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Are atheists mentally ill? The Impact of Religious Practice on Social Stability

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posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by LionOfGOD

Christians get a lot of abuse on this forum

The difference being that they ACTUALLY deserve it.

Personally i think they give as good as they get

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Lets assume for a moment that this is true and a person must believe, in a god, or gods to be complete. Which god should a person choose? Of the over 1200 gods in history, most if not all claim to be the one true God, or the one true group of gods for the polytheist religions. Sure Abrahamic religions are the most popular at this point in history, but they have not always been so, and if history is any indication, they will not always remain so. How can a person make a proper informed decision on which one to worship?

From the article you posted it seems its not as important who you worship, as long as you worship something. Would it be acceptable to join the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? FSM Heaven has Beer volcanoes and a stripper factory... just sayin'

If the benefits of being religious seem to be directly related to how often you go to church and how much time you spend on church related activities, it would be logical to assume a normal religion would only get you a partial benefit. If a person really wanted to reap the benefits of religion a cult is the logical option. Church every day and every moment not spent in church is spent on some church related activity! Imagine how long you could live in that kind of environment, as long as you don't drink the kool-aid of course.

You have given me a lot to think about OP.


posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:03 PM
Yin asks, is Yang mentally ill?

The blade asks, is the whetstone mentally ill?

The rose asks, is manure mentally ill?

Spring asks, is winter mentally ill?

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Pistoche
You believe in an invisible dude with magical powers and you're calling us mentally ill?

I might be crazy by your standards but I have felt a lot of paranormal (normal but unproven to science) things and experienced love from an unknown source. And I am spiritual not religious since the religions seem to screw up the message more or less. I think people who think god is a dude are thinking to small. My guess is that is an it with many parts working as one.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by gotya

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by NeoParadigm
reply to post by Stormdancer777

On the other hand, being around Christians all the time is not good for the blood pressure either.

Can you spot one just by looking at them?

I can usually pick them out of a crowd.

Duality driven hateful Paulists from my point of view. That message have nothing to do with what Jesus taught and I will not call them Christians. The show by their action that they are working for division and hate and from Christians own bible that would mean they are working for the devil and not for Jesus. Jesus himself said there would be a lot of goats saying they where sheep.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by dominicus

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by jimmyx
atheists are actually able to handle the idea there is no god, no heaven, and no devil, all the while being able to function socially, as well as in a well-adjusted family setting. critical-thought is as strong as human passion, letting neither interfere to much, or too little, in our relationships with others.

We also don't wave bibles in people's faces, whitter on about sin and above all we don't have hypocritical preachers on TV who claim to have healed the leg of a mechanic in Wyoming and who now want all their viewers to send in $100 so that their good works can continue.
And above all there is no atheist version of Pat Robertson. For which I am very, very grateful.

But you do have a rise in Militant Atheists, who are hell-bent(pun intended) on pronouncing their own views, their own Church-less groups, meeting places, their own version of the God-less Bible, Preachers in Dawkins, Harris,Hitchens, who make millions from their books sales, conferences, videos, merch sales....

It's funny how standing on the sidelines, the two don't look that different to me

I've yet to meet a militant atheist, as in my opinion they're not out to convert anyone. And Dawkins would be the last person to describe himself as a 'preacher'. Oh and Hitchens is dead.

He might not be calling himself a preacher but he is still preaching.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:26 PM
Anddddddd they're off! The theists and atheists taking this as yet another marvelous opportunity to share how much they don't like each other. Girls, girls, you're both pretty. The thread is a joke, it's meant to be ironic. Ever heard of irony? It's supposed to be a funny thing. It's okay to laugh at this stuff once in a while, and remember that if everyone thought the same thing everywhere, the world would be a damn boring place. I know, what could go wrong? A virtual foyer full of electronic friends, maybe some binary coffee if you paid the premium. But I know how intense it gets. We're all on the hunt here, hunting for meaning. Some of you find it one place, some of you others. But that doesn't make anyone here a bad person. That just makes us fellow hunters, and a little competition is never a bad thing.

This is just a friendly little reminder to not forget the real people behind the usernames here. Call it some double-devil's-advocate action. Positivity on an atheism thread. Who woulda guessed?

edit on 17-8-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by LionOfGOD

Christians get a lot of abuse on this forum

The difference being that they ACTUALLY deserve it.

lmfaoarotf (and stuff)!!

I was just over on face book on "my squadron page" talking to my Navy buddies. It always comes up ...where's Waterman? where's Jackson...

Jeezzee... its all a crap shoot this life we live. So many good folks are dead or worse. If you can stay sane in this world without believing in a God. It's ok.

I find myself wondering (like all people through-out time ) why?

I don't think we can ever know. If you think you do know...yeah it can drive you nuts.

Hell...I am just me and you are you...and stuff happens.

Folks can believe anything they want...and some will go crazy...some will just wonder and not go nuts...

Nuts isn't it?

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

I've yet to meet a militant atheist, as in my opinion they're not out to convert anyone.

There are atheist organizations with literature, trying to disprove, and converts others to Atheism, with the view that any religious views are a disease to humanity. They put up ads on billboards, buses, meeting places, tracts handed out, organizations, statues and plaques being put in public places, etc.... I've met quite a few in philosophical debates I used to partake in at the local university.

They're out there

And Dawkins would be the last person to describe himself as a 'preacher'. Oh and Hitchens is dead.

I know Hitchens is point being that he was like a preacher preaching Atheism, along with the rest.

When I was an Atheist, it was very loose knit and felt natural. I didn't need to debate, write books, argue, post videos, ats threads, start organizations. It's just the way I thought/felt.

What eventually got me was the claim of people throughout History, that they directly experience God.

The fact that I, experience: reality. Is something that I never doubted. So to find people who claim to have experienced something I didn't believe in, put doubt into my atheism, shifting me into Agnosticism (which at least is neutral to a point)

Later on, I too had Godly experiences, and everything else flew out the window

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 05:16 PM
Militant theists, militant atheists...
Not enough respect.

It shouldn't make a bit of difference to you what other people believe. Keep it to your damn self.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
Militant theists, militant atheists...
Not enough respect.

It shouldn't make a bit of difference to you what other people believe. Keep it to your damn self.

why didn't you keep this reply to your damn self?


posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 05:42 PM
What I like is the attention this thread garnered. The slightly edged remarks are cute.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 05:58 PM
Atheists are not immune to mental illness however the religious have a place to hide their nuts and they sometimes make them their leaders.

(RNS) A teenager says God and Jesus appeared to him in a grove and told him to start a new Christian church. Another person claims the Almighty talks to him through the radio.

A French girl gets messages from heaven to lead an army against the British, while a Utah woman thinks she is meant to have Jesus' baby and 12 husbands.

Some of these figures were considered prophets and saints, while others were judged insane. The question is: How do you tell which is which? link

Religions look forward to the destruction of the world well does that sound sane?

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
Atheists are not immune to mental illness however the religious have a place to hide their nuts and they sometimes make them their leaders.

(RNS) A teenager says God and Jesus appeared to him in a grove and told him to start a new Christian church. Another person claims the Almighty talks to him through the radio.

A French girl gets messages from heaven to lead an army against the British, while a Utah woman thinks she is meant to have Jesus' baby and 12 husbands.

Some of these figures were considered prophets and saints, while others were judged insane. The question is: How do you tell which is which? link

Religions look forward to the destruction of the world well does that sound sane?

It's cause all the GMO's in the food supply are making people hear voices and see things.

Once we go back to organic, people will be normal again

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

'God-spot' research finds faith hard-wired in the brain

If this is true are they a screw or wire loose?

I'd say they have a serious heart condition, a fatal one if not treated by a dose of Jesus Christ's salvation.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by dominicus

Originally posted by Grimpachi
Atheists are not immune to mental illness however the religious have a place to hide their nuts and they sometimes make them their leaders.

(RNS) A teenager says God and Jesus appeared to him in a grove and told him to start a new Christian church. Another person claims the Almighty talks to him through the radio.

A French girl gets messages from heaven to lead an army against the British, while a Utah woman thinks she is meant to have Jesus' baby and 12 husbands.

Some of these figures were considered prophets and saints, while others were judged insane. The question is: How do you tell which is which? link

Religions look forward to the destruction of the world well does that sound sane?

It's cause all the GMO's in the food supply are making people hear voices and see things.

Once we go back to organic, people will be normal again

The god squad will just blame it on fluoride, chemtrails, vaccinations, HARRP, Mind control, or the devil again. Makes no difference nutz is nutz.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by LionOfGOD

Christians get a lot of abuse on this forum

The difference being that they ACTUALLY deserve it.

MMM, for someone with a handle like yours, that's a lot of hate you hold inside to claim people, you don't know and have never met deserve to be abused.

Coming from someone who had been abused, physically, mentally and emotionally as a child, It was Jesus Christ that freed me from the chains and scars dragging me down from those experiences.
edit on 17-8-2013 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by dominicus

I don't mean to say everyone should keep their opinions to themselves. Just the militants. Either side of the coin.

I understand this wasn't necessarily intended as a militant thread, but there are lots of people who would write a highly critical thread such as this in all seriousness.
Those are the opinions I feel should be kept to themselves..

Sorry if that came across like I was asking you to keep your opinions to yourself.

People bicker over faith all the time and it almost always comes back to disrespect.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

The abuse that i referred to earlier, is in no way related to the abuse you seem to speak of.
What you described is the sort that NO-ONE should go through.
My apologies.
My statement was meant to refer to something completely different.
My failure.

But as such, i still stand by what i said.
edit on 17-8-2013 by LionOfGOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:18 PM
Mr. Confusion back. This thread has me really confused, so if I miss the point completely, let me know. I understand that the discussion began as an exploration of the sanity of atheists, perhaps as a joke, perhaps seriously.

The responses pretty much ignored the fact that the opposite to Atheism is Theism, and went quickly to the "Christians are crazier than Atheists" level. It's kind of too bad that happened, but on the other hand, it opens the door to the question "Are Muslims crazier than Christians?" Or, "Are Jews crazier than Hindus?"

But, we take what we are given, not what we might like.

Atheism is a relatively recent phenomenon, and has providen no proof, or even overwhelming evidence to support it's claim (Or any evidence at allo, actually) That's Ok, they can believe something without evidence, that's not necessarily a sign of insanity. Personally, I'm glad I have some evidence for Theism, but that's not the question, because if it were, the Atheists would have a difficult time in supporting their belief. Consider the situation in which Atheism somehow manages to destrou all of the evidence for Theism (Impossible, I know) Then there would be no reason to prefer one theory over the other, they would both have no evidence.

I can understand why Atheism is seen as comforting and liberating in some circumstances, so for those to whom such considerations are important, feel free. I think truth matters, but that may be only me (and the 99% of the world who, throughout history, have believed).

Concerning Chritianity specifically, it didn't teach any new, moral truths. Nearly everything Jesus taught could be found in other cultures and teachers. Jesus only wanted to make a few points. The first was that everybody is a sinner. We all know that to be true, you can prove it by looking into the newspaper, or your own heart. Where Jesus went then is the reason for Christianity and why the Gospels are called the "Good News."

He said "You can have those sins that you've committed obliterated, scrubbed out, made to disappear, so that after this life you can exist in a Holy place, not the Pit your sins have sentenced you to." That was tough to accept so he continued, "Look at My Miracles, My life, the way I act. My Resurrection and reappearance. Anything you need to convince you of the truth, I've given you."

In case we weren't sure how to handle ourselves, he said "Don't sweat it, I'll send the Paraclete to give you guidance in writing down what's happened so others can read it. He'll also be around to speak to your hearts. And on a more immediate, practical level, I'm setting up My Church based on one of you, who will guide and help keep things running. Don't worry, you'll have some tough times, but you'll never be completely beaten."

That's, basically, all it was. But it's also all there ever needs to be.

Atheists insane? No, they're not crazy and I don't hate them. Nor do I judge their final reward. I love them, I just don't understand them or the way they think.

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