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Aliens - Interdimensional Beings? Interview with Aliens

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

Is it possible that we function at a different frequency than these inter dimensional beings, allowing us to occupy the same space but not see each other? In my observations of these beings I cannot see them but I see the effect they have on the surrounding area where they are at. Clouds, trees, just about everywhere there is moister they leave a sphere or orb or ball like impression.
In art there is called negative imagery where the object is defined by its surroundings and not defined by itself. Look at any large tree or in a wooded area and you will see circles or partial circles or indentions as if a sphere shaped object is actually setting there. The vegetation will not fill these areas as if something has already occupied that space. The same I have observed in clouds. The common thread in trees or vegetation and clouds would be the moister. If something at an unfamiliar frequency (say from a different dimension) has crossed to our dimension but still at its own frequency, the space it occupies could not contain anything from our dimension. Please understand that I am no expert at this and am only stating what I have observed the last 6 months. A year ago I would have believed that anyone claiming to experience the things I've experienced was a few french fries shy of a happy meal.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by flattrack1

If we understand that solidity is a more subtle thing than we might imagine then it is easy to see that there can be invisible worlds. Some say that the spiritual world is of a 'finer vibration' than this physical world. But this world can be invisible to our physical senses but not to our consciousness. Most of the world that science has discovered is invisible: gravity, the greater part of the electromagnetic spectrum, cosmic rays, gamma rays, dark energy and so on are all invisible to us yet it in principle these energies can be so organized as to form worlds. Many people who have near death experiences describe worlds that are somehow less grossly physical than this world. Presumably the constructions of energy in the spiritual world is more subtle. But physicality is essentially constructed energy.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

I have really not opened up about my experiences that have occurred in these last 6 months. One good friend that I briefly mentioned something to just kind of blew me off. I really don't know if what I have been observing are ID beings. I am assuming this based on a video I captured back in April.
I had been capturing and posting on You tube some footage of chemtrails. I started to notice these circles or partial circles in the clouds. Its not uncommon to see a circular shape in a cloud. What I started to notice they were in all the clouds. In April (2013) I saw a small cloud that looked odd and out of place. As I was filming it a small aircraft flew by. A few seconds later there appeared what looked like an orb or sphere, it opened up a hole in the sky and what looked like several smaller orbs went through this hole taking the cloud with it. The larger orb remained a few more seconds then slowly vanished. I will attempt to post a link to that video. It was this footage that leads me to believe these beings are from another dimension.extra dimensional beings over Oklahoma City

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:28 PM


tanka418I do so hope y'all understand that something like this; a parallel city, in another dimension" simply isn't physically possible.

That depends on what you conceive physicality to be.

Something very closely related to the ancient and time honored Hermetic and alchemical principal of "Earth".

To be more specific: The Enochian concept: Earth of Earth of Earth of Earth.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:37 PM
It's unfortunate that there's not a very good definition for this. "Extra-dimensional" or "inter-dimensional" really doesn't work well, and has a tendency to send the concept off into New Age kook land.

I'm willing to try to accept the possibility that there are intelligent entities or creatures that exist in a kind of reality that is different than the one I inhabit and experience. The problem is my limitations. My senses are limited, even enhanced by machines. So my experience of reality is probably extremely limited. I'm a pretty intelligent guy, but how smart can a person or being be? On a universal scale, I may only have observational and intellectual abilities that are practically indistinguishable from a slime mold.

I always like to use the example of a cat trying to understand income taxes. Cats and humans are mammals and have a similar kind of intelligence, and similar way of experiencing existence. But human beings are smarter than cats to such a degree that we understand that income taxes are real and exist. Taxes are completely beyond a cat's ability to understand. So are there other beings or creatures out there who are smarter than we are the way we're smarter than a cat? Such that there are things about the way they experience and define reality that we could never, ever understand? You gotta admit the possibility.

But how does one deal with the idea that there are aspects of reality that are simply incomprehensible? And if they are incomprehensible, do they actually exist? If I can't perceive and understand something, does it exist? Over the years, I've slowly come to the opinion that I might just be too dumb and perceptively limited to ever really understand what UFOs and "aliens" are.

So I tend to think of extra- or inter-dimensional as meaning something along the lines of, "existing in a kind of reality that is normally, usually beyond my ability to perceive and comprehend, but once in a rare while intersecting with my reality just enough to suggest its existence."

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 01:54 AM

Blue Shift
It's unfortunate that there's not a very good definition for this. "Extra-dimensional" or "inter-dimensional" really doesn't work well, and has a tendency to send the concept off into New Age kook land.

I'm willing to try to accept the possibility that there are intelligent entities or creatures that exist in a kind of reality that is different than the one I inhabit and experience. The problem is my limitations. My senses are limited, even enhanced by machines. So my experience of reality is probably extremely limited. I'm a pretty intelligent guy, but how smart can a person or being be? On a universal scale, I may only have observational and intellectual abilities that are practically indistinguishable from a slime mold.

I always like to use the example of a cat trying to understand income taxes. Cats and humans are mammals and have a similar kind of intelligence, and similar way of experiencing existence. But human beings are smarter than cats to such a degree that we understand that income taxes are real and exist. Taxes are completely beyond a cat's ability to understand. So are there other beings or creatures out there who are smarter than we are the way we're smarter than a cat? Such that there are things about the way they experience and define reality that we could never, ever understand? You gotta admit the possibility.

But how does one deal with the idea that there are aspects of reality that are simply incomprehensible? And if they are incomprehensible, do they actually exist? If I can't perceive and understand something, does it exist? Over the years, I've slowly come to the opinion that I might just be too dumb and perceptively limited to ever really understand what UFOs and "aliens" are.

So I tend to think of extra- or inter-dimensional as meaning something along the lines of, "existing in a kind of reality that is normally, usually beyond my ability to perceive and comprehend, but once in a rare while intersecting with my reality just enough to suggest its existence."

I understand what you are saying and agree but our ability to understand these beings/spirits is not equivalent to our ability to be aware of them or of any other spiritual reality. The intellect understands - on its own terms - but consciousness is something beyond intellect. It is direct perception and a lot of what we comprehend comes from direct awareness. In traditional terms interdimensional beings are just spirits, minds that cannot be perceived by the senses or understood by the intellect but can be seen with the conscious mind.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

I understand what you are saying and agree but our ability to understand these beings/spirits is not equivalent to our ability to be aware of them or of any other spiritual reality. The intellect understands - on its own terms - but consciousness is something beyond intellect. It is direct perception and a lot of what we comprehend comes from direct awareness. In traditional terms interdimensional beings are just spirits, minds that cannot be perceived by the senses or understood by the intellect but can be seen with the conscious mind.

Have you ever heard of the "Occult", or "Western Ceremonial Magick" and that whole "genre"? This "understanding" you speak of is part of what many "esoteric schools" are about. The study and comprehension of these "fringe" things.

It is actually much easier to understand when you use an old / proven approach.

I see y'all make statements like this and I wonder how sheltered your lives have been. Some of this "spiritual" / "extra-planar" stuff I sorta take for granted, like you do with the normal reality. I though everyone understood that their own being existed on more than a single plane of existence, and that these planes extend throughout "creation". Guess I should leave the Temple more often

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 05:34 PM
There’s an old maxim in metaphysics
There are 4 worlds 7 levels and infinite dimensions

There is no limit to dimensions. They are limited in one respect:

Let’s say we are on a world with 15 sections and each section is a channel that has its own 15 sections. With that we can go on and on into infinite dimensions. But we are limited to the 15 sections.

Of course a section is akin to a dimension.

Carrying this theory over into Vallee’s suppositions one can say that the aliens are from a different dimension BUT…and this is important…

WE ALL BEGIN IN A MOTHER DIMENSION or a source dimension therefore we are all related. On this mother section are the 15 primary channels that are potentially infinite.

If any lineage (channel) of the sections (dimensions) get out of line or sick or corrupted they can affect this whole structure

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:42 PM
i will reveal a secret that many are not aware of. The Ghost hunter and Ghost adventures show proves it along with my own experiences. There are the beings that exist, as something, somewhere, somehow that can interact with other beings near or where they are, and they can somehow interact with us via a hidden system installed in our bodies. Which allows there energy impulses to tranduce through our body, giving them feedback as to how we are experiencing their communications, sometimes we hear them, sometimes they divert the communications into external reflections which bounce back and can be recorded as EVPs. Maybe there ghosts, or maybe there interpreters? or perhaps its all a giant conspiracy and deception, or some of all of those. Sorry revealing to many specifics may harm someone.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 02:49 AM

reply to post by EnPassant

I understand what you are saying and agree but our ability to understand these beings/spirits is not equivalent to our ability to be aware of them or of any other spiritual reality. The intellect understands - on its own terms - but consciousness is something beyond intellect. It is direct perception and a lot of what we comprehend comes from direct awareness. In traditional terms interdimensional beings are just spirits, minds that cannot be perceived by the senses or understood by the intellect but can be seen with the conscious mind.

Have you ever heard of the "Occult", or "Western Ceremonial Magick" and that whole "genre"? This "understanding" you speak of is part of what many "esoteric schools" are about. The study and comprehension of these "fringe" things.

It is actually much easier to understand when you use an old / proven approach.

I see y'all make statements like this and I wonder how sheltered your lives have been. Some of this "spiritual" / "extra-planar" stuff I sorta take for granted, like you do with the normal reality. I though everyone understood that their own being existed on more than a single plane of existence, and that these planes extend throughout "creation". Guess I should leave the Temple more often

Yes I understand this but what I am saying is that the intellect understands in abstract terms while consciousness comprehends directly. The narrowing down of our world view to materialism and abstract intellectual understanding has led many to believe that neither God nor the spiritual world exist. We need to get beyond the narrow paradigms of intellect and materialism and revive consciousness.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 12:56 PM

There’s an old maxim in metaphysics
There are 4 worlds 7 levels and infinite dimensions

There is no limit to dimensions. They are limited in one respect:

Let’s say we are on a world with 15 sections and each section is a channel that has its own 15 sections. With that we can go on and on into infinite dimensions. But we are limited to the 15 sections.

Of course a section is akin to a dimension.

Oh? Please, who said that?

Maybe t cause I'm getting old or something, but, I don't remember that from Hermes.

Also wouldn't Space be the only true infinite?

In your example; "sections" aren't "dimension". Section(s) are sub-divisions of something. Perhaps a dimension, but, them "section" only provides "scale" of that dimension. If we are to take the original definition, which is a bit more akin to the "standard" 4 (height, width, depth, time), then a "dimension" becomes something a whole lot more like a "direction" at right angles to all others.

Now it might be possible for the Universe to organize itself such that each of these four dimension have an additional one that is at right angles thus giving us a total of 8; such as Heim space. But seriously, this is a process that could, probably should have practical constraints applied to it.

Also, these "dimension" I've described are vastly different than any "New Age" concept.

In the case of the New Age, their application of the term "dimension" is wholly inappropriate, inaccurate, and misleading, as is the term "density".

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by tanka418

You have read everything in existence or heard everything?

The best stuff is probably unknown to the average person based on
Cast not pearls at the feet of swine; I guess you know Jesus said that!

By dimensions (section-channel) I mean the basic world space that makes the consciousness whole and unitary

In other words 1 section (dimension) has 15 separate channels (whole unitary dimensions)

Each channel can go on adinfinitum. While the others the consciousness is not occupying.
Sort of like a TV.
When you are on channel 4 you aren’t watching channel 2.
To draw the analogy further if you’re in or on channel 4 that channel has its own 15 channels

It’s complex but simple

This is not new age its original knowledge.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 02:51 PM
I've had a lifetime of experiences with these things, continuing to this very day. My earliest childhood encounters are what lead me to investigate ufology, abduction, paranormal and occult subjects. Based upon my personal experiences and the research I've done, the only conclusion that seems to fit the evidence best is the hyper-dimensional theory.

Someone already stated that a dimension is a spatial direction at 90 degrees to all the others. Michio Kaku's Hyperspace explains this idea in a very simple and entertaining way. So if the 4th dimension is time, then "time" as we experience it in 3d is actually another spatial dimension. This explains why these intelligences are very keen to give prophecies, many of which come true. John Keel discusses this in the Mothman Prophecies.

I'd also like to re-mention the fact that if these are physical beings with tech capable of navigating through space across hundreds of thousands of light years, why would they need to re-abduct so many people over such a long period of time? For their hybrid breeding program? I think it would be safe to assume that such an advanced culture would be able to clone as many humans needed from a handful of toe nail clippings teleported out of a trash can without us ever knowing that they even exist.

Another poster brought magick into the mix. It is my belief that these hyper-dimensional ultra-terrestrials (great band name, right?) are the very same entities described in occult lore. Magickal philosophy not only describes the behavior of these beings, but names them and tells you how to summon them and how to deal with the ones that just decide to show up somehow.

In a magickal evocation, something physical must be offered to these beings in order for them to manifest. It could be just smoke from incense, a bowl of fruits and flowers or a live animal sacrifice. This relationship has been ongoing since the dawn of man. Shamans of all tribes and nations throughout history have exchanged physical goods of some sort in exchange for information about the past/present/future and various powers such as healing and psychic attack and defense.

If I haven't lost you already, here's where things get really wacky... Much of contactee lore talks about a group of ultra-terrestrials deciding to break the Prime Directive and intervene directly with human affairs. This was supposed to have happened during the early years of ancient Egypt at Giza. Their goal was to create a new religion that would accelerate human evolution of consciousness. Somehow, it all went horribly awry. Some time later we get Moses and Aaron doing magickal combat with Egyptian priests and a god demanding burnt goat guts in order to manifest physically.

Fast forward to present day and magick is generally shunned and misunderstood. All mainstream religions forbid such things as sinful, demonic practices. Could it be that our demonic reptilian overlords what have infiltrated religion don't want us to study and practice magick because it would enlighten and empower us to free ourselves from the alien deception?!?

The shamans of the past were tricked into thinking these entities were their ancestors. Non-shamans throughout the ages identified them as fairies, gnomes, elves, goblins, etc. The ufologist armed with occult knowledge and magickal philosophy knows them for what they really are.

Many of you will be familiar with the channeled "space brother", Ashtar. This name should be familiar to magicians and ancient historians.

Ashtar Throughout History

There's another thread going on regarding the Collins Group that I think is also somewhat relevant to this topic. I've never heard of them until now and I love Nick Redfern, therefore must get book!
edit on 8-11-2013 by ultimafule because: needed editing

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 03:04 PM

reply to post by tanka418

You have read everything in existence or heard everything?

The best stuff is probably unknown to the average person based on
Cast not pearls at the feet of swine; I guess you know Jesus said that!

I see...Well I'm not the "average person". I'm a person who has spent the greater portion of his life studying things Metaphysical. Just so ya know, that's over 40 years. I read virtually everything available, but, as you so aptly point out; not all of it. But, I can assure you that it is likely far ore than you, or anyone you know.

That said; I reiterate my comments on your example, for this current attempt.

The problem is, most people have little to no concept of what a "dimension" truly is, so they try to force fit a definition; sadly that does not work. It would be such a nice place to live if we could only redefine everything to sit what we want; to hell with reality.

Dimension is not a part of some scale some where regardless of how universal it may be.

Dimension is:
a (1) : measure in one direction; specifically : one of three coordinates determining a position in space or four coordinates determining a position in space and time

(2) : one of a group of properties whose number is necessary and sufficient to determine uniquely each element of a system of usually mathematical entities (as an aggregate of points in real or abstract space) ; also : a parameter or coordinate variable assigned to such a property

(3) : the number of elements in a basis of a vector space

b : the quality of spatial extension
(adapted from Webster's)

Dimension is a "quality" not a "quantity". You are attempting to make it a quantity, and thus a "scale", again it can't work that way.

There are only 8 dimensions.

Now then...Have you ever read the "Vision and the Voice" by A. Crowley? You should; it will give you a whole new appreciation for what you are calling "dimensions". It seems that surrounding all of what we know and love in this universe. Around every object so ever is a shell of thirty (30) concentric spheres. Each sphere has its very own properties, and is quite unique. These spheres account for your "Dimensions", though, in reality, they are not dimensions at all, just the next shell.

They account for what many call the "Astral Plane", as well as the "Mental Plane".

Oh, by the way; you really should read and try to understand Hermes.

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by tanka418

My friend of course dimension is a misnomer. We can’t be literal in colloquial spiritual or metaphysical conversations.

The actual technical metaphysical proper term would be—I refer to the Sufic tradition—“world” or in Arabic Alameen.
The Sufis say God or Allah is lord of the worlds (Alameen).
This term actually connotes a high knowledge or world.

Now you’re speaking of the English literal definition of the term dimension that boils down to a semantic joust which is redundant and unnecessary

Spiritual systems have developed over time their own language therefore all we can do is try to bridge these different references in order to better understand each other.

One of Crowleys first efforts was with Sufi masters. I know his work very well.

As for Hermes…well I met him one day in the tavern of ruin

And ever since I have been drunk

edit on 8-11-2013 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 11:06 PM

reply to post by tanka418

My friend of course dimension is a misnomer. We can’t be literal in colloquial spiritual or metaphysical conversations.

Yes; now that makes perfect sense! We can't be literal when discussing metaphysics; so lets do everything we can to obfuscate what we are trying to say, The more misleading, complex sounding, and convoluted the better. Only in this way can we achieve understanding.

The actual technical metaphysical proper term would be—I refer to the Sufic tradition—“world” or in Arabic Alameen.
The Sufis say God or Allah is lord of the worlds (Alameen).
This term actually connotes a high knowledge or world.

Interesting...Just what do the Sufi traditions have to do with Metaphysics?

Spiritual systems have developed over time their own language therefore all we can do is try to bridge these different references in order to better understand each other.

Yes, and it is important for each of us to actually use that "language" as opposed to making up their own. The use of non-conventional nomenclature is never a good method of communication. I'm thinking that y'all don't actually realize that you are creating a "bar", a "road block" to communication by being non-conventional.

One of Crowleys first efforts was with Sufi masters. I know his work very well.

As for Hermes…well I met him one day in the tavern of ruin

It is too bad that you failed to understand what Hermes taught, but, t's not for everone.

93 93/93

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:51 AM
They are inter-dimensional being, because they are not from another planet. The Bible will tell you all you need to know about UFO/Aliens. Start in Gen 6.

They are in the dimension we used to be in before the world began, we die and go back to it. They have the ability to go back and forth in dimensions, but we can not.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 03:47 AM

They are inter-dimensional being, because they are not from another planet. The Bible will tell you all you need to know about UFO/Aliens. Start in Gen 6.

They are in the dimension we used to be in before the world began, we die and go back to it. They have the ability to go back and forth in dimensions, but we can not.

if there are other planets don't they have their other dimensions as well? So these beings can be both interdimensional AND extraterrestrial. It does not have to be ET or dimensional, it can be both.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 06:27 PM
I don't know if this comment is in the right place but I just wanted to state that when it comes to extra terrestrials, inter-dimensionals, extra dimensionals, and aliens that the truth truly is out there in front of your face. If one wants to understand the difference between them and what it is they want and ect. You will have to start by turning to theology. Encrypted is the truth in ancient texts. With that you will also crack the hidden truth as to where we came from. I have many theories I would like to share but only to those with an open mind and a deep un-corrupted understanding of life.

posted on Feb, 13 2016 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

Yeah but haven't you heard of the drake equazion?

All I'm saying is that we have already found planets the right distance from a star that could harbour life.

You can't rule out aliens from other planets...

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