righteousness has been pushed out of the ruling classes. Wisdom has fled away, to make room for the forces of great evil, those things which you do not have names for, because of the ignorance you have been kept in.

You don't understand the forces of civilization, or the things that men have overcome to establish it. You do not know what lies in the shadows, waiting to devour humankind, the things that occupy this earth like a parasite, waiting to swallow up nations and men, even the whole earth.

You ignorant people, you have forgotten the most basic rule of civilization on this earth: You MUST fight the force of corruption and darkness, because if you do not it will destroy you. You leaders have been seduced by it, and it has taken over their entire system. Now they plot and scheme, pitiless and merciless, they will take everything your ancestors have given you away. They will mark you as slaves, bring you under their authority, and brutally crush every authority.

You think these things are crazy? You think these things are wierd? You will think this until they happen to YOU. Every person who goes along with this power will be taken and bonded to evil. You will see the conclusion of a wicked and incredibly sneaky arrangement, you will become slaves to the god of horrors. Those marks, those marks you will bear, are the signs of your submission.

You see, the mark we were warned about was never the chip, the scan, or the card, but it is a spiritual mark, a black power of demonic nature, that will fill a certain place in your soul. That is your mark. Those who surrender to this government will be those who take the mark, because the force of evil has infiltrated the governemnt, and has taken all of its men and women. You will see it soon.

Now I see what I did not before. Now I see why you were all adifferent. You will all accept these things, you were born to it. You were always part of it. You never resisted, even when we were children. You and I played together, but you were different. You were a part of IT. You never knew Liberty, and you never will.


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:11 PM
Ok, at first you intrigued me because you sound just like me. I preach pretty much the same way to my friends and family who are so blind and clueless to what is behind the scenes. I have thought this since I was a child. I always remember telling my parents that I thought the government was evil and there was more to it, and their responces have always been, "you need to quit thinking that way" or "you could be great friends with oliver stone"

Its has annoyed me so much that people blow off any suggestion I make that seems "insane" to them, ther blind, the weak. The "enslaved" as you put it.

Im sorry to say this Ark, but you are generalizing big time and its getting on my nerves. You are ranting and bitching about fighting off the evil...

I have been trying to fight it since I was in 6th grade when I started thinking how wrong and evil the government is, and Im only 19.

So please, spare us the bitching and name calling, and lets all join together to form a greater knowledge and fight off what is coming. That is the only way as you said we can defeat it.

But truthfully I cant see how we can fight it off. The people in my generation are complete victims to the corruptors. They are the most blind of all. All throuhg high school, especially in Government and History class I would always speak my mind. When my teacher in Government would ask me a question about the days lecture, I would look at him and tell him straight up I didnt care about the government and that its evil at the core, we arent seeing anything that is controlling what the government actually is.

He would look at me and laugh. My classmates would look at me like I was a freak. It makes me just as sick as you to see how many people are victim to IT. I might not have the vast knowledge for IT as you do, but I do have a soul and an intuition and I can feel IT.

To sum up what Im trying to get across.... stop going outside the lines and avoiding the subject at hand and be straight up with all of us. What the hell do you know? Please quit leading us on with your bitching and tell us what you know. I have a slight idea, but Im not quite sure.

I just know this world is surrounded by evil forces and 90% of the population seems to be under this control of evil to the core. People like us can escape its grasp and run, but some are under its grip so tight that there is no hope for them.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:19 PM
Sounds like a Madeleine L'Engle book to me, Ark. I understand how you can feel this way but your disertation carries no hope and I personally still have hope.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:50 PM
Wow dude, please remember to take your medications. The reason you have no friends and people don�t like you has nothing to do with the NWO. It has to do with your anti-social behavior and your paranoia. Do you shower regularly? Do you speak to others as if they are your intellectual equals? Do you genuinely care about your fellow human beings? Do you wear a long trench coat and frequently catch yourself muttering out loud?

Perhaps a girlfriend and a steady job might do you some good. (or boyfriend�what ever you�re in to).

You know, most of us understand we are not in a position to effect the NWO even if it exists so we don�t bother. We have things like families and jobs to keep us amused. If the s**t hits the fan then we will take out our guns and do what is necessary. Until then, ordinary life is so full and fulfilling we don�t need to waste our time with conspiracy theories.

This whole NWO thing amuses me.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:55 PM
Dont find the NWO interesting??
Dont post here, its easy to understand.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 02:10 PM
In a bad mood arky?

I do agree with most of what your saying we are controlled by powers of darkness, and they certainly dont believe in a thing called love. Im so funny

We are as puppets and the master, with no particular place to go. Now life is but a shell, it is no longer a state, a book being played out. I look through most people i dont see them as living but just being ( i aint gonna become a mass murderer though) without what arky considers a soul but maybe they see us the same, maybe to them we are stupid i claim to be enlightened if only a bit but maybe they are the enlightened ones?

A man with no mirror knows not not what he looks like. Is this you Arky. Is it me Shorty or whoever read my badly writen, ranting words that show more than slight despare in the human race.


Its a matter of opinion and philosophy.

I do injoy your threads Arky.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 02:21 PM
Well I wasn't going to post but the first poster was so clearly anti-social and vehement that I was provoked into a reaction. Seriously, I think that original post comes from a very lonely human being, perhaps a teenager our young college student who�s depressed. It�s amazing how a simple life well led can be fulfilling. You don�t need to be a narcissist or a frantic consumer to enjoy America to it�s fullest.

Also, I know several �rich and powerful� folks. Truth is, they never seem happier or more fulfilled than many of the poorer folks I have been around. If someone wants to run the world because they are so super wealthy and bored they have nothing else to do�well.. as long as they leave us alone then good luck to �em. Sounds like a big hassle to me.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 10:57 PM
See, I respect people who logically believe that something is wrong in the government, but I can't stand this "It's not me, it's everyone else in the world" type of logic. I used to think the same way. Let me ask you, respectfully. Have you ever worked for the government? Do you know anybody well that you speak with often who works high up in the government? I don't generally dismiss anyone with a conspiracy theory as paranoid, but accusation without proof or reason is just that...paranoia.

Arkaleus-Sometimes I really do feel for you. I respect you, you're a very smart individual, but you seem so depressed sometimes! If you really think down deep, be honest with yourself, and look for proof and evidence I believe that you'll find that this world isn't as bad as you think! What makes you think that everyone is being controlled by some evil force?

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
I did not understand what the matter was. I did not understand what kind of people I was growing up with.

My people, the Americans, my generation, and the one immediately after it, have been prepared for something terrible, something evil, something that has never been in America before.

My people have been prepared to be the slaves a new world order. It's in the way they buy, they way they sell, the things they believe in, the things they love, the things they hate. They have all been neatly tucked away.

NAH its just your imagination or better yet its a conspiracy to make you feel this way cause noone else thinks this way they all think things are cool thats why they Reelected Bush

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:30 PM
Ha! Just when I want to give up on my whole race, Shorty comes back and reminds me why I am fighting, thinking, and writing. I was getting mad because I am surrounded by unfriendly things. It is not my fault that this is so, but I cannot do anything about it right now.

Mr. Nice seems to be a decent fellow. NWO is a humorous matter? haa. . .ha. .he. .heh. . .uh. It's not funny when you learn what is happening. There is something so evil, so nasty, that even looking at it makes me ill in my stomach. It's actually the study of how powerful men and combinations of power are growing their influence in this world, and actually guiding the activities of the world towards the increase of their power.

Oh, and by the way, I am not antisocial. Shorty likes me! See! I have ONE friend! It's just that I can't bond with people who aren't awake and aware. There are no real reasons for people to dislike me. The people that LIKE me tend to have the same traits, however.


You are 19? Wait until you must join the real world and work for your own substance. That's when you get your test. Wait until your mind matures to your prime levels, and you begin to understand the burden of human consciousness and the war against the powers of darkness.

You got mad at me because of my words. I know that there are SOME people who ARE aware, and that MANY of these people are young. In fact, MOST older people are worthless in this fight. They don't buck the system, and want their kids to fit right into it. Only strong individuals make me happy. Only brave lads who take up their own and speak their mind. Only the intelligent and good. Those are my friends. It was wrong to say that I didn't have any. I have many, but they are few and far between.


[Edited on 12-11-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 07:44 AM
I really am interested though, Arkaleus. What causes you to believe these things? I'm asking out of curiosity, not out of trying to prove you wrong or anything stupid like that. Why do you believe the things you do, and what causes yo to believe this?

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Arkaleus

You are 19?

[Edited on 12-11-2004 by Arkaleus]

Whos 19?

Hey im that kinda guy.

But..... although me and Arky think similarly and believe alike but as yet we have little evidence.

Note: Similarly

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:41 AM
Hi shorty. You changed your avatar!

What do you think about the Bush Election? I see dark things appearing in my crystal ball. Scary things. I am starting to think about a cabin in Montana.


What makes me believe the things I do? Most of it is by reasoning out what I have seen, read, and thought. If it is not reasonable, it usually get proved out and corrected over time. I am not one to hold to fantasy.

You are asking a very general question. I think you mean to ask my why I was so down on my generation. I think it's because I am surrounded by rather uncultured people all day at work. I work in a technical call center in a big company. Most of these folks are a very nasty and dark sort. They have a very evil will that permeates the air around me and nags at me like a crippled old woman. They are pathological and wicked, and attack anything that resembles good. I guess you would call them a wretched demonic lot.

But that's not what sets me off the most: It's the complancency of a generation of people who have totally given thselves over to a materialistic lifestyle, while in the background the powers of the world take strides towards the overthrow of American Liberty, and advance their nightmare state of the New Global Order. It's like we are being subverted, and the people just don't care.


posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
Hi shorty. You changed your avatar!

What do you think about the Bush Election? I see dark things appearing in my crystal ball. Scary things. I am starting to think about a cabin in Montana.

Changed the avatar a while ago.

Bush election.

Well i didn't like it but it is hardly a case of the lesser of two evils both Kerry and Bush where Skull and Bones, so it didn't matter which got in. Either would follow the same agendas secretly.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus
You are asking a very general question. I think you mean to ask my why I was so down on my generation. I think it's because I am surrounded by rather uncultured people all day at work. I work in a technical call center in a big company. Most of these folks are a very nasty and dark sort. They have a very evil will that permeates the air around me and nags at me like a crippled old woman. They are pathological and wicked, and attack anything that resembles good. I guess you would call them a wretched demonic lot.

Well, we're actually in the same boat on much of this issue, believe it or not. I can't stand most of the people I go to school with. Although I've never really had much trouble making friends, I know exactly what you mean that they're all dark and such. It seems wrong that it's now a very uncommon thing to be 17, and still a virgin as I am. What's happened to people? People constantly talking about who's a whore and how they got drunk or stoned the night before. Who they've slept with, the fights they've gotten into. I can't stand it. Times change I guess. I think though, where you and I seperate is the whole conspiracy thing. I believe that it's just these people are doing dumber and dumber things as the years go on; simple as that. I don't believe that there is a huge government conspiracy, or that all these things are being caused by a big dark force. I'm still young though, maybe I'll change in time.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus

My people have been prepared to be the slaves a new world order. It's in the way they buy, they way they sell, the things they believe in, the things they love, the things they hate. They have all been neatly tucked away.

Lots of the things you have said in this thread (and in the past) to differentiate yourself from "the rest" seems to have to do with consumerism..

I was muling this over in my head last night, after reading this thread.. and I came up with some interesting conclusions.

We are all ignorant buyers and sellers? Purchasing what we are "supposed" to, and not asking questions.. Well, I figure this: You are talking to us here, so we can say you have a computer. You have a computer, so we can say you pay for internet and electricity bills. You have bills, so we can say you have a job. You have to get to work, so we can say you use some mode of transportation. Your apartment is probably not without furniture, so we can guess that you spend some cash on that.. Seems to me like you are spending money on basically the same things all of us are, but yet, you are somehow superior while doing it? Does thinking "this is evil" while you hand over the money for that nice new computer make it any less enabling to the large corporations and the "new world order"?

What EXACTLY are you doing to fight this "great evil" other than spending way too much time online telling others about it? Do you go out and protest? Do you break the laws that you say we are so "blindly held to"? (Obviously not, because you arent reaching us from a penitentiary)

So are you all grandiose thought, no grandiose action? Just an ineffectual person, preaching the evils of the modern world, while swiping his credit card here, and signing a dotted line there?

Why should we take advice from a man who is not willing to act on his own highly held ideas? Why should we take what you preach as being any different than what the other 99% percent of people we meet each day preach to us about?

No.. You arent any different from us, even though you'd like to be. You are just like us; cramming money into rich executives already-overflowing pockets, high atop their sky scrapers... but maybe that soap-box you are standing on just makes it easier for you to reach.


[Edited on 12-11-2004 by shidge.]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 05:19 PM
What a load of bull crap. This isn't the first time you've come on here and accusing me of being a hypocrite. Why don't I do something? What the hell are are you on about, man? What else can I possibly do besides speak and write my mind? Shall I grab my assault rifle and begin shooting people?

There is a reason why reason favors Liberty, and why her children are great in intellect. We move greater mountains with our speeches and our writings than any mob who desire to maim and destroy. You do not repair a republic with the mob, you use the tools withwhich it was originally constructed!

And as far as my personal habits, there is a great distance between the mindless consumer and the thoughtful man. There is no shame in the buying and sellinf of things. I need to eat, and I prefer clean wholesome food, I need to wear clothing and I prefer clean cotton and denim, I need to drive so I prefer a well made japanese car that gets 30 miles to the gallon.

I have a computer, and it is a necessary device of my life, it is the tool of the modern sage and his tablet.

It is not what you have outside of you that makes you evil, it is what you have inside. It is your DESIRE, it is what you WILL.

Yes, I am accusing my generation. I am putting the burden on them because it belongs there. There is no one to pick it up for them. Because they are unable to carry the weight, they will become little better than slaves in their own country, and they won't complain about it because they are mad. Look how they treat those of us who DO.

You seem like such an even fellow Shidge, you don't come out bold for crime or christmas, and you seem to have a catatonic ease and calm that would seem a little too medicated and artificial to be real. You either don't care, which is the complaint I have against your age group, our you don't understand, which is a complain I have against YOUR PARENTS.


posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus

Yes, I am accusing my generation. I am putting the burden on them because it belongs there. There is no one to pick it up for them. Because they are unable to carry the weight, they will become little better than slaves in their own country, and they won't complain about it because they are mad. Look how they treat those of us who DO.

I ask you this ( i would like to serve god but im gonna make sure im surving the right guy first and i am by no means takeing a dig at you or your beleifs) Who washs our sins away? Who is it that will save according to the Holy Bible? It is not us, but Jesus.

Are we our generation to clear up our act when it clearly states in the Holy Bible we can sit on our a$$es and as long as when we get to the perly gates we say i believe in the Bible we'r in.

It doesn't say we have to stick up for ourselves, the way i see it if you belive the Holy Bible everything inside is gonna come true. Which means that even if we do nothing we are going to be saved.

We were created as slaves, what are we then if not still slaves? Lucifer rebelled against being a slave so what makes him evil?

I say those words not at all litely. I want you to make me believe i really do.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Arkaleus

Yes, I am accusing my generation. I am putting the burden on them because it belongs there. There is no one to pick it up for them. Because they are unable to carry the weight, they will become little better than slaves in their own country, and they won't complain about it because they are mad. Look how they treat those of us who DO.

I ask you this ( i would like to serve god but im gonna make sure im surving the right guy first and i am by no means takeing a dig at you or your beleifs) Who washs our sins away? Who is it that will save us according to the Holy Bible? It is not us, but Jesus.

Are we our generation to clear up our act when it clearly states in the Holy Bible we can sit on our a$$es and as long as when we get to the perly gates we say i believe in the Bible we'r in.

It doesn't say we have to stick up for ourselves, the way i see it if you belive the Holy Bible everything inside is gonna come true. Which means that even if we do nothing we are going to be saved.

We were created as slaves, what are we then if not still slaves? Lucifer rebelled against being a slave so what makes him evil? Can a god really be good if he created us to be his play things, his toys and his slaves.

I say those words not at all litely. I want you to make me believe i really do.

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