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Let's assume Aliens exist. What is the best way for them to let us know if they are friendly??

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posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by flipflop

What is the best way to let them know that WE are friendly...

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by flipflop

It would be pretty damn hard for me to deny that they are friendly if they would just swoop down and permanently abduct the likes of the Koch Brothers, Michele Bachman, Louie Golmert, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Alan West, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Dick Cheney, Ann Coulter, Jan Brewer, Sean Hannity, Darrell Issa, Rick Perry, Mitch McConnell, Rush Limbaugh, Todd Akin, Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Roger Ailes, Dick Armey, James Inhofe, Karl Rove etc....

You know what? I doubt they would even have a ship big enough to accomplish the task. On the other hand, they could just zap em!

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:56 AM
Let us take the position that "friendly" is a relative word.
Letting us come to terms with their clearly apparent presence can be seen as being friendly rather than our being instantly destroyed from the first moment.

So we take from that half a century (since 1947) the generalized idea that they are not here to hurt us. Hence, they are benign. Hence, we jump to the conclusion that they are "good" and evidently here to "help."

Such is the way human minds work given the way we interact with each other. However, it we can set the ETs aside from being human like in virtually all manners, we may want to put them and their states mind into a special category. Myself, I like to stick them into something like a "God" category where they are all powerful and have few limits to their abilities. Human emotions would be far from their top priorities. (This would be very similar to Christian views on God and religion, He is all powerful, but allows all sorts of bad, inhuman acts to be done.) Suffice it to say, that the envisioning of God and the ETs is to see some bigger picture hidden from us mere mortal.

Bringing that comparison down to fairly recent times, the actions of the US and NATO to bring about "regime change" in Iraq and other countries is similar. Or as the old Vietnam war saying. "We had to destroy the village in order to save it" mentality. In a word, what is "good" (read as "friendly") can also be very bad if you are on the receiving end of the stick.

Some of you can understand that interpretation in general terms as it is virtually harmless and does not and can not apply to you personally...or so you think. But if one wants to take the reality of the UFO presence, understand it and apply what that presence means to current events in the real world, then you see the ominous side of "friendly." --"Friendly" toward who or what, one or group of countries (ideologies), a race, those technologically advanced, those left behind in the dust of civilizations, the world environment? Exactly who are the ETs going to befriend?

Still, we have as yet an unclear definition of the term "friendly." After all, putting an organism out of its misery, (euthanasia) can be considered friendly from an outside perspective that the ETs may well have in their repertoire. A milder remedy is to destroy the proverbial village piecemeal and reshape civilization from the ground up with a totally new paradigm as advertised with big "Coming Soon! A New World Order signs popping up everywhere. You can see the signs, but maybe not recognize the message yet because the actual chaos hasn't started. Be patient. These things take time to develop.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by shaukuna

Please accept a star for the most original and practical suggestion so far.

I agree with you that the right way to do it would be to stand well back. Making the first contact virtually, through games or Facebook, is a great idea. That way, they could monitor our reactions and stay safe as we go through the inevitable circus of anger, euphoria, denial, quarrelling amongst ourselves, starting alien-worship religions and anti-alien militant movements, overspending on national defence budgets to arm ourselves against the Grey Peril, trying to manipulate them for political advantage, trying to sell them Brooklyn Bridge, etc., etc.

Then, when the fuss has at last died down and acceptance has spread fairly wide (this may take a generation or two), they could make their next move. Rather than coming to us, they should invite a few of us to come to them. Send a shuttle down for a small party of volunteers to join them for a party in solar orbit. If possible, there should be children among the guests. When the guests are returned safe and sound and full of praise for their treatment and the wonders they've seen, a small degree of trust might be gained.

After that, they should proceed to build trust and contacts in small increments, always being very careful to cause no diplomatic incidents.


By the way, I notice a lot of people want the alien visitors to prove their bona fides by gifting us with free energy, securing world peace, cleaning up the world, etc. This is exactly how poor, primitive peoples throughout history have behaved when confronted with rich, civilised ones – trying to take them for all they can get. Such selfish, opportunistic behaviour is calculated to win the contempt of our alien visitors. Imagine asking someone to prove their friendship by cleaning your toilet for you! Have we no more pride and dignity than this?

edit on 17/8/13 by Astyanax because: a dot.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 11:38 AM
Judge em based on how I would judge anyone else.
individually by actions.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Ezappa
reply to post by flipflop

What is the best way to let them know that WE are friendly...

I think the offering of a Dorito shelled taco is the intergalactic act of peace.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by InverseLookingGlass
Bring gifts, like beads, firewater etc. Humans love shiny stuff.

Hey, I would be willing to trade Manhattan to the Aliens for Beads and problem. I would even throw in California and Pelosi can go home to her planet.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 11:50 AM
We'd be no different to how a human might see one of the great apes. We know they are capable of a degree of critical thinking, but if possible we'd leave their habitat alone and let them sort themselves out.

In the same way that a camera man filming nature allows creatures to be killed whilst he films it with no inclination to help the poor thing, they would see our current plight as just 'nature'. Why would they help us and ruin natural selection? If we are meant to be a space faring civilization then we'll do it ourselves.

We wouldn't give a monkey a 747 to fly, so why would aliens come down and give us a FTL travel? And when there is probably countless other planets with the natural resources they require why would they harm us? Earth would be like a nature reserve. Although it begs the question if they are watching us why they aren't looking after sustainability and culling the human population.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by flipflop
Let's say Aliens exist, and they may very well exist, I myself believe that, anyway, lets say Aliens come to earth, and they want to let us know they are friendly...What should they do? How do they let us know? What do you think....

Well, I would like them to take their hybrids like Obama, Reid, Rush, Putin, Pelosi and some others (my friend Jon) home first and sterilize all the hate world wide.

Honestly, Revealing themselves to the Government powers would do nothing, showing up in mass over every major city would cause panic, sending radio signals to be written off by skeptics would be pointless, unless of course, they sent it through every am/fm radio and satellite connection all at the same time. There will always be people who will see evil, be paranoid and let religion run rampant in seeing either angels or demons (not trying to offend).

I do not even think they could land with out an army of "protectors" showing up with tanks, no they would have to do this on a mass scale and world wide...and those who are contactees would suddenly be awakened (and I mean not the ones who publish books) to do whatever they are suppose to be doing.

With contact, we as a species, everything will change and hopefully for the better. Now, three things we would need in time, if we earned it and could respect the benefits without making new devices of terror or war. Unlimited Free, Clean Energy, Clean Water for everyone man, woman and child across the earth and bountiful crops or a way to grow foods without poising the earth.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by flipflop
Let's say Aliens exist, and they may very well exist, I myself believe that,

anyway, lets say Aliens come to earth, and they want to let us know they are friendly...
What should they do? How do they let us know?

If one of the craft hovered say 30 feet off the ground and we could see beings behind the windows of the craft looking down at us, Should they wave, would that be a way to let us know they are friendly, or should they blow us kisses.... they can't speak our language, so what sign could they make to say to us, hey we are friendly and will not harm you. it's a first communication with them... or do we say to hell with friendly and hide under the kitchen table.... What do you think....

There certainly other life in this Galaxy...let alone the Universe.

Any intelligent species that can accomplish inter-stellar travel and choose this planet...did not undertake that expedition by accident

Your idea of them being overtly visible, and lingering in one place for an extended time without setting up a force-field or any other protective perimeter would be a start.
then the beings could venture out and do obvious actions of research to the environment in the immediate vicinity of the touchdown of their craft.... perhaps a staged picnic would convince us that the visitors had no vandalism or misdeeds in their minds.AND have indeed, "come-in-peace"

of course, the aliens could be so different from us that just their act of movement might be taken for a hostile act and our battery of weapons that have surrounded the alien craft would begin firing

there's no pre-packaged course of action we or they could take to assure the other that
We come in Peace

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:28 PM
Probably a piece offering of some sort and we give a peace offering back of some sort.

Coded language and pictures and light beans used to interact with them

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Interesting reply with a lot to digest, although after reading it, I am not clear as to what you think they should do if they are friendly and they want us to know that??? thanks for your thoughts on this

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

wow! I don't think I will knock on your door and try to sell you insurance...

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:33 PM
Text them directions to the Bunny Ranch.

Ya... They'll like that.

Hope everything's compatible!

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by deviant300
Probably a piece offering of some sort and we give a peace offering back of some sort.

Coded language and pictures and light beans used to interact with them

firstly I know what you mean and I respect it, it's just the typo that made me laugh

I can imagine klonking them on the head with some light beans.... just a funny typo

thanks for your reply

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 01:50 PM
well, if they could stop being so sneaky and prove to us their real, they could send us radio signals or good advice

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:22 PM
Well, I doubt that any extraterrestrial being feels the 'need' to let us know that they exist...

When you walking down the street, do you ever feel compelled to let the ants know that you are friendly?

In the grand scheme of things, there are galaxies with planets that formed millions of years before Earth did; therefore, there would be alien civilizations that have million-year head-starts on us. The advanced species would most likely not care to communicate with us, let alone feel pressured to let us know that are 'friendly'.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:32 PM
They should make rainbows with kittens floating on clouds. I would be down.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by flipflop
Let's say Aliens exist, and they may very well exist, I myself believe that, anyway, lets say Aliens come to earth, and they want to let us know they are friendly...What should they do? How do they let us know?
If one of the craft hovered say 30 feet off the ground and we could see beings behind the windows of the craft looking down at us, Should they wave, would that be a way to let us know they are friendly, or should they blow us kisses.... they can't speak our language, so what sign could they make to say to us, hey we are friendly and will not harm you. it's a first communication with them... or do we say to hell with friendly and hide under the kitchen table.... What do you think....

they could throw money down from the ships, or ipads/iphones lol

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 03:22 PM
If they bring puppies and refrain from removing their vital organs surgically in front of me

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