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Aliens - Interdimensional Beings? Interview with Aliens

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posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by MarsIsRed
What I find weird, as I'm sure you do, is that there are so many accounts globally. Is your only explanation inter-dimensional beings?

Looking forward to your reply.

Well, if you're talking to me and not the OP, then I listed my top 3 possibles above. Then there's the probable fact that most sightings are misidentifications of one sort or the other.

Of the small percentage that defy easy explanations, then, yeah, these days, I lean towards some form of the inter-extra-ultra dimensional concept.

As the hypothesis points out, the phenomenon seems to have been with us throughout recorded history and appears to "mold" itself to time, place, and societal perceptions. If it's all in the mind, then that explains that aspect. If, on the other hand, we are dealing with non-human intelligence, then that observation raises the complexity level of what we are dealing with and makes the theories of Vallee, Keel, Hynek, etc worthy of serious consideration.

Vallee is an extremely brilliant thinker, imo, and asks some of the best questions I've come across in this field. The kind of questions that suggest, at least, partial answers.

edit on 16-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 11:42 PM
I ve always found the inter-dimensional approach attractive. Drawing upon M-Theory Brane Cosmology it's interesting to speculate about. A lot of high strangeness UFO and alien abduction experiences (hearing voices/sounds inside walls; seeming to move through walls/windows; missing timem time dilation, time contraction, teleportation, etc.); could be explained by the by the object/inhabitants navigating between two realities, - one higher dimensional and one 'lower dimensional' area. Or, , they could simply be moving from their own brane to ours, through the higher dimensional 'bulk' (a term referring to the larger multi-verse). The events/beings would be attempting to anchor in "our" dimensional reality, our brane, while keeping their own original brane related life functions intact. The result could be a dimensional reality bridge , which seems strange not only to us, but perhaps to the visitors as well. Interpretative factors emerge as quite significant here , with the possibility that such unstable creations would be literally susceptible to the observers ideas of what is happening, analogous to the way in which quantum effects can be affected by observation.
this could have developed into a kind of dimensional ecology over time, where these 'beings' attempt to find ways to anchor themselves more effectively in our dimensional (mem)brane.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by MarsIsRed
How about a fourth option?

4: Aliens are just flesh and bones (well - sorta) and made of alien DNA like stuff?

Also - they may have acquired better transportation technology than us!

Why introduce an extra dimension? Surely it fits the bill?

I'm not a religious person, so I don't have need for the hypothetical... but isn't introducing alien extra-dimensions the same?

Only some of them are like that. And on that level, its a heck of a lot. When we look out at a barren solar system, failing to understand something like this, zeta reticuli has a star like our sun but 4 billion years older, and thus the potential for a race with technology that far over our head exists, and even if they didn't make it through a few cycles, if they did at a certain point, then.....still way over our heads. Just as an example. Now, with higher and different technology, there is no wasted space. They can terraform whole continent inside an asteroid, that would be very natural and beautiful, or very high tech and ugly, the point is, no wasted space.

So both are true.

And just outside of our vision or realm, dna still exist and corporal still exists, there are corporal Ets on different channels to our 97.5 FM, and entities as well.
edit on 17-8-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:26 AM
Does being visible in the IR, then visible light, then UV etc. constitute a dimensional shift? It may simply appear to be one. I'm not saying that other dimensions isn't part of the picture, but it might not be the only thing. There could be other dimensional beings, but I'm not sure how they would interact so that we could see them. But we do see unexplained things. What if there are also those who share our dimension, but have better optics?

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:28 AM
I've become convinced that they want to keep us guessing. If they're real; then they probably change up the information, the way they "appear" to people, the way they "fade" etc.

Essentially, what they are and where they come from - this is a distraction question. A really fascinating one, but I think ultimately a distraction.

edit on 17-8-2013 by LoveFurther because: improving the readability of post

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by tanka418
reply to post by NoRulesAllowed

The problem with extra dimensional is that the extra dimensions have not been shown to exist, they are at the very best theoretical. Other planets on the other hand are proven to exist. Further, astronomers are beginning to think that planets are ubiquitous. This really pushes the probabilities toward "extraterrestrial" as opposed to "extra dimensional", and, even IF the additional dimensions are shown to exist, those probabilities will not be affected much, as it is highly improbable that life and intelligence as we understand it can not exist on a sub-set of universal dimension.

This being the case (stuff existing in a sub-set) it is not very likely we would ever meet something beyond the very simple that exists in another dimension, and most certainly never anything advanced.

The EDH theorem is nothing new. The Christians, Muslims and Jews have been teaching it for thousands of years. Vallee took a primeval tradition and rewrote the narrative to fit the current sciences.

Most of those I've interviewed, who follow this EDH line are usually religious or fascinated by paranormal-poltergeist stories.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by tanka418
reply to post by NoRulesAllowed

The problem with extra dimensional is that the extra dimensions have not been shown to exist, they are at the very best theoretical. Other planets on the other hand are proven to exist. Further, astronomers are beginning to think that planets are ubiquitous. This really pushes the probabilities toward "extraterrestrial" as opposed to "extra dimensional", and, even IF the additional dimensions are shown to exist, those probabilities will not be affected much, as it is highly improbable that life and intelligence as we understand it can not exist on a sub-set of universal dimension.

This being the case (stuff existing in a sub-set) it is not very likely we would ever meet something beyond the very simple that exists in another dimension, and most certainly never anything advanced.

The way you talk makes you sound a lot like all those people in the past who have predicted impossibilities and improbabilities. Like the guy who said computers would never be practical, or the guy who said the radio will never be practical.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:06 AM
Why does it have to be inter dimensional OR ET? They can be both. If human beings are spirits they are inter dimensional and if aliens have/are spirits they too are inter dimensional. We all are but they can be both spirit/inter dimensional and alien. I suspect they are aliens from elsewhere because there is an aura from them that is not human. They are not plugged into the stream of human history in the way native spirits would be. There is, on a psychic level, something very alien about them.
edit on 17-8-2013 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:49 AM
Not that many people will like this statement, but your theories are pretty much on the mark.
They are both extra terrestrial and inter-dimensional.
They do most of their work in the etheric (higher dimension than us) which i might add, can be perceived, and will become more available to the eye as time as goes on. It is rare for them to come here physically but they can.

I speak of one race in particular.

And guess what, i got no proof for you, but i can say its true

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:32 AM
I think that many people who read Vallee's stuff come to a conclusion that misses the mark a bit. He's stated that the dimensional aspect makes more sense to him than the interplanetary explanation for a couple reasons. One of the main reasons is that there are thousands of UFO encounters, and it's unlikely that we are being visited so much by beings from other worlds.

I heard a really interesting interview with Vallee which was done after he'd researched the UFO phenomena for many years, and had already written his best-known books. When pressed about the inter-dimensional idea, he said that it's a theory, nothing more. He went on to say that the UFO subject is, in his opinion, still a complete mystery.

He mentioned the stories of old, the folklore about fairies, gnomes and such, and how they were so similar to many modern UFO encounters. He said his ultimate conclusion was that there is a non-human intelligence that is very deliberately messing with us. To what end? He said he had no idea....just more conjecture and assumptions.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 09:40 AM
Perhaps some "Aliens" are interdimensoinal beings, and some are extraterrestrial beings and some are time travelers from our future. It very well could be that all of the abouve are true. The universe is the exsistace of infinnit possibilities and to limit yourself in thinking that only one of the abouve is the correct situation could prevent one from seeing the "Big picture".

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by NoRulesAllowed

Your dream may mean nothing true about it because as you said, it is just a dream, You are saying you have read Jacques Valee, perhaps your mindset and belief made you dream that. I for one don't have a strict system since I don't know where they are, to me it is most likely: Ancient inhabitants, real ETs with possibilities of changing dimension. And thus my dreams have never been about what they are, just like I never out much thought into it. For example, here is a LOG of one of my dreams, part of my 'Dreams Experiment':

My grandpa tells me of an artifact, a figurine that is capable of
destruction. He acquired a piece of it during WW2 and shows it to me - it looks like a tiny
submarine made of Plumbum. The entire figurine is made of lead and can be used if all pieces
are brought together. He gives it to me. Later, I am somewhere outside, I encounter what seems
to be aliens. Three of the entities are similar to humans but have different facial features, are pale
white in skin, have something teal on their heads and are all wearing black clothing. Relatively
tall. Together with them are two or three Grey aliens, except their skin is yellowish. I feel fear inside.
The greys gaze at me and I do not know how they communicate but I learn that they want the piece
that I have. The three entities behind them are waiting. They know that I do not have it with me as I
actually put it at home together with some piece of meteorite that I have in reality. One evening, I
am at home. My grandma is there. In my room I see an object of mine just levitating in the air (as
if a ghost is doing that). I don't want my grandma to get heart attack, so I make sure she doesn't see
that. Alone in my room, I know They are here and coming to take this piece of artifact. I feel the fear
inside, my eyes get wet and I say 'Just leave me alone, please'. I take the piece of lead and it levitates
off my hand, they are taking it from me. Then all becomes normal and I do not see or hear from them
any further. The feeling was very real all the time, my eyes were wet when I woke up and realized
it was a dream.

See, and this is based simply on what I have heard about or seen, and I do not read and share your beliefs.

I do not exclude changing dimensions but really, I think it is more like - changing state of the matter that such beings would use to travel in space and in fact are still corporeal and likely coming from another system.

The closest I've read to such topic is 'Roswell - The Alien Interview' which talks about how we are 'IS-BEs' some spirit or soul beings which use the body just as puppet but I don't know..

recently (this week) I watched this Secret Government Warehouses, you can it threads below, that talked about Montauk project and some experiments with mind control and dimensions...\

Mind control as in affecting your neurons is quite likely but experiments for dimensions sounds a little far fetched to me..

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Darkmask
Perhaps some "Aliens" are interdimensoinal beings, and some are extraterrestrial beings and some are time travelers from our future. It very well could be that all of the abouve are true. The universe is the exsistace of infinnit possibilities and to limit yourself in thinking that only one of the abouve is the correct situation could prevent one from seeing the "Big picture".

Very fair answer, and I agree with it.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by NoRulesAllowed

Interesting hypothesis that when considered actually makes a lot of sense, the worrying thing for such a race would be the use of atomic fission weapons as they may very well affect more than one dimension so when the Enola Gay dropped her bomb did the US inadvertently also strike an a parallel city in another dimension and basically perform a preemptive strike against a neutral third party, if so what then are the long term ramifications.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by ColeYounger
I heard a really interesting interview with Vallee which was done after he'd researched the UFO phenomena for many years, and had already written his best-known books. When pressed about the inter-dimensional idea, he said that it's a theory, nothing more. He went on to say that the UFO subject is, in his opinion, still a complete mystery.

He mentioned the stories of old, the folklore about fairies, gnomes and such, and how they were so similar to many modern UFO encounters. He said his ultimate conclusion was that there is a non-human intelligence that is very deliberately messing with us. To what end? He said he had no idea....just more conjecture and assumptions.

Good post and points, Cole. In looking for the interview you mention (I remember it too, but was it vid or text?) I pulled up the old Jerome Clark interview of Vallee.

First, there is a physical object. That may be a flying saucer or it may be a projection or it may be something entirely different. All we know about it is that it represents a tremendous quantity of electromagnetic energy in a small volume. I say that based upon the evidence gathered from traces, from electromagnetic and radar detection and from perturbations of the electromagnetic fields such as Dr. Claude Poher, the French space scientist, has recorded....


Beyond there - the physical phenomenon and the perception phenomenon - we have the third component, the social phenomenon. That's what happens when the reports are submitted to society and enter the cultural arena...

The hypothesis isn't an explanation per se, it just asks the harder questions that arise from an openminded look at the vast nature and variety of the reports indicative of the complexity of the phenomenon.

edit on 17-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by LoveFurther
I've become convinced that they want to keep us guessing. If they're real; then they probably change up the information, the way they "appear" to people, the way they "fade" etc.

It certainly would seem so. If, as you say they are real, and not a component of ourselves in some Jungian-esque way.

Essentially, what they are and where they come from - this is a distraction question. A really fascinating one, but I think ultimately a distraction.

What, then, would the question be if not "what are they and where do they come from?" Those two items would seem to be key in any attempt to understand the phenomenon, no?

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by g2v12

The EDH theorem is nothing new. The Christians, Muslims and Jews have been teaching it for thousands of years. Vallee took a primeval tradition and rewrote the narrative to fit the current sciences.

Most of those I've interviewed, who follow this EDH line are usually religious or fascinated by paranormal-poltergeist stories.

The stuff taught by the religious folk is the same as the teachings of ceremonial magick in this regard, and is wholly different than your "EDH". For instance in the occult flavor there are a total of four planes of existence, we , as physical entities, live / manifest on the physical (earth) plane, it is the lowest, except for the shells which are below. The "shells" are not complete enough to manifest on the physical.

Above is the mental plane. While it is possible for a lower being such as ourselves to manifest on the upper planes, it is not possible for entities whose existence is solely based on an upper plane to manifest on the physical without a physical vehicle. They are incapable of manufacturing their own, only a creature on the physical can provide the vehicle and technology for one of these "upper planers" to travel to a lower plane. These issues are amplified as one ascends the planes.

Please note, these planes are not the same as your "dimensions". Your dimensions require that the entity be something complete enough and in full possession of the required technology and hardware for full manifestation on the physical plane. In as much as they do seem to possess this tech and hardware; they can not be extra planer.

Since the existence of extra dimension is only theoretical (by the way I accept the existence of at least 8 dimensions perhaps as many as 11), and the existence of extra solar planets being proven ubiquitous it is far ore reasonable and logical to think that all this is "extraterrestrial" as opposed to "extra dimensional". Now, having said all that, please understand that none of it precludes EDH.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:52 PM
Hi, ET fans.

One interdimensional aspect of ETs and their UFOs is narrated in the book:
by Ingo Swann.

Also, in that video:
the **things** that are hovering around the nuclear silos
are very, VERY bizarre !!
See what the witnesses say !

Blue skies.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:47 PM

A fold of two 2 points in a dimension takes us to the next one above?


posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by MarsIsRed

I'm not a religious person, so I don't have need for the hypothetical... but isn't introducing alien extra-dimensions the same?

yes it's kind of interchangeable really, whether someone sees stuff as "religious" is just a matter of interpretation really.

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