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Are whites racist

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posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Spider879

There it is again-the word special-what on earth makes you,or other members who have said that,think that one would feel special because one has a white skin.Maybe im not like other white people,but i have never understood that misconception.
Maybe whites here were under the impression that they were more capable and far-sighted than the black population-and is that not correct,however un-pc it sounds?
I mean,in all the thousands of years blacks were on the continent before whites-WTF did they accomplish-except build mud+straw huts-and wage vicious tribal wars,killing each other off by the thousands.

Believe me no one wants to contribute and unify and make this country as great as it can possibly be as us whites-but we with white skins are seen still as the enemy-never mind that we have no power,no say in anything.Because of the many racist,grudge-bearing blacks who see whites as either a hated enemy,or superfluous-despite the fact that they would still be where they were a thousand years ago without the influence and innovations+creativity and vision of the evil whites.
Samsung Galaxy 5's+BMW's and luxury shopping malls are'nt sent down from the weduzulu by the spirits of the ancestors.
edit on 23-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: typo+add

edit on 23-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: typo

edit on 23-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

There it is again-the word special-what on earth makes you,or other members who have said that,think that one would feel special because one has a white skin.Maybe im not like other white people,but i have never understood that misconception.
Maybe whites here were under the impression that they were more capable and far-sighted than the black population-and is that not correct,however un-pc it sounds?
I mean,in all the thousands of years blacks were on the continent before whites-WTF did they accomplish-except build mud+straw huts-and wage vicious tribal wars,killing each other off by the thousands.

Say you are kidding pretty please with cherry on top!! your most recent ancestors and family members developed an entire system based on specialness of skin and mud and straw hut is the all or end all of African architecture..
pls go here and tribal wars?? you kidding right??..
the land of your most recent ancestors had conflicts the 100yrs war a family quarrel,not mention Napoleon, WWI and WWII in essence a family squabble costing the lives of millions,Irish vs Brits,Catholic Vs Protestants burn a few wondering Jews for good measure..yeah happy go lucky Europe.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Willtell
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

It isn’t easy to garner whether a majority of any group feels one way or the other.

Though there is no doubt that white supremacy has afflicted the western mind set.

This of course transcends the American issue, where colonialism and racism are connected. Colonialism, when a country economically and culturally dominates another country, ended for third-world countries from the 60’s on into about the 70’s roughly.

Remember most of the major European powers, including the US, colonized third world countries and that was based on racism to a great degree.

edit on 17-8-2013 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

There was a move back in the day, turn of last century, some Anglo/Saxons were trying to convince the rest of the white races that they the ASs were best fit to lead all the white tribes. Whites have had considerable race problems over the centuries between the tribes. The basis for most of their conflicts.

Even during the colonization of the world by European "powers" a great deal of white on white racism was at play during that time and was as much of a driving force behind European expansion as anything else.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:31 PM
No kidding. If you want a comprehensive look at warfare, all the intricacies, novel strategies, weapons, and history, Europe has been at war with itself so long is a one stop shop as far as I'm concerned.

As for addressing the OP:

I believe my generation and slightly older (30s to 40s) is probably the first generation of white people in the US where the majority aren't racist. Stereotype-ist? sure, absolutely. But remarking about someone's statistical propensity to form a pattern based on their culture is hardly choosing the way you interact with someone based on their race. The number of people who were racist was at an all-time low. However, recent events over the last year and a half have reversed that trend considerably, as of late. When I'm home from abroad and have some free time, I like to play various online games casually. The pure racism and vulgarity that I hear on VOIP from all parties is significantly more than I've ever heard, especially over the last year and a half.

I have actually been the victim of racism on numerous occasions. Both by Hispanics (I know some will say its not technically a race, but they certainly identify themselves as not white) and by Blacks. I have encountered the least racism from people of Indian or Persian descent, in the US, anyway.

That being said, I think everyone is racist, at least to a certain extent, and that extent is based on the lack of knowledge. Everyone can only have finite knowledge and at the same time still have infinite ignorance. What I have found that really helps me understand people (understanding is NOT acceptance), interact with them, and eventually deal with them in a civil manner is learning about specific population statistics for the people you going to be dealing with. As many variables and circumstances as possible. Then learn the whys behind the whats. Culture, religion, politics, economics, etc. It has helped me abroad tremendously. To summarize, treat every person you meet without prejudice and as a blank slate individual, but know very well the whats and whys of the demographic they identify with or belong to because whether they like it or not, they are affected by them.
edit on 23-8-2013 by Galvatron because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Logarock

Isn't it funny that in general, people hate those that are the most similar to them. Tell a Serb that they're Christian Bosniaks and they certainly won't like it. But they consider them some of their most bitter and hated rivals. From the outside looking in, it appears they are similar. Tell an Igbo person in Nigeria that they're the same as a Hausa, and you get the same effect.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Spider879

So because some idiotic old men decided years before I was conceived to bring in the insane Apartheid system-muself,my innocent children and all the other innocents who had Nothing to do with it,must forever more crawl on our knees over broken glass wailing Mea Culpa,Mea Culpa,Mea maxima maxima Culpa? Be hated,disparaged,murdered,raped,robbed and in general bear the stigma of being racists because of a stupid,unnatural and grotesquely unfair system some longdead old coots brought into being?

HOW is That going to help the situation?????

Apartheid was wrong on so many levels,OF COURSE it was-like the Americans did to the Native Americans,Slavery to the African Americans,the Australians did to the Aborigines,the English did to so many cultures-yet why must the ancestors of these people Still(and apparently for evermore) be demonised?My children has black friends,my best friends were black ladies-we are not racist in any way shape or form-but to poiint out that a race should start doing some serious introspection +look at all the things they do wrong,is not racist,nor hateful-it is common sense-if a nation is to move to a better paradigm.To keep blaming the injustices of the past avails nothing.

Oh and your dig about my ancestors-Europeans-they are exactly that-ancestors(well possibly,I'm adopted so I have no idea who+what my particular ancestors are)-their past,their mistakes.The English had concentration camps for Afrikaans/"Boere" women and children.where they died like flies-should all white Afrikaans speaking people have used that as an excuse to do nothing,build nothing,create nothing,because the evil British did them such harm long ago? Maybe kill rob rape or target British tourists when they come here? Hate+criticise+blame all English speaking people for everything that is wrong in their lives.Or will still be wrong in future?
You know,there is no use talking to you further about this-your mind is made up-and you don't really care 50 years time,in 100 years,Apartheid+the whites will still be blamed for this government's corruption and ineptitude-thats just the way it is.If you govern,or do anything in an inept,selfish,avaricious,non-sensical,plain f-ed up way,a scapegoat is always found.The clowns in the ANC government has the perfect excuse-and its one they will hang onto till judgement day-and there will always be suckers who do not live here+see firsthand the truth,who will fall for that excuse.

Btw if one of your ancestors ran a paedophile ring 50 years ago-should your entire clan,even your innocent children+grandchildren have to be hated for that-i mean the paedophile Was an ancestor, a relative.Same dog different string.How the hell can we be blamed,any of us,for the fool things our ancestors did?why don't we just hate+murder all Germans then,even 2year old kids-why don't we at least despise All of them-those ancestors!!!!

Anyway I guess without the perspective of some one like me who have lived in this country for almost 50 years+have lived through both dispensations,I am talking in the wind here-so long and goodnight.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Galvatron
reply to post by Logarock

Isn't it funny that in general, people hate those that are the most similar to them. Tell a Serb that they're Christian Bosniaks and they certainly won't like it. But they consider them some of their most bitter and hated rivals. From the outside looking in, it appears they are similar. Tell an Igbo person in Nigeria that they're the same as a Hausa, and you get the same effect.

Well although Serbs are at the top of my watch list, you wouldn't find me loading Muslims up in buses for a ride in the country. I hate Hezbollah but have some respect for them as soldiers, as someone that would have to fight them, like respect for a rattle snake. But have no likeness to or respect for their methodologies as an organization.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Apartheid was wrong on so many levels,OF COURSE it was-like the Americans did to the Native Americans,Slavery to the African Americans,the Australians did to the Aborigines,the English did to so many cultures-yet why must the ancestors of these people Still(and apparently for evermore) be demonised?My children has black friends,my best friends were black ladies-we are not racist in any way shape or form-but to poiint out that a race should start doing some serious introspection +look at all the things they do wrong,is not racist,nor hateful-it is common sense-if a nation is to move to a better paradigm.To keep blaming the injustices of the past avails nothing.

Raxoxane you can't have it both ways you can't on one hand waxed nostalgic about how great apartheid era South Africa was for "everyone" then in the next post try and distance yourself from that sorry past. it makes you look schizophrenic .either you are going to let go of that past embrace the present with all it's difficulties and possibilities and help build a better future or be stuck between two worlds not quite belonging to neither.
My experience with South Africans of all types born after that era is that they are doing just that embracing the present and trying to build a new nation.
edit on 23-8-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Spider879

I'm not nostalgic about the System of Apartheid,Spider-even as a child that seemed weird to me-i am nostalgic for the days when my country was safer for ALL its citizens.We were poor whites,we did'nt benefit in any way shape or form financiallly from Apartheid.I'm nostalgic for the days when you could go to a state hospital and receive the dame care as in a private hospital,even if you had to wait for a goodly while to be seen by a doctor.The days when you could call the cops and they bothered to pitch up.And were efficient+proffessional when they did.When kids could walk home alone from school without fear of being raped,robbed or murdered(my daughter was held at knifepoint by a group of tsotsis right outside her school 2 years ago,eg)

Those are the types of things I am nostalgic for,not Apartheid.

I was almost arrested in Apartheid SA for hanging ouit with my colored friends-because I refused to let unnatural laws stop me from going out with people,friends,who happened to be non-white.I have had colored boyfriends,and black best friends-i just miss a country that works-to the benefit of ALL its inhabitants-if it comes across as schizophrenic,I can't help that.

You may not believe it,but I DO embrace the present day here,even with all the crime,murder,rape,armed robberies,car hijackings+having to live behind security doors,and having to keep situational awareness whenever you leave your house.I love my country bonemarrow deep+i want a better day for everyone-That I viciously criticize the way the ANC let this country deteriorate in the vital aspects like police,state hospitals+emt,schools,the army,etc.
.My son almost got killed by a black kid at kindergarten,she hit him in the neck with a brick-the teacher said:Oh its attitudes they pick up at home,you know" There was never an apology from the parents or the child.On the other hand my 15yo gal has slept over many times at the home of one of her besties,a lovely+very decent black black girl,they often invite her along to go play squash in the capital.I would not mind one bit if all 3 my children had to marry black/colored people when they are adults.

This country IS 2 worlds,Spider.The good and wholesome one where black+white often get along fine,do things together,laugh+talk+complain together,just like in,say,America.The best bits of the "Rainbow Nation" I would rather die here than live elsewhere.Always so strange to me,how the white liberals were fervent for the "New SA" to arrive-yet the moment apartheid ended+a black government,the one they were rabidly working towards arrived-and immediately they packed up+pissed off to Perth-or anywhere else buit here.Also some Afrikaans speaking folks left,for fear of a massacre-but most whites stayed,especially the hated Afrikaners.Our farmers stayed too,to be slaughtered.And still we stay,because during any dispensation there are good people.And SA is a wonderful country as regards natural beauty,the colors,smells,sounds,the music,the many uniquely SA things-and many good decent people.

Speaking the truth about how one government is as bad as the previous,only in different ways,really does not equate to me refusing to see the good+embracing the present day-it just means I am calling the gov out for allowing the country to deteriorate to a crimefilled cesspit where essential services and infrastructure are crumbling,literally crumbling as the taxpayers money gets stolen instead of applied where needed.No one wants Apartheid back,Spider,at least I dont-but to say that all sectors were functioning at optimal level,is just the truth.

Life in SA can be quite the schizo experiience-especially if you love this country on a soul deep level-when you are personally involved-and have seen the best and the worst over a span of almost 50 years.If I suddenly came into serious money,like millions upon millions,would I leave here? NO,never.Never.But I AM sick of the whites being blamed for the sins of their forefathers.

We whites can be as conciliatory as is humanly possible-reach out hands of friendship-but it won't work if it comes from one side only.Black South Africans need to also start calling out the government for running this country into the ground in many many areas like law+order,medical care,the housing they keep promising the poorest shack-dwellers,etc etc etc-instead of blindly believing the lie that everything wrong can be traced back to the white man.

Of course I will criticise this greedy corrupt inept government-of course I fondly remember days when we were all safer from crime,didn't need to spend thousands on medical insurance for private hospitals because state hospitals have deteriorated so much,and everything worked efficiently.Who would'nt?Even blacks I have known feel the same-and they could hardly be speaking out of fond nostalgia for the Apartheid system.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

By all means Raxoxane criticize your government It's called a democracy and democracies be messy your nation is still young so not surprising that there are growing pains corruption and incompetence is to be found in all governments to a lesser or greater scale my nation the United States is still going through those pains just view the hostile feelings we have for each other on divisive threads where one can look at the same evidence but arrived at completely different conclusions.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Spider879

Spider may I i take this upportunity to apologise for being cold+rude to you in previous relies? Please forgive me.Spider you have no idea how much I love my country-and ALL iys peoples. What most inhabitants of Earth donkt know-even most of the. Mzanzi+children-SA is not just a country-it I'd a Realm.The great shaman Mr.Credo Mutwa said-right here in Africa-will unfold an event thast will determine the fate of the human race-and white as I am I believeMr Mutwas. Down here in Africaan the real world stil hoids sway-and the Old Ways.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Raxoxane
reply to post by Spider879

Spider may I i take this upportunity to apologise for being cold+rude to you in previous relies? Please forgive me.Spider you have no idea how much I love my country-and ALL iys peoples. What most inhabitants of Earth donkt know-even most of the. Mzanzi+children-SA is not just a country-it I'd a Realm.The great shaman Mr.Credo Mutwa said-right here in Africa-will unfold an event thast will determine the fate of the human race-and white as I am I believeMr Mutwas. Down here in Africaan the real world stil hoids sway-and the Old Ways.

Hey Raxoxane I can come off as being a bit of an arrogant know it all prick at times I do try to keep myself in check and be as intellectually honest as possible but I guess it's part of my personality it's all good, like I said I have met many a young people of all possible strips and combinations from your nation and they are energetic and hopeful about their country without being naive so if these guys and gals are a true reflection of the young in your country then I would be cautiously optimistic about the future. Things will work themselves out Raxoxane.
I wish I could start a thread about real solution and problem solving about what ails my nation but I fear it would get very little notice or morphed in yet another divisive thread.

Btw I heard of Credo Mutwa and saw him on youtube someone recommend his book Indaba My Children but I have yet to purchase it.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Spider879

I am so glad we could end this talk with civility and maybe a better understanding- i too can come acrosss as a prize cow-i Know. Why it fills me with desperation and a sense of sadness-is that the old resentments ,the old hatreds-will intrude into the present day-and maybe in this beloved realm of mine-race may Always be factor.

I am going to post you to a link of mine-just as background,to illustrate why we were never benefited by Apartheid-and while i was often beaten/derided by a very racist adoptive mother,for defying her racist worldview-which NEVER made sense to me-not as a kiddie-not as a teenager-not to the present day.

Bt my father-not a racist bone in his body-it did'nt help that he was almost never home-though in hindsight i cannot blame him.He died of a heart attack-and he died in the arms of his loyal+lifelong friend,a black/colored man named Michael.i had a hideous feeling all mornng, a forboding of a terrinle thing-and that was IT-the passing of my adoptive father-but he passed in loving arms,and i bet.telling him to the last:'Dont worry baas Gys,you are not alone" or maybe if my dad had breath left,laughing about the funny things of all the years.

I know black people have right to think we whites are basically assholes for the most part-but it is people like us,who have Always embraced Africa,SA,and its prople,its superstitions,its ways,the essece of its people-who are hurt most by the paradigm that to be white means to think you are better-no we just have far more experience at running countries successfully,especially African countries.

Do you know how much it hurt me to say everything i did in my previous posts-yet- i stand by what i said-because the day im considered racist,or misinformed,or unreasonble for telling people to get off their asses+successfully rule this land-as they were always asserting they could so well,so much better than the white man) that is the day All semblance of truth,common sense or personal responsibility,respect+self-respect has forever flown from here.
edit on 24-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Spider879
edit on 24-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

And that is what people like me are doing Spider-we are not roaring-we are weeping.
edit on 24-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Spider879

This is the best of South Africa-this is our hope for a better day-i am laying myself open to whatever cruel comments you hace saved up-but my anger has passed-now i only want to make you understand-why i love SA,i love its people-but i hate the ANC government.
edit on 24-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-8-2013 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

I use to think that racism makes a person dumb, and the older they get the dumber they get, but after scientist found out that white people have Neanderthal DNA in them it just makes perfect since why they act the way they do.

White people have committed some of the most devilish outrages atrocities towards black people for more then 400 years and in all honesty it still goes on today.

The funny and most outrages thing about this, is that ,black people and there ancestors never did one thing to white people for them to be so angry, and have so much hatred for a them, loll, I mean, absolutely nothing, and that’s the sad thing about it.

So, when you have a race that did nothing to another race for 400 years, and the other race hates them for being black, then the intelligent factor of reality gets thrown out the window, and you honestly have to look at the ‘Neanderthal’ factor.

‘What really baffles me is that black people don’t even hate white people the way white people hate them ,and they are the victims.

The answer is yes, there is at least some cave man biology in most of us. Between 1 percent and 4 percent of genes in people from Europe and Asia trace back to Neanderthals.

Neanderthal DNA Found In Human DNA: Human Ancestors Mated With Extinct Species, Researchers Say
edit on 24-8-2013 by LastAmazonOnEarth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Very moving piece of music Raxoxane thanks for sharing,and yes we can disagree without being disagreeable.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by LastAmazonOnEarth

Is that post a joke?

The most racist people I have encountered in my life are black people. 400 years of what? Whites were resposible for abolishing the slave trade! In fact even exposing racism over the past 100 years, its been done by whites, not blacks. I agree that black people have had it bad in the past, but none of us common folk had it good and nowadays believe me blacks cannot complain anymore than the rest of us. What I have seen is that most have moved on, but there are still a majority enslaved by the past.

Also don't forget it was blacks that would enslave blacks with regards to the slave trade, Europeans just purchased them! And the slave trade itself pre-dates Europeans going to Africa, the Arabs enslaved Africans for many centuries and still do. Now we have the Chinese doing it. If you researched history of mankind, you will find that every country has experienced slavery at one time or another! As for the apparent way that whites behave, I think you need to take a long hard look at African countries, the wars raged and genocide of men, women and children.

Yes governments of European countries in the past and currently exploited black people, but they also treated their own like trash too! Today, WE ALL get treated like trash!

Your post has to be the most racist and ignorant I have read on here and in fact, I'm pretty sure had that been about blacks then it would've been deleted and more than likely this thread would've been closed. Shows how ATS mods work here!

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

The past few days I have finally decided that I am being wired to become racist even though it goes against everything I truly think and feel. With the way the equality for everyone BUT whites are being pounded at us from every direction, it actually works the opposite. I may never become prejudiced, but the way the propaganda is being slung is difficult to deny.

It works in every direction, blacks against whites, whites against , brown, brown against yellow,, yellow against red, and it goes on and on. The more the issue is spun, the further away from nature it becomes. This chain of events will change the world and not for the better if people, individuals do not see the separation operation for what it is.
edit on 28-8-2013 by antar because: NOT

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by SecretFace
reply to post by LastAmazonOnEarth

Is that post a joke?

The most racist people I have encountered in my life are black people. 400 years of what? Whites were resposible for abolishing the slave trade! In fact even exposing racism over the past 100 years, its been done by whites, not blacks. I agree that black people have had it bad in the past, but none of us common folk had it good and nowadays believe me blacks cannot complain anymore than the rest of us. What I have seen is that most have moved on, but there are still a majority enslaved by the past.

Also don't forget it was blacks that would enslave blacks with regards to the slave trade, Europeans just purchased them! And the slave trade itself pre-dates Europeans going to Africa, the Arabs enslaved Africans for many centuries and still do. Now we have the Chinese doing it. If you researched history of mankind, you will find that every country has experienced slavery at one time or another! As for the apparent way that whites behave, I think you need to take a long hard look at African countries, the wars raged and genocide of men, women and children.

Yes governments of European countries in the past and currently exploited black people, but they also treated their own like trash too! Today, WE ALL get treated like trash!

Your post has to be the most racist and ignorant I have read on here and in fact, I'm pretty sure had that been about blacks then it would've been deleted and more than likely this thread would've been closed. Shows how ATS mods work here!

Hello Mr. Secret face, can you do me a favor, can you ask your racists friends why they hate black people today, and when they give you the answer, then maybe you will understand my point.

The most racist people I have encountered in my life are black people.

AND........THEY.....HAVE.....A ....''''''''REASON''''''.....TO ......ACT......LIKE....THAT......

What are white peoples REASONS.??????????,do you understand what im saying,i mean really,whats THE excuse!!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 28-8-2013 by LastAmazonOnEarth because: (no reason given)

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