posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:36 AM
Hi, having worked on the PATRIOT system for 4 years in the Army I know it�s capabilities and also exactly long of tooth this system is. Heck, it had
been under development off and on for something like 15 years before I fired one back in �86. That would make this baby almost 30 years old.
Now, I�m not talking an anti-missle system. PATRIOT was never designed for that. (We ended up testing the system on a LANCE out in white-sands one
exercise and suddenly the system was branded an �Anti-missle� system). It is an excellent anti-aircraft system and we had great confidence in it�s
hit rate.
But what is going to replace it? Arrow? I haven�t been paying attention for some time so can someone enlighten me?